Tfaft Dalles Daily Chronicle, THURSDAY - NOV. 14. THE CHISESE QUESTION. The discussion of the Cbinese ooestion has been brought promi nently before the public by Minister Wo circulating report?, so it is said, to the effect that the Geary Exclusion Act will not be re-enacted at its ex- piration next May. says the Salem Statesman. It is reported that the Chinese minister is taking this action to produce an impression upon tbe borne government that he is about to succeed in an effort to hare the restriction removed from the in. mi gration of bis countrymen to the Gutted State, so that his government will not recall him. as there seems to be a disposition to Jo. at the present twe. It is denied at W asbmgton that an effort will be made by offi cials to prevent tbe re-enactment of the exclusion law. but tbe people of California have been asou ed by tbe reports and are preparing to make a strenuous effort to have tbe ex clusion law re-enacted. A meeting has been called at San Francisco for November 21st, when a memorial will be prepared and sent to congress asking that action be taken to ex clude tbe hordes of Chinese wbo ' would flood tbe coast if the restric tions were removed. The sentiment of the people of! California is verv strong against the " . , m Chinese. evidently not having changed since the question of Chinese immigration was submitted to them a few vears ago, when 883 votes were polled for it. and 1 5-4,638 against it, Mayor Phclan, who is leading the opposition to the Chinese, in aa article in tbe November North American Review, insists that ex clusion is not a mere labor question nor a iace question. It is an Amer ican question, affecting the perpetu ity of our institutions and tbe stand ard of our civilization. The Chinese will not be assimilated. Their earn ings are carried home to China. They come to this country to bleed . . It. They make no improvements bete and contribute notbing to Ihc permanent wealth of tbe nation, WWn , 1 , , . A ne V live meauiv, WOrK EIU. anil day, take neither rest nor any pleasures, feed on rice and tea, dwell in tbe filthiest and cheapest mode, and accept wages which would be inadequate for the necessities of white laborers. It we are to have unlimited coolie immigration we most expect to bare the standard of life lowered in this couDtry. Such a prospect is intolerable. Self-preservation is the ground Oo which Mayer Pheian bases bis princi pal argument. Cbinese immigration threatens the welfare of the nation, tbe decencr of tbe home, and not only tbe comfort and dignity but tbe very life cf white labor. We re familiar with tbe evil aod our minds are made np, but tbe case must be presented properly and vigorously to congress. Talk about this countty being a asylum for tbe "oppressed of all nations" is non sense in considering the Cbinese question. The coolie comes hen, not for political liberty, but to make money, which he takes back with bim to China. lie is not oppressed, but be is an oppressor. He is not a refugee, he is an iDvader. Oregon people 6bould co-operate with the other states on tbe coast to place this question before congress in a proper light. Tbe unrestricted immigration of Cbinese wuuld be most detrimental to our interesls. and it would be a calamity if con gress failed to afford us protection. For Sal or Trade One heavy ws.gou and one new ::gbt waon for sale or will trade for horses. n9 lwd T. J. Dates, The Dallas. BIO TURKEY SHOOT. A. Y. Marsh mil give a big turkey boat on the beach oo tba 26, 27, and ' 38th of November. u2t27dw i A foil lias of gTTfT" films and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. i I TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION Third Annaal toiTtallra to Be Bald ta I rnnipinn rood. The third animal convention of the J Eastern Division Oregon Stat Teachers' j Association will be held is Pendleton ou November 25th, 26lh and 37th. Tickets will be (old for one and one-1 third tare; that is, foil-fare tickets should be porchas?d to Pendleton end one-third extra paid. The company wiil ' , t then give receipt which is good for a re turn ticket witiiont asv additional ca.ree. Ample nrovision has been made at the Pendleton hotels for tbe entertainment of all who mar attend at a specially re duced rates and the homes of the Pen dleton pe s e are opn for those who de-1 sire private places. Tbe wo'k of the association is cut I ned in tbe fo:irwinir program : BWMt, SOvKXBZK 3. 190'.. 9 O'CiOCK A. X organuaUon Pedaopv stares" and Their i S. Y.tiilian in tie School Room Annie E. Kcox 1:30 o'clock r. a. Children s Reading J. A. BeaiUe Geography B. Y. Gillan Distribution of subject Matter of the High Sanaa! Text Bxai Anion- the School" Grades J. A. Churchill 7:3) o'clock r. a. Music Address of Welcome . L. Forbes Response E. E. Bragg President's Address ., E. B. Caoklin Lecture Silas T. ffiXlan Music nrasDi r. - -.-ember 26th. S o'clock a. a. Reading . S. Y. GiOan DdciaciaUoiLB H. J. HocEenberry Phonics Franc Rigter Mat o'clock r. a. niosmiive Drawing Anna E. Knox Faence of Things .T. V. S. Reid The Power of the Speaker oi :he Bouse of Representatives W. C. Haw ley Ped&iogy S. Y. billan Piano Solo Rj-p ?: 0 CLOCK T- X Miss Ethe: Beatue Vlss catkadafl LaBatr Lector? .... nr. Woods Hctcbinon Vccat sv lo. . Mis Lois Peebles wedmisday. rovaauMa 2?th. Sp O'CLuCa A. M. .. . S. Y. Gitlan Frank STonc CuUeaa Ketiniremens Phonies. Frank P.seier 1:3) o'clock p x. Fad Fanrie Wilson Education as Affected bv Var. ioe Phases of Philosophical Tnooght. . . .". - T. L. Campbell Nature Work S. Y. Gillan Closing Address.. S. Y. Gillan 7:30 o clock p. a. Music of -.-;. ing Leciore By Hyyoleta Quartet aev MMOC Last n gtai two highwaymen went . j , , aboard the steamer EegnSator at Port- land and, without a word of warning, demanded itwatchman Johnston to throw np Lis ban 1s. He did as re- Jaesd. but the gun in the band of the robber went off, accidentallr it is snn-f L, Mr.John-! . in tbe tide Knd Biwicej on one ol the rib, which probab1? saved hi? life, Ti ft .nt.UH " - L. lue iuuiw" iiuuieuiBicii rusueujssiiure and disappeared. A doctor was called ,n - i i i v - - l- ' .lie WUUUUVU 11 -. . huu IUUBU ... - . . . that rtf -lrst wiim c hnrr arrl - wouid be well enough to come up m the buat loday. The iniared man is a I brother ot Regulator. Captain Johnston, of the BrsI-ifcS) LOCALS. You will not have boils if von Clarke A Falk's snre cure ot bods. take Special sale in children's school hats,1 caps and baby boDnete, a: the Campbell A Wilson millinery parlors Frtdar aud Saturday of this week. One-ibird off rezn'ar nrice price. i T. A. Van Norden is now prepared to ' ... . T ,. fi: vonr eves. He keeps the best quality . of glasses and frames on hand. Pre-; I . lp'.toDS acenrateiy fined on short no- tice. No fancy prio-e. r!3 Iw Pease Mays Social Saturday. 3ft abort leotjths of Ta ble Damask, fecial value tot QCf Iht No. I 9la9la Necc 2, 2v and S-yard lengths. 