...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 143 Second 8tret. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. ..BOgS' aM TOUtp'S ML SPITS.. I KNEE PANTS I i The LINEN Defxirtment. We exfrect the Linen He Mirtnent to be hi iain this week. Everu pat tern is bright and new. Oar fecial Prices for THANKSGIVING will prove to be a big success. COME EARLY before the good things are gone SATURDAY ONLY Men's black stiff hats, latest fall block, fresh new stock; hats that usually sell at 2.00 and $2.50, Pease Mays9 Price for Saturday only $1.35 LADIES! Your Storm Boots are here Shoes that keep the feet dry and warm are not usuolly very handsome, but Our box calf aud kid shoes add both style and comfort to their other virtues. Somo have heavy welted extension soles and Cuban heels. Leath ers are pliable and comfort able to wear. Wo have the regular height aud the extra high cut, the most sensible shoe for winter's enow and slush. $3.30 and $4 will buy a pair. PEASE St MAYS. Fhe Dalies Daily Gtamfete. SATURDAY NOV. 16. 1901 W m Served ' Oysters At Andrew Kalier's. 1 TREASURER'S NOTICE. AH Wasco Conuty vtrmli registered prior to December Sft, ISM, will too pmM a presentktlun mx nar olBeo. Interest eeeaee anor October SO, 1M1. JOHN P. BAHP8BIBI, Conner Treoavror. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Dn Maloney'i wedding at the Vogt tonight. The usual Saturday night's dance will net be given at the Baldwin tonight. Wanted A girl to do general boose work in a family of two. Inquire at tbis office. i14 la- Wanted A girl or woman to do most ly chamber work. No washing, no ironing, end no children. ni2tf The local lodge of Forres e s bad a social gathering and banquet last night, which was largely attended and much enjoyed. On account of failure to secure au au dience room, Rev. Gaston's lecture of i tie Star lecture course will not be given tii it evening. Madam Fry tells past, present and future. Specializes on love affaire, mar riage and divorce. Boom 9, Union Street Lodging H 'use. Ladies wanted to work on sofa pillows. Materials furnished. Steady work guar anteed, experience unnecessary. Ssnd stamped envelope to Miss MeGee, Needle wok Dept., Ideal Co., Chicago. T. A. Van Norden is now prepared to fit your eyes. He keeps the best quality of glasses and frame on hand. Pre scriptions accurately filled on snort no tice. No fancy prices. el 3 1 w Rev. W. L. Gaston, of Santa Kosa, Calif., will preach at the Calvary Bap list church tomorrow at both hours. Mr. Gaston has toe reputation of being an eloquent speaker, and it is hoped t hat he will have a good bearing. Mrs. Martha Poormao, an old-time 'esideot of this city, died at the state insane asylum this morning. Tbe re mains are expected hero tonight, and the funeral will take place from Oac d U A Borgeti's undertaking room to morrow. From tbe meeting at tb club rooms last aigbt sMksJaody sBiotakooly walked off with another man's overcoat. This kind of exchange weald be all right if it w re a fair deal, bgd list newer of the more valuable coot naturally kicks and wants another dent. Tun Chsomcib if spoil esieiel (hot the Citixan's eommanleatloB of j eater- day was written under a mistake. The child who died Wednesday o( diphtheria was not publicly buried as alleged. There was no one present at the funeral but the undertaker, the driver of the hoarse and tbe grave-digger. Tbe barn of it. Hey ting, ot Lyle, was burned last Sunday night. It contained 100 tons of hey worth $1000. The barn was worth (600. There was no insur ance nod as there eras no one on the place at tbe time of the fire it is be lieved to have boon the work of an in cendiary. A tract ot wheat land twelve miles in width, between Bekeovea and Sberar's has all been tjotneeteaded within six months, which shows tbat when a rail road gets within sound of the fertile range a new order of things eucceed?, and the solemn stillness and the virgin soil are broken simultaneous-, says the Observer. Tbe Dalles football team play a game with the Waeco team at this place this afternoon. The line-up of the Dalles team is: Omeg and A Hard, center; Patterson, Brown and Zirka, guards; Bsrtell and Starr, tackles ; Smith and Scott, ends; Murray, quarter; Cooper, full-back ; Groehler and Frank, halves ; Cooper, sub. After this date, Saturday, November 16th, all paid local reading advertise ments in Tub Chronicle will be in serted only oaee among purely news matter. After that they will be trans ferred to a coluino headed "Basinets Locals." There a ill be no exception to this rule. The news colon. ne must be reserved as news columns. Will the following persons please call on