The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY NOV. 19. 1901 THE SCHOOL LIEV LASD8. The East Oregonian hopes that Ihc state administration will not neeleot to clear up the rumors that pass over the country regarding the alleged scandals in connection with the school lieu lands. Charges are i made by persons who are worthy of ; nmHonniv thai what, amounts to 2 , an act e is exacted from an wno are i nitron the nrivilpoe of llUVinff those r - land, and that it is virtual robbery. Anyone can see the possibilities of the state land commissioner's official power in this matter, and that people . , 11 j iktt. have been compelled to pay this extra $2 an acre before they could i purchase state school lieu lands is not right. It is no wonder that charces of corruption attach to the adminis- tration of that office. Governor Geer ! cannot afford to ignore the subject, j He is in a position to cause close in- veetigation, and this be should do. He is a candidate for re-election, or ! ,. t, , . .1 for renominalion. Before he again i , Stands for that office, he ought, in all good conscience, to puree to puree bis art- , ministration from charges such as those now being made The people ! of the state wiil watch with deep interest bis course of conduct in tbe matter. They will wonder if be do , nothing, and if all be well at the state j school land office, then he will strengthen himself and his record will be brighter if he repel with proof I" anrl nrmimont thp dllfoatinns that ' are made against him and his ap- pointees. It is to bis interest that the matter be thoroughly invesli- i gated. He should order careful ; inquiry, and see that everything cou- i nected with the land matters at Salem be opened up to the gaze of the public, and, if wrong have been j done, then punish the wrong doers. It not, then hurl back into the teeth of all accusers the defense of an oi an accusers me oeiense or an honest man with clean hands and , h,i ww awa vv a . va s ' When tbe East Oregonian talks of , naranna lio f in t in nav ) on anra f rr lIOUU9 uui i iv V uu v- V 1VI lieu lands that, the state of Oiegon 8MBgg -gets $1.25 an acre for, and no more, : JJJjJ'J1 A T.T. I 7 ! it talks in tbe guileless simplicity of a child. The Chronicle can, at any time, furnish Governor Geer with the names of gentlemen in Wasco and Sherman counties who have been compelled to pay $4 and $1.25 for tbe same lands that tbe state is authorized to sell for $1.25; the dif ference going to middlemen, the chief of whom, presumably, as in Per.noj' er'a time, are men in tbe pay oi ibu state at Salem. If Governor Geer, as well as the East Oregonian, doesn't know these facts be can know them any time be wants to. Of course we want a change. The country is nltogetbcr too prosperous. Employment is too plenty, wages are too high and the reward of human effort in ever)- department of business activity is making the American masses ridiculously rich and contented. The present infernal tariff laws, under which we have suddenly risen to be the greatest ex porting country on earth, ought to tie repealed. We ought to give other folks a show. Charity ought never to begin at home. Of course not. ItOlrdle Tbe Olobn. Ttie faiue of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, extends ronnd tbe earth. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, fi'irne, Bruises, Sores, Bcalda, Boils, Ulcer. Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at G. C. B'akeley 'e, drug store. 1 Mothers every where praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has aavad. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws our the inflam mation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Do you sutler from piles? If to do not torn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's Witcti Hsael Salve will act more quickly, aurely and safely, saving yon tnejexpense and danger of an operation. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Dalles rnblle Schools. Following is the report for the quar ter 4 weeks) ending Not. 8, 1901. . 