The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 15, 1901, Image 4

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H. H Lufur im in town to-
Hon. W.
W. A. Stark, father of Lawyer Siark,
of t! is city, wits id town today Irom !
M osier.
State Senator S;etwer, of Fossil, tpent j
la night in the c.ty the guest of the j
Uinaii'la House.
Miss Florence (ieorge, of Portland,
who hae been the guest of Mrs. A. J. j
To:mie for tbe past two weeks. left today j
on tbe noon train for a visit in Eastern
In this city yesterday, November 14th,
IS Mr. and Mrs. David l.-a..;.-n. a son. ;
Think' Thfrr' T..o Much Carelrar
Editor Chronicle:
I'k.'.i. Sik: I wi?h to respectfully call
yonr attention to the following facts:
First, that a very few days ago yon
aononoced in yonr daily tbl dfa'h of an
infant from diphtheria within the city
Second. Did you know toat tbe fam
ily in which the death occurred was not
Third. That no flag was put on the
pr-i: :--s until wi:n;n a few honrs of tbe '
child's death.
Fourth. That a public .funeral was :
Fifth. That tbe question arises in lay
mind who was to blame for the above.
Now. Mr. Editor, don't yoc thick 1
thing hae frone far enough? Some of
onr physician are advocating tbe clos
tag of the public schools for the reason
that everv day or two some child is;
taken sick in school, and next day there ,
i another ca;e of diphtheria. There is
too much carelesmss. Life ir not va.
ned as it should be. and i? severe steps
are not taken soon, there win be an epi- j
demic. Citizen.
to buy
to wear.
Ever wear the Famous
House shoe?
They're warm
Advertise in the Chronicle
White Collar Line.
lit BHies-m finie
Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points.
AH kinds of
Funeral Supplies
The Dalles, Or.
on Tne-
I. eaves Portland at 7 a. m
dav, Thursday and Saturday.
Arrives Tbe Dalles, same day, 5 p. m.
Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. ru. on Son
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m.
Meals the Very Best.
'This Route has the Grandest
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
' Portland-Astoria Route
A IUot of I - : luif fun.
WheD Dan Malosaj mads- a bid for
tbe heart and Land of the Widow
C.".d-t he was guileless gl the complica
tion? and tortoroos path that leads to
mytriinony. He bad not read the
emed '"Rales of Courtship,'' or "Hew
to Win a B-sde," nor was be gifted wi:h
the chivalry or grace of Lean BrBSMML
He wanted the captivating and wealthy
Widow CiaLicy, aad that is all h knew
or tbottgnt of, and toe many tunny coa
pHffattwsi tbat resumed from hi- ignor
ance of tbe polite liKt that gcvern such
social proceedings is embodied in all
their umor in "Malouey'e Wedding," ;
a hilarious corned r-drauia that will be
at the "ogt tomorrow night. Dai. and
tbe j i!y widow are I ha victims of
a score of funny entanglements and up
roarouah humorous situations. Tnt ir
blunders keep an an iien:e in tbe merri
est of moods, and Dai's prosaic ideas o?
tbe little god cupid wonld tickle a Texas
?ter. It is the wlttie-: kind of a com- ,
tay, and b'imfu! of the most reiaxative
aniueemei.t. A pye;;y story is unfolded
in its plot. It btristhn with tnnecl
singing and the brightest and most orig
inal climaxes and si;aations. Tbe old
ami young a'ike car: share its pleasures, !
ior it is whoie"inie, crisp and clean, and
prr?ii.tru ay a capital I'UUiUau; .
JeBrie and Huh'.lu Figbt.
Clark & Falk 8re never cioeed Scoday.
Don't ioreet this.
Clarke x Fa'.k have on sa;e a full line
of paint n-,l artist's brushes,
A new iine of children's school hats
an i caps received at Campbell & Wil
son's mi'linerv parlors. At reasonable
Ir... and see tbem. c-23 tf
Fiuk nave iiist received a
sn Ve''OX papers and de-
tbe same as u.-ed bv Mr. Iovick
Daily Roond Tripe except Sunday.
Iave Portland
Leave Astoria
.7 A. M.
.7 p. 11.
Landing and office Foot of Alder
Street; both phonei. Main 351. Port-
; land, Oregon.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
i - l ' r tiei ihtB i ii-T i.i " " ' r '
Cnnftun I'tinn S3.
Long lllat. 10l.
i Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere
' stimnient to tired natnre. It affords tbe
; stomach cooplete and absolute rest by
digesting the food von eat. Yon don't j
have to diet hut can enjoy ail the good E- Cricbton, Agent Portland,
! food yon want. Kodol Dyspepsia Core j Pratber and Barnes, Ats., Hood River,
instantlv re'ieves that distressed feeling j Wolford A Wvere, Agts.. White Salmon,
unci rsiiun, uu Df w :jtr nnu
vigor. Ciarke A Fn'.k P. O. Pharmacy.
