Tbi Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY - NOV. 15. 1901 This from the Astoria News is the political gossip of the time at the Oregon metropolis, with enouah of truth in it to make it very interest- ing reading for seme people : A prominent Portland man was down today and said that Joe Simon's goose was cooked. H. W. ScDtt has gone in with Mitchell to put up an anti-Simon ticket in Multnomah and that means e?e&tn to 'Little Joe.' H. W. Corbett is now ugair.st him and Henry McGinn is pulling with Scott. This is the Simon backbone taken out. Recently a large crowd of Mitchell's friends were gathering at his headquarters. Mitchell was late. Finally be eame just after Scott had arrived. Mitchell went off with Scott and left all the rest of them until they slipped off. The correspondent of the Salem Journal tells the rest. He says : 4Tbe late arrival who took so much valuable time was Harvey Scott, and it is given out that he and Mitchell are closer than brothers and would work .... . together in perfect harmony id case r - of an emergency. If they should be called upon to s:t together in the senate they would differ on nothing nri thpir"hprt would heat as one for the dear people of Oregon.' " Agitation has begun in some parti of the slate for a law prohibiting the pasturing wkbtn certain limits of residences, herds of sheep or other stock, says the Baker City Republi can. Farmers without stock favor the measure because transient herrl? often locate within a short distance of their homes and eat away the sustenance of their domestic animals. It is as easy for transient herds to seek other pastures, hut impossible for the farmer to drive his stock daily the distance of several miles. The law, should it be enacted and was legal, would doubtless have the unanimous support of farmers and the united opposition of stockmen. BUhop Potter was asked recently what be thought of weman suffrage, and it h reported that be made the diplomatic replv : "My dear madam, I have gotten awa- beyond that : I am trying to make the best terms with the sex that I can obtain." ; ThU recalls the saying of William M. Evarts when aked b- a lady if be did not think that woman was the best judge of woman. He replied : "Not only the best judge, madam, but the best eseculioneer." President Eoosevtlt does not be lieve a young man who will jilt a girl is fit to serve as an officer of the United Stales arm. Because the records showed that William P. Crawford had committed this offense, the president refused to appoint him a second lieutenant in the regular army, although he bad served with distinction as a captain of volunteers. Mr. W. W. Whipple savs that on bis recent visit to Portland he was surprised at the strong sentiment there in favor of Senator Fulton to succeed Senator Simon. The lead- ing republicans there think Senator Fulton would be a shining fgfct in the senate. Senator Mitchell is understood to be talking for bis election. Astoria News. "Never worry about us," says a Missouri editor. "Our favorite dom ioick hen has been sitting al! summer on a couple of pieces of brick and three bureau knobs. When she comes off after awhile with a three story brick house and two cars of handsome bureaus, we are going into the furniture business." gfrggsgg JTesiacnt Koosevelt not only . . . pledges the Lewis and Clark exposi- . . . . . Hon bis hearty support but, lo further bow bis good will, be has promised ! to visit this coast next summer and ' break ground for tbe exposition. Tbe Belle Plains (Kan.) Defender! remark : ''Horseless carriages, wire less telegraph-, smokeless powder,; borr less cattle, seedless raisins and brainless dudes have lone been the . rogue, but this year the fad seems j to have taken hold of the farmers all I ever the country, and they baTej raised earless corn." River leanier : title In a Fac The river steamer Regulator, of the' I. A A. N. Co.'s line, and the Winona, tender to tte P.r! of Portland dredge, collided yesterday morning in the Will- j amette river with disastrous re?n"ts. The Winona sank iaimeiiately afier she was struck, in tweny-five feet of water, at the the time of the collision a heavy fog hung over tin river and fo- signals were soon-le-i a- regular intervals by ail i the 6ieamers ieaving Portland. The Regulator left her berth at the foot of 1 Oak street on sc'rieJuid time and pro-1 ceede1 down the