2 - TEACH El s Rwf Hill Primary: Mis? C eadlc IB. 21), 3B V 3. 50 Uln lloberts -iH,4Aand6B IS 37 33 flHr Strfrt. PMnaea i; sj so jMss Thompson .at m s Miss Vtreiiu lih BO -k 10 i,. , 4. j ;;; ;' - jj-fi glSSij Miss 5Ui f?ft SfJko), Mnuiaiawm Mi- 1- Kinti)'! Miss T. Kintoul jjt9-'l7 Miss Michell m h. s. ixparuxni. Mr. xr? H s rj Tntate j S0'"2:w a Somber of days of school, 20. Per cei;t of attendance on number be (oajfj g9 The iow'BM.Bdigw i9 dne tn lhe pre vailing state of health. J S. Landers, ktpetiatMideat Clubbing Kate Extraurdlnary. Un?ij fnr.hep noliw 8nb8Crjber9 t0 the Wbkkly Chronicle can have th Youth's Companion ami Tul Chronicle one vear for 2.50, which is just 73 cents more than the price of the Youth's Coni- " pamon alone. Or thev can have The CHROJiICLK aD(j lbe Wwklv Qreaonian tQ which is just 50 cents more than the price of the Oregonian alone. Or tnev can have J he Chronicle and tbe -New lor iniiune tor fl.oU, wuicu is che price of The Chronicle alone. All subscriptions unier these offers must be paid n advance. nl5-wkv Strayed, From mf place Au.'m; 1 2 h . one dark bay n:Hr, short mane, might about 1000 pootithj, ?ge 9 or 10 years; brand JC on left shoulder. Any information as io hr rewardiid. c20 Imw whereai iuts will be liberally '.t. W. Parsons, Hood Kiver, Or. FOR SALE. Ahcnt a dozen head of 3 ear-old Shorthorn e:oek cowe, aftid some early spring calves. And I wish to purchase one or two No. 1 milch cows. Address John M. Davis, Endersbv, Or. c30 tf ESTRAY NOTICE A grev horse branded JP connected on the bip ad Bnu'der came to my piace aiwat six months ago. Owner can have the same by proving property and pay lug ur iuio uuitue aim inner cuaia n9-lm E. P. KOONTZ, Five Mile. Qifibrd's Fotos Never Fade ! The largest and most complete line of . . . nan noniMS ever shown in the city are now on display at H. Glenn & Cos Paint and Oil Store. John Pashek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 samples of ttie latest.patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He ennran tees prices and a good fit or no pay. : : : : : John Pashek, The Tailor. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embatmer Cor. Third and Washington 8 Us. All orders attended tn promptly. Long i dtotaoce phone 433. Local. 102. Grace T. Hill, Dressmaking Parlors, Rooms 11 and I.'. Vogt Block. The Dalies, Or. H. W. TURNER PROFESSIONAL Dyer and Cleaner Blankets scientifically cleaned and Portierre curtains dyed all colors. Mail orders will receive prompt at tention. Phone Rod 131, S&SStt Portland. Or. I i Groceries K. T. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. t Hair's Thlsi We offer one hundred dollars- reward far any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. j We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney fo- the hrst 15 years, and be-; lieve him perfectly honorable in allbnsi- M transactions and financially able to ; carry out any obligations made by their i firm. I West & Trnax. Wholesale Druggists, To- i leno, w., " aiuinjf, Mnnan s aiamn, 1 Wholesale Drugai-ts. To!pIo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken inter nally, actinz directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. Cheney A. Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Rail's Ramify Pills are the bst. 12 i When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants soroethinc to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con- i dition e have the Orown ol I Bcience Hair 4Ss!