Chrimkle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1901. NO. 231 SI) Balk jgSimJ nKJPHH0' eee) a. b l fl BsrSBnT AgdahleIVcpalioftfofAs- I simllating Ike Food andBetfUb- isngfteStiMfrts airtlWwiiaf H Promotes DigcsBonJCheerfut- I ness andRcstContains neither I Opiumforphine norHneraL Hot Naec otic. B w- w- . SlSAww l Ban &- I iS5,-: j I A perfect Remedy forConsBpa- H Tto'n , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea 9 Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of H 3enr8s5Se Ib EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ftiJ Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA 9 to Umatilla Noose (ate and Restaurant I MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Service the Best. Rates Reasonable. CVSpecial rates to Steady Boarders, Families and Theatre Parties. . FRANK BATTY, Manager. CONSOLIDATION SCHEME COMPLETE Great Northern and Northern Pacific In Hands of Syndicate. Xfcw Yobk, Nov. 13 Regarding tbe incorporation of tbe N rtl.ern 6tcurittec Company, no official admis.-ion could be obtained afternoon as to the scope of tbe new company or the values at which tbe Great Northern or Northern Pacific shares will be turned over to it. The Great Northern's outstanding capital is 1425,000,000 par value, selling at $200 in tbe market, while Northern Pacific's total outstanding stock is $155,000,000 par value, making a total of $280,000, 000 par value for tne sharps of tbeaa two companies. At (200 for Great Northern, tbe amount would be increased to $405,- j 000,000 for the shares of tbe two com-. pa rues. It is understood that- Uniou Pacific interests waived all objections to the etirement of tbe Northern Pacific i re ferred shares and will have a bw. vy interest in tbe capital of tbe new com pany , considerably beyond tbe par v-loe of tbeir present Northern Pacific bare holdings, which are placed at $78,000, 000 par value, just over a majoilty of tbe total $156,000,000 Northern Pacific stock capital. j Burlington shares, it is understood, ! are not to be tamed over to the new ' Northern Securities Company. That J stock is tow held as collateral for the outstanding Borlingtoo collateral bands with voting rights vested in the Northern Pacific aad tbe Great Northern railways, j Under tbe new arrangement Union ' Pacific will have voting rights in Burling ton, the board of directors being about evenly divided between the Union Pacific and tbe Hill interests. Tbe snggeetion was made today that the Burlington stock inav be held in a voting trust under tbe agreement between I be two Interests. Tbe suggestion wse made today that tbe Buriington stock may be held in a voting trust under the sgreement between tbe two interests. In this case J. P. Morgan will tie a voting trustee, or possibly the sole voting trustee. May Lou Hrr MiaO. New Yo&k, Nov. 13. Ivan Molocheff, a Bulgatian clergyman from Uccub, in Macedonia, Las juet arrived from visit ing Miss Stone, and is now in consolta tiou with Mr. Dickinson, says a Sofia, Bulgaria, dispatch to tbe Journal and Advertiser. "Miss Stone," he said, "is in tbe boose of Bekir Bey, in the town of Ceres, Macedonia. I left ter two days ago comine direct to Mr. Dickinson to try to arrange for ber release. Miss Stone and Muie. Tsiika are well, bat the straio is terrific, and there is danger that Miss Stone may lose her mind. To be al ways in tbe same surroundings is likely to drive tier rraiy; constantly 'ooking at the same objects has senit-mesmerfxed ber, and she baa bad a presentiment that evil will befall her. N Waaler tm eglaa. BoaxBDHO, Nov. 18. L. S. Coon, of Dillard, sent in a balf eos-n boxes of floe ripe strawberries to J. F. Barker A Co., this uoroiojr, wbieb ware sold in a very abort time. Edwin Weaver, of Myrtle Creek, reports eating ripe Mask- berriei trow ls owe gardes). The MoCtaJlee Hons has eeived dally log tne seat fear days nice red rai pkorriee freeb iioiB tbe noon gardens, it la no onosaal int to saw people pick THE INDIANA MURDER MYSTERY Two Women Murdered Mysteriously Near Evansville. Eyansvills, lad., Nov. IS. The mys tery of tbe two murders near this city yesterday remain unsolved. Tbe facta that both of tbe victims are women, that both were killed in the same manner and evidently by tbe name peason, add to the mystery. What possible motive existed for either crime no one is able to explain. Neither women was known to to have bad an enemy, and nothing is known to lfuk tbe two of them in any affair likely to furnish an excuse for oae man to attack both. Tbe body of Mrs. Georgia Heilly was found near tbe city beside a public high way. There were finger marks on the throat. The neck was broken. Tbe supposition is that the woman was choked to death by some one in a boggy, and then when she fell out her neck was broken. There were evidences of liie body being dragged some distance and thrown into a ditch. A mile outside the city, but in an op posite direction, the body of Miss Lena Benner was discovered by searchers. Her throat also bad finger marks, show ing tbe manner of death to be similar to tbat of Mrs. Reill.v. John