The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 18, 1901, Image 3

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    A Tremendous Cloak and Snit Sale.
Our stock of Suits, Jackets, Raglan Coats, in Ladies Misses' and Children's,
will be offered at Sacrificing Prices for three days only
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
In conjunction with the saving, you purchase the smartest and most correct
garments turned out by an house.
27-incH J&cKets.
Regular $6 .00 Bale $ 4 93
Regular 10.00 Sale 7 63
Regular 12.00 Sale 10 38
Regular 16.00 Sale 12 93
Regular 17.00 Sale 13 29
Regular 20.00 Sale 15 90
Regular $ 9.00 Sale $ 7 00
Regular 12.00 Sale 9 87
Regular 15.00 Sale Jl 97
Regular $10... Sale $ 7 65
Regular 17 . .Sale 13 69
Regular 20... Sale 15 65
Regular $12.50 Sale $ 9 00
Regular 14.00 Sale II 00
Rgular 15.00 Sale 12 25
Regular 16.50 Sale 12 69
Regular 17.00 Sale 12 95
Regular 20.00 Sale 15 50
Pedestrian Suits.
$15.00 Suite Sale $12 25
16.50 Suits Sale 13 00
The Dalles Dally Gfmmfete.
NOV. 18, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Vino County warrants regiKtered
prior to Oeoembar 88, 1898, will bo paid
oa presentation at my eflee. Interest
eeaeee after October SO, 1901.
County Treaeorer.
Professor Sandvig's weekly dancing
class will tins week be held on Tuesday
nigbt instead of Wednesday.
The Knights and Ladies of Security
will give a dance in Fraternity ball on
Thursday evening, Nov. 21st.
Lost Last night, two ten dollar bills
folded together. A liberal reward will
be paid for their return to the Maloney
saloon. n18 2t m
The Dalles football team defeated
Wasco Saturday afternoon by a score of
18 to 0. At no time was the goal of tbe
visitors in danger.
This is the last day for paying tbe
Court street sewer assessment. Tomor
row all unpaid ass SMSaSStf will be de
Hnqaeut and five per cent will be added
to tbe tax.
Tbe Elite barber shop is running four
chairs thus ensuring patrons a speedy
and satisfactory service. All tools
8terilized and only steam laundried
towels used. nl8 lm
John Doe, a stranger bere, was arrest
ed yesterday by tbe marshal for drunk
edness. He pot up $5 for bis appear
ance before Recorder Doberty tbie morn
ing, but failing to appear tbe money was
forfeited to the city.
Mr. W. W. Williams, who was oper
ated upon st Tbe Dalles Hospital about
three weeks ago, continues steadily to
improve and it is boned will soon be
able to leave his bed. The street rumor
of a few days sgo tbst Mr. Williams was
dangerously ili hadn't a word of truth
in it.
The Elite baths and barber shop,
owned by Mr. Crawford, has undergone
repairs that makes it one of tbe most op
to date shops on tbe Pacific coast. Four
chairs, four first-class artists, and all
tools sterilised. We would advise Mr.
Crswford to change tbe name of bis
shop to Antiseptic. nlsVlt
Willie Edward, tbe little nephew of
Mr. and Mrs. Carnabr, learned yeeter
dy by sad experience that cigar cotter
will cat other things beside tbe ends of
cigars. Willie is a very smart lad and
naturally wants to know everything tbst
worth knowing. While examining a
cigar cutter yesterday in tbe eandy store
next to tbe American market the boy
put bis finger in the little hole and was
surprised to have the fleshy tip of that
member snapped off in less than a jiffy.
The cot extends to the middle of the
finger nail and just barely missed the
Mrs. N. i. Worden, who was brought
here from Sherman county latt week by
Dr. Beers and underwent a critical sur
gical operation, died yesterday and will
be buried from the Salvati&i Army
headquarters tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock. Mrs. Worden was about 25
years of age. She leaves a husband and
one child of 6 years.
Beginning today, Monday, November
18th, all paid local reading advertise
ments in The Chbomclk will be in
serted only once among purely news
matter. After that they will be trans
ferred to a column headed "Business
Locals." There will be no exception to
this rule. The news columns must be
reserved as news columns.
In the county court last week tbe pe
tition of M. H. Cook and others for a
county road in tbe town of Hood River
was denied for want of jurisdiction, it
appearing that tbe entire road as prayed
for is situate within the corporate limits
of tbe town of Hood River. The court
appointed Frank Senfert supervisor of
road district No. 18, vice John Dalrym
pie, deceased.
Irvin Julien was arrested last night on
the charge of having threatened to kill
his divorced wife, snd proceedings were
begun this morning to haye biiii placed
under bonds to keep ' lie peace. On tbe
promise of Julien that be would leave
town aud stay awav proceedings were
suspended on ! he will be kept in jtil till
tiain time and put on board by Consta
ble Jsekson, wbo is charged with seeiug
bim off. The constable spent the after
noon gathering Julien's moveable effects
together snd collecting enough money to
buy him a railroad ticket.
