The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 16, 1901, Image 4

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Mrs. Robert Mays and little daughter, I
Jor- v.. of Antelope, ore visiting at toe
tioine of .fudge Mays for a few dny.
J. W. Dangherty, of Wrentbam. er
rive,; here last nurrit on the Regulator
after attending the foneral of his mother,
Mr Mary A. Dangherty. of Willamina,
Yamhi'i caontv. an Oregon pioneer of
William R se and wife, of Salina
vouuty. California, came on on the Reg- j
viator lat night a far a? Hood River. I
Mr Rue is a Ditn of considerable!
mentis. He is looking lot a lorstion to
ngi?e n the frnit uuine" acd eijn.vt
to visit The Dalies
St. Pauls Episcopal church Rev. C j
H. Lake, rector. Morning service at Evening service at 7 :30. Sr.n-j
day school. 12:15. All are invited.
C vary Baptist charct: Rev. W. V.
GHrion, pastor. L-gniar service at 11 !
m. m. and 7 :30 p. m., in the new church
OB U.nion street. Sunday school at 10 ,
. m.; B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m.
Conjreyationai rimreh corner Fifth
ad Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling, ;
pastor. Service both morning f.nd '
v-uing. Morning fuV.ject, "The Divine ,
Pi.-.n of Cnitnre." At both services a
nr.mber wiii be sung by the male
quartet. r
. Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington. Rev. W. Skip-'
worth pastor Morning service at 11
o'clock; eveuing 7 :30 : Sunday srboni :
10 a. tn. ; class meeting 12:20: Epwurth ;
Leigoe 6 :30. All are cordially invi."l i
to these services.
8t. Peter's church, corner Tr.ird acd j
IsanOota High tus?s Will be celebrated !
by me pastor. R 'V. A Bronsjeest. The i
choir will render Peter's mass in D. j
The Benedict! will be t?nng by Irene.
ad James Fiinn. Mrs. N.J i; nnott ;
will sins: the offertory. Mamie H-itE
Fiinn, organist.
Christian church. Ninih end Court
Btre'tr, Rev. 3. M. A-exander miniate ,
Reaching at 11 a. oi. and 7 :30 p. n..;i
Sunday school 10 a. m. : Christian En-1
deavor6:30 p. m. Pr:iye'.' meeting 7:30
o'c! 'ck rharaday evening. 2.';;rair:g j
abject -lTbe Gospel, a Miiaionand al
Oo-ture." Evening subject, "The Njiuie
Christ i..n."
to bxiy
to wear.
Ewer wear- the Famous
house shoe?
They're warm
i 1 Jar itiatt !';
Old ami V. urf .
Oi & i t 't dramatic ptodootioas play
ing here thts season "M:.ljney Wed- i
ding,'' which will be the attraction at j
tbe Vot tonLthi i? said to be by far tbe t
most entertain'r.z. It is a comedy
'drama o instructed ; piea.e the young, j
we e':i us Mitr old, and fa'.rlv teems with
tbe a.ast novel and humorous ideas of j
everyday life.
D.'.n afaloney, be goed naiured victim ;
of a matrimOLis". venture, is a tvpe of
character as true as life. He possess
i: the ua' w:t and Hibernian mis- '
-i.i:' known to bin race, and bubbles!
over witti ssaissliliig fun. The Wid iw j
Ciacy, thejoUy par;ner of his humor-i
ous y BompHeaiad SQartabfft, and sub-!
e-q Boat brioe, furni-hes a lend of j
eparkl-ng wit -aud pviaiity that keej '
an audience in !iie oest of good r.atnre !
During the periormaiice pietty little
enrprtses p p up in the shape of singing i
ana difccing tpectalties, and the com
pany, :.eiksd by Jimee L. McCabe
oiuee u ;:b the h;ghf-at of ore3 praise
Start Girls Right!