Kifer, who was seen with Miss Benner, was arrested, tut proved an alibi and was released. The similarity ot these two nr orders to two others in this city during tbe last three years forms another strange in cident in the case. In April, 1806, Mr. Mary Stork went baggy riding with a stranger. Tbe next morning ber dead body was found in a ditch. Tbe man who took her life was never discovered. Mrs. Stork wae a prominent young woman, and a great sensation followed ber death. In April tbe following year Miss Nora Kifer, of Elberfield. Ind., while visiting here, suddenly disappeared. Her body was found weighed down in a creek the following month. Joseph D. Keith, a wealthy farmer, will be hanged n xt Friday for tbe crime. Death of Mrs. Shaw. SakatogaS N. Nov. 13. Zieppa E Bradford Shaw, widow of Henry W. ! Shaw, "Josh Billings," is dead a ber borne here. Tbe burial will take pbco at Laneeborough, Mase. Mrs. Shew waa 81 yeais old. Mothers every where praise One Minute Cough Cure for tbe sufferings has relieved and tbe lives of their Utile ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of tba trouble and draws oar tbe inflam mation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. sanenwannnnaenBenBnnVnnWBnnnnenei r A Shetland Pony WttQK Knit or BOYS tOlRLS TRADE MANK would your boy like one? The makers of Wayne Knit Pony Stockings have hit upon a plan for advertising their matchless hosiery which is meeting with freat success wherever proposed, 'hey offer to deliver free of ex pense, to the lucky guesser, a real, live, Shetland Pony. Their plan is this; Enclosed with every pair of Pony Stockings for boys and girls is a slip of pa- per on wnicn purcnaser is 10 reg MWWANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION f8ter their guess of tho combined weight of ten Shetland ponies, in the makers' possession at Ft. Wayne. Each ono of the ten guessers who come nearest to the aKRregato weight, will receive, as a reward, ono of the ten ponies delivered free. The only ex pense is the price of the stockings 25c pair. We carry a complete line of their Hosiery which is the kind many of our customers have bought in tho past always with best results. Ask for Pony Stockings at our hosiery counter. If jtou would compete in this guessing contest, bo prompt, as same closes Nov. 25th. 25 A PAIR THE BEST FOR BOYSWilRLS THANKSGIVING LINEN SALE Commences NEXT MONDAY & In response to many inquir ies, we announce our Linen Sale to commonce NEXT MONEY. It will pay you to wait. To Measui "EVENINO DRESS Full dress Evening Suits made to your . measure by one of New York City's best wholesale tailors. Select your cloths from samples just reesivad. Plaee your order at once and be prepared for society's first whirl. Dress Suit, silk lined.. SSJ Tuxedo Coat and Vest, silk faced SSO FIT GUARANTEED! New Hair Ornaments A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. SilK RoMI for the Heir THE .OCT OPERA HOUSE. F. J. CLARKE, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY, Nov. 16th. tarsips aad other A Ton of GOOD CABBAGE 12 l-2c per lb. Yellow Danvers ONIONS, $1.50 per sack. Best Eating: Potatoes 75c bushel. We pay 30c a doz. for Fresh Ranch Eggs. Prices guaranteed to Deo. let, 1901. J. H. CROSS dfoetrr and Feed Store. 3ECXD IS OOMINai That Funny Little Man Jas. L. McCabe, -IN- Maloney's Wedding Day Beautiful Scenery and Electrical Effects. 8 Pretty Giris 8 Singerr, Dancers, Comsdiana. Tbe Real Laughing Show of tbe Season. Wmi& It i l WTBaanenersr-l 2"5; Safins I OVER-WORK. Hundreds of Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, end other overworked Professional and Business Men who thought they tial kidney trouble have told us they had never rHn able to Hud anything to equal Lincoln Sexual Pills for the cure of that pain in the back, and the all gone feeling that so often precedes parssls. Prico, $1 00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain Wrapper. LIV00LV PROPRIETARY 00., Ft. Wayne, lad. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, Tbe Dalles, Or. First 5 row's, 75c; balance of the house, 50c. Heats on sale at Clarke & Falk's, Post OSes Pharmacy. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker ut Embalmer Cor. Third nnd Washington 8te. All orders attended to promptly. Loos distance phone 433. Local, 108. Grace T. Hill, PrsmwaUng Parlor, U4 12. Vet Steak. Tke0ajjes,Or PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Ploreer Orooer. LWT2 s m UJ Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES, OREGON. A foil line of BRIDGE A BEACH SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES, test Cook and Heating Stoves. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Agents for Hoostar Drills, J. I. Oeee Steel Fare) Harrows and Plows. Spring Tooth Uerrooa, Biased Obllled Plowa, Mitchell Wee. ons end Hacks, Heuuey boggles. ..Star Windmills... With Bell end Roller benrlofs, and fully warranted. Write oa for prices and catalogues. All orders enimstsd to aa MI nave prompt attention. Fringe always right. The only Egeiaeive Hardware itore in the city. T i