2, 2,a and 2-yard lengths. Me tetvrday Morn ing at t o'clock. Lot &II0 No. Z P I Mece Groceries Union and Second Street. Local Phone 92. How's Tails! We offer one hundred de-liar? reward ior any case oi caiami 1011 can not ue j cured by Halt's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenar for the laat 15 rmr and he Sieve him perfectly honorable in ail buai- carry out any obligations made' by their west & Tmax. wholesale Prnzgieu, To- ' ledo, O., Maiding, K Marvin, Wholesale lirnevists. loiedo. Ohio. Ha'iS Catarrh Cure i? taken inter i naliy, acting directly upon the biood and ; m ucous surfaces of '.be system. F. J. Chcxly & Co.. Props., Toiedo 0. ryld by drroircite, price inc. Hall's Famiiv Pi-is are tbe beat. 12 FARM FOR SALE. Four hundred acres cf deeded land situated sixteen mites south of The Dalies, in tbe best grain district in East em Oregon, wiii be sold at a bargain. ; The land is nearly al! under cultivation and well improved, having a good house, Darn, granary and other outhouses, and - cient water for fifty bead nf horses : ury wa.n-. A wnowjiil ami cietero m cuostrat'iea so ae io lormsri water lor the house, stock and garden .irrigation. There is sufficient pasture. ; for a email band of stock and splendid hog pasture on the farm. For further particulars apply to Theo. J. SatTEKT, ; n4-lmdAW Box 364, Tne Dalles. SHERIFF'S NOTICE. Notice is herehv eiven that on the 13th day of November, 1901, at io a. m J at VY. . Mien ni s furnitare store at Hood River, nr.. I wi!i aelt at nnhlir I anction to the aizrest bidder for cash, all goods and chattels of W. E. Sherrii; s furniture store, to satisfy a chattel mort m.m. r. f aOttAO JQ mmtt V. - - - - I - I I t. - . V ' , Willi lUIC.CCk (IUUJ MIT !2b daT of Mar'ch 190, d..e J tbe, rate of eight per cent, together with ! costs, ft. t. bherrii! mortgager; n. p- f? & c mortgagee. Aitraetive Atosaeo. All women sensibly desire to be at- tractive. Beauty is tbe stamp of health because it is the outward manifestation , .,' ; . r r, . r A k.)ik. JLm pun.j. a iraiiuj suiuau it always attractive, might and happy. f WLen every droD of biood in the rins is t - - Dure a beau'.eous fiusn le on the cheek. v. . . . but wrien tne I'iaoxi is impure, morose- ls nees, bad temir and a saiiow complex- ion telle the tale of sickness a!! to plain- E ' iy. Ana women tonay Know tnere is no beaotv withonr taallh. Wine of Cardui crowns women witti be?aty and attrac tiveness by niacin' strong and healthy ! thoss organs wbicb make ber a woman. Try Wine of Carcu.', and in a month , your friends will hardly knew yon. t . i .. - . N. Jackson, Dansiile, III., writes : "My daughter bad a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible congh settled on her lnnos. We lried a1 mn'' remedies without giving relief. Sne tried Folejr's Honey fcmJ Tb. which cnred ghe hng never been troubled with acough since." Tiarki. FatV 'arse dc raik. L grippe coughs often ejntinne for, monms ana sometimes lead to fatal re- su I s after the patient is supposed to nave paaseu tne aanger point, roiev'e tioney and iar anonle positive pro tection and security from these coughs. Clarke & Falk. for iaeumuaia. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in thiee very severe cases of pneumonia with good resaite in evSry case." be ware of substitutes. Ciarke k Faik. DeWiu's Littie Early Risers never disappoint. They are eafe, prompt. gentle, effective in removing all im-' I prrities fiom tbe liver and bowels. V Smalt and easy to take. Never gripe or! A tat ...Ad i ., .. L' . . I, i . I, ! macv. - ! Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turn to surgery for relief. De Witt's , Wilcn Haael Salve will act mors quickly, surely and safely, saving ton the expense ; and danger of an operation. Ciarke & faifc e f. U. Pnarmacy. C. M. Phelps, Foreatdale, Vt., says bis child was completely cored of a bad , mm aI u.Uft.. W. it.. .. ... Mj r ... ! -: . . ' Witch Uasel Salve. Beware of ail coonterfnta. It instant!) relieves niles. : Clarke A. Faik's P. O. Pharmacy. U a a Dk I If anything ails yoor nair, go and see Fraxer ; he's tbe headquarters for all j bair remedies. Remember that be ' tnakse a agsdalte of these goods. tf j Floral lotion will care wind cbanoina i and son barm. Maaulastaied by Cara j A Falk. Claras A Faik's ftevonew. us nasjt- Ask w a w far tfaasn. fllfli II lTl 1"otOs1 inCllsjj yeM&sV Groceries DC T. AN UOTBIX3EDENTED OFFER! He People s Haiiooai Famlig newspaper To all old and new subscribers Tri -Weekly Tribune and Semi Weekly Tribune and Semi Published Monday. Wednesday and Fri day, is in reality a.fiue and fresh every -other-day Daily, p.ring the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of tbe other 3. It contains all impor tant -foreign cable news which appears in the Daily Tribune of same date, also do mestic and f orcijsn correspondence, short stories, elegsn: half tone illustrations, hu morous items, indus trial tnf ormaUon , fashion notes, agrico rural matters, and comprehensive and re liable financial and market reports. I tlAf 11 Lit YORK TRIWEEKLY Regnlar tiou price, year. subscrip ll.5t per TRIBUNE. We furnisa i: with Semi Weekiy Chroni cle for t-'.tv per year. Send all orders to Chronicle j """ ill Mini ii. msjasassiauiatjj L. Lane, GENERAL BlacKsmiin ...AND... k HorsesDner , m V U Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. fliirt ant Jeff cm hm 159 w i ar Mass aiwlaswsawsta. TIE MT OPERA BOOSE rir kitruT nui v ONE NIGHT ONLY, . TU I T UfiTI A V lerrVXT lAtVi inUACifA X , XIUT. 14U1. First presentation here of this season's greatest laughing soccess, iltNTONO HAWKINS A u-.arry musical comedv, presented bv a big company of favorite Inn- ' makers, including C KfcaiTjeV - filf fitVinf T' VV PX) SF DOZENS OF SPECIALTIES, and they I are GREAT. lrs five rows, i oc ; balance of the house 50c ferats on sale at Ciarke & Faik's. Tws Siaa Ueath. "Our littie daughter bad an almost fa- attack of whooping cough and bron- chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland. of - . ' Aruioct, . y., "bot, when all other rane(!i failed, we saved her life with Dr K,, IHff Discovery. Our niece, ho 'd Consumption In an advanced stage, also used this woadecfnl medicine d to dv abe ia perlectly well." Des- nerate throat and luag dissasss vleld to fW. Kinsr'a Mass Ol .. n - - mediskoe oa esslh. iofallibls iw Conajas annuoioa. (rue and II .00 bottles guar- ....Aawal k- aTl sTS gftst B S . a I . "wss my w. y. enaaesey, tae trial notuee tree. g 8 NOLAN. paving one year ha advance we offer - Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. - Weekly Chronicle for SI. 50. lubii.hed on Thurs day, aad knows for nearly sixty years it escry part of the Cui tied States as a nation al family newsnaiier NEW of the highest class. ) for farmers and villa pts. It contains alt the most important ecrteial t.ews cf the iAHy Tribni.t- up I. the hoar of going tr press; an agricultural depamneu; of the nig beat order, ha eit tenniitinx readiii i ! f very member the fHmuy.otaand youug: market natorts a hlch a-e secei-teai as auth ority by farmers and merchaiits. and It cieaii, up-t,HiKte, in--'efesting and inxruc Uva, Regular subsrip Uon price, s ; per year We furnish it wi:n Semi-Weekly Chroni cle for 11.56 per yenr YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Piiblishicg Co., The Dalles, Or. mmmm!m mmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmWm Prof. Homer de Morrison 323!x Washington street. Room 23-30, POKTLAKD, OttlOUN. i Toe first registered as well as the first rrariu i ate Mlssist ever in i'ortiand. The world's ' e eatest Trance Clairvoyant and Herbs