The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 15, 1901, Image 3

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    -Sjav. nt rsafcw
...The New Yerk Cash Store...
138 and 143 Swoond Strnst.
The BARGAIN STORE of tho City.
..Beys' m Trail's school suits..
-jBjBf jSww Pbansaasasav
II B v 1 I-
sgaawgsr baaa aaa"
Wc exeet the Linen De
artment to be humming
this week. Cvenj pat
tern is bright and new.
Oar fecial Prices for
will M'ove to be a big
the good things are gone
Men's black eliff hats, latest fall block, fresh
new stock; hats that usually sell at 2.00
and $2.50, j
Pease Way Price
for Saturday only
Your Storm Boots are
here. Shoes that keep the
feet dry and warm are not
usuolly very handsomo, but
our box calf and kid shoes
add both style and comfort to
their other virtues. Some
have heavy welted extension
soles and Cuban heels. Leath
ers are pliable and comfort
able to wear. Wo have tho
regular height and the extra
high cut, the most sensible
shoe for winter's snow and
slush. $&, $3.30 and $4
will buy a pair.
fhe Dalles Daily Cbmfete.
NOV. 15. 1901
, an m Served '
At Andrew Keller's. J
All Whm Comity .irmli reffintared
prior to December 8, ISM, will be paid
on presentation at my . latereM
mm arter October SO, 1901.
joa r. n amps hi ss.
County Treasurer.
Two 600-pound etargeons were caught
the other day at the Cascades.
Do not fail to attend the picture and
pumpkin pis social tonight at the M. .
Wanted A girl to do general house
work in a family of two. Irqeire at
this office. ni l Iw
Professor Sandvig announce that the
uenal dance will not be given at the
Baldwin tomorrow night.
The Glacier aaye diphtheria is epi
demic at Underwood. Four children
h ive already died from it.
The weather prophet ears snow. Are
yon prepared? Read the ad. of the Hob
C.othini Co. in today' issue.
Wanted A girl or woman to do most
ly chamber work. No washing, no
irooing, and no children. ni-tf
A marriage license was issued tbia
morning to W. H. Christians and Mrs.
Marie Perisno, both of this city.
One minute to read our ad. ; one min
u e to look in our window. Two min
utes well spent. Hub Clothing Co.
It will probably not rain tonight, but
Dj not forgst your old rubbers when
yon start for the social at the M. E.
That special sale of overcoats. We call
'em automobile's because they go so fast.
You'll have to hurry. The Hob Cloth
ing Co.
Madam Fry tells past, present and
future. Specialises on love affaire, mar
riage and divorce. Room 9, Union
eluding Mrs. Woodworth's solo, and also j provocation bad snapped a pistol in
ronr coffee, pie and sandwich. J Wilson's face. The gun, fortunately,
Wheat has dropped in this market a Jdidn't go off, else Mr. Wilson wouid
cent a bushel and is now Belling at 51,mo certainly have been killed. The
eantalfor No 1 Jur? found Davis guilty as charged in
J. Fait, of the Owl saloon, has secured
direct communication with San Fran
cisco by telephone, and tonight will re
ceive a toll report of the great Jeffries
tbe indictment.
A Yankee invention is about to knock
ont all the telephone girls. Each per
son does his own switching and no one
Ruhlin fight by rounds fifteen minutes I hears what he says to another. If the
earlier than anybody else.
The returns of the Ruhl'n- Jeffries
prize fight will be received at Gnmbert's
cigar store Friday evening. Tne fight
will be received by rounds and all inter
ested parties are invited to be present to
bear of tbe battle of tbe giants.
The Dalles Chronicle will soon iseoO
an illustrated edition. Tbe work is un
der the management of W. C. Campbell,
formerly editor of the Oregon City En
terprise, and that fs guarantee enough
t at it will be first-class. ijhauiko,
Lvader. s
Gov. T. T. Geer has appointed Wm.
0. Minor, of Heppner, Frank Brown, of
North Yamhill, and C. M. Certwright,
of Hay Creek, delegates-.a-large to the
National Live Stock Association, which
meets in Chicago on December 3d, for a
fonr days' session.
