The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 16, 1901, Image 2

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    Tbi Mies Daily Chronicle.
50V. 16. 21
vtKfjr or politics.
The irfioence which 'be women
exerted ir, the recent electioo n Nt w
York shows that even witboct tbe
hefiot User m make tbemseive a
ptiw id politics- In four l?e
Colorado, liabo. t7tah aod Wyom
iej womts: bare tbe privilege of
to". j uir :a all aorta of elections, from
president downward,
tent as a.-::- Tber
on tbe siif
axe allowed to
wote on matter.- of taxati; and for
aebool Ctffieers io several of tbe o'.ber
states. PossiblT fB MtOfa w be
granted to women in eii of tbe MM
Date time. all though tbe movement
to fiut.1 their political privilege
has recently met :J reverse in
arvers.: star.?. Ir soms states Tomei
aTK .-nmrf it. Tit crusade,
hovrr. is kert cn. asi tbe chances
that it Mi make conquests M some
of tbe other states seem to be favor-
able enough to a good deal of
enconrssenjeit to it advocates.
Bet tbe success of tbe women in tbe
5 York ejK-'.:?: proves '.Lit they
. .
ean exert ntE-i sway even without
otins. In tte Nta Tork eaxvass
. ,
voe wonser ioqs a vtr
Of cjorse tifv were aa:r.s: Tan:
were against
Tbev fceid moeiinss is maxv
pari o Use ctr e verj day. Soane
of the most effrctivt addresses de-
am::n wt:e ".e dv women.
T .
Tberr best vers wis ti: ..sgr.
distr. 'Mf. m c-f c.rci..ars tr.r. egbott
tbe city, showing the enormities of
tbe licensed svsterr o' biat-cma:'..
j- .i
and itrot-itv wbkb Seam onder the
aaaw of Tammany government.
Nearly 7. L-ire'-ltrs ifpesling
to tbe peopk la strike d;wn Tarn-
but were i.str.t r w :-men
-iv.r -z. r.-; L.
A lv a wb L4 a. k. t. .aj v - a uvvaaia
of th citr. T . the cijrai itflaenee
of these women is largely dee the
magnificent vir.ory mm by the
eonse of morality ani .. vl izatiaa in
tbe eocntrv's n.e .:::!.
Several towns in ?ie m York state
have provided them 5 res w;ih voting
mast:. res tr. i n:i f-r thnaiastie over
tbe investment, bat New York City.
like must c-f trje rest o' ti.t ttuitrv,
Las been very slow to -catch on."
At tbe reoent ele-ttin.
had an object iesaon within its own
limits In one of tne Brooklyn dis
tricts a machine was nsed. and
thong h the v;t only fell one soon
of the vo in the jresidentiai oao.
patgn. in less than two minutes nfter
tbe polls art f .rxally ciosed the
eiecuon officers bad coneinde t their
tasks. Lie tt. Gov. Woodrnff. com
ing over from a neighboring booth
to find oct how things were gotog
aoaae ten minntes later, foond tbe
vote cs.l vfc&fci d and the judges clos
ing up, tboogn fa the be had
left the bollott were not even en
folded. Tbe votirg was more rapid
thi.;. ty tee w. i metood, the average
time con?Tcxe3 heirs eighteeu seo
ond. where three or f ont minutes is
not uncommon when the ballot has.
to be marked.
They bare an editor in Spring-
fieid. Mass.. who tnne op lepdarly
each fail MM sp-;tg tc cei-b ate in
ditbyrambit- prose the autemnai
gjories of Indian summer aod the
bursting buds of April Hark, hart' .
the lark of Springfield sings: Soeb
days as the iaat unday and yester
day are typical of la;: .an summer,
with its tingular atmospheric condi
tions ia full character the far-
ecboiog transmission of remote
MM&ds, the brooding peace and the
vapor k d.staoces ia wbit-h c-iouds
and biiis melt together, and through
the vista of the woodbaod gleam like
pjftamsl traaamg urauoos tbe yellow
young mspiea aod the tranalooent
red cornels, naakipg a fairy realm of
iaexpreosihle oty at once bright
aod soft the aaagical tendemesi of '
divine expression of harmony.
Not every year do we behold this
infinite coocinaily."" Infinite cam-
cinnity. Too much pompst-a pe.
And ft aedif woods if they i
have blizzards in Springfield.
Tbe Asbsriaa tustau that members 1
of tbe legislature shall be chosen who
will see to k ti; so senator shaH
be elected ahc ail! ar tbe txprove
ment of vbe river from Portland to
Astoria. Tbe idea U absolutely!
rilicatoos. What can possess those
Astoria papers, any war? Eastern
Oregon wiii hare something to say
about this matter anf we would no
more thir.k of sendirg to tbe United
States senate a mm bo u opposed
to tbe irrprovemtat of tbe lower
river than we wouid as Egyptian
A '. T'!reE seutirvy ?f:r jc be at-
traettve, Beauty u: stair x of health
tcause it is c:arti";fsiatjwS
at inner rnrjtv.
ri,, tUnr.w
A bea..ity woasan M
b-irt: and i.tir.T.
