ilia Allowed. $5.00 a pair. A. M. The to'iowir.g bill were allowed at tl last term nf-eonrtvy Wfrrrr; Nov. Htli r E E Savag. hardware, road district So 7 12 10 Mt Hood Mill Co, supplies rond district No 8 and 35 23 47 J A Geisendorffer, professional set vices 16 00 Pacific States Telephone Com pany, messages 4" 00 . Sbaniko Warehouse Co, account rendered. 6 08 , VF E Woodcock, eoppliee road die'.rict No 30 69 27 S J Brown, sawing wood, court bnuse 2 40; Fre1 W Wilson, rebate on tax. . 24 00 ' Ml Hood Stage Conipauv. lean, hire 3 00; Ktors A Gavin, orotesaioaal ser vices t tol Jol,u Blaser, work for county.. . . 49 50 j Joseph A Knox, use of team 6 00 , Vtmuoo Warehouse Milling Com pany, attaching plug 60 I Stadieman Ice Con: pauy. ice for c OTt bouse . 11 25 j .1 W Biakeney. hauling . . 50; Skili.'ie hotel, board and room, -indigent M 00 j Gla" & Prudbomme. supplies. . . 20 00 O D Deafce, professional services 5 00 ! C L Giihert, supplies sunt office 16 00 I Rolvrt Keliv, undry expenses. . 281 76 j Crandaij & Bnrget, burial expen se, indigent. 28 80 C H Crocker Co, supplies clerk's office 2 2o i K B Gilbieth & Sins, lumber. . . 13 40; Win Jordan, work on road dis trict No 12 .. 6 75 ) Jari'b Wettle, hauling wood 14 80' J B Go;;, services asseesore office etc 93 00j Regulator Lice, transportation, ic. indigent ... 3 50 j Alvn Uyre, work ou 8-tni;e bridg 12 00 J M Toomey, heart1 , '00m, etc, in digent 7 10 Store A Kooler Lumber Com pany, lumber 35 80s Good Samaritan hosnitai, care county charge tor September. . 50 0o H M Wi;;iam, supplies Tvgli bill grade 2 30 Black & Ash, supplies, county charge .'. 20 00 F S Gunning, work for county . . . 2 20 The Dalies hospital, care patients 31 00 R I Young, work on county road IS 50 G C Biakelev, eopplies, cotwjtv coarwes. ... ". 66 80 Dalles Citv Water Works, rent Sptf-mber and Oc;ober 11 85: Ward Bros Lumber Co, supplies roai district No 21 and 23 48 59 j Time?-Mountaineer, printing. ... 20 00 ; Dr H Logan, professional service 25 00 j War-i A Robertson, use of team. . 2 50 ! May? i Crowe, county supplies 3S0 IS j A Bonner, services stock in- spector 175 00 ! work in a Cjvbokjgu Pub Co. printing . 44 00 : this office. I retera, soppiie? conntv road 120 S4 ! . . . , C L Sciimidt, extra clerical ser- j Wanted A girl or woman to do most vices n tax roii 125 00 '. If chamber work. No washing, no If ere It Is. PATENT VICI KID . Hundreds of women have been looking for such a boot. Extremely stylish. Always bright. Always presentable. Pit to go anywhere. No rubbers, no overshoes. No polishing. ' WILLIAMS (EL COMPANY Exclusive Shoe Department White dollar Line. WaWHWI Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and "Way Points. TIME CARD Leaves Portind at 7 a. m. on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Arrives The Dalle, same day, 5 p. ro. Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. on Son day, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m. Meals the Very Best. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. ww Dr E E Ferguson, professional services 12 50 Thos Stakelev, road viewer 2 00 George Hinsbaw, road viewer .. 2 00 F. H Wheeler, road viewer 2 00 . . ; 2 00 ... 2 00 2 00 Strikes A Rlcn Find. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervons de bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas ter. A. Ex., '"Ho remedv helped me un til I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept mv wife in excellent health for vears. She Wanted A giri to do general house- ; says Electric Bitters are just splendid family of two. Ixquire at f,,r female troubles: that ther area primd tonic and invigorator lor weak, mnj down women. No other medicine can take its place in onr family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by ti. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 1 ' BUSINESS LOCALS BA A A A A J. AA. A A A Clark & Falk are never cioeed Sunday, I Don't forget this. Clarke is Falk have on saie a full line Df paint end artist's brushes. ni l lw This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies UNDKRTAJCER KMBALMKRS Robes, Burial Sha Etc d T Th Dalles, Or. Str. "TAHDMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m, Leave Astoria. 