Many beautiful girls become invalids for lite,
because at the crucial period of puberty they
pay no attention to the laws of htalth- Mothers
should protect their daughters' health by giv
htg them necessary information and proper
treatment When the menses come on a girl
unawares in her inexperience she is cither
frightened into convubions, or scared into try
ing to check the flow. Many gHs have ducked
the How and it has never started again. And
as a result they have grown pate-faced, with
"crow-tracks" on their cheeks, and dark half,
moons under their eyes. A dose of
taken every morning after a giri is twelve yean
old will bring the menses on properly and keep
them regular. It will help her to develop into
atimiive womanhood and equip her for the duties of wife end motherhood.
AH druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui.
The Hollvwood. Aabury Park, K. J.. February 8, IMS.
tieecient in refrard to Wine of Cardui in.the Baltimov
Americanand it bo favorably impressed me that on my visit to Baltimore
during the holidays I purchased a boule of it for my adopted daughter, who
was suCerimr with female trouble. She had been under the doctor's caze
for some time, and when her periods would come on her suffering y.-oa some
thing terrible. I induced her to try it and the first dose brought on her
menses, bhe Joot it regularly Becoming to ne directions , ar.a was great :y
relieved. To use her own words, "It saved my life."
Far adTke and !:wrtare. addrett. fi Tiar tjmptoma, The Ladxtf 1 Adrisory
lae i imimip itniw I nmpsry. I. jaSSMSSSSS, loz.
Clark A Fa!k arc never closed Scnday.
Oon't Jor-e; tais.
Clarke 4 Fa.fc have on sa e a fuli tine
of paint asul a'ie;"- in-iir ,-.
A new lin- oi cl.iliS-an't. e.hooi hata
H l.itf llau Turni-d Yellow."-
Great consterne.tion was felt by the
friend of K A. Hotmrtyof Lexin'on,
Ky., when t.hey saw he ws turning ye.
low. His skin slowly changed Bol or, also
bis eyes, an i he etiffired terrihly.
malady vraarTeliow J.-undice. Lie
(i cans rec- vr.l sr C:i:ph!l & Wii- treated by the best d-ictore, but without
tver-b'isiririi; rasprerry plants at Mrs.
C. J. S so ui'r f jt ten cen', each.
Foley's Honey and Tar
fxtr children. safe, sure. No opiates.
Lwis O.'iennan, G oshen, Ind : ' De
Witt' L Eat liiaers never tiend n
doable J.-ke other pilis, bnt do ilieir work
thjruagi.i v mud a:ak? me feel like inn ."
White Collar Line.
TKt Daues-Poriland Urate
Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points.
Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday.
Arrives The Dalles, sami day, 5 p. m.
Leavps The Dalies at 7 a. tn. on Son
day, Wednesday end Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m.
Meals the Very Best.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
GFandaM Borget
The Dalles. Or.
'This Route has the Grandest
Sceuic Attractions on Earth.
; Portland-Astoria Route
Daily Ronnd Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7a. m.
Leave Astoria 7 r M.
m x T-a3EBca3
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive promo! attention.
Next door to Fire; Rational Bank.
Gnndon Pbon X3a.
Lour nut. tost.
Landing and office F-xit of Alder
Street; both phones. Main 351", Port
land, Oregon.
E. W. Cricbton, Aent Portland,
Pratber and Barnes, Ats., Hood River, ;
: Wolford S: Wyers, Agts . White Salmon, !
i. C. Wyat;, Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria.
R. B. Gilbreth, Agt., Lyie, Wash.
J. M. FILLOQN, Agent, The Dalles.
Wasco Mm ill
Headquarters for Seed Grain of aii kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ol f 11 kin 1
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind
REGULATOR LINE. I Headquarters for Bran. Shorts,
TJr.o -5 rti in cf nun fr "TJttqwo' U rci " T J. J 1
nulUlIu tOTl FlOTlT ThtsHonr i? mannfactared expreaely for iaallj
use; everv eara is goaranteea to give eatiatsotua,
We soli our goodB lower than any ut..s tn the trade, and ii jon don't tLwkti
cail and get box pnoee and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sore to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest female remedy.