Wi ewn drop
f n:w!
trie veins is
pan oeaa.eoos tat u oa m cweA .
Bat Mai trie ruaod m impcre. tnara
sees. rmd :ecier ar-d a s e. rr : -x-iar.
". e ::.- ra e ::' eickaese a' Us xueia
lv. And weaken :dav Jrupw there is a
heaatr witoacr health. WoeoiCardr:
r- r wMSfi wilt, bcaatr ad aitrar-
,, by ,th t Jlggkl a
t&oss orjaos abict. aakt b wrnar.
Trx Wise of Car-c axd ia a niouti:
boot frieadt iD harder knew vow.
Dad Headache. Paine in various jru
td lit aadr, ffinrina; at the pit of tbe
?j.oa. L of SAMCite. Fereriehatiar.
v" " .--. - - -
aeca- -.--ft:- ro-.Std It wder
:. . f;od Aekw-f Rood
e. .jt5 aevat frc d tooota Sejofsioos
0r Srjt.3itk naeson' or aay xher tuood
iise. 1: :r cer-.ait.'T a wctirrir.
feraedy and we sel every b:r.:;e on a
S atrfv, toe dra-
WtM'f Tsar Far WrtB?
Soroeftimes a lortone. bat never, if yt
hive a saiiw eompjexioa. a jaaudised
I:k. moth ;teaes ad b-atehe on tne
ak:c,-aw. eia-ss of Lzstr Iron hie. r-ct
Dr. L.ti- r Sew LiJ Piiif arsve Gtemi
- " "
t:n, irT veets. r. .r.r. .oTxt.e.nar.
."r y 2: certs at G. C. Biakeiey Ima
Store. 6
13 aajaj eaUer irrjm piies?
r o: tsrx : o snripery ior reiief.
If so dc
Witet Hans! Sal re will act more nick iy.
mv mac. , a a v t .T-irK
and rtanrrr of an cpermu&&- C-artt k
Fak P. O. Pharmacy.
C. M. Phelps. Forcexdal, Vs.. atys
hi ehiid wa? e: t'.-etr y ccred t! a tau
of ecxema br toe oat oi I Win's
Wiieh Haze -are.
ant3ii3ta. It iaatact.v twiirva niiej
C'ark 4 F. a P. O Pnarmaey.
- axytiiac a .s year iazr go and aae
Jrt:r; n 2?S!l,,Ki?' t
mare a arret rr o
Faeal iotWn wL. cor wind eriti.lrihf
and aotiban.. aianniacrnrcd br C arcs
A Fa-k.
A !c. Je or Eaetaiax f :ms uzii .
plk ;ct reeerlred by Clarke i Ftlk.
"" r a arai w
rOiCy S tlOUCy mm MOT
Tire -AT atld H.--r'.
cdmpiene line of . . .
-ver Eii.wx t voe cjty
are aaw oa daapiay at
JT QJprjQ gr Co'S
1 l1114 3
iMliat and Oi! Store.
John Pashek. The Tailor.
Has jast xaeraBao 1000 aawpiaa
of the .a teat aavne:nr ta Geat S
CVahiosT Gooda. H ataraa-
teea pneas and a etd fit or no
pay. : :
John Pashek. The Tailor,
Undertaker ad Embalimr
Cor. Third and Waorttrajrton
- -r pQy. 1,
fr-rr aaasoa stt. Lacal. I0t-
- a aa. .aa AABK.mjBymmwB
feSLvw'vvwVVB'BVBB''rP "aar"arr "aw W SF bb
as. t.
Union and Second Streets. Ixcai Phone 92.
W c5sr r.rte icad? doliar regard
for asT caw of Catarrh that ear s be
cared by Hair GaUftrrh Core
F. J. Ceexft A Co. Ptpb. . T jJda, O.
We. tie na6jafed. hare kn?wn F.
i. Cbeaey far ih las" ih yars. xA be
lieve baaa ncrfartJT !j-on.-rbV ic al" mk-
rgs transact;!:? ar d fr.vncla. t aiiie to
carrr oot arj :.i3scar5:ii? tnae br tbear
Wesi k Tresx.rbo''aje Iv-iupeta, To
Vdr. 0.. Wa.dip. K i.rr. A- Martin,
WesaJe Drnffit's-t. Toie4. Oai.
Ha CMarrtt Cant k taaes iater
najiy. acrnc Baart ; roctbe bjsad an3
m oc&n Hrsar-s ai I oe eyeieaj .