7 P. B. Mi , Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, Main 351, Port land, Oregou. F.. W. Crichton, Agent Portland, Prather and Barnes, Acts., Hood River, WoHord & Wyers, Agte.. White Salmon, J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria. R. B. Gilbreth, Agt., Lyle, Wash. J. M. FJ1L00N, Agent, The Dalles. : ironing, and no children. ni2tf Madam Fry telle past, present and , future. Specializes on love affairs, mar- 1 riage and divorce. . Room 9, v. .u (jallaway. c.iaiuman L Melton, ciiaioman Sam Stockton, chainman Paul ITincsworth, marker Mater & Beuton, runpiiee county road . Hood River T i L Co, use of team, Wiiliarns A Brosiu?, disinfect vmattpf x cises i-'r r iros!u. proiessinna: ser vice- Ill OU - r-j I m.M K-l ,.f J 1 : A Bone ft McDonald, supplies road I Paints when you can boy James E. ; Z fai further i to ration s sen uroor paints lor si.ou per r.n on rs nn la to gallon, guaranteea fur 5 years. Clark ft j Tbbo. J. Seufert, Falk, agents. ml j n4-lmdw Box 364, Tde Dalles. Acker's English Remedy will stop a j lour San j cough at any time, and will cure tbe j Shows the state of your feelings and the 28 00 j worst coid in twelve hours, or money re-' 9tate of vonr health as well. Impure thed7nggislUt9' Cli' BUkIey,lWonJ makes itself apparent iu a pale eaituw complexion, 11 ill pies anc FIRM FOR cai p and divoice. Room 9, Union I , , ...... Street 1 ijini Hrnw ronr nunoreu acres 01 aeeaea land ; situated sixteen mi lee south of The A new line of children's school hats Dalles, in the beet grain district in East and cane recnived st Ciiniihe!! A Wit- ern Oreiron. will be sold at a harmin. - son's millinery parlors. At reasonable The land is nearly all under cultivation I prices. Cell and see them. c23 tf j and well improved, having a good house, " -6 ; . , . j barn, granary and other ontbonsee, and Clark and Falk have just received a : muK; tltr ft. hrt h 5 00 j full tin of freeh Velox papers and de- j during the drvest seasons, A windodli I veiopers, the same as ujed by Mr. Lovick j and cistern is constructed so as to furnish 1 75 in his recent demonstration at our store. water !or the house, stock and garden Whv dbv i.75 ner gallon for inferior i irrigation, mere is snmcient pasture REGULATOR LINE. . Dalies, wM k Astoria NAVIGATION CO. ttfii I C- J- STUBhlfjG, a HOLESAI.E AKO RETAIL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Ooiden PhoB tS. Lunt Ilet. 1091. THE DALLES, OREGON. if Wn Mm Hi i Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kiwu Headquarters for Feed Grain ol rll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, &n .vy-vj ww. ww- -.'- - wmmm Of MILL Headquarters for dyers' Best" Pend tOH Flmir Thie 1,100 r Dannfaetored ex press iv for fas aviaa use ; -everv sack is maranteed to rive'satishetot, w e sen oar gooas lower man any nonse m uw tnaa, ana 11 you don't I call and get oar prices and tan oonvinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. 3 y- DALLES BOAT LEAVES Cba Thompson, work oncountv road James Jones, work on county bridges J C Benson, work roid district Wo 17 W R Brown, work Tvgh grade. .. W H Butts, coroner's fees Frank I.nPier, work on road dis trict No 9 and 10 23 00 22 00! 2o 00 , 97 80 and 1 mi: ii .11 i a .i l 1 40 00 j . iww nni iia.oienifuoni..;gkin Eruptions. If you are feeling ..IKpBr.ur .u ue u,:., " ; weak and wom out and do not have a and 12, where she is prepared to give Jhem,th appearanoe yon BnoaW try perfect eatisiaction in the latest stvlea iu . . , " " . ; .. . . . drrefemaking. nil lw ' Acker s Blood Elixir. It cures all blood Foley9 s Honey and Tar for children, safe, sure. No opiates. A Ton of GOOD CABBAGE 1 l-2c per lb. Yellow Danvers ONIONS, $1.50 per sack. Best Eating Potatoes 75c bushel. for fit your eyee. He keeps the beat quality" ! of glassee and frames on band. Pre j icriptioas accurately filled on abort no i tice. No fancy prices. nl3-lw You shoutd know that Folev's Honey and Tar is ahsolutelv tbe best for all diseases of tbe throat and lnnps. Dealers are authorized to guarantee it to give atiafaction. Ciarke i JFaik. Lewis Ockeriuflr, Goshen, Ind : "Le Witt's Little Et1t R'sereiiev r bend me doable like other pi Is, but do - heir work I thoroughly and make uie feel ikea boy." , Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke & : Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 26 ots ; and 50 etc. Blakeley. tbe druggist. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-bum, ; id tint of tbe food, distress after eatii g j or any form of dyspepsia. One little ii rr s tablet gives immediate relief. 