The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 13, 1901, Image 4

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Dr. Schroeder, of Cascade Locks, is in
the city.
Clyrfs 1 . Bonney, of Tygh, was fc the
city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ireland, of Moro,
re (tnests at the Umatilla Hoose.
Detectives Snow and Kerrigan, of
Portinnd. nre in the citv on business.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bmoke returned
yesterday from a trip to Independence.
J. S. Sullivan, the wide awake repre
sentative of Rnsseil A Co., is in the city. !
MieJ C??ie Tborbourn arrived in the;
city from Pirttand last evening and left '
this morninz to visit her parents at
Mrs. J. F. Haworth and children left
on this morning "a Regulator for a visit
to ner si-'er, Mrs. R. E. Haworth, at
Carson. Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Lee, of Portland,
Rre in the city visiting their son, H.
Pan! Le. and wife at their home on
Xinth and Coort streets.
4 BiKN.
In this cttv ou Tnesdav. Nov. 12, 1931,
! Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Ferguson, a
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
TX'n't forget this.
Ciarke A Falk have on sate a fnll line
o( paint and artist's brnehes.
A new line of children's school hats
and caps rece:ved at Campbell A Wil
son "e mi":inery parlors. At reasonable
prices. Call and see them. o23-tf
Clark and Faik have just received a
fail iine of freaS Yeiox papers and de
velopers, the same as nd by Mr. Lovick
in his recent demonstration at our store. r
Yon sbocid know that Foley's Hnt-v
and lat is aosotateit tne Deal rot ai,
diseases of the threat and innss. Dealers
are authorized la gns'-antee it to girt
satisfaction. C:arke A Falk.
Lewis Ojkennac. (.Tasiien. Ind : 'De
Witt's Little Early Risers never nend me
doable like other pit is. but do their work
thoroagh.j and mak-? me feel llkaaboy."
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke A
Faifc'e P. O. Pnarutacv.
Watant Lake, Ark., Jaas,lMB.
I thank von ftf the beaellt I received freea MMW
yoor advice and the Wiue of Cardai I took la MM
my terrible condition. . My life wwe no pleaanre M
to aw at all and I wae of no nae to anybody.
Altar reeeirina your advice and medicine t
commenced taking it and began immediately to
impmre. The paina Iff me and the mens, LVH.
which came at the correct time, continued three Mfj
dav. I have rained strength and my weight Mmi
ha." increased. My say the medicine
has made oe batter looking than ever before. faB
WonusJy health mum bright eyes, rosy H
checks, clear complexion ami ciastkity of form Mm
This is the yaoth unmeasured by veers the
a fsT MM men srt Kappscr and get nwrt oat of Urc than
V 3tff aw trwir atsctr wnoac nccs aaaacaat sniierme sansa
m&jMSL Jm m WiT cr "nattsrlook
WrPKPH Ing' and mfmrttly happier because it cured her B
n2fwSfSSJm a' those euilbei pains. Bat she is ne exception. H
MM b (tvine thousands of women health, beauty and freedom from the dreg.
m gin? pains which made their lives so mberabk. Wan faces, haggard eyes mk
wm and emaciated forma are the resales of aafjfjggaaj Whet tartness can com- mm
pete with the torture of irregular irwantruatton, keeinihoee and falling of MB
mm the womb ! Beauty flees quickly before the ravages of such disease. The MM
mm snerp pains of failing of the womb deepen the crow tracks in the face. MM.
ME Menstrual irregularities rob the eye of its Tire and the complexion of Ms MM I
WM trampareno Leucorrrtoea drains the body oi its strength, but Wine of MM
MM Cardai restores the natural beauty. ktsjhUas the eye, cleats the coeaplexion. Mm
MM rounds out the figure and brines back the vigor of health. Every druggist Mm
M in this city handks $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. WM
H. Tot aSMai aad I'.toalim. nkli . jOTtae sjaiptuaii. "The tadtw aafaall faVfl
fMffffl DipaitBHaa," Tk ITmHsshqj lltdgtas Osipaay, Cteaaaoaga, Tkaa. Mm
White Dollar Line.
Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points.
Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues-
dav, Thursdav and Satordav.
Arrives The Dalles, same day, 5 p. tu.
Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. on San
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m.
All kinds of
funeral Supplies &
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shroodi
Meals the Very Best.
bis Route has the Grandest
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Roond Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland
Leave Astoria
.? p. II,
U . I. 'J v SNIapoJasjPa
Wifles, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Condon Phoas S3
bong iiiii. ii.
Next door to First National Bank.
and Third iiattaiiona Leave
The first and third baitalian of the
Tw.nty-eight Infitn'ry, V. B, A., lett
Portland yesterday afternoon lor San
Francisco. At that cty the troops will
embark Friday ior the Pr.iiippine on
the transport Grant. They are a gay
set (if yoane men as they started on
their j urnfv. Neither the pro-pec: of
hardships, in the Philippine--, n r wars
j'i30!Ey side oiled the warmth oi their
take ardor.'
Tne 'wo battalions consist c: 749 ren-
1 : iar eoHiers end 22 commissioned officers.
1 The first battalion departed at 8 :3U p.
; m. o-: a train of thirteeti cars. Ten of
the cars were tourist sleapera for the
. . soidi!-:s, one a standard eieeper for the
J TD'DOrtllllltjlGS. "ffic is and two were given to bngeage.