river sounding her : whistie repeatedly. When off I'ostoffiee bar, without warning, she struck the Winona and uloioet co her in two. The Regulator Stood by until it was seen that no assistance cou'.d ire rer.de?ed the sunken steamer, and then proceeded on her way to Th? Da Baa, Tne wrecked streamer steamer is a una screw pro-: penor, and it is not thought mach be experienced in raising truu'-ie ill ber- The wreck of the Winona is the first . , serious accident of the kind that has oc- cTed for gevera1 years, which speaks well for the nsautrs and pilots of the myriads of steamboats encaged in carry- inS passeng-rs an l freiffht to all points on the Columbia and Willamette rivers. One of the most original plays pro duced in America to rears aril be tbe attraction the ogt or W ednesday, Nov. 2 h 1: is BhmejT'i latest success, aawsdtional meiodraaia entitled "King of t a Oi.inm R:nc." and has a record ... , , of doing a pnenoii-eua! business every-! where It is credi:-d with 150 nights at the acidemv uf m i:e. New York, and will undoab'ediv be the most elaborate . .. production o: melodrama seen here tms ssason. The ccin.pauv numbers fiitv people, carries a family of native Chi- nese, borses, ponies, patrols and a car Ijad of scenerv and effects. Theater goers went wild over it a hen in The Dalies about a year and a half ago, and B packed house will creet tnem on this ..; Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton'e snn nroof D2:nts for J1.50 ner gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agente. ml TIE YOST OPERA POSSE F. J. CL1RKE, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, WEDNESDAY. Nov. 20. "-pw!s The Great Chinese-American Sensation, KING of the t OPIUM RING t y Charles . Blaney an I Charles A. Taylor. The H-i man Tower of Chlnki. ' The NftMVr. ( l.ll,... Aninra an,i rMlA- . ren! The Chinese Lake Walk and Ragtime ' Ball! I Ti n,ir.u c.n.u.. r i: . I Cargo ' - ..... .. ' uu.,ivi , i uu 1 1 1 k m , he Puhra Kaid on an Opium Joint! Tbe Chinese Theatre on a Sew Year's Night ! First five rows, TSc; balance of the house 50c. Seats os sale at Clarke & Falk's. SSI aE? , re f "a a afc L''L''V awe wrFaww7 wraV Groceries Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. How's Thi: We offer one hundred dollar reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cored by Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chknky & Co. Props-, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 vears, and be! ! lieve him perfectly honorable in a!! busi- : nees transactions and financially able to -v out nr-v obligations made by their; ' & Tt or. Wholesale Drucgists. To- ! ledo, O., W aiding. Rinnan A Marvin,1 Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hah's OatarTh Cure i; taken inter; i nally, actint directly upon the blood and ' mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. Quill I & Co., Props., Toledo O. L Sold bv drragtits. price 75c. Halt's Family Pilis are the best. 12 FARM FOR SALE. Four hundred acres of deeded iand situated sixteen miles south of The Dalies, in the beet grain district in East ern Oregon, will be sold at a bargain. The land is nearly ail under cultivation and well improved, having a good honse, , BIifficif.n, wa,Br nr fiitv head nf hnrM during the dryest seasons. A windmill ! and cistern it constructed so as to furnish . w,er :or l5 nouse, biook ana garner. j irrigation There is safhcient pasture baud cf stock and splendid bog pasture on the farm. For further ! particulars applv to , . , ?,KO" : &rFE?J' 'n - t - lmdAw Box 364. The Da ! SHERIFF'S NOTICE. j Notice is hereby given that on the afKlSrJ ' cetion tne h'iheat "bidder for rash riond Kiver. Ur., 1 wit; sell at puonci ! all roods and chattels of W. E. Sherrill's ; furniture store, to satisfy a chattel mort- j eaee of Siby.4b, with interest from the r 25th day of March, 1901, to date, at the i rata of eight per cent, together witb cost". W. E. Sherrill mortgager; W.I r- raun & LO- mortgagee nll-td Bubekt Kelly, Sheriff. Attractive W onto. All women sensibly desire to be at tractive. Beauty is the stamp of health because it is the outward manifestation of inner rurity. A beahbv woman is a!rays attractive, blight and happy. When every drop of blood in the veins is pure a beuu-.eons flush is on the cheek. But when the blood is impure, morose tiess, bad temper and a sallow cumplex- ; ion tells the taie of sickness all to plain- ! )y. And women today krew there is no ' beauty wit baa) heat'h. Wioe of Cardni ; ! crowns women with beauty and attrac-' I tivenees by making strong and healthy ' ! tboss organs which make her a woman. try Mine of Cardui, ami in a month 1 your friend? will hardly knew you. N. Jackson, Danriile, 111., writes daughter had a severe attack of la grippe nd ilsrrihliiMingh uhU ru. h lni , : i We tried a great ruanv remedies withoot ' givjnit relief. 