)xovAck. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. NO. 232 lye Hulks Vegetable Prepwatkiofbr As similating the Food andBetf uia Promotes DigesHonJCheerfuF ness and Best jfioatwhw neMker OpiuntMorptune norHneraL Not Narc otic . flrJti, Semi- Amm&m fa A perfect Remedy forCanstipa Fiaa . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Hev tall House MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Service the Best. Rales Reasonable. JSr"Sp9ciaI rates to Steady Boarders, Families and Theatre Parties. FRANK BATTY, Manager. Hornoii atenaea. Nxw Yohk . Nov. 14. The drnger of Mormonisui is underrated, not overrated. When ibe public realizes that there are two Motmoa churches in Brooklyn, one io Manhattan, one in Philadelphia, a strong and growing Mormon settlement on the borders of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and that the strongest church in a section fifty miles from Jersey City is Mormon, it may be understood that the situation is menacing." This statement, which startled the women's executive committee of the domestic missions of ti.e Reformed church at its eighteenth anniversary in this city, was made by Mies Eibeth B. Venuil ve. a member of the committee in an address upon Mormoniem in the East. She said farther : "It was predicted that ia fifty years the Mormons would control a belt of states cutting the country in two from northeast to southwest. Tbe prediction has been verified ia twenty years ius'ead of fifty. They owa lead from the Rocky Mountains to tbe Sierras, and are spread iug st as I have told you. They coutrol four mission states, rad at the present rate of progress in others wi I toou have supremacy. "If tbe constitutional amendment making polygamy a crime is not passed now, it soon will be impossible to pass it, as they need to acquire octroi only iu twelve states to prevent legislation against them. Two thousand Mormon missionaries are actively oursaioa tbeir I propaganda, sixty of tbem iu the state of Sew York aloae." UM mm the Canal. Wabhinoto, Nov. 14. Bi reeente tivs Hepburn, of Iowa, chairman of tbe interstate aa i foreign or m me roe com mittae of tbe bob, and &a r peseta ties Sberusea. of Mew Yorr, u oeabsr o the same comsaittea, had a loog GASTORIA Pot Infttnts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears .the Signature of For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA (ale and Restaurant with the president today about tbe Itbmiau C mal and P. c tic cable legisla tion. Aa a remit of the consultation, tbey announced thtt it was their porpoae to press leisluti'.'n on I o t. tahjrets at tbe earliest poteib'e moment. The canal bill which passed the bouse at the last session will be reintroduced in fubstantially the form in which it passed last winter. No delay is antici pated ia the committee, ani C ilonel Hepburn told the president that tbe bill ondoub'edly would bave a large majority in the bouse. The cab e bill will be identical with the one reported from the committee during the last congrees. I: provides (or the laying of tbe cabie by a private corporation, under a contract with the postmaster-general, with the alternative provision for tbe building of tbe cable by tbe government if no satisfactory cot tract can be made. It is undertood that Lhe prssideat concurred in the proposed program me. KevUloa of TaaiaT. t. Paul, Nov. 14. According to D. O. Hvynes, editor of a New Yoik com mercial paper, President Boosevelt, in bis forthcoming message to congress, will make no reference to revision of tariff laws. This aoaoooeemeat was made by Mr. Ilaynea at a dinner given by tbe Northwest Manufacturer' As sociativa last night, tbe speakers claim ing that tbe president had given Dim positive assursoce that this omission would be made ia tbe interest of con servatism. Tne prceidtat did favor, Mr. Hay nee said, placing tbe tariff on a strict basinets bans, sad wee d perhaps favor the appeiatmeut of a tariff cam' mission 'or the consideration of el 10 Use tariff laaa tbe iL tares! of mereial expeoeion. Furnished roeais aad rooms for bouaekaepUL. Iaf aire at F-Jtb aad Coart streets. afi Iwk AA Use FIFTY VESSELS WERE WRECKED Gales ob British Coast Hare Cost Over 180 Lives. London, Nov. 15. It is still impossible to estimate aith any exactitude the total loss of life and propeity resulting from tbe protracted gala and probably tbe fall exteat of tbe damage will never be known. Much wreckage of uni dentified vessels is still being thrown up. Altogether, it is known that soma fifty vessels have been wrecked along tbs British coast. Tbtrty-fonr of these bave been absolutely wrecked, involving, it is believed, a lose of more than 180 drowned. Tbe Yarmouth lifeboat dis aster alone leaves forty-four fatherless children. Tbe lifeboat was on its way to the rescue of a distressed vessel when it was struck by great wave and cap sisid. Tbe crew were imprisoned and only three men succeeded in making tbeir escape. Eleven were drowned. Innumerable casualties continue to be reported on all tbe coasts of tbe United Kingdom, marking tbe storm as the most disastrous that has occurred in many years. The Norwegian bark Erratic, of Cbristisnia, has been wrecked in the vicinity of Salt burn and eight of her crew drowned. A winter snap bas succeeded the sale which has subsided, while a biizsnrd which is raging over Scandinavia is ex pected to strike the shores of Great Britain tomorrow. Today there was a heavj enow storm io Scotland and a fall of snow generally throughout tbe United Kingdom, especially ia tbe hilly districts, where several shepherds lost tbeir lives. Wreckage at Belfast. Bflfart, Nov. 14, From wreckage seen in Belfast Lough today, it