TEN CANDIDATES FOR GOVERNOR SALEM (oaBGOK) SKSTIXri.. Ten candidates (or governor, standing all in line; One bad too inncfa platform, then there were nine, Nine candidate? for governor nsmed on the plate; One was rubbed off, then there were eight. Eight candidate? (or governor stirring up the leaven, One go: too nianr bops, then there were seven. Seven candidates for governor trying various tricks; One was detected, then there were six. Six cadidates for governor busy at the hive; Hofer endorsed lieer, then there were five. Five candidates for governor scanning the score, Fulton wouldn't have It, then there were four. Four candidates for pnvernor. busy as the bee. They dug up t!ie ri-co?d of one. then there were three. Three candidate? for governor, with nothing else to do, One whs friendly to :niou, then there were two. Two candidates for governor, in the rac for fun, One stucd wi:b the people, then there was one. One candidate for coverntir, 'tis qnick:v related, V. u- endorsed by Eastern Oregon and nominated. n. t r.1 : ine vanes uaiiy wiru..iwe.!the,everof MONDAY U . 18. 1W1 Last rear the total expenditures ; for public education in the state of Oregon amounted to about 5,600, 000. Of this amount 1.461,090.95 emended for the common and high schools of the slate. About : 80,000 was expended in the schools ' for tbe blind and deaf, and the bal- ance for the other educational IDSti - tu'iions in tbe state. A Missouri editor wbo bas budked bids on job printing until exasper ated, feels better since moved to publish tbe following: "Tbe editor is soon to bur a shirL Strange and extravagant as it may seem, we have determined to do so. With tbis end in view we wish tbe dealers to submit sealed bids, so tbst tbe job may be let to the lowest bidder. Quality and style don't count Any old thing will do. Send in your bids." Mr. Fulton is a splendid lawyer, a clever politician and "hsle fellow, well met." says the Eugene Register. He is one of Oregon's ablest speakers and has bad tbe ex perience of many years of practical politics. Every one wbo knows Mr. Fulton admires bim, and bis friends are legion. His absolute refusal to take tbe gubernational nomination leads everyone to believe that be is : ont for tbe senatorsbip, ''hot and . etrong." Eastern Oregon republicans should settle their political quarrels, if they have any, among themselves and not ' allow democratic newspapers to speak for tbem. I? tbe republican of that section of tbe state will agree upon any good man and ask for bis nomination for any place on tbe ticket they will get it. Tbe trouble usually is that tbe buncb-grass ooys ' have a candidate for every place and they let Portland use tbem for a ! cat s paw. Tbey get turned down as a result and feel sore. Eastern Ore 1 gon is republican and deserves repre . sentation on tbe ticket with a good office or two. Albany Herald. Here is a l.st of some of tbe prices paid in New York for garments made ; there today and purchased in our cities: Cambric dresses with lined wsisls, some trimming, are being made at 1.20 per dozen ; nightgowns with tucked yokes, thread furnished by maker and insertion cut out by maker, 1 per dozen: silk waisjs, 89 cents per dozen ; women's wrap pers, 49 cents per dozen; shirts, 30 cents per dozen ; aprons, 2'J cents : flue finished nightgowns ate being pressed in tenement bouses at o cents per dozen. Evidently here is one plaoe where the laborer is not re oniving proper remuneration for his service. Collision on Short Hue, Boiss, Ida., Nov. 16. A collision oc curred s 4 o'clock tbis j-n ng near Orchard on the Oregon 6hort Lias be tween an eastboond freight and a watt' bound bsl par engine tbst was backing j up. Tbe engine ol the Ireight and ten freight . , lf.e he; per engine, cars were wrecked which was reversed just be- i fore t struck, ran w!!d ei "nt miles and stooped. Tr. encineer ami fireman Charles ; savi'd themselves bv iomoine Wallace, bead brakeman of the freight woo was on tne engine, was