The LINEN Detriment. We exeet the Linen De tartntent to be humminfi , a a this week. Every bat- tern ia bright and new. Oar fecial Prices for THANKSGIVING wilt tirove to be a big success. COME EARLY before the good things are gone Men's Overcoats Regular inalo, Oxford grey, a good looking, stylish and woli-ciadc overcoat, only $6.00 Men's Suit Heavy winter suit, well made and perfect fitting, only $6.00 M. S. M. Tailor-made Suits and Overcoats, made expressly for PEASE & MAYS, $12 to $23. Largest and best line of UNDERWEAR in the city. 1 LADIES! Your Storm Soots are here. Shoes that keep the feet dry and warm are not usuolly very handsome, but our box calf and kid shoes add both style and comfort to their other virtues. Some have heavy welted extension soles and Cuban heels. Leath ers are pliable and comfort able to wear. We have the regular height and the extra high cut, the most sensible shoe for winter's snow and slush. $3, $3.50 and 4 will buy a pair. ...Th New York Cash Store... 138 and 149 Sscond Strsot. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. PEASE 5t MAYS, rhe Dalles Daily Ctmmfete. THIRDAY NOV. 14, 1901 Oysters Sar.'ed in any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. AU Wmmen County rruu rngi ttttrtni prior to December , ISM, will be paid on presentation at my oBm. lata rest cbmm after Oe taker SO, 1H1. JOHN T. HAMPSHIRE, Conatr Traaanrar. eVAYSIDE GLEANINGS. '-Hunting for Hawkins" At the Vogt opera bouse tonight. Gall at The Owl tomorrow evening and hear the returns from the prise fight. The quarantine has been raised from the Kellar home on east Fourth street. Wanted A girl to do general horse work in a family of two. Inquire at fiie office. nil 1 w Wanted A girl or woman to do most !y chamber work. No washing, no ironing, and no children. nl2tf J. E. Fait, proprietor of The Owl, will receive returns for the Jeffries-Rublin !rlze fight tomorrow evening. The best sbow of tbe season will be on tonight. "Hunting for Hawkins" Is a rare comedy and one that will give value received to all who attend It. "Hunting for Hawkins" is conceded to be one of tbe greatest u:irih-provok-ert on the American stage. Keen re jour tickets at Clarke & Falk's Post office i'iiarmacy. A splendid show troupe arrived on tbe noon train today, and upon inquiry we learned that they were Hunting for Hawkins. They will find him at tbe Vugt opera house this evening. Word comes from Wasbiogton, D. C, that Geo. R. Campbell, eivil engineer of Toe Dalles, has the option of executing t'ie survey of tbe Quinaielt Indian R-aervation. Tbe liability of tbis survey wil; aggregate over $10000.00. Tne first entertainment of tbe aeries in the Star lecture course will be by W. L. Gaston on "Yotemit,". next Satur day evening. Rev. Gaston it one of tbe strongest speakers in California and promises to give so intellectual treat is the address on tbe above date. Yesterday Dr. H. E. Beers, of Wasso. end Dr. Geisendorffer operstsd os s lady unties which Dr. Beers tent to Tbe Dtlies Hospital, sad esaeesaiaJly re move I a tumor. Tbe operation wsa a dangerous and difficult oar, be tbe pa ttent is reported se getting along nicely todsg. Three drunk end gsiiilailj sajusetera mtt okd us to Um !'" bsnsfit yesterday by sstag slfowsdsn opports- a'ity of doing repair work on Fifth street. Tbis is Indeed a commendable way of treating Bucb men, and if tbe marshal continues in tbis manner there woold be better streets sod lest drunks. Mrs. M. A. Williamson, mother of State Senator J. N. Williamson, died at bar borne at University Park, near Port land, at 8 :45 last evening, after a linger- could ing illness. The burial will take place at Salem tomorrow. A report is correct this afternoon that a collision occurred between tbe steamer Regulator of tbe D. P. 4 A. N. Line and tbe little steamer Winona tbis morning in the Willamette river, and that the Winona was aank. Particulars could not be learned. A few days since a son of Holland 'phoned from a point down the river fo one ot our -local firms for some mill feed. Tbe local dealer, not knowing to whom it was to be bent, asked "Who is it for?" Tbe answer came quick as lightning: For tbe borse, you blamed fool 1 Don't inn fallp.ra vet nn tin tliare '" J w rtj r - - Dr. O. D. Doane returned today from Heppner, where be attended the cere mony of laying tbe corner-stone of tbe new temple for Willow Lodge, No. 66, L O. O. F. When completed it will be a splendid building and a credit to Wi! low lodge. It will be built entirely of stone and will cost ever $16,000. An able article was read by Mrs. Shan non at tbe W. C. T. U. meeting last evening at tbe Christian church. Tbe subject