The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 18, 1901, Image 1

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MO. 284
Promotes DigestionXAeeifiJ- I
OpiunkMerpteie arMaeraL
jWAit tttf1 ' amV
A perfeci Remedy for Conshpa- I
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ncss and Loas or SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of H
yTBTy "VOflflrt. fM
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
to Umatilla House (ale
5 A
Service the Best. Rates Seasonable.
JuT"Speclal rates to Steady Boarders, Families and
Theatre Parlies.
Kidnapers Who Hold Hiss Stooe Kow
Willing to Accept $60,000.
Sokia, Nor. 12. The brigands who
captured Mies Stooe and Moie. Teilka
have red need the amount of rat. torn they
demand to 20,000 (Turkish) pounds.
Coincident with this in'elligenc ia the
information that the leaders of the band,
if convinced that this ia more than Mr.
D.ckinsou will give, woo'd accept 16,000
pounds sterling. Even this enm is great
ly beyond the casta at Mr. Dickinson's
disposal. Therefore, an tees the captors
of the missionary farther abate their
demands, there ia no hope of an im
mediate set t leased t.
An agent who ie in touch with the
brigands report that they recognize they
made a mistake !n kidnaping Miss Stone.
They would, however, consider it worse
than a blunder to release ber without an
adequate ransom. There is a 3 longer
any fear regarding the brigands' inten
tions toward the captives. They declare
themselves to be not robbers, but patriots
performing en-okaosioo task ia that
inlssdct Cttko ha oncer. e major
of thofJlaoaW ale psWanU Afltf 1aTmaV
directed by a secret comas tUee-to execute
its decisions.
Pknoijetoh, Or., Nov. 18. Papers are
prepared, ready far-4lrstg. in a an it
etainet a woman in Pendleton wbo hat.
it ie eJtenwd. -written tssaefty Itteaed Co
married woaaen hero, in wbleh sbs talis
them ol snflone of their
ss affirms the knows to
mltted, of qoestlonable character. She
makes a specialty of keeping tab on
married men, while their wives are;
absent in the mountains or at the sea
shore, and reports their escapades al
leged to have been indulged in during
the summer months. a
One of tbe men who received a letter
instructed a prominent attorney to com
mence suit, and also asks that criminal
proseeotion be commenced against the
author of the letters, under a statute
that makes eneb offense punishable with
imprisonment in tbe state penitentiary.
It is understood that proceedings are
withheld for the time, hot that the
papers may be filed within a few days,
unless there boa decision to the eon
tret y.
O. K. N. Branch Hum to Oil District.
Bakkb City, Nov. 16 It is said on
good authority that with the first evi
dence that oil exists in the Malbeur
region, which ie now being exploited toy
promoters as a fine prospective oil field,
the O. B. A N. Co.. will begin con
struction of a line to the sectioo. It it
declared that once started such a road
would be carried on into Harney and
perhaps Lake counties. These counties
are now more distaot from rail com
munication than any other points in the
United States. This country is now in
a primitive stage of development, and a
railroad would Improve all Interests. At
present tee railroads say tbe prospect of
remunerative bo sinensis not good enough
to justify building a road into tbe country,
but tbe discount of nil will change tbe
aspect of conditions.
If anything nils your hair, go and mo
Fraaar; frwV tee beadouartens ear all
hair reosaoW Rcmcaibor that be
snakes a apeclaltv of these goods. If
and sunburn, Msnsdacwarad by
defalk. . '4i- t '
insl Wean.
to 47 arte
eobatwibo toy '
- n, a sa
Sale of Linens.
Thanksgiving is a time for feasting and
ood cheer at h6me a day when the
inin room should be. resplendent with
good linen. During the next ton days
we are going to oljter very unusual values
in linen.
P am ask Napkins
Linen Tea Cloths
Linen Doylies
Plain, Fringfc
and Hematite
Table Linens
Linen Sets
Linen Towels
fed v t.ui. run..
tched waa... aa v"
, I . f, ...... riV f at'
All at very positive reductions.
Come earlv as vou can and select vour Linen needs. You will find all Linens
conveniently placed on extra tables and special-sale prices plainly marked on
each piece in Ted pencil. All Linens from the cheapest to the finest are
included in this sale.
bleached, German linen
Napkins, warranted pure flax,
KxlS inches ; special 75c dc.
2222 " Sl.SO "
Fine bleached pure linen
damask table cloths xtre val
ue at l 36 eaoh, aitl 45x45 In.
SI 85 each for s!si 52x62 in.
$2.19 each for eim 68x68 in.
72 inch unbleached Irish
linen damask pure Mix full
weight and entirely free from
taxing; spec al per yard 78e
We have the best made, best fitting and
best wearing white shirt ever introduced of
which fact we want every wearer of white shirts
to become aware.
The materials in this shirt are Wamsutta
Muslin and 1800 count linen. The shoulder
seams are reinforced and cannot rip.
For a few days only,
the prjee will be
W4 ftf&n v3 rk
ml 1L ItS
Your little
hoy or girl
BnTanst I
would Jump
for Jojr U tbey won
ubenntifal little Shot
land pony, wouldn't
tbayT Their eheaeak
th Win VMfi s pwgy
free- of any expanse
whatever ml with
you, Mm Mother.