fcmeti ana his body is still under tbe wreckage. Boise, Ida., Nov. )6 Coagrove and When your hair appears dry and to meu :a nan an nonr aner oe:ng liilten to tne hoepjtal He was literallv roa.t&d It Girdlea The Globe. Tne f,me o( Euckien's Arnica Saive, as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer ot Cats, Corn, Barn?, Bruises, Sores. Scald". Boiie, Ulcers. Felons, Aches, Pain- and a:l Sein Eruptions. Only in fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at G. C. B'ake;e;"s, drug e: re. 1 Motiiera everv where praise One Minnie Consh Care ior the sufferings it has rt iieved and the lives of their little ones it has 8iv,-d. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws onr the inflam- r. r- l x. rii.' r t: Do yon enffer from piiee? If so do not turn to surgery for relief. DeWstt'e Witcn Hazel Salve will act more quickly, surely and safely, saving you the expense and danger of an operation. Clarke & Falk e P. O. Pharmacv. CM. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., save g eSh ,remorin " .... , . . - . pontiee from the jiver and bowels, his child was completely cured of a bad j Small and easy to take. Never gripe or case of eczema bv the use of DeWitt's ; distress. Clarke A Faik'e P. O. Pbar Witch Hazel Saive. Beware of all ! macv. counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles. Ciarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacv. eJTJST ARRIVED ! The lan: est and most complete line of . . . ever ehown in the city are now, on display at H. Glenn & Cos Paint and Oil Store. : Jq Pashek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 sample of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tee prices aud s good fit or no pay. : : : : : John Pshek, The Tailor. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker Mid Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local. 102. Grace T. Hill, Dressmaking Parlors, Booms 11 and M, Vogt Block, Tbe Dalles, Or- H. W. TURNER PROFESSIONAL Dyer and Cleaner Blankets scientifically cleaned and bleached. Portierre curtains dyad all colors. Mail orders will receive prompt at tention. Phono Rod 181, 301 1 7th street, Portland Or t Groceries HE. T. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. Bow's This: We offer one hundred dollar? reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CnEN-KY A Co. Props-. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cbenev for the las: 15 veare. and be- i lieve him perfectly honorable in all bnsi- I ness transactions and financially able to ; OArrv ont nliv .iSiitrations mfcrlp'hv their I firm". West A Tniax, Wholesale Drucgists. To- 'edu- aiding, kmnaa A Marvin, i Wholesale Inijrs::--t, Toledo. Ohio. ; u...' rwh , I 11 - c V.. V- t .1 v 11 I la . - " V . 1 1 1 L VI I ' nally, acting directly upon the biood aud ! m neons enreees of the syerem. F. J, Cbexbv A Co., Props.. Toledo O. Sold hv drrncti-ts. price 7oc. j Hall's Family Pills are the beet. 12 r-.nvp lwt its v i irv it want-? something to give it life and vigor. We have what , the hair needs when it gets :n that con- dition. We have the Crown of f jience Hair S5a5 ''rower sd d Cocnanut CreamGSaSr Tor.ie. The; wili cure dand mkwm ruff ai d aK scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar ber Bhop. Price 50c and 73c a bottle. I N. Jackson, Danviile, II!., writes : "Mv i ; dangbter bad a severe attack of la grippe . and a terrible conch settled on her longs. I We tried a great manv remedies withont j : giving relief. She tried Foley's Honev 1 and Tar which enred her. She ha , never been troubled with a cough since."' j ! C:arke & Faik. La grippe couzlis often continue fori : months and ronn-times iead to fatal re suLe after the patient is supposed to have passed ihe danger point. Foley's Honey and Tar affords positive pro- tectiou Rrnl 'eccritv from these roncrhs. Ciarte d; tr. k. , a DeWitt's Little Eirly Risers never disappoint. They are sale, prompt, THE 0BT OPEBfl HOBSE F. J. CLARKE, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, WEDNESDAY. Nov. 20. ! .