&& Grower and Cocoa nut Crear.i 6 Tonic. They will euro dand Snnf ruff and al! scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar ber shop. Price 60c and 75c a bottle. N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes : "My daughter had a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible cough settled on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which enred her. She hae never been troubled with a cough since." Clarke & Falk. La grippe coughs often cantinne for mouths and sometimes lead to fatal re sake after the patient is supposed to have passed the danger point. Foley's Honey and Tar affords positive pro tection anil seenrity from these coughs. Clarke & Faik. DeWitt's Little Er)y Risers never disappoint. Ttiey are safe, prompt, gentle, effective in removing all im parities from the liver and bowels. Small and easv to take. Never gripe or distress. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Phar macy, x THE Y06T OPEBfl BOOSE F. J. CLARKE, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 20. '.X -SOCiirr OPIUM JGIfJT The Great Chinese American Sensation, KINO ...of the OPIUM RING by Charles E. Blaney and Charles A. Taylor. 9he Human Tower of Chinks ! The Native Chinese Actors and Child ren ! Tbe Chinese Cake Walk and Hagtime Ball I 1 l- L r, t m u tag iue uuineie smugglers uanumg a The Police Raid on an Opium Joint! The Chinese Theatre on a New Year's Night! Reserved Seats . . General Admission 7oc 50c beats on sale at Clarke A Falk's. laRfflY Groceries Blakefey's Drug Store, JZ" We carry the Unrest and most complete "CROSS EX TRA ;T of Lemon anTl V- BtTCk in Eastern Oregoc ol ni:la are the Beat Maria. UBITOS and .UKDIC1SKS, EverythinR wc sell is Treih. COMBS and It Kl KI1 B. r P.?.'!!f t,,,,s,.t ... ru iiiftlu Our rRftSCRTrTIO!r Department SPO.NOKS and CHABIOIS, f com)H!tent mon. ITKRES and WALLETS, ' 1 PREMO and POC. cAMtiiA H, We Manufacture PUT UI .,.. te, lr. Wnnd's Llnlmeot, THOTU SH I LIM, Dj. B-uMpa Ha ra pan I In, PHOTO PAPKKanri MOT NTS, )r w.m H llaadaehe Tablets, I.O WNK V'" CHOCOLATIC8. an irih Bnl Almimil Cream. MAIL iiRliKRs receive our DflTU DUflUCC Every Packaae delivered rraa, personal attention. DU I ft rilUIlL promntly, in the city. rAA.A.AArAA,a,AAAAAAAaVaVaiAAaf JON ES' CAFE. First-Class Regular Meals. ...SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER... Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served at all hours and in all styles. Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates i and Confections. Subscribe for The L. Lane, GENERAL Biacksmltu ANDaai Borses(Q8f X Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tliirt and Jaffirm Ptone 159 afcaaataaatMtofl tMaaal Brain Fund Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad hae been oranded by tbe most competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly no- tion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for ronscles, and still an other for bones. A correct diet a ill not only nourish a particular part of tbe body, bnt it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi gestion or dyspeysia. You mnst pre pare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of tbe healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, and makes yon feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get Dr. G. C. Gi sen's reliable remedies, at Blskeley's drug store. et Green's Special Almanac. 1 BI SI AKSH I. OCA I.N. Yon will not have noils if von take Clarke & Falk's sure cure oi boils. Special sale in children's school hats, caps and baby bonnets, at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors Friday aud ! Transfers sold on New York. Chicago. r. . . .... . ... ..Id t o r? . . . . f eaturnay oi tnis week. Une-tbird off regular price. m vr?gon ana wasnington. If you want to retain yonr bair yon j Collections made at all points' on fav ; have to keep your scalp clean. 