8ha tried Foie.V. Honey "J"0 a cough since."' i:arae x raia La grippe coughs often continue for months and sometimes lead to fata! re- to fatal re- supposed to nl.s after tlie patient is have passed the dancer point. Foley's tioney ana tar ano.us positive pro- tection and security from these coughs. : Clarke dt Falk. for I ueumonla. Dr. C. J. Bshop, Agnew, Mich., says : "I have used Foley's Ilonev and Tar in thiee very severe cases of piieomonia witb good results in every case." Be ware of substitute. C arte & Falk. DeWitt's Little Bulj Kisers never ; disappoint. They gentle, effective in are sate, removing prompt, ail im- pnruies fioui the bowels. ; fcmsll and easy to take. Never urine or a. stress, iiarae raik s r ' macy. U. Phar- Do yon sutler from piles? If so do not turu to sorgery for relief. DeWitt's kll..,. r i , f ,,i ... i ison naaoj caive win act more muck r surely and safely, saving von the peo and danuer of an operauon. Clarke a Falk's P. O. Pbarmacv. C M. Phe7pTTodal7 Vt says his child was completely cared of a bad case of eczema bv the ue of DeWitt's 1 WltCl! Haiel Saive. iieware of all counterfeits. It iostantlt relieves piles viarae A talk s V. U. fbarmacy. -t ... If anything ails your hair, ao and see - - - Fraaar: he'a tbe bearion.nr. .1) I - --.z ' , usir rvaieuwe. nemetuDer that be makes a r.cialtv of these goods. f Floral lotion will core wind chapping . ana santrarn. S. E.ll. byt'srae, U. X .1. . . Clarka Falk's Savoring extracts are 1 baet. Ask seor r aar for tbem. OtaiOra FOtn Merer Fade. Groceries HL T. mil J II ft. THE OLD RELIABLE Blakeley s Drug Store, ggg We carrv the larirart and most eompk-te "CROK EXTRACT of Lemon and Va- suck tn Eastern Oregon of mill are tbe Bm Mad. PBfli and MtDICIXfcS. Every Udag wc aeU ts rreato. COMBS and BKISHES, Onr prirw Co.! Sro.NGES and CHAMOIfl. , " IRMCRIVTlOV Detriment ... Z ...... 1- in caurpeoi on-, potent men. ri K&ES and WALLETS. ritKUO and l oco c&HIKIS, Wp Manufacture PHOTO SH I LIE. -Jf ' !jj ' "i. ! 1 1'- . Or MondS Saraprtl I it, PHOTO I'AI'EK nd MOI STS. ,lr w-na's Headache Tablet., LOWMT'I CHOCOLATES. twt ITitth Ha-1 Atm.ind Crt-am. KAIL liBUCBi receive our j f TU DUntiCC Every Package delivered Fro, ncnoual attention. I DU I fl rnUflLO promptly, hi the eny. JONES' CAFE, First-Class Regular Meals. 4 ... SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER... J Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served at all hours and in all styles. Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates 4 and Confections. LlMmlM Aw The "1 L. Lane, GENERAL BlacKsmiin ...AND. r HorsesHoer Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TMri an. JeSornn. Pbrjuc 159 at ate ares Two Pium Death. I "Oar little daughter had an almost fa Mv to) at tmnh t a l.iuttunn iwinnh anI WM.n k;,ie riles Mrs. W. K. Haviland. of, ! . , - ..." . ' .' .. ' Armona, a. 1., -oat, when t other: .. . .. . ' . ,., ., Ttw d' e ved her hfe wtth who had Consamption in an -feasted , Btage, also used this wonderful medicine and to day she is perfectly well." Das - nevate thr eat nni inn d:aa rioWl Derate throat and Inn disease yield to fr. King's Xe Discoverv as to no other medic:h on earh Infallihle fn' rVutaSta unear.n. iniailioie TO. tongtiS and Colds. 50eandl.00 butties oar- . . . a i i a i isu ..ii" i ( r- r 111 l .! LOCALS. Von will not have boils if voo take Clarke fe Falk's sore care toi boik. Special sale in children's school hats, cape and baby bonnets, at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors Friday and Saturday of this week. One-tbird off regular price. T. A. Van Xorden is now prepared to fit your eye He keeps the best quality of glasses and frames on hand. Pre- ssriptions accurately filled on short no- tice. No fancy prices. . ni3 u t f . . " a W'Bl 10 reUUD hair hBTe lo keeP "onr "'P clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and fegiSV 'JatlS ; scalp E and Pine Tar KhamJU it will leave your hair soft and closav. Price, and dOceuts a bottle, at Fraaor'. naroer chop, The Dalle. tf Hut or Traa One heavy vaaon and a nam IUm t . ... . . . . " r-uu iur eaiv ur wi.i traae tor norses. horses. n9 lad T. J Dkips. Tbe Dalles. BIO TURKEY 8HOOT A. Y. Harsh will siveabbt tnrk.. . . ... " on tne ax, rz, sad 28th of November. n.97H pHes Just received by Clarke a Falk. NOLAK. Always fresh. ft Chronicle. Prof- Homer de Morrison 323- WasUlnetoo street. Room 1'OKTLAM), OKSGOK. 