-SOcitrvotiiri jptsrL The Great Chinese American Sensation, KING of the OPIUM RING by Cha-les . Blaney sod Charles A. Taylor. The Human Toer of Chinks I i The Native Chinese Actors and Child- i re n . The Chinese Cake Walk and Ragtime I Ba!l ! j CaTg Cb'ne ""k Lndin j The rolics Kaid on an Oniam Joint ' The Chinese TbeaUe ou s New Year's Right ! Reserved Beats . . . General Admission . . Seats os sale at Clarke A Falk'e. 75c 50c ..... 1 Groceries Blakeley's Drug Store We carry the lanr?st and most complete : rt in Eatern Oregon of DHl'OS and MKD1C1NB9, COMBS and 11K15HES, INMal and CHAMOIS. ' rrKSESnd WALLETS, PKKMO and I'Dl-O CAMKKAS, THOTO 81 IT LIES, J Il!TO FA r El! and M Ol' NTS, lOtTMT CHOCOLATES. MAIL ()RUKIt! receive our persona! attention. BOTH JONES' CAFE. First-Class Regular Meals. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER... 1 Royal-Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served at all hours and in all styles. j Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates and Confections. r r i :t x mi - OUUSCIIUtJ IOr 11X5 iuftiiMi.an,wawM.iiaa easasB ' mm, v V V W V V s' V V V L. Lane, GENERAL USflHtH AND a Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TMrt ani Meim Phone 159 ISraiB Food Nonsense. auuiuoi iiuicuiuua iuou lau naa ueen i . . .w.j i , nranrleri he lha mnu inmn.t..t .tk.,. , . ... I'll Thfre lliarislll I ho .ill.. sajsaa" m- m-j ' i--. . i iul cni i IJU 1 tion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and stil- an other for bonee. A correct diet will not oniy nourish a particular part of the j bodv, but it wili eustain every other part, let, however good vour food may be, its nntriment ie destrovad bv indi- j geetion or drepeyaia. You muet pre-' ,icir iu, luni pimiuiv or prevent tnetr comincr tir takino n r rliia.. nl Green's Ansn'al Rlr,-o, 1 1 ... ... e 7 , . . - ! medicine of the healthy millions. A few ; doses aide digestion, stimulates tbe liver to healtby action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel bnoyaot and vigorooe Yon can get Dr. G. C. Gitsen'a reliable remedies at Blakeley's drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 Bl'SlMCSS LOCALS. Ton will not have boils if von take Ciarke A Faik's enre cure foi boils. Srecial sale in children's school h.ta . ... , . ' caps and baby bonnets, at tbe CarnpbeU &Wrison millinery parlors Fridav aud Saturday of this week. One-third off! regular price. If you want to retain your hair yon ! bsve to keep your scalp clean. Soap wili make yoar hair harsb. dry and i crispy. Now we have taro of the verv ' best preparation? for cleansing tbe j ami -gg and fine Tar Shampoo. It will leave vour hair soft nH ; Price, 2?, and 60 cents a bottle, at Fraser'e brber enop, The Dalles. tf JaTsau sr Trad "e hev wagou sod one new iigbt wsgon for sale or will trade for horses. ti lard T. J. Dairs, Tbs Dalles. BIO TURKEY SHOOT. A. Y. Marsh will give a big tnrkey shoot on tbs beach os tbe 36, 27, and 28th of November. a2t27dw Clarke A Faik 'a Savoring extracts are tbe test. Ask yoar a xer for tbem. Gilford's Fotos Never Fade. HorsesDoer NOLAN. THE OLD RELIABLE t 17S 2d St., THE DALLES ( TR OWN F.X TRAi'T of Lemon anfi Va ults are the Heat Md. Evert thing we sell la rrih. Our price are Consistent. Onr I'RESCRIl'TlON Department it in charge of competent men. Wc Msnnfaetare Dr. Wond'a Elnnirnt, tr Wood Snroaparilla, Ilr Wood's Headache Tablet, and IT itch RM Almond Cream. PHONES Every Packaire delivered free, promptly, in the city. 1 Always fresh. ft i 0X1X0111016. Prof. Homer de Morrison 3233 IfaahlngtoD atraet. Rooms XS-SO, PORTLAND, OBSOUN. The first tegistered as well as the first gradu j ate TMltrist ever iu fortland. The world's i g ealet,t Trance Clairvovant and Herba.ist can j be consulted daily on all affairs ol Me, Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt the most scientific Paimit and Claiirotant in the worid today: he ioeate hidden treasure, reunites the separated, lells if t&ere is mlii-ral, oil. or gas on I your land, enables you to win tb i eftecuun of uutr yuu uire. ralmistry taught, medium!':!" neraons devel iieau- dv ine uses or fit- rrll hmh ' i tea.. : cure aaiata .t t iZTZWl. , ' i at. free treatment f ,r th Mnr ' tseud SI, date if birth and three ,iuesti-ma- all I ;t-M I iUm l"n,i ,1 . aaaaar sv r. . 