Ia the circuit court this morning the
jury was discharged for tbe term, after
Judm Bradebaw bad pronounced tbe
follow log sentences: Ike Moore, for
larceny of brass from tbe O. R. & N. Co.,
one year in the penitentiary ; Frank
Reed, assault witb a dangerous weapon,
one year ; R. E. Dsvis, assault with
dangerous weapon, one year ; Gue Erick
son and George Weber, larceny of cloth
ing, two years eaeb. In the easa of Ike
Moore, Judge Bennett Saturday nigbt
argued a motion for a new trial. Tbe
motion was denied this morning and so
appeal was taken to tbe supreme court.
An effort will be made to have Moore re
leased on bsil.
Last Wedoesdsy sod Friday after'
noons Mesdsmes E. M. Williams and H.
W. French entertained a large number
of their friends st she resides of Mrs.
Williams. Tbe handsome bone was
beautifully decorated' witb yellow ebrye-
entnemomt, most artistically arranged
hearts was the amusement of Wednes
day afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Moody and
Mrs. H. Glenn won the prises. The
Misses Dawson, Marden and Carey as
sisted in tbe entertainment of the guests.
Mesdames Williams and French were
assisted Friday by tbe Misses Cashing,
Louise Ruch and Virgil Cooper. These
ladies will entertain this evening in
bonor of Miss Florence Sampson. Tbey
will be assisted by the Misses Virginia
Hilgen, Elizabeth Schooling, Clara
Sampson and Edna Glenn.
This afternoon there were just twelve
houses in the city under quarantine for
diphtheria, and no more. About half of
these are new cases that have occured in
the last three or four days. Tbe rest are
old cases in which the patients are out
of danger. The physicians sssare the
Cubokici.e that nearly all have tbe
disease in a mild form. This record is
bad enough, we are sorry to say, bat the
public may rest assured tint these twelve
cases are all that are known to the
physicians and tbe city authorities.
There will be a special meeting of tbe
city council tonight to take action on the
collection of tbe delinquent sewer tax
and there is hardly a doubt that some
thing will be dune to provide for the
more rigid enforcement of tbe quarsntine
laws snd the punishment of those who
violate tbem.
Tbe Chinese-American play, "King of
the Opium Ring,' which will be the at
traction st tbe Vogt Wednesday, Nov.
20th, comes with the stamp of approval
of New York's press aud public, bef jre
whom it was presented for a i engage
ment of six weeks, testing the capacity
of the immense auditorium of tbe Acad
emy of Music at each performance.
Charles E. Blaoey and Charles A. Tay
lor, authors of the play, dwelt witb the
dramatic race for some time, and tell an
interesting and thrilling story of life in
San FranciscVs famous Chinatown.
The opium ring was tbe most pictur
esque grouping of dramatic characters
ever koown la American history. A
mysterious circle bound by oath io a
ring of defisncs, for twsnty years a reign
of terror to the custom, bouses of tbe
Pacific coast. Its king was a Jekyl and
Hyde character, known as King George
among the Chinese a monsreb wbo de
fied American laws and corrupted poli
ties behind a mask of gold gained
through smuggling a modern Monte
Cristo worshipped as Mammon io soci
etya gambler and knave wbo wielded
tbe seeptsr among tbe Chi usee snd tbe
lowly. Tbe story i one of sunshine and
shadow of real lifs, graphically picturing
in fosr dramatic set scenes and inci
dents em bodying comedy, heart interest
i stirring tragedy, with intensely or I-
gisal plot and theme. The production
Is claimed to be one of stupendously
marvellous grandeur, presenting a kalet-
woo pa view of oriental magoiOcenos.
Daw's Urn u .
set wet the asset ad part freely witb
asuwuiaw'i uvm wtetwu a RMnoJailiiiia Pain flaw a R-viLah
is Indian baskets, bssg os tbe walla, pain oidClke
snd large braes vases.
Progressive I talk.
It. Mjurilnl Sprint.
ThS Skamania Cosntv Pioneer rays
tbe St. Merlin hot sprints, noder the
present management. Is creating a feel
log thni may and in their being con
demned and takes by the government,
as were the hot springe of Arkansas,
which are still owned by the govern
ment. These spring were conducted
without due regard to tbe accommoda
tions of the public, and even without
common cmrtcey, until the vltisens of
L'ttle Rock circuited a petition, which
finally contained a hundred thousand
names, nn I which so influenced congress
teat this body made a government
property of them, leasing them out and
furnishing free batbs to those of the
afflicted too poor to p.iy (or their use,
paying the original owners, however, a
liberal soa for the use of them.
The St. Martin's spriti? re phenom
enal for their ctmtive properties, are
folly Us rival of tho?e of Arkansas and
by many are considered superior. No
esse is known of rheumatism or venereal
disease which was not promptly cured
at the Skamania county springs.
A health resort and curative waters
belongs to the public, nor can the public
be rightly excluded from the use of
them any more than a railroad cimpany
could exclude passengers from their
We hope the present owners will so
mansge tho springs that no necessity
for taking them will arise, yet consider
ing the populous centers of Portland,
Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane, to say
nothing of Vancouver, The Dalles, Wal
la Walla aud Pendleton and other towns,
whose citizens need them, it would be
improbable that the delegations In con'
gress from these two states would not
demand better sanitary regulations and
accommodations than are at present
Weddlnc ItelU.