J. C. Ueastler, at bank, and get premium tbem on exhibits at lest C. S. Msgee. O. (iuue. Mrs. Nellie Morris P. M. Meeker, Mr. N. Learned, Mrs. Grant Hawley, Mrr. W. W. Will iams, J awes N. Knight, L. Bradley, Mrs. J. A. Fleck, Lee Laoghlio. A fire accidentally started in tbe resi dence of Ernest Bonomi, eight miles op Mill creek, yesterday, which was hap pily extinguished after it had destroyed about M0 worth of clothing and furni- Frencb A Co.'s ! circumference warrants do district fair: for tbe government at present, a' though he has a standing ordjr to pick up a good horse where he can. A melodrama after the style of a three ring circus wall bo tbe attraction at the Vogt next Wednesday u&. "King of tbe Opium Biog" carries spore people, scenery and effects than half a dozen, ordinary show. Throe distinct com paniesa dramatis company, a compa ny of native Chinese apd a number of vaudeville people, including a quartet and a team of acrobats. It baa twenty thrilling scenes, any one of which, it is said, is strong enough to establish tbe success of a play. Irwin Juiien was arrested yesterday by Constable Jackson on tbe verbal com plaint of his divorced wife that he had drawn a gun on her and threatened to kill her. Juiien was drunk when arrested and after lying all night in jail Justice Brownbill tbis morning ordered bis dis charge as no complaint had been filed against him. Jolfen was not long dis charged till be again visited Mrs. Juiien and threatened divers and sundry things against her, including the burning of her, out of house and borne. The end of tbis ease is not yet. Al Burgeson, the soda water man, and Fireman A. B. Comstock have just re turned from a visit to tbe Pine Flat ranch of their friend, Conductor L. E. Lindsay. Not finding Mr. Lindsay at borne they bethought them of making their visit historical bv cutting down the largest tree they could find on the Lindsay ranch. This they accomplished after three hoars of tbe hardest work of their lives. Tbe tree measured 110 feet to the first limb and eighteen feet in at the bntt. Burgeson came home witb a bump on his back and Comstock's hands have blisters that wont be healed for a month. In tbe circuit court tbis morning tbe ease of B. H. Shaw, who tried to pass a bogus check on Deputy Sheriff Lee, of Cascade Locks, tbe other day, was con tinued for tbe term. Tbe cheek Shaw attempted to pass on Lee was for $10.36 and was drawn on the Ntz Perce bank of Idaho. Sbeiiff Kelly communicated ith tbe hank and a as answered that Proposition for a Monthly fair. tore. In putting out tbe fire Mr. Bo- j ghaw wver D,d E credu n gb . a . M ft . S I I is wanted at Union for the same crime. Hn is a man of 80 or over, of polished address, wbo is said to have passed himself off ip various places as an ex state senator of Idaho, a candidate for prosecuting attorney of Nes Peres coun ty, a United States posgofllce Inspector, sic. When arrested a blank check book was found in his pocket, whose stubs would indicate that be was wealthy, as tbey contained memoranda of deposits and checks on the lies Peres bank for Urp so sos. The coo has not abac's hoods, bt his attorney, Clerk, expects to have bun released on hsfl In a short Um. " " HI " - 'm AMMlt IALV1 noaii got bis bands so severely onrnea that be will be unable to do much witb tbem for a couple of weeks. Tbe prop erty was fully insured in tbe Oregon Fire Belief Association Sheriff William Faxier, as agent for tan government, has concluded tbe pur chase of 250 horses for service in tbe ar tillery branch of tbe United States army at Walla Walla and Vancouver, Wash. A u muber of those horses wore bopfht through T. t. Pfipps. of this ally, shoot fifty being brought lo from tbis section of the country and sent to Vancouver. Of tho U hood, fcofef vsco see to Van couver and the other half to Walla Walla. They will average in weight Shoos lg pounds. By this last pur cbaes Mr. Fraxlor has flllfd all orders Following the call of President Wheal don, of the commercial club, a meeting was bold in the clnb rooms last night to consider tbe suggestion of Colonel Jud sou, of the O.R.4S. Co., of holding a monthly fair in The Dalles for the sale of stock and farm products. Ths at tendance was representative of tbe busi ness interests of too city, bat was not nearly so large es it ought to have been whoa a matter tbat might be made to result in much profit to the dry, as wall as o the farmiep community, was to be considered. President Whealdon ex plained the objct of tbe meeting, and after an interesting informal discussion a resolution was passed unanimously tbat tbe officers of the club pioceed at once to make preparations