Tne ? coad hat t a: ion left
It is not trne that Tbeo. H. Liebe
aims to attack the character of J. E. Ad
cox nor to injur the business of T. A.
Van Norden. The trnth is well known.
If the trnth harts, then it is a pity.
Tneo. H. Liebe does an increased busi
ness simplv because he is reliable, be
cause he offers good goods at low prices,
and because all work done at his place is
euaranteed. n4-tMWti
Landing and office Foot of Alder '
Street; both phones, Main 351, Port
land, Oregon.
You will not have boils if von
Clarke & Fa!k' sore -are oi boiis.
E. W. Crichton, Agent Portland,
Prat her and Barnes, Ats., Hood River,
Wo! ford A Wyers, Agts.. White Salmon,
J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria.
R. B. Giroretb. Agt., Lyle, Wash.
Kodoi Dvspepsia Cure is not a mere .
" f fn fg r i mm nmi ! tr 11
I . I ffal LIP1 IKlnl HrTAHT 1 HA llftllftA
stimnlent to tird nature, it aaurds the If. f. riLLUUH, HgClllf IHC UflllCd.
stomach coLp!ete and absolute rest by
digesting the food you eat. Yon don't
have to diet bat on enjoy nil the good
food yon went. Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure
instantly relieves that distressed feeling
after eating, giving yon new life and
vigor. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Wno Wflilin i JIs
Oxford Grav, all-wool.
heavy check lining ;
and smvkI velvet cellar.
I, well-ciade with
D ou bie-breas ted .
Sold in the regular wav
at $8.50. The Huh price
Good heavy Pilot Cloth. In either blue,
brown or bladfc ; well lined ; double
breasted, with a g Nd velvet collar.
Sold in the rogalfU vrs.y
at $10. The Huh price,
ten mii.u'.es
late'. Its train was made up of a stand
ard sleeper, n:n- touri?' sleepers and
two carr for baggage. The ears of the
regular troops in both trains had 266
sections. Colonel Mott Hootea. cooj
' mander of the regiment, was on the
, firs' t-i.J, and also Lientenant-Cjlouel
! John F. S'.reich. Tne third battalion.
on the secind train, was commanded by
Maj r F. F. Eastman. Several of tt e
j officers were accompanied by their
! vtem
Alanv friends of
the railroad station to see tbetr.iops off.
Tne departure was more -ike that of a
picrrc party than an excursion to war.
The traveling quarters of the soldiers
were nun-ua iy eii-an snu rjmlortabie,
and the troous shou d have a pleasant
trip to San- Francisco. The men wi:l
arrive at the Biy City early Thursday
morning. The ; trains grill not make stable
the last time oi tne regula passenger
service. Tney left Portland five hou-s
before Iht usual r.igii'. passeogr train,
and this margin of time wilt keep them
ahead o! the regular overland. The two
trains of the troops are heavy and long,
aid thereiore will not run verv ft.
Dyspepsia can be cured by nding
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Twblet wil' give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
i axes at 25 cts. Biakeley the druggist.
A . bniidings and obetrnctions in the
The Doiles must be removedti
within thirtv davs froml
streets of
!rom tne srets within tnirtv cavs trom
this date or the matter will be enbrnitted
to the council for them to act np-in it.
By order of C. V. Champlss.
nfftnhal Dailee City, Or.
Dated Nov. 3, 15K1. n7
Experience is the best Teacher. Tee
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
cougbs, colds or croup.
Dalles, wW & istona
Should it fail to
the eoidieis were at i K've immediate relief money refunded
25 cu. and 50 cts Biakeley, the druggists.
Wante ! 100 nsad of broke or haif
broke horses, of 14 tc 15 hands in height
and from 5 tu 8 yeare of age. Also 50
head of horses wetgbing from 1 100 to
1200 ponnds. Br;ng them next Tuesday,
November 12. b, to Ward & Robertson's
Ever-bearing raspberry plants at Mrs.
C. J. Stabling's for ten cents each.
'1 Mm n-jjr a Failure?"
The largest and moat
complete line of . . .
at 7 A. M.
...Portland Boat...
at 7 tOO A. M.
Extra heavy all-wool, in bnwn or
gray ; double-breanted : extra well made
with heavy farmer satin Hniag and with
large storm cOUar just the ulster for
the cold weather.
fcold in the regular wav
at $10. The Hub pric:,
f irst-class Cbiuchiila, heavy-weight ;
double-breasted : extra heavy wear-ri-aifrting
lining; large storm collar; im
eaetrablc to either wind or rain.
Sold in the regular way
ut (15. The Hub price.
25 dozen of Men's Wol-neeced I nder
wear. hold in the regular way f g
at 1.50 suit. Tbe Hub price, COC
Jemes L. McCabe in "Maloney's Wed
ding Day" is funny enough to keep us '
iaiigbing for a wiiuie eeason. It comes
j to the Vogt Saturday, Ndv. 16th, and ;
j through the cit'es ntbafg it has t.iajed it ;
has left a trail of genuine fun that wi'i )
remain a stand. ng tickler for some time
to come. It is a refreshing combination
I of comedy and dranii, entertains with a
i cleveriy - developed story