AailTIflB Bewareof cocnterteiis tntl iocitations. Tfcf gt nalnc Is pci
WWIIUM ton with fac simile alnuiture or nle of the b ".-.le. thus:
Sect: for Clrealar u Wll.l.UMa MrG. Co.. Sole Atmu. CisvelaoC. oaio.
op only in paste-boastOe
A Trtrt nf
mm ! Certain, thorough, g-ule
jl per ID.
sen s mi'Iiuery r ,ir. At trasnnar.;e j fenbt. I :.fu he was advised to try
pricee. Gail and st-e theai. Ciii , Ei,.c.ric Bitters, tee woudei fa: Stomech
Clark ami bavejoat received a i antl L;ver remedv, and be writes: ''A'ter
j fn'l line ui frea.'i V-'..x papers and de ? taking two 1 was wholly cured."
j velojiers. ti.e man u.d by Mr. Ixivick 1 a trial proves it matchless merit for all
; in fcia recent demonstration at oor store. StMD,ct,, Uv and Killnev lriinbleF.
Yon ':fnid know that Folei ' Hooey ; On y 23c. S;dd by G. C. Biakeiey. the
j and Tar is ao'uteiv the best tor all ' dfOggMt. 6
1 ii-!"as'. u.' tbe ihrua! anil niiiBS. Dealers
areaotnor-d to guarantee it to give n .. i ou.
atiefac.ion. Ciarke k Faik. j ''Our littie daughter hau an aimost fa
tal attack o! w hooping cunidi and iiron
chit is-." writes Mrs. W. K. Huvilard, of
Artnonk, N. Y , "but, when aHo!tier!
ren edies tailod, we saved her hie aitb I
For sale by Geo. C. Blekeley. Tbe Dalies, Or.
at 7 A. M.
...Portland Boat...!:
at 7:00 A. M.
.. .GOIiDJlBlrl BHEWEUY ..
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Ruports for Jone 8, 1900, says: "A more sapet tor brew never entered
the labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, bnt on the other hand is composed ol
the best of malt and choicest of bops. Ite tonic qnalities are of the high
eft and it can be need with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
yonng. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians with
tbe cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
w. c.
ALL A WAV. General Aarent,
The Liallee, Oregon.
Yellow Danvers
$1.50 per sack.
Eating Potatoes
75c bushel.
All hniidings and chafer; : ic the
streete of Tne Uulles meet be remove:
from the streets within thirty davs from
this date or tbe matter will he f-nbuiitted
to tt.e council for ll.em to act op n it.
By order of C. V. Chami-lix,
HadhLal Daiies I ty. Or.
Dated foe 3, 1W1. i 7 d2-'w !
C:arte ii 'Jr. King's Now Discovery. Our ni-c, !
1 wiio had Cuiiaumptiun in no advanced
a'.agt-, glco used this wonderful medicine
and to day the is perfectly well." Det
perate throat and iune dieasss yield to
Dr. King'e Nea- Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible lot Coughs
and Colds. 50c aud $1.00 buttles guar
anteed by G. C. Biakelev. the druggist.
Jast What
You tuant.
Trit-i bottiee free.
K.iij Djapsnsia Care is no; a mc.e!
atimulent to tir. d nature. It afforde the '
stomach complete and absolute nst bv
digesting the fo-l yon eat. YvQ don': :
have to diet not cin enj y aii toe good
j lo(M you want L tdoi Dy-pep:ia Care
: inoiantlv relieves that distressed teei'.ag
' after eanng, tivtajg vou new life hi:
vigor. Liarke dc Fait S f. O. Pnarmacy.
Konr hundred acres of deeded land
situated :xtei: miioii i.-n; of Ti.
Dalle, in he kiest K'aiu dietrict : Edst
ern Oregon, will be sold at a batfais). 1
toe laud is neany ah nuder cuitivutiun
Hfl well improved, having a good house.
ban-, granary and other onthoue, anl I
stifheient water for hity bead t.f Imrt-e
doring the diyest seae-jns, Awii dti ill
MM' m
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Fbones :
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street
5! Local,
soe Long Distance.