Jim Welsh wis arrested by Marshal
Chain plin yesterday afternoon and con
veyed to the eo'aboose in an express
wagon in a stats of glorious paralysis.
At the request of Jndgs Doherty Welsh,
this morning, contributed to to the run
ning expenses of the city.
The business m n of the city are re
quested to meet at the club rooms at
8 o'clock this evening to consider the
proposition of instituting a monthly sale
fair at this place. Tbe front doors will
be open and every citizen wbo is in
terested in the progress and welfare of
the city is invited to be present.
Don't forget when you are looking foe
real estate that Hudson & BrownbiJI
and Dad Butts are still in tbe swim. If
you have a good farm near town to trade
for a fine home in the city, they can. sc-,
commodate you, or will sell you a good
city or farm home cheap and ou easy
terms. For further particulars call on
or write to Hudson k Broanhill.
State Representative George Miller, of
Arlington, wbo wss a rabid Corbettin
after the republicans of this district bad
voted for him a year and s half ago, and
an thing-to-catch-votes before election
line is busy a boner prevents him fiom
saying a word or understanding what is
said, Tbe system has been tried' in
New Bedford and works to a charm.
There is but one person st tbe central
station and she can walk around tbe
block at any time and put a stop, to the
se qf the 'phones. In that city the
ew Invention has already cut down tbe
prices of the 'phones to users fifty per
According to the records of tbe United
States land office at this place, Waeco
county has still 512,408 acres of land
that is open to settlement. Of this
333,348 acres are surveyed and 179,060
nnsurveyed. The total area of the
county is 1,761.000 acres. Of this 23,530
acres have been reserved and 1 ,225,062
acres appropriated nnder the various
land laws. Between January 1st and
November 1st of the present year 280
new homestead entries have been made
in tbe county, covering 44.000 acres of
land, while proofs have been made on
65 homesteads, 18 commoted home
steads, 4 timber cultures, 9 cash entries
and 16 timber and stone entries,
Tbe annual meeting- of tbe commit
sloners of the Second Eastern Oregon
District Agricultural Society was held
here on the 12th instant when President
Robeit Mays, Vice-president Dakek and
Treasurer J. S. Fish were re-elected,
and C. E. Bayard was elected secretary
and N. H. Gates assistant secretary.
.The time for holding tbe next district
fair was not decided upon, for tbs reason
that there is a reasonable expectation
that the state fair at Salem will, next
year, change the time of its annual
meeting and that a general effort will
be made to have a regular circuit, com
mencing witb Salem and followed in
doe succession by Portland, The Dalles,
Pendleton, La Grande and Baker City.
Carl Peels, of Sherman county, cele
brated his 64th birthday last Tuesday.
Referring to tbe event the Moro corres
pondent of the Sbeniko Leader says:
Mr. Pacts, who is one of our most re
his declining years, buying a snug home
in Moro, where he will probably cell
I brate several more birthdays before he
goes to jtin the great majority. Few
there are who have made more friend
and less enemies than oar good German
friend, Carl Peets."
River pirates at Portland came near
murdering the watchman of the steamer
Regulator Thursday inorniug. The vie
tim of their assault, a brother of Cap
tain W. J. Johnson, had just come from
Canada and had -been working on the
Regulator only two daye.s Shortly after
be bad gone into the bold to start flies
in tbe engine be was confronted by two
men, one of whom leveled a revolver at
him and told him to hold up his bands.
Johnson immediately complied witb the
demand, bnt did not raise his hands
sufficiently high to satisfy the robber.
"Get them up higher, there," came a
second command, and as Johnsqnje-as
about to stretch out his arms at full
length a pistol shot raog out. Feeling
that be was thot Johnston dropped to
the floor. At the same time the two
men turned add ran. The shot awaken
ed a number of the crew sleeping on the
deck, but before s search could be In
Muled the robbers had mads their es
cape. Johnson believes he wonld be
sble to identity his sssailants on sight.
His woood is not dangerous, although it
will prove painful for some time. He
believes that the man wbo did the shoot
ing did not intend to shoot, but got ex
cited and accidentally put lt d the trigger
too hard.
Street Lodging House.