Wasco wnn
Clark and
i fa'.! line ol fr
j velopers
in hie recent demonstration at onr store.
Y.'H shonid know that Folev 'e Honey
And Tar is aheointelv the best for all
diseases cf the throat and lungs. Dealers
are authorized to guarantee it to give
satisfaction. Clarke & Piatt.
Lwis O.kerman, OoShSSi Ind : ' De
! Wii'e Little Early Riser; never bend me
' doable like other pills, bat do their work
I thoroughly and make me fee like a boy."
' Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke ik
Faik'e P. O. Pharmacy.
Bjfluapaia can be cared by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tab'ets. One little
Tabiet will give immediate relief or
rr.oney refunded. Sold in Lau lsome tin
boxes at 5 eta. Rlakaiey the drnggiet.
All boiidings and obstractione in tbe
ttreete of The Dallrs most be removed j
irom the streets witbin thirty days from
this date or the matter wi'i be submitted I
to tt.e connci. tor them to act opon it.
By order of C. V. Ohajiflu".
Marshal Dalies Oitv, Or.
Dated Xov. 3. 1901. n7 dl,?Aw
White Man Tamed Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by tbe
friends oi M. A. Hogarty of Lexington,
Ky., when they saw he was turning yel
low. His skin slowiy changed color, also
Lib eyes, and he suffered terribly. His
malady was Yeiiew Jaundice. He was
treated by tbe best doctors, but without
benefit. Then he was advised to try
E'ectric Bitters, tbe wonder ic' Stomach
and L;ver remedy, and he writes: "After
taking two bottles I was wholly ciea."
A trii'. proves its matchless merit for ail
Stomach, Liver and Kidney trcibles.
Only 38c. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the
druggist. 6
Experience is ihe best Teacher. Use
Acker's Englisn Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money rcfnnoed
25 ct. and 5b cts. Biakeley, the druggists.
Wanted 100 nead of broke or half
broke horses, of 14 to 15 hands in height
ai d from 5 to 8 year: of age. A so 50
haad of horses weighing from 1 100 to
1200 pounds. Bring them next Tuesday,
November 12:b, to Ward s Robertson's
stalie. " u7-lwddltw
J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria.
R. B. Gilbreth, Agt., Lyle, Wash.
j. M. FIUOON. Agent, The Dalies.
Dalles, geM & sstoiia
Balietins of the fight by rounds wiil
be displayed excin-ive'-y at Gumbert's
Leading Cigar and Tobacco Bouse while
the fi:ht is in progress tonight
L. L. Van Puftancfc has aain
the Umati;!a House barber ehop, where
he will be p'eased to eee ali nis old
friends and as nnuy nea ones as pos
sible. nSlw
A Ton of
12 l-2c per lb.
rinyetl Out.
Dull Headache. Paina in various parte j Care
o! the nodv, at tne pit 01 tne
stomach, Liss of appetite, Feverishnes,
Pimples or trjres are ali positive eviden
ces of inipm-e blood. No matter how it
oecamo so it must be purili--d in order
to obtain eood health. Acker's Blood
' Eiexir -has neve: failed tocare Scrafnloae
. j or Syphilitic poisons or any other biood
eased . .
aiseases. U is ceriamiy a wunuttrini
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive gnar3ntee. Blakeley, the drng-gist.
Mothers every wnere praise One
j Uinute Coagh Cure for the sufferings it
has relieved and tiie lives of their lisile
j ones it has saved. Strikes at the of
I the trtAble and draws our tbe ir fim-
mation. The children s favorite Coueh
Clarke k Falk's P. O. Pbarmacv.
Erer-bearing raspberry nlants at Mrs.
C. J. S'.nb'ing'e for tee cents each.
Foley's Honey mad Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
The larceat and most
complete line of . . .
Yellow Danvers
.50 per sack.
Job iuUIi t Have Stood It.
If he'd bad Itching Piles. They're,
terribly annovinir; butBucklen's Arnica .
Bain will cure the worst case of piles on ;
, earth. It has cared thousand?. For In-j
juries. Pains or Bodily Ernp'i ns it's I
; the beat salve in the world. Pi ice 25c
a box. cure guarantteu. s iia t?
Blakeley, the druggist. 6
at 7 A. M.
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ol f 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, &ii kindi
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, tl"
Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendto-
frj IfloiH This Hoar manufactured exprasalr for fatafir
AV nae : everv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaete.