23-30, The Brst registered as well a the first gradn- ate palmist ever in fortland. Thte world's ft eate.st Tranee Clalrvnvant and Uerba 1st can be eotsullMl daily on all' effalrs of Qf, ' Prof, de Mdrrison is without a doubt the most ; se'entitic Paiml-t and Clnlrvm ant in tne world today: he ircates hidden treasnre. reunites the , ser-arnted. tells If there is mtnral, o I or on yonr land enables you to win th i ufiection of i one you desire. j faunistry Unght. medium! -ti-: persons devel oped. Henls by tbe usesflf hli rovcaled hcib-1 , teas; cure chronic an) (-:: id Incurable cis .-a vt rr Itoaiini III f -r th- laxir. H5 d,,e,,f w th !'5 "'rec queni u?: all , letters answered at i nca Locate,! by vision Port, .nd g-J j&THCT&&i. ; muntea,ed T letie t!,e facts to Mr. A. J. Rsls- leaWSsar ' M-1- 'KaSCI.S pakti.ow. J u ' Ia ! stoien from easing In be aaured taat the BaU i the- Seluv ,-meltine Wink, wm. 1 cm oj vision aga fortland otralthw. This proVej. that tCe strv oi ih . ..l..i ... ,.t .k... ' ,b,ef na ,n"' bt ltanee wss required In re- fnvtrinBr t hs srnin u. - - - i.w . j be du i suuuruJB llJVeu- tif urcgoa uf jast Blory." Editor PcrtUr.d O FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tra-isact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Steles. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic j SUrtl hTn PrsssklaO gon. beattle Waah.. and variona ,.int. i 5" U'W nd Washington. 7 l,c"0n! at all pojslg on fav- tub 68lniia Pactliig 68. PACKERS OP DADIamJ nnnn I VniailU DCC, P Mah-cracTDJUtas ojr ! Sm t j a M A-lttZXl mJMX OB.XlBaJtttm . a Cinrsirf gRlli HAMS & BACON aJBLKD BKEF. WC. s ATtfj Foley' iSs2Lf QtytR ..OREGON Short line Union Pacific S MB ; EOT i TiS! SCHEDULES j BolSD THE UALLE8. ! Rockd lk jaart Lain, Daavar. Pt : Special. north, Omaha. Kan- ( l.:as p. m. aaCHy.8t.Uwa.Chi- M&a j via liuat- cago and the East, : Ingfcm. Atlantic I- . . -ril Eaprwss. !e, HeiiTor. Fv TthBuot C1V , M lol, C1U higton oago tbe East. ' St. ffa! Walla Walla, Lewiston. m FaANail, SpoaaJ.Wl!ce.lu'.l 9Mj m. maa Mranpo!i, St. 3 35. vmmpo- , Panl.lnlijth.Mi!iru. Kami. -ka, Chicago and East. : OCfiAI AID B1TEB BCHEDTUB Prom Portland. i(All aaibng dales sob lm Jaot to change) S 90 p. m. ! 00 n m I ft Sao FranciMo, t Bail every 6 day. I ! iHlilj j veOp. m. jTo Aaiorla and Way ; -Htnrdsv. , LandJugv SuaS 1 10 Jlp m. j i Baity Willamette Hirer Oregon City, Xewberg, tSJTvA Balem, lndei!ideuce, aSS ,6n a. in. j and ay-Lanaing. 8un0- Twasdav. 4:n.av i hnixiey, Corvallis mid ffv- Uondn Saturddy, Landings. Wednaaw C:0Qa.m. Fiiaay. Tuawlav, Willamette a&a 3'30n.a Tbnradriv, j Vamhitl Klrera. Mondaj, -atuidi: , orcgrni Citv, rirton and w'edneataf ,.1a. m. WajJuiai'n. tthhj. LITIS. Blrer. T "haw dill I-eviKa j aiparta to Uewiaton. KtF I'arUes 3eaMng to po to Beppncr ; faints 'd (.oiambia Southern via Bitnrs. sbaoM 1 tacelio. 2, leaving The bailee at 12:25 p. a. ; making direct cmnecrions at Hcppner jiiimiati ; snA JEUgRs. Returning taaklngdirectconiwsiaa ' at fieppoerjanotktn and Biggs with Ko, La riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. For further particulars, call on or addrea JAS. IRELAND, Anal, The Dalles, Ongav m I 1 Complete Cipe ' of Drills at M.Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. J. 8. Bcaaaca. Prealdank Mai a. Votrr. cafUS First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOO" A General "H"g Basin ess traasswsi DeposiU reeeivad, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made sad proceeds proaqsw remitted on dav of oollectios. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange soid m New York, Ban FraneiBco and p' land. OIKBOTOKS D. P. TaoMrsos. Jo. 6. 6osssr En. M. Wixuaas, Geo. A. Liasfc H. M. fiSALb. W W. WlttUK. Manag'- First-ga5 19 Every Repet lHals at ill (jo PRIVATE PARTIES SBIlVsW Jfje JsWe always soppHei 71 Frost St.. sear Cocrt.Thf ti&