F. J. CKavirT A C-c- JVii., To.eis O.
8qM br drrcsri-t. frjce .
H.."s FaaJ - J1-.. u-t "oefS. ii
Wbea: tow ba;r apiear dry and to
Lav? ;:s vital;:? aa&u sojaethinc
ta five it life and viarsr. Tt have what
:ae r.a:- iveo aner it peu zz, trjar cos
dniac. We lAve a the Osaam ti
5-ienf Hair Anfik Grower t r d
Cocoaant Cream
F Tosie. Tbe;
care daisd aw rrrT ai d aJ
i :r eae : rrtifr ? Ir-
p. Price 5iic and Tar a oottie. j
F. Jacaaoa, tanviij, Ik., wntei : M;
daoah-r bad a aevW attaek of la frippe)
' ar.d a terrlt. eonh eett'ied oc n lanfs.
We tried a jrrrst trasy roiriediee w:tJcct
giT-nt Ssi rriec Fy s Hauey
and Tar w hich cared her. Kh has
never beer tr:rbd w::r a e;sxi. atnee."
Cie k FaJk.
i La rripne es-nf hs ofiee cot tin ne for
Booths and eon.'-times I-ead la iatai re
oij aiaer the patiect it eurtJOed to
have passed the darcer pnic:. Fteey e
ri .t,f v arid . arJ-t-ii nrr-
lectjrJi aeerritT front these eaths.
iJt: i i-H.t tars? Kan never
aiss.rPo:nt. Tiitj
are t. proaip:,
remorine all :tn
ver and howeis.
curiae frcm the
rmaii ant east t.; :. Nrver crioe ar
distrtea. Carre k Fa-k a P. O. Paar-
TIE f eT n fflKSE
F. J. CLAF.KF. anaw.
a -socHTB aa-iia-i jcuvt
Tae Great Chinese Axaerieas Sersatiar .
...of the...
by Cfaaa B'iaaey and
Ctarie A. lay or.
The Hsnan Toaex of Ceiak. 1
T:,t ir 1'-.iim Ar ' .r. i"i -..
The Chinese Cake Walk and Eagtim
Hat '
Tat CfebMM aaanggiers Landing a
The Pclke Said oa aa Otiam Joeat ? "
The Cniaear Iheau oa a Sew Year's
First five row, T5c; balance
of the house 50c
ao aalaas ChwawA fat -.
Blakeley's Drug Store, jjjs?jj
W eTTT itt .l-ctv. ai cost crfiaaJrte t X oa I EX fT a' Lw W aod V-
Dor a aiaoicisa. Ewjiisat rfc-
SP05GKS aa is -iUi-petif ftxttjwsmt MB.
rrascswd aaiLBTS. ! r
raEio a-a r utais,
fHOTO St rt LIE. Br btv srtrnna.
raoro rarEBaaa aioi nts. j , i!aa- ratitt.
i r.irviv CHOTOIJirES. " ati Ww a-l la Cr-ia.
IL oi:it .: -. x: DflTtf DUftMPC i I i ! Uf '3 fr.
First-Class Regular Meala
Rojal Toke Point and Olympia Ojsters served
at all hours and in all styles.
4 Agency ALDON BRAXD delicious Chocolates
4 and Confections.
Subscribe for The
L. Lane,
ooo Corr iow
FiaH Brotherw' Wagon.
Srata r w4 Snaaaaa.
Another rid raious !um had haa been
crandad by tiie mast c ja.ttM Mtlhor-
stiec They have dtefl'ifci the aiiiy avo-
tnat ore t:n-d or iaud i needed for
brain, another fcr n. nee lee. and US an-
au-er Jar oaoes. A -..-wt a-t w ... oot
:-t y nonr.s:
brv. fc: i:
a part of tne
a ... sceta:a vbtt her
parr . Yet. nowever gnod yoor faad may
be, its satrimewt is deetaoroi by tadi
g-estiua or dysr.yti Y as mast te -
pare lor trje';r mt'pnaraneie :t preverj?
. m
rcedirine ai the haaathy miUkaca. A Jew
doses aifl difteil:, et'ima -ate the lire?
M asatVl ar.:. Mt: -,e h ood, and
snaae yaa ire-: aor-raut and trigoroo.
oaa get Dr. B. C. Gteaae reliable
remedis at L.c--.ej t droe auare. et
Orn's tperial A.ananac 1
sri stsa locsu.
Toe wiil oat have aohc rf von take
C ,rr, A F anr rr KruW
&-cia; iaehiWrea,'. echooi haas.
caps and baby noaoM, at the Campbell
k Wi eoB millinery parlors Fnday aad
Satardar of th week. Cn-th:rd cdT
BBBaa nr arte
aaaaaaaaj pnoe.