Wa sail onr good lower than any borcae in tbe trade, and if yon don't thinks
call and get oar prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
F. S. OUfifllllG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
A runt for Unwell & Co.'s Emclnea, Thresher and Saw KUla.
Cor. Second ft LmUii Six.. THE DALLES OL
Telephone 157.
Lone Distance 1073.
...Portland Boat...
at 7:00 A. M.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent,
Tbe Dalles. Oregon.
Kon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly veg-etable.perfectly harmless, 8are to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
PUfTiflM Bewmre or eennterfeira aur itnita-.iuns. The m nulne i pt op on!r in pasie-boMi 0
bsacllor tirciiiar lo WILLlAAis A1U Co. Sulo Agents, Clevulaatf. Otuo. VMkPC7
Fur aaie bv Geo. C. Blakelev. The Dulles. Or.
ITbat's V..ur Faw Wi.rlli?
Sometime a lortune. bat never, if yoa
look, moth patches and blotches on ttie
skin.-al! ains of Livtr Trouble. But
Dr. King'. New Life Pills give Clear
ever shown in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Cos
Paint and Oil Store.
Eating Potatoes
75c bushel.
I Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion. 1 T . n , .,
Only 25 cents at G. C. Blakeley 's Drag 3 Pashek, The TailOT,
Store. 6
drv and to
dition. w e have
We pay 30c a doz. S!,.nsatHcrmB&
will care dand ummmw
fOl' i scalp disease. Ftjr sale a
Fresh Ranch Eggs.
rnnr lislir a nraaarai
j v ' a i a a 1 1 " a . c a ut a J I
nave tost us vitality u want eometiiing
to give it life and vigor. We have what
tbe hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. We have ft the Crown of
Science Hair irSMtJgW Grower ai d
n.BV Tonic. They
dand Bumum mil a 1 a'
scalp diseases. For sale at Fratr' bar
ber shop. Price mk and . a bottle
Has just received 1000 samplfg
of tbe latest patterns in Gent's
Clothing Geods. He guaran
tee, price and a good fit or no
pay. : : : : :
Just What
Yoa txt&nt.
I' l Kj If
Prices guaranteed to Dec.
1st, 1901.
Grocery and Feed Store. ,
Sick Headache absoi a tely unrt perma
neotiy cared by using Mki Tra. A
I . . L J : L '. . . . . -.' '
irat:tm owro uniiK. vU"- nini'iiirauuu i
and indigestion, makee yjn eat, el
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25 cts. aodoOct. Blakeley,
tbe druggist.
ideae in Wall Paper here.
: wide variety as we are showing never ba
lore graced a single stork. Keal imita-
John Pa8hek, The Tailor tiQn cr,ton t ordinary pneea.
: Good papers at cheap paper price.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
HTTT I D LL . for amatl Pri. l onr More ou Third
. W . JL U XtXN JliXL . street. Also a (nil line of boose paint.
ID. W. VATJSE, ThirdSt.
eepjDyer and Gleaner r
1 . . . iu
Kaia t la.
Jut wet. tbe affected part freely witb
MysteriouH Pain Cure, a Ewoteb remedy,
and the pain is gone. Bold by Clarke A
Blanket ecientificaliy e'eanad and
Portierre curtain dyed all color.
Mail order will receiv. prompt al
tentioa. Phone Nod 131,
&!VMXmi Portland. Or.
lrftgaUoe, Bridcc, Ballroatl aud Water BoppW
'ltjr. aUne and Expert Land barveylng. Map
ping. Etc.
LoaaUae, Cooatruc Uun and Malntenanee erf
High war, to ash and favaneoia.
taaiB oi rouydaUon. Modem Bridgtat, new
era, Baaarroin. Masonry an jctnras. Etc.
al Addnss, F. O. Box sit, TBE l AXLES, OB.
Of the product of this well-known brewery tbe United States Health
Reports for June 28. 1900, says: "A more supei ior brew never entered
the labratory of the United State Health report. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, bat on the other band is composed of
the beat of malt and choicest ofchopa. It touic qualities are of tbe high
est and it can be used witb the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old Bad
young. Iu use can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians with
the cersainty tbat a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON
They overcome
ness. Irregularity Baa
Amiooinnc it 1 1 ' r&sM)
mm iihi 1 1 1 1 1 .
of menstruation." They are "UFK HW'EBU " to fhi
womanhood, aiding development of organ and body.
known remedy for women equal tbem. Cannot do nAraig
become a pleasure. ai.OO PE3B BOX BY MAIL fmm
by touggfcta. VJL MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland. IBB
For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or
r. m.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second StreoV
Phon: 51 Local.
K68 Long DUiaaot.