is; ean be eoujulted daily on al! sffatrs of if-. ! I'loff de Morris-m is without a doubt the most seientinc- PaimUt and Clai; vovant iu the world tbdag: be locates hidden treasure, reoattai the f separated, teila if those la miu- rs.1, o 1. or gas on your land, enables you to win th" i:fi;ciion of I one you desire. j Palmistry taught mediumistie rrsons devel oped. Heals by the uses of ;, rvvtaled herb-! i teas: cure chronic and so-called incurable dis eases, free treatment f-ir the r-oov. ' Send Jt, date of birth and three iuesti ma; aU ' letters answered a! , nee. Loeaud b risiaa. Portlmd. Aug. io. - fTo he Editor) -Corner de Morrison. occuhUt. located by vi.i.'u tbebul ; JII1 ircJl2.nJ.thl'i!ie'i,J'J'mielUne 355?' ,n beo,,,f of science he imtxediately eors- mumcased by letter the facts to Mr. A J Rals- I TtrtlarT nlgnf rr"" li"iaasi7!uwl i ., bai rABiut. ifTnijf catec by vision by a I'o'tUnd oultist. Thia ! proves that tbe story of the ronfesim of the! j thief and that bis assistance was required iu re- j Tflf xitKimg nie(?"ia was it fm.x.- i alii-rms in veil -I WS lloi: for the purpose of Uepiiving oregoa of just m i aiorv " K.ii!,,- Pi. , ...... .;.... FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rp... . . lj . rraj8ftCt uanerai Banking Business. Letters of Credit iesned available in the Eastern States. Si jtit Ezctjanee and Televranhic Transfers sold on New York. Chicago. 8t- Lou,- " Francisco, Portland Ore- ". Seattle Waah., and various points I in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fas- fDie wma PACKERS OP'' PORKand BEEF UAJirPACTCUgHS ow Fine Lard and Sanaags Cwrsof BRIMB BAMS & BACON BeD BEEF. FTO. FoSey'M KM .OREGON shout like Union Pacific TIME SCHKDVLES 1 raoa the dalles. aorxn aoraa Chtcaao- jNeUaaa 12:25 p. IB. via Heat ing". saa inls, chj -oagoand the Rase I'WCP-i Atlantic Kxaaess. i&jka. m salt Lake, Denver, Ft ' Worth, Omaha, Kan- . , sa City. St. Louis, Chi ; :S0-. vtaatant 1 OGEAJT 119 imi 801 FaatJUil ' W!rTr-"tS" 1 ' 9?f- fcaaapoUiVst. s r., . M-apo- Jl,UaJuth,Mlio kaae. kaa. Caataju and East. raa PevUsta. (all aafling date sub Jaot to change For San Francisco, Ball mrj 5 day. Dally mXr tiVla Stiver. ;!5m. To Astoria and Way- eie5 sataaday, i LandiBga. ; aaad? 10:0p. m. ; Patty Willamette Bttrsrr. VX3Zr Citf, Xeabarg. laTn, Salem, ludoindeiioe. ' OBa m. aad ay Landings. Sunday. Taawky. , 4:n.v Ihruad. r. Corveliis and Way- Monday Satardav, Landings. Wednesaa c 00 a.m. j riaay. Tuaaaay. f Wlllajncne asni ' S:p. TaoxaC-iy, Vamhltl Kts-ara. Monday, 52P-' Oregon CI ty , Dayton and Wednesday m Way-Landines. f riday. i . i. Itwu IS. ?5itm. Eipari to Lewiatoc. g:J0 BV Pnraes Pairing to pu to Beppir sr liuHat os Columbia ilonlbern via BUrgs, ahaaH tea No. 2, leaving TIM Dallas at 12.25 p. ss, makitiK direct connections at Heppner junctta sad Biggs. Ke turning making direct counectka at wrppner Jmiettoa and Biggs with So. 1. ar rirtaa; as XM Dallas at 1KB p. m. Fox farther marOcouus. call on or address JAJi. IRELAND. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, Complete Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. J. 8. scaaMca, Prealoeat. Max A. Voet. Caahitf First national Bant THE DALLES - - - OREOOSt A Genaral Banking Depoaita reeaived, snbjeet to Sigh Draft or uneek. Collections mads and proceeds promjif remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold est Near York. Sj TFraamsoo and "art- BIBtl D. P. Taoavsos. Jao. 8. Beasts En. M. Wixliaju, Geo. A. Lisas. H. M. BaatLb. W- W. WILSON. First-Qass 117 Every respot. PRIVATE PARTIES 8EBVfV Tba tgasa sjwass sappliad mm saw 1 hast la M Us msrkrt. 74 Front Be., Ooswt.THe