Attend the sale of
Wayne Knit Pony
Stockings here left
week and learn all
about toe prise offer
of len Shetland ponies
In the Wayne-Kail
Pony Stockings yon
get wear reaUtrrs
that will stand all the
hard knocks thai tbe
btaltbiest boy or girl
can giro them.
They sell at 25c the pair, but they'll out
wear the ordinary 26-oentere twice over.
For particulars of the prise offer of Shet
land ponies, get a booklet at tho hosiery
Our line of the Famous
Suits, w 0!
and (j'yjU
Overcoats g Dkjw
VUlllfllUlC, WgnT TMt HAaO-TOflT
Equal to custom-made at half the
custom price.
England and America Can Not Quarrel
He Said.
Naw Yokk, Nov. 16. Ambassador
Gboate Was tbe guest of tbe Lotos club
tonight at a dinner and reception given
in fate honor. Tbe keynote of tbe
speeches wee tbe friendliness existing
between England and America and' the
desirability of Its continuance. Mr.
Cboate expreessd it by saying that what
ever differences that may arise between
tbe two countries will be harmoniously,
honorably and amicably adjusted. He
said :
"After all that I have seen in other
countries It seems to me absolutely dear
that tbe cardinal principal upon which
American institutions rest, the absolute
political equality of all ciUaens, with
universal suffrage, ia the secret of Ameri
can success. Introduced by tbe coin pre
bensirs system of education which
enables every cHisen to pursue bis call
ing, it pete the United States upon that
plane of eueecee wbleh it has reached, ft
p tins my comprosonsion now nay man
can go abroad and not return a warmer
lover of tbe institutions of hie native
Andrew Carnegie followed Mr. Cboate,
and referred to the way he came to be
quoted as saving Mew York was "one of
So best governed cities In the world'a
remark that was brought in in tho recent
meniefpal campaign. A gentleman go
proaceod'hisa fat giving en ntocb money
e ted 'wmty s see -Yerfcv- Mr.
frngN -repined: ook at yodt
London, buying its Wafer froth com panics
whose sbarewworS trrMHiedtyte I ana now
Are 2108.' fJoon now Row York dvpswee
for the futurWfh tho irJslter of park." It
lakes a head f do' that. V doh'lr cars
what phrtw in power. Nsw York's
progresHtPnot torjelthpsdeai
Vlgbtlag th. Umif Tea.
New Yob, VoV: T6-The Tea Doty
Repeal Association has Jdvt teaoed'aa
appeal to wwoMtale grocers, johhert slid
Importers of tbe United States,' urging
them t Co-operate In k uioveoTSni tO Se
cure, if possible; Hie repeal of the wsr
revenue tsx on tea. lb part this appeal
says s ' 1 "
"The Tea Duty Bopeal Association hat
been forbied for the purpose of giving
organised expression to the strong senti
ment throughout the United States in
favor of tbe repeal of the tax of 10 cents
a pound on tea. The tsx was Imposed
as a Spanish-American War revenue
measure, so that there is absolutely no
reason for the continuance of this
onerous and groatly nr-just burden. It
is a matter of common knowledge tbat
tbe tax (which amounts to 71 to SO per
Otet on tbe aversge) has proved un
reasonably burdensome to merchant sod
customer alike."
Aciraativa Sraasaa.
All women sensibly desire to bo at
tractive. Beauty Is the stamp of health
because it is ehe outward maaifoetatlon
of inner pnrity. A healthy woman Is
always attractive, bright and happy.
When every drop of blood In tbe veins is
re a beauteous nusn is on lbs coses.
t when the Mood is impure, morose-
. bad temper end a eeUow comoJ en
tails the tale of sickness all to plain-
y. a ao -women looey snow mere is no
y witboet breiin. wine 01 unreal
crowns womeo wtie beauty end ettrac.
by making siMiag and heeiUtf
organs which makohof a eetete.
IT lac of iWaAnadTsn auanaaeh
ear friends will baldly know you.
fZ ifiJnKeinVadTljLl CM
mr BrHu1 a tin In I
Hundreds of Lawyers, PMhebers. Actors, and Otho
over worked rroietsionalnnd Uutlnees Men wktn
hy hij kidney trouble hays told us tbey bad
-aabliitt Sod anytbing to eoua) Lincoln S
PUU for the aire of that pam in the back, and seaeia-
gone tft-i tu tnt to often precedes parcels.
I Hen $1 00 par hex tany ef yoor druggist or seal
by mail on' reoeial of price, la plain wrapper.
LIS00LW FBOPRIETAB! 00., Pt Wayie, lad.
M. 'A Donnell, Agent, The Dalles, Or'.
If . i?.T,rvi 1
& Wrtlwr
Hardware, Iron
Hen t eV Jr eav
and Steel
IT . 't . t N
A full line of BRIDGE A BEACH
p Cook and Heating Stoves.
FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ascnts lor Hooslsr Drills, J. I. Case Steel Farm
Harrows anl Plow. Spring Tool h Harrows, Uteseli Chilled Plows, Mileeod Wsa
ens and Hacks, Henney Buggies.
i .I-'' "tl1 f Vf ' Cf
...Star Windmills ...
With Ball and Roller bearings, and tally warranted.
Write ut for prions aad catalogues.
til. orders eatrosted to at will have prompt attention,
we always right.
The only ggclutlve Hardware 11010 In the elty.
M mv vt h&t uew'r ' it
a v