Friday evening, Nov. 16th, at 8:80
o'clock, at the bride's home in this city,
Mrs. Marie Periauo to Mr. W. H. Chris
tians, Rev. D. V. Poling performing the
ceremony. This was a very pretty home
wedding, and was witnessed only by the
Immediate friends of tbe contracting
parties. Tbe best wishes of the entire
community will follow Mr. and Mrs.
Christians wherever tbelr lot may be
The groom is a man of fine parts, and
Is greatly respected by all. He has been
In tbe employ of the O. R. A N. Co. for
twenty years, and is one of their most
trusted engineers. Billy Christians is a
an among men, and richly deserves
tbe prise he has won in tbe person of tbe
Mrs. Christians has been a resident of
Tbe Dalles over six years, and has won
tbe admiration of all In bar circle of In
fluence. She has built up a nice busi
ness in tbe millinery line, and ber
friends are legion. She possesses those
solid accomplishments which render one
a useful member of society, and is en
titled In every way to the high opinion
entertained for her by the people of Tbe
A more deserving couple would be
bard to find, and Tna Chbomclk heart
ily extends its best wishes.
On Sunday, Nov. 17tb, at the home of
the bride, about four miles below this
city, Miss Hattie E. Halvor to Mr.
George Mann. A number of tbe friends
of tbe bride and groom were present.
After tbe ceremony the guests sat down
to a bountiful repast.
Mr. and Mrs. Mann are very favora
bly known io this community, Mr. Mann
being a fireman in the employ of tbe O.
R. A N. Rev. D. V. Poling, of tie Con
gregational church, performed tbe cere
State Senator J7N. and Mrs. William
son returned borne yesterdsy from Port
land. Mr. snd Mrs. W. H. Borden bave
taken tbe residence of H. W. Wells for
tbe winter.
Kev. A. Bronegsest was a passenger
on tbe noon train for'Jrass Valley, Sher
man county.
Mr. and Mrs. H.W.Wells snd chil
dren left last week for Prosser, Wash.,
where they will spend the winter.
Rev. C. Lake left on the noon train
for Hay Creek, Crook county, where he
will conduct religious services tomorrow
night, and before returning also hold
services in Antelope, Sbaniko aud Moro
for infants snd CiUldxeo.
Ito stind Yh Hive Always Bought
Bears tbe
All buildings and obstructions in tbe
streets of The Dslles nasi be removed
from tbe streets within thirty days from
this date or tbe master will be esbmltted
to lbs ssssefi for tbem to est epos It.
By oraer of v. v. usasm.iv.
Marshal Dalles Oily, Or.
Dated Hoy. 8, 1901. n7-dUw
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Ssoond Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Wo have just received our complete fall lino of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and avo offering them at.
unusually low prices. Now in the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our lino. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The Hew Yor Si Cash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tight. Heater has revolution
ised the henting stove trade in all sections of tbe United States, its won
derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other excellent qualities,
strongly recommend it to all in nee! of a heating stove.
What Cole's Heater Will Do.
This stove will host a room from r,tro to
80 degrees in five miuules.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 36 hours without attention.
You build only one fire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corn cobs, and elves excellent results witb
tbis fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
Tbe stove Is light snd easily moved and
set up.
The combustion Is perfect and asbes are
removed only ones in four weeks.
None of the heat Is wasted and the stove
sill save one-half of yonr fuel bill.
It Is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Every one of (Join's Original Air-Tlght Heaters is guaranteed to Slav
air-tlxht as lon as used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
haxi- one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
rwypr'wjs ajf aji wjn
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out We also carry a line of TRILBY
May Seem Strange
to thoso nccastomed to the nsual way of doing thinus, to talk about re
ductions at tbe hegininng of the season. Nevertheless tomorrow brings
to our customers a chance to buy winter wsar at prices unheard of be
fore. For instance,
No. 1 Oxford erey, nil wool, well made, with heavy check llninc,
good velvst (Millar, sold in the regular way at 8.50 sfeyf wlsat
Hub Price ats03
No. 2 (Joed heavy pilot cloth, sllwool, in either blue, hiown or
black, well lined, with vtilvel collar; so!l in the nguUr w AsW
way st ft) 00; Hub Price) eJaPsIeNJ
No. O Kxtrs heavy sllwool, double-breasted, In bine, brown
and grey, extra well made, with heavy farmer sUiu linine , with large
storm collar, Just the thing lor cohl weather ; sold In
the regular way for $10 00; Hub Price)
No. 4 A firstrlsss heavy chinchilla, double-breasted, heavy
lined, with extra large storm collar, nntienetrahle to either
wind or snow; sola tu the regular way for flow;
Hub Price
PEC HAL-26 drsen Men's Wool Fletced Underwear
worth 1 M a soil ; Hub Price 9Jc a suit.
The Hub Clothing Case