-, j Acker s Hp
We pay 30c a doz. t ni
j m ney re'n:
Fresh Ranch Eggs.
sand risVArn . m r ilia r n 1 .
Dspeia can cured by nin water lor ih hoot. toMtfc and t':..r
Acker's Dyspepsia Tah'ets. One iiriie irrigation. There is snfbcient paa'r.'e New ideas in Wall Paper here. Kucb
give immediate relief .r t 'or 8 " NWW of stock and splendid ' 'de variety M we are abowing never be-
niod. Sid.lin.audwmtiJ!"r".::,"7:""i ror .ur.ner . "IIT' ,n?,U-
aiitdnio j'jJ iw v t vvu cuttle Bt UlUIHttrv DriOM.
boxes at 2o eta. Riakelev he Theo J. SEiraBT. Good papers at cheap naner rir-m
n4-lmdAw Box 364. Ttie Daiies ; Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yoars
for a small price, at oar store on Third
SHERIFF'S NOTICE. street. Also a fuH line of house oaint.
Prices guaranteed to Dec.
1st, 1901.
Grocery and Peed Store.
Experience is tbe best Teacher. l'-e
Acker's Kngltsii Remedy in any MM
coughs, oolds or croup. Should it fait to
give immeliale rtUsa ui mey refu tfl
25 cte. and M c . B!ak.-.t . ti.e dro.
alioute Cotlgh Cure
has relieved and the
ones ir iiM saved. 8
the trouble and draw
nation. The children
Notice Is hereby givan that m the D W VATTSU! TViiys 0
13th day of November, 1901. at 10 . w. AtjOL IWTtt Bl
at '. E. 6r.erflll fnrn.ture aUre nt "
Hood hirer, or, 1 will sell at t nhlic GKO' t'AU1"1EIJ
auction to the highest bidder f r cash. ( K-
i I - I ll j J i ...I I II' V . ....
tiere prniae tne h'oxib biiu cuhifii ui r. . c. . tierru, e
for the sufferings it ' 'ornltnre store, to satisfy a chattel mort- .
live, of thetr little T ATJ?L. 7" U"' !! . "J&
.... . . ., iu umj ui .'imiii, idvi, in giir, ui me l"i. etc.
.tun si iur iikii dm i , . . . . ... i
ram tn m n tr twin 1 1 .tf.i r.r mill. . ,
s mir the iiHaiu- "I. . " f Lt .:...' T' . Uiabwaara.
. . i i-'hu, ct. ej. nurrtiii niurnrttimr t r..i . . .
s lavorite (Joua-b o ?n r. m " ' I
a vu. rauriasva.
BuBBKT Kkllv, Sherirf.
I'rigatlon, Bridge, ttalltoad aud Ualcr Supply
and Eapart Land flurveylux, Map.
A. IT.iw'- U n " r. ruiior a wi. nmrififtw.
i ull.tJ
CooatrutUoD and Mm
etraau and Pavements.
... rouyuationa, amat-rn Uhdgu, bew
- - -"., .win rawnns, etc.
ul Addrea. P. o. Bos bib. THE DALLES, OR.
sHsP MIA fJ AsTSkjB sfl& If M I Ssa sg mWW TIm.w rtvufifime
rhNltTK liA P S Sira
z 1 -7' i -L-a i or and uanisu "naBi
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVftftS"
womanhood, aiding development of organs and
known routed V fur wnmun tw.iiala flum Cannot d'J
lifMi:tuD . .. 1 . .. d, . h-V mmW DV OS AYgta
by drtifc'icu. DR. MUTT'S CUEA1ICAL CO.. Cleveland,
For sale b Go. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or "" si
to gu '
F. S. OUJafimo.
Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-makar
-okaxkb iB-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Sapf
fc Co. 'a anginas. Thrsakssa aaa gaw bUUs.
dr. fecnl I iJttWl it, THE DAUK 8
A mot tar Euaaall a Co.'i
Telephone 167.
Long Disunce 1078.