If yon want ta retain yoot hair yon
litr to k-i' i :" .'-, & rta-m. Kmb
will make roar
La:r harai drv and
Kow we have two of the very
far raas:nsr the
Kfg ana Tar xiaaapao. li
leve roar neir sort ad arloasv
Prx, Cti, aod aw era ta a buul. at Fraaar'r
harher ex. Tue Iia lea. tf
j , J
bTT I" aadaawaeo i-gtt ,
aacae '. n aa .a tr will traoW tw
-1 lad T. J. Oaiea, Toe Dalles.
T. Mar eh wtl: grew a big lcrfcey
oa tnebooab oa tba a, STT. and
aah at SavosBbar. aZtdaa
S Pair's I
Oiflbrd Fotoe Newer Fade.
Always fresh.
Prof. Homer de HomsotV
Titt Lit: an-.ri & BtC: t tit frt: rrait
ate Bain is eacr je hotianat TS waaea ) -p
cartat Tranot CSairrfjcx.: eikS Krt iH eaa
a Bor.tsE.:wa aai:-T m cScad ilS.
era! fte K erriB 1 witaont a actn Sbt aroat
atriaSit Paiati-t ma6 Oaarrw an: ua tr td i
ooay ! at . tiadex neaa. aws3a tte s
arrarfcTwi- tei.3f if tt zdaTkL ol asat ia i
vwir 3aa4 mtAnt yats tip aia tt J
oi roc 0aaO
PaJmaarr feaaajrlat e(t:tTti:i' Teaoii der3- f
wpac H i? -it aata t b anM '
to'. etn-riirfiii?? aiFi k-jCOsis :iitrabt 65
bjb. f n 'rwi-fjjt I tit met.
3rc3 amaraat el i nee.
Aeta t iaaaaaa.
? FarOn4. Aar re . ria ka ECitOTi -MaaaaB '
r Tl-1- ; w 5 tt w
.t : s vw fi
nta-.talei t-r :-.-r -i.-e iataa it, Mr. A. j' .
srn aaaaaa iJ ris Nawf a . Tne r7rb e-
KXa. rOaOCtS f-TOUW.
' i
-. :- ut.rea r:.ti tt' r .re
'. i:.x.
afar Waaairinar Vara -ia-
i ttar aaaa .nai mm6c m aaaaBaajS IBS-i
iauiaaiae taaaaaS ana a kaar CafifOrxda icna-
' B fr7 S 'r"- -jtbexc s pwat
- Eduar fatoamc -.1i-a.-
Tra.itr. a Oenerai Eariinr Brpjjfjf 0StiODdl BT-
..isd't -
ul- unm .naus.
Sigot Exchange- aod Teteeraphie
Traaater aaid 't Xrw York, Cbieago,
- Loait. eVaa Ftasnw-j, Portiaad Ore-
f15- ","-t-"r -'aa.. and rart putau
On-goo aod WaahiftgaB.
Oaiiactiogs made at at! poists oa fat -
aJBiaa Lermt.
' . . s mr
aas r racrc ijcaa car
Fine Lard and SaUSmgeS
Cms if HIIO
a fa aTflO OC
Union Pacific
Wateawn Ktvr.
Caty. SewSnerf.
. jawaaaBOaaaa
. ; daaOar
CarraII -iJ t.-
' a.m.
rast CStv. Dvr i
' Ua
a Tit Suaa.i
i So. i. te viae Tbe OaSca at 3k a. i
r j tt. raaBBom ai Biacj? .lEaaaj
jxe. I xr L a m
: .'.Lt
lit A To
dar of ealoeaoa.
Sight aod Tolsaiayj ir Exc-aage sa
Www TerwVm frsaarasec aad "
Sic a-jgeaaoee
Jao. c.
fan saw. Goo- A.
H M. Beat.
a -
aa. saawa BSDIH Oat'ta'Ta'aaalBBl
Vaf I llai
JB a--
w m. arisaow. .
pifot-Cjat-S '9 PBtj fjfiP&L
Heals atWI I7CJM-.
an ' anni0 arSi.
j atlaasw M
iA. fW TTafai ITaffci. liaimai
rmm. aaaaaaia.WaOanjr!
'(all aOHteaTOaa -s
Maawbrr. taaanaaw. aaaao.
a tBBBtev-
FVrta?a aaatxSao
m "' ""ljxVlIXixlaaoaJ
Ti ZBea OaaaaL
aajaaj - - - OMOOal
a a aaiaakBaMaa i aansaaaai jawaw iisaa iss auamaaaawBB
Deausia. sasaM, aabjact x gbt
Tae Mb always aapptisd wis
baat la too sBawaet.
71 Psoas St.. aear Coart. The