for holding tbe first of a renee of monthly fairs iu this city on the first Saturday in Decem ber. Tbe object sought to be attained by tbe fair is to brine tbe buyer and seller together in the ssme way tbey are brought together in the weekly and monthly markets and fairs in all the smaller cities of the old country. If a farmer has horses, cattle, hogs, sheen chickens, or any of the vegetable nro- ductions of the farm to sell, be can bring tbem to town on fair day and confidently expect to meet a buyer who wants such things and wt o will take them at their (oil market value. Not only will local buyers look to fair day for supplying msny of their wants, but buysrs from abroad will be attracted, and thus the competition, which is the life of trade, will he promoted. Monthly fairs are no untried experiment, and once estab lished they wonld in time come to be looked upon as a practical necessity. When, for instance, horse buysrs learn tbat a large number of horses will be brought bere on a given day, they will not fail to be here in such numbers as will insure more sales at better figures and at less expense to tbe owners than tbey could be ordinarily disposed of in any other way. Tbe promoters of the fir will secure the Saltmsrshe stock yards or the O. . A N. Co.'s stockyards, or both, if need ed, and in tbese places stock of all kinds can be placed and offered for sale with out any cost to ths owner save, of course. for necessary feed, which, however, the owner will, wo presume, be permitted to boy where be plssse. For farm pro duets a convenient place on one of the streets will be designated, where the termor can, also without cost to himself, place bis warss and negotiate for their sale. There is no question ss to the benefit of such u market to tbe producer. Ths only question is, a ill be cooperate wlib The Dalles business men in their effort to establish it pod make it s sac cess? Van's stae It la, est est the effected oert free! with tfyoteriooe Palp Opts, a onto remedy , and the polaispoa. fete by Clerks i rasa. We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seoing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest aud ueatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. Tbe New IT oris Cash Store I BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out. We also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. PR .MAYS CROWE., Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The introduction of Coin's Origins.! Air-Tishv Hester has revolution ized the heating store trade in all sections of the United States, tts won derful economy in the use of fael, and many other excellent qualities, strongly recommend It to all In nee J of a healing stove. What Cole's Heater Will Do. Thi stove will heat a room from ssro to 80 degrees In flee minutes. It will heat your house evenly day and night. It holds fire 36 hours without attention. Yon build only one tire each winter. It horns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn cobs, and gives excellent results with this fuel, which Is ordinarily wasted. Tbe stovs is light snd easily moved and set up. The combustion is perfect and ssbes ere removed only onos in lour weeks. None of the heat Is wasted and tbe stove a ill save one-half of yonr fuel bill. It Is clean, economical, convenient, sate and durable. Every ope of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to stav eir-thl.t as long as used. Where wood is nsed for fuel every family should base one or mors of these stoves. Sold by MAIBR te BENTON, Tbe Dalles. May Seem Strange to those accustomed to the nana) way of doing thlnss, to talk about re duction at the hegininng of tbe season. Nevertheless tomorrow brings to uur customers a chance to buy winter wear at prices unheard ot be fore. For instance, No. 1 Oxford grey, allwooi, well made, with heavy check Haiti', good velvet collar, sold in the regular way at $8.50 ftyf St BP Hub Price. eftp3 Mo. S Good heavy pilot cloth, allwooi, in either bine, Liown or black, well lined, with velvet collar j sold In the regular sV As wsyattDM; Hub Price eJiJcWJ Mo. OKxira heavy allwooi, double-breestsd, In bine, brown snd grey, extra well made, with hsevy farmer aalisj lining , with Urve storm collar, j ist the ihlog for aoht west her ; Sold In IfcsltV AV the regufai way for $10 00; Hub Price splf eJf J Mo. 4 A flrstrlsss heavy ei lined, with extra Isrge storm wind or snow; sold iu tbe regular way for $15 00; Hub Price blocbllU, 4oubl-bfsaslsd, heavy eeHar, onnetrshre te either PBCIAL-26 d sen Men's Wool Flcteed Underwear worth $1 60 s salts Hub Price 95c evil. The Hub Clothing Co HUH OeOWIC BUIMMNO.) tUSJ