8oap I 0,au,e terma. will make yonr hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery beat preparations for cleansing- the scal Egg and Pine Tar 8bampoo. It will leave yonr hair soft and gloasv. Price, 8S and 60 cents a bottle, at FraserV Darner coop, The Dalles. tf j For bale or Trade. One heavy wagon and one new light wagon for sale or will trade for horses. n9 lwd T. J. Dbips, Tbe Dalles. BIG TURKEY 8HOOT. A. Y. Marsh will gives big turkey shoot on tbe beach on the 26, 27, and 28tb of November. n2t27daw Clarke A Fatk's oeveria extract are the beat. Aek your w oer lor them. Gifford's Fotos Never Fade. NOLAN. Always fresh. Chronicle. Prof. Homer de Morrison aaKBBBBBBBTJ 323'. Waahlnrtnti street. Booms 23-SO, POKTLANP, OBBOON. The Drat registered as well tii the first gradu ate palmist ever in Portland. The world's J g eat est Trance Clairvoyant and can a h -otin 1 fwl rtillv .in ull 'if iif.i Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt the most ; tctentitic PalmM and Clnlrvoiont ln tbe world ; today: lie legates hidden treasure, reunites the separated, tells If there is minrrsl, oil. or gss on i youriauo ensDUw you to win tb .ilttfefioa oi one you aesire. Palmistry taught, mediamistle no-sons devel oped. Beau by the uses of hi revealed bttbsJ teas; cure chronic and atMMKcd incurable d!s-ea-es. free treatment f.,r the noor. Hcud $1, date of birth and three que3ti ns; al) j letters answered at nee. I. oca t .hi by Vision. Portlmd. Aug 10. - fTo "he Editor). Komer de Morrison, occultf.t. iated by vUi-u thebul lion stolen lrom the tSelby rimeltiug Works. In behalf ol occult science he immediately com municated by letter the faets to Mr. A. J. ltais tori, owner of the relby Works. The reports re ceived last night prove his statements correct. MU8. RANCIH PAttTLOW. "It is pleasing to be assured that the gold stolen from tne Helby rimelting Works was -located by vlsiou' by a Portland occultist. This prove- that tbe story of the (oufeion of the thief and lhat hi ustlstance was required in re covering the gold was a buae California inven tion for tlie purpose of depriving uregon of mat glory. ' (Kdltor Portland Oregonian.) FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Htates. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic I " rrancirco, rortiuna Ure- i0 tultt w""h., and various points tub CoiniQiia PacKlng Go., PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF M AND FACT r UKU8 OF Fine Lard and Sausages Cuwsof BRAND HAMS & BACON fBIRD BEEF. ETC. a. mm. Union taciHc east TIME SCUEDULK8 w BOOWT THb'daLLKH. sodsb WJS Bait Uika, Denver, rt.i SpeCTAl. WorffiTVhnaha, kan-l-Jt- m- atty, loii,chi. v. Hunt- cago and the Hast, lngSttn- j Atlantic " 7 ? KxHrtas, 3"' f ke IVnver Ft. l2:a. m. yorfh. Omaha, Kan- via Kant saaCity,8t Ifluls.Chl- 4 -fc iDgren- c"t Bd Kaau PaStMtll W1, y'mUk' ljgwUt kaae. kee, Chicago and Est. 0CEAI AID BJVER 80EEDTJU From Portland. 1(411 salMng dates sub jebt to change.) 8.00p.m. I 4:f.M Tor San Francisco, Ball every 6 day. 1 , i vStm. o Astoria and Way-i 4M Saturday, Landings. graffi 10:n p. m. Dally Willamette niver. tlSUL 0 City, Newberg, 4:S r tn. 7 Ba'em. lndc;.,deucc, R'S 6:a m. j and Way-Uindlngs. """"r- Tuesday, 1 huratlay, Corvallls and Way- Mondat Saturday. landings. WedneaSl I 6:00a.m. ! Trtday. j . Tuesday, Willamette and , 3:3Up a Thursday, Vautlnll Mirers. Monda, Saturday. Oregop Cltr. Dayton and Wednesast 7:a.m. j Way-liindiugs. kSSSL. Snake River. ,JiS 3HtrJ.m. I Klparia to lwUton. j 8:a0JJ. Parties desiring to po to Deppner m on Columbia Bouthern via Rises, tboakl Ho. 2. lea viat The Dalles at 12:25 d. bl makniK direct con neetions at Heppner juncUM f nd Biggs, hemming making direct connecttda at nejjpnerlunction and Bins with No. Urn riving rt l$e Dalles at 1:06 p. m. For farther particulars, call on or address JAB. IRELAND, Agent The Dalles, Oregoa. Complete of bru$& at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. J.B. HcaaNca, r resident. Max A. Voet, First Jlationai Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGO A General Banking Business transacted Depcaita received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Tolegraphic Exchange sold eg Haw York, San Francisco anc' port land. OIMBPTORS ' D. F. Taostraoa. Jao. 8. Scasaofc Eo. M. William, Geo. A. Lias. H. M. BaALL. W- W. VIMOK. Maaager. First-gasj ip Every Respet nealf at III l?ouri. PR1VATS PARTIES SERVB The table always Mpplied wi f beat in the market. 74 Front St., near Oonrt, Th VOM.