is sop posed that tbe 69-ton collier Wbite Abbey, has been lost sod ber crew of sine drowned. Molineux Case. Nxw York, Nov. 14. Two former governors of New York, David B. Hill and Frank S. Black, met in argument today in tbe court of general sessions on tbe motion to quash tbe indictment charging Roland B. Molineux with the murder by mailed poison of Mrs. Katberine J. Adams. Molineux was once convicted and sentenced to death, but tbe court of appeals gave him a new trial for error on tbe part of tbe trial court. Mr. Hill, associated with Assist ant District Attorney Osborne, opposed in behalf of the state tbs motion to quash, sad Mr. Black joined with Weeks, Battle and Marshall and former District Attorney William K. Olcott in pressing the motion in behalf of tbe alleged prisoner. General Edward Molineux, father of the prisoner, came to court in company with General Horatio C. King sal Frederick W. Devoe. A great crowd filled tbe courtroom and stretched out through tbe open doors. deduction of Kaaeoaa. e'oriA, Bulgaria, Nov. 14. Miss Elieo M. Stone and Mme. Tsilka, the captives of the brigands, are now said to be occupying a bat in tbe villsgeof Southern Bulgaria, to which tbey si e closely con fined. There is reason to believe that a con ference of tbe secret committee bald at Dubolts favored a reduction of tbe ransom demanded, and as soon sa it comes withia tbe range of tbe foods at tbe disposal of Coasul-Geaeral Dicxinsoa be is ready to seal the proposal. Photographs of ex-President Haratoff, of toe Macedonian committee, nave aeon circulated amoog tbe troop on the Tarkisb aide of tbe border, in cooes queues of tbe belief that be ia now with tbe brigand beaos ia too vicinity at. we frontier. Mies Grace Hill baa opened dressmak ing parlors ia tbe Vogt block, rooms 11 aad 18, where she is prepared to give perfect sat isf action io tbe latest styles ia dressmskiag. oll-lw Mrs. Carey will move ber miiliaery store aa or Mara Nov. 20tb to tbe aaw dtdiag east of Bextoa A Weltaer, where she will ke pieaead to mast all bar old pwtroae, M ea aaw aaes. as-lw Clifford's Fotos New Faas r A Shetland Ponyf WYWfc Knit FOR BOYS aw Or GIRLS tm TS1AOC MARK 25 A PAIR per on which purchaser is to reg WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION fster their guess of the combined -- q-qj weight of ten Shetland ponies, in InLOLOl the makers' possession at Ft. FOR Wayne. Each ono of the ten RnYSVilDI guessers who come nearest to the DUIO vJIKLO aggregate weight, will receive, as a reward, ono of the ten ponies delivered freo. The only ex pense is the price of the stockings 23c pair. We carry a complete line of their Hosiery which is the kind many of our customers have bought in the past always with best results. Ask for Pony Stockings at our hosiory counter. If you would compete in this guessing contest, bo prompt, as same closes Nov. 25th. THANKSGIVING LINEN SALE Commences NEXT MONDAY A. New Hair Ornaments THE VOGT OPERA HOUSE. F. J. CLARKE, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY, Nov. 16th. SB IS OOMIKTGH That Funny Little Man Jas. L. McCabe, IN- Maloney's Wedding Day Beautiful Scenery and Electrical Effects. 8 Pretty Girls 8 Singers, Dancers, Comedians. Tbe Real Laughing Show of tbs Season. First 5 rows, 75c; balance of the house, 50c. Heats on -ale at Clarke St Falk's, Post Office Pharmacy. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker aid Embalmer Car. Third and Washington 8ts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distanas phone 438. Local. 10SI. Grace T. Hill, Dressmaking Parlor, U ao4 IS. Vogt Block . Tbs fellas, Or A II N W A LVJat would your boy like one? The makers of Wayne Knit Pony Stockings have hit upon a plan for advertising their matchless hosiory which is meeting with freat success wherever proposed, 'hey offer to deliver free of ex- fense, to the lucky guosser, a real, ive, Shetland Pony. Their plan is this; Enclosed with every pair of Pony Stockings for hoys and girls is a slip of pa In response to many inquir ies, we announce our Ianon Sale to commence NEXT MONEY. It will pay you to wait. M. WILLIAMS & PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Orooer. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ageats for Hooslsr Drills, J. I. Cass Steel Fares Harrows aud Plows. Hpriug Tooth Harrows, Blsssll Chilled Plows, Mitchell Wef ons sad Hacks, Heuuey Baggies. ...Star Windmills... With Bell sad Roller bssrlogs.sad tally warranted. Write as for prices aad catalogues. All orders satrostsd to as will bsvs prompt sttsalios. Prices always right. The only Essies! re Hardware tore ia tbe city. To Measure. "EYENINO DRESS" tmrr Full dress Evening Suits made to your measure by nne of New York City's best wholesale tailors. Select your cloths from samples jisat received. Place your onler at once and be prepared for society's first whirl. Dress Suit, silk lined. 033 Tuxedo Coat and Vest. Silk faced SSO FIT GUAR ANTEEDI GO. SilR Rosea for the Hair OVER-WORK. Hundreds of Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, and other overworked Professional and Business Men w hi thought 'hey ha I kidney trouble have told u they had never heen able to find anything to equal Linooln Sexual Pills for the ciu of that pain In the hack, and the all Kiue feritag that so often precedes paresis. Pi ire $1 00 per box buy of your druggist or seat by mail on receipt of price, In plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00., Ft. Wsjne, Iai. M. K Donnell, Agent, Tbe Dalles, Or. Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES, OREGON. A (nil line of BRIDIE BEACH SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES, sad P Cook aad Heating Stoves.