1IW Located bjr Vision. PoitUnd. Ang. 10. - ,'To "he Editor). Horoer de llornsi-:, occul il. located by vUion tbebul lion stolen lrom the Selby smelling W:.rss. In beb.lf r,t occult science l.e iroir eJialelr com municated by letter the facta to Mr. A. J. K.ls ton, oaner of tbe i-eVov Workt. The reports re ceived last uignt prove his statements cjrrect. MKS. 1 aVASCtg PAHTIOW. "It is pleasing v be assured that thegold , ioieu irom tne seiuy bmeltlne Worfco was ! iw " mskju n l o-t iid -iti., n.i. , P.T?v,es t.h.t tnt of Ihe eoufesi'.n of tbe unci buu uiai nit- essis-.auoc . reuuired In rr , covering the gold was . bwf.Kki!" u,on ,or ie purpose of depriving uregoa of iuat ! iggjridltor fonlan6 Oxonian., FRENCH c& CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Easiness. L AS"" of Credit issued available in I toe eastern Males. Sight change and Telegraphic ! Transfers sold in New York. Chieat lyj.ni,'! s,n Frauoisco, Portland Ore- gon, beaitle Hash., and various points in virjuii tuu n BBtlinglOO. Collections made at all points on fav o.-able terms. Tie eaimiia Pffitmi Co.. PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF ma rr AtTosjcs or Fine Lard and Sausages brers ot BRAND HAMS & BACON slBIF-D BKBF. KtC. Foley's Kkti Sips. Q$(l Short Like am Union Pacific east BOrKD TIME SCHEDCLE9 nam the Dalies. Bfi-Ka Otaioaxo- PurUaaa gait Lake, Denver, rt. Special. Worth. Omaha, kan ll:SS p. m. aaaClty.St.lxrats, Chl via Hunt- cagt. and the Fast, ington. 1 "i Atlantic Express, I2:a. m via Hunt ington. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. . Worth, Omaha, Kan-! : BMCttv.St.LonKChi i eejo and tbe East. :50a. St. Eanl WaUa WaUa, Lewtottm. Fast Mail. ! biwkane.Wallace.r'Hll. 9 38 p.m. J man, Mmneapoli. -si. vlaSpo- Paul. Lminth, Mil wau kane, kee, Chicago and East. OCEAN AID EIYEE 80HEDTJTJI From fart land. (AU Bailing datea snb I Jeot to change.) f-:0Cp.m. For San Franctaco, Bail every 5 days. iwiiy except Sunday, - :0b p. m. Saturday, 10:00 p. m. Dally Columbia Rlrer. To Astoria and Wav LaDdiDga. -P-W. i ii m Sundaj. Willamette River. Oregon City, Xewherg. Salem, Indeuendenct, and May -Landings. except Sundav, 6:00 a. m. 1:30 p. W. exeaat Hcndaj. Tuesday, Thursday, tatnrday, 6:00 a. m. 4:30 p. a. Monday, Wedncaon f riaaj. Corvallls and Wav Lendtngs. Tnecdar, Thursday, Saturday, 7 :00 a. m. Willamette and 3:80p.. Vamhlll lilvera. Mondsj, Oregon City, Dayton and Wednesday I Way-Landinirs. ridaj. Leave ' Ki)aria ' daily, . ' 3.40 a. m. Snake Rleer. Kiparia to Lewiaton. Lsv Lewk4aa daHv, 6:a.. gmW Earbea desiring to ru to Beppncr or iiotnts on Columbia Southern via Bifnrs. ahoaH take No. 2. toatrial Ihe Dalle at 12.25 p. St. makiiir direct connections at UcDtinrr mneths at Hep nner Junction and Blgga with No. l riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. oikk- BC'.iuniDg masingmrecieou For further particulars, call on or address JAjS. IRELAND, Agent, ine uaues, 'J Complete Ope of Dru$s at M.Z. DON NELL. THE DRUGGIST. J. 6. UCHBKCC. President. Max a. Vogt, OaaUaT First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OR EGO A General Bssir"t Business transacts! Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly ram it ted on dav of col lection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold os New York, Han Francisco an;? land. DIRBOTOKS D. P. Taoavsoa. Jso. S. Schescs. So. M. Wnuasfs, Oso. A. Lisas. H. M. Baai u W- W. WILSON. Maoarr. First-gass in Every Reft IKalsatill!?oTi. PRIVATE PARTIES 8EBVEO., - Iso tabs always supplied with , bostia tasaaarsot. 14 Frost St., soar Court. Tbe DslsS.