George A. and Fred Ycong "i'd I ...... u reMlriD1. ; tMcted citiceuc. is a native of Scblsscig
. u .1- m ' -- w -f " -
is isace. It is presumed, ae it is well ; Molstein, and fooght in the ten years'
understood tbst he wants to go back to
the legislature. Brother George bad
better suppress bis ambition. Tbs re
publicans of Oregon have hung ont tbs
sign in big capitals : "No 8iinon-Cor-bstiita
used apply for anything."
Tbs circuit court ess occupied nil
this forenoon with the caas of B. at.
Davit, who was aeon sad by tbs stats of
tsault with a deadly wssfos on t
person of Sen VJIcnn, of tbs Cast En.
It was pro" that Davis bad eutcd
mf urn
here today from Kidgeway, after sopeii
tending tbs dipping of 12,000 bead
hssp, their entire flock.
Officer Ali'ky has a telescope grip
that be found on Fulton street, wbicb
tbe owner can have by proving property
and paying far this notice. nlo-16
The Ballsy 0tsrt. that bas plied all
summer between Tbs Pailss and Port
laud, resume! bar old run between
Porilsnl and Astoria last Tuesday.
ont ttaVMw rsbkgss for ttaw
const as mossy tonight. Two pairs and
tenssnls pays Is
Wilson's tatooo. and sjstbsnt
war between tbs Danes and Germans
for tbs possession of tbst prinoipslity.
The Gsrmans wars victorious, therefore
our friend Carl passed onder their mis.
Not relishing the change of government
Mr. Pasts lsft tbs old country soma
thirty-five years sgs. Of this period he
rat ssssn ysnrt flab ting grsssbspnsrs
Mianaaots, Ihirtncs years drsnsbad
witb rain in thf Paget Son ad country,
bringing in eiaUas ynaes sgs in Star-
fknnt ibpn be has fgrgjgsj
a sssspstnasy for
Pease May
SO hort length of Ta
ble Damaftkft. &ecil
No. I
2, and 8- ard lengths.
Lot Cli lr
9, and 8-yard lengths.
nMe ftatiirday Mortv
Ifttj at oYJoclu
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's nothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is tho time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases witnout
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until tho nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The NewTork Cash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Funl.
The introduction of Cole's Original Alr-Tiuln Heater has revolution
ized the heating stove trade in all sections of the United Slates. Its won
derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other eicalUnt qualities,
strongly recommend it to all in neei of a heating stove.
What Cole's Haatar Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from zro to
80 degrees In five minutes.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 36 hours without attention.
You build only one tire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corn eohs, anl gives excellent rem its witb
this fuel, which Is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light and easily moved and
set up.
The combustion Is perfect and ashes are
removed only ones in lour weeks.
None of the heat Is wasted and the stove
sill save one-half of yonr fuel bill.
It I
economical, convenient, ssfs
Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is goaranteed to Slav
alr-tUht as long as used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
hex one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The' Dalles.
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
May deem Strange
to those accustomed to the uinsl way of doing thitws, to talk sbut re.
duciloiin at tbe brginlflttg of ibe season. Nevertheless tomorrow bring
to our customers a chsoce to buy winter wear at prices unheard of be-
fore. For instance,
No. t Oiford grey, all wool, wall made, with heavy check Using,
irood vlvt collar, sjfl lo ihe regular way at 8 oO AV
Hub Prftc aftnOiJ
No. 8Cocri hesvy pilot cloth, allwool, in cither l!'i, l.iown or
blick, well lined, with velvet collar; sold iu the regular fetX Ag)
wayt9W; Hub Pries) i?tlfJ
No. 9 Fxtrs heavy allwool, donb!e-brsaited. Iu blue, brown
and grey, extra well made, with heavy farmrr satin llnluv, with lare
storm collar, J ist the thing for eoid wealher ; sold Iu tkgk
the regular way for 110 00; Hub Prtcav plf )9P
No. 4 A HrstcLss heavy ebloohills, donblt-bressted, heavy
lined, with t-xjr largs storm solUr, unpenetrable to slthsr
vol or snow; sold lu lbs regular way for gift 00; b API
Hub Pries ?WwHi?
PECIAL-SA destn Men's Wool Fisssed Underwear
worth $1 80 a salt ; Hub Prleo 93 .
The Nub Clothing Co