25 we pay ouc a doz. ;Bd50c,e- wHnr finmin W. T. Wesson, (iholsonvflle. Va , idroevist. writes: "Your One Minnie Fresh. Ranch Effs Co,,,' Core ivea pr,i tiefaction. . ""OO0 My customers say it is the l est remidy 'for coughs, colds, throat and lung I troubles." Clarke A Falk'e P. O. Phar- Prioes guaranteed to Dec. m'cy Kmioi lKspepeia Lure btiniulent to tired nature so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee, j Blakelej tbe drnggieu SHERIFF'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on tbe ; 13th day of November, 1901, at iu a. m. i at W. E. S&eriili'e furniture store tit Hood Biver, Or., I will sell at public ' auction to the bigbeat bidder for cash, i al! goods and chattels of W. E. Sberrili'e . iurpituee store, to satisfy a chattel mort gage of I286&.48, with interest irom tbe : 25th day of March, 1901, to date, at tbe rate of eight per ceut, together with costs. W. E. SaerriH mortgager; W. P. FuMhc A Co morigasee. nll-ld Rubekt Kelly, Sheriff. 11 Iowa To A turn. I The old idea that tbe body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded ; Tor Dr. King's New ' Life Pill, which ere perfectly harmless, gentiv stimulate liver and bowels to ex pel poisonont matter, cleanse tbe svstem and absolutely care Constipation and Sick Headache. Only 25e at Q. C. Blakeley 's drag store. l Don't Lt Then buffer. Often children are tortured with itch- OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES t 7:00 A. M. DAILY EXCEPT 6CXDAY. I T IN V ri KIIKM rKI llllllKaftl III NHS a. i vii v mm viivii vi ivmvwmi vm Strictly vegetable, perfectly liarmless, awe to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. C1DTI0I Beware of mnraterfteltc aas Imttathms. Theaunlae U pot ay only in pute-b -w log wun ime simue sienaiure on siae or in. duum. idu: BBUdlar Ctocular to WILLIAMS an. cu., Sole Aeenu. (Us4aa.Osao. . For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or avavfv THE CELEBRATED 8TEAMEBS REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, Tbe Dalles. Oregon. Jast What You uuant. .. .GOIiUjHBlA BHEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery tbe United States Health Reports for Jane 28, 1900, says: "A mora easesior brew never en teres the labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely desalt of the slightest, trace of adulteration, bat on the other band is cot posed of the best of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of tbe high est and it can be need with tbe greatest benefit and satisfaction by old sad young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians wits the cer sain ty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. THE " OWL 99 sr. jo. ing.ndbarnin. eeaema .nd other skin LJmSUSS ZIX'C diseases bot Bucklen'e Arnica Salve street. Also a fall line of bouse iia VAUSE, Third St. 1st, 1901. J. H. CROSS Grocery and Feed Store. eBw -.fvia niumuiuniiun, leaves tbe ekin without a tear. Clean. frnuranl aKsAstn f Knrn'a ma akaklnk ! is not a mere ! MMh as good. Try it. Core guaranteed. ) VI It affords the rtni. ok., a. B. k!.v.l.c'.n a avl inLli. and al.,.!..lA k I digesting the food yoo eat. Yoo don't i "r '" have to diet nut can enjoy all the eood Dr. C. J. bishop, Agnew, Mich., says fond you want. Jtodol Dvsnenaia Cum "I hM dumI RnbM'a HmM h t.. i New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such a ide variety ae we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. oHsaui uwipi, uunesm colorings, roars isi paints. D. W to. B. CAMPBELL. CIVIL. BNG1NKCK. i ' uaiucniai BrM' RailroA1 n'1 Water Supply 1j. Mlo and Expert Land Survering, Bap j inasantly rebevss inat d alter eating, sivinc you vigor. Clarke A Fa Ik's P O. eeelia r liie asal Pharmaar. three vary severe cases of .pneouiouia witn goon results in every case." Bs aare of substitutes. Clarke A Falk. Oooatrurtlon and M. illlxilllllAA r.M aUsbwaya, Street and Parameaii. erassarvolia. Bason ry auMtnns. 9T al JtddfMO, P. O. Box 16, TUB BAJ.LE8, OK. Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street Phones: 61 Local, n 868 Long DieUnce. JSJSBJSJBesBBBjhjBBJB "They overcome i, irregTiianiy paaissions, in oh am And banish of menstniatiun." Tbev dj WAVR HAVOCS " to veomnniioyd, aidinsr develonment at onrans and body. known xeuedy or vasgaen equals them. Cannot do ban become a pleasure. Jl.OO PER BOX BY MAUm. "3 strussTusuk UK. MOTrfs CHEMICAL. CO For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or ."mm gun 1 , Cleveland. GVHHlUO F. S. Blacksmith, fioraeehoer and Wagou-mabf -OBAUtB Iron, Steel. Wheela, Axim, Springs and Blackamitb SuffJJ aaWtsarftasssIl Oa'sltaglnw. Thitshers snd saw M11U. Telepboos 167. Long DisUnee 1078. . ... ' -