matter was how to keep our boys interested ip tbe I. me. Tbis is the key note of bow to keep bays away from aalooaa. Keep them interested in tbe borne and they would rather stay home than to go away for amusement. Tbe case of tbe Slate vs. Frank Reed is being tried tbis afternoon. Reed is tbe man who stabbed William Walker one night last summer, when tbe two were quarreling over some matter along side of tbe scouring mill. It appeared that Reed intended g&ng East and Walker refuted to accompady Dim. Tbis provoked a quarrel and Wallace was stabbed by Reed. 1 Just listen! That's the pumpkin jcooking for the pies the M. E. church ladies will bake for you tomorrow. Tbe program will be worth tbe price of ad mission, ten cents and two pair of old robbers, or If yon cannot find the rub bars, 15 cents. Yon will be served to sandwiches, pie and coffee by several ef ; was in good voice end aang witb much for bargains, and it is Ljkely that Dad thought. It was a present from some of Butts' ability fox-getting for an article j tbe citizens of Klickitat county to a la all that it is worth blasted the hopes of : vorite minister as an expression of se same of the buyers. j teem, and in order that onr readers may Word was received today that Robert Leist, who formerly worked for H. Herbring in this city, bad died in North Yakima yesterday morning. As near a be learned his death wai canted by an attack of typhoid lewer. He was about 20 years el age and had tbe repu tation of being an konsst sad industri ous youog man. His parents live at Collins Landing and tbe remains wiil bs brought ts this city for burial. Dr. Geisendorffer wss called yesterday to attend John Elton, who was injured by a fall. It appears that be was band line baled bay, wbea bia hold slipped and he fell backwards, striking bis back on a wooden Dlank and severely injuring his spine. When Dr. Geisendorffer ar rived he was paralyzed in tbe lower limbs.' Although badly injured tbe doe tor hopes that be may recover in time. In such a case it is difficult to guess what the result of the injuries msy be. Tbe splendid home of W. R. Fowler of Rufus, burned to the ground at about! o'clock Tuesday afternoon. At the1 time of the fire tbe men were away from borne and Mrs. Fowler and her daughters became so .excited that tbey could do but little or nothing in the way of sav ing tbe bousebold goods, so that prac tically everything was lost. Mr. Fowler has spent years in building np and lurntSDing tnic home, and as there is no see for themselves what a highly re spected and beloved spiritual advtaer tbe gentleman is, we print the insert tioo, which was "Johan Perale, Labji, Klickltan Unarisalta, It Is not likely that any of onr Dallas young ladies will inscribe the above on a birthday gift to tbsir beet fellow. Tbe case of the State of Oregon vs. Jack Bartmees, for assault with s dsngeous weapon) was finished in tbe circuit court yesterday and a verdict of simple assault brought in. Tbe case of Stat vs. Gus Erickson and George Weber came up yesterday evening and went to the jury tbis morning. Tbis was tbe case In which two men entered the Cosmopolitan sample room and stole several overcoats and other clothing. They were captured by the Portland police and brought back to The Dalles. The etolen articles were in evidence and there was no trouble in establishing tbe guilt ol the men. ..Dugs' All TH(V8 SCHOOL SUITS.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is tho time to fit out your bov for school. Don't mako vour nurchaspt without seeing our line. We will save you money.' Don t wait until tho nobbiest and neatest patterns are Bold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New York Cash Store A Kightaou Protest, Tub Dallbb, Nog. 14th. To Tub Editor, , X want, as a father, to make a public protest sgalnst a practice tbat I have just learned of tbat is nothing lees than a school for teaching gambling to boys of tender years. Tbe shooting gallery in Trilby and Cole's Original Mr-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The introduction of Cole's Original Alr-Tltilu Heater has revolution ised the heating stove trade In alt sections ot the United Slates, Its won derful economy in the use ot fuel, and many other etcelUnt qualities, strongly recommend it to all in need of a healing stove. What Cole'e Heater Wilt Do. This stove will heaUi room from aero to 80 degrees In Ave minutes. It will heat your house evenly day and night. It holds lire :fP hours without attention. You build only one Hre each winter. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper end corn cobs, and gives excellent results witb this fuel, which Is ordinarily wasted. The stove is light end easily moved and set up. The combustion is perfect and ashes ars removed only oeoe is rartr weeks. None ot the heat is wasted end the stove sill save oue-balf of your fuel bill. It la clean, economical, convenient, safe end durable. Every one of die's Original Air-Tight Heaters Is guaranteed to stsv stWltfht ss long as used. Where wood Is used lor fuel every family should base one or more of these stoves. Sold by MAIER & BENTON, Tat Dalle. the Rihgnnn haiilf inav nn CrMvt at reat M.uuiuf, rUe IIVUH j eeilW IB SJ W 171 W ID lf a w r w - . va wa vwv insurance bis loss is extremely heavy.vH has a okkelm-the-abot machine, and Tbe local agent of tbe White Collar Line wishes to make a correction in tbe locals that appeared in Yesterday's Chronicle in regard to the steamers of tbe White Collar Line running ou tbe middle Columbia. Tbe Tahome, while as switt a boat as tbe Gatsart, will ex change runs with the Gatxert onlv until the river raises sufficiently to make all danger of striking tbe submerged rock below tbe locks out of question. Powder and other menus were brought to the locks on Thursday last for tbe purpose of blowing tbe rocks out of this place, but tbe work bas been delayed. Tbe temperance meeting at tbe Chris tian church last evening was quite a success. A good audience was present to my knowledge two boys aged IS and 13 years one of tbem my own, have been allowed by the proprietor to play the machine from lime to time, stealing money from tbeir parents to do so, in hope of winning and thus rusking good what tbey bad stolen. Boys ot their age are for bidden to enter a saloon, and no self-respecting cigar dealer woold allow minors of these ages to play. It remained for the proprietor of.the shooting gallery, who is certainly old enough to know better, to stoop so low as to commit an offense tbat should, if justice bad way, land blm in jtil. How long is ibis tolakt? We try to raise our boys as well as we can and here tbe authorities allow tbis infernal place to keep open as ! a reboot to make tbem gamblers and BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON hag an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out. We alsa carry a lino of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. ...INI AY'S CROWE... onr eaoet popster young ladies. Don't fall to oouas and bring your friends wHb yon. Malcilm McJnnis, administrator of tbe estate of the late Wenseelsas Psehek, states tbat the personal property of Mr. Pushes wss enjdj ft a good figure day. Tbe noises brought se high $116 par bead, while the bogs and cattle went at tansy prises. While the far si machinery dad ant ssU ss well H s went at more than tbe appraised velws Ihe sale wa watt stlasded. iaare bsjsj people from all over the country lostiag SUlfi eVsaVe fit n Ml" ru.ot ttt I at t ff a n t tVti f Si the address and papers. Tbs singing 1 hl" I prefer Mr. Editor was good and spirited. Pro. Lssdera 1 7Z . . .. . i . ' . 'iwiiy iw tail w uu l aiu iu bmjvuv wuu may ask yon. I.DIOBABT. feeling "Where Is My Wandering Boy" and alao favored tbe audience with the reply to tbat touching song "Down fa the Licensed Saloon.'' Tbe address was logical, practical. Tbs pspsr by AttaeUaa. MaeeabaeeJ Mrs. Shannon, "How Shall Ws have tbs ; tistMrmA aii T.nt opens at o'clock sharp tonight, matters of i-nnseqeenc will be coo- was eaeaptloaaliy food, foil ol reel practical suggestion. The W. 0. T. U. hsiawd bassHsg saotasr SMStfsf t land Van aMhnn4 aa 4A 4aV Asafc flat BaflsBatUaSlsaMt! MnV 4 agaW r "ee JT- w PsBrvawwgaw n npesh thsfi awjsaf hg ws sis, si ! j si tbs fas present. By order of 0. L. tCMMwv. OoesmaseW. Miss wVsss BtU fase opened dressati ls Isc ssfisrs Is the Vogt West, roots U sad If, where fs is gtsssssi ts gJs emthsk Hits Blllw Blakeley s Drug Store, We cirry tbe largMt and moat eotulM r K oW N EX (ftACT ui Lemon and Va st ca In EMlaru Oiigon of iU;la ar tbs Meat SlaSe. UKVua aaS MKUloinse, Kvurilliii we Mil Is rraS. co mii a and Matt' eat se. Our prless are Cuaaute.i. BPONOKS aaS CHAMOIS, . .taiSCItirTlOn Oaaartmaat fUH.aS aad HaSI.LSTi, U eat m,n. rUEUD and FOCO iJAMKttae, We Maualaoture W i hoto sufiMsa, 0w--,i;,i",,, PHOTO VA I-KK ae MOUNTS. U' p7wUi'','tX".U: T.hUla, utmnf cwucocaraa. and ffinh atwund cra. MAIL ORDtKl rcoelve our ftflTtl DIMIIICC Kvvry 'avkaao doilvwed Srae, H;iuiml IU)uUoo. Qll BJ rnUIICw ytmnily, InlfiBoKy. JONES' CAFE. Fimt-Clatft Regular Meals. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Royal Toke Point Mid Olympia Oysteri served at all hours Mid in all etylet. Agenoy A.LDON BRAND delioioma Ohooolatea ana uonsaottont Always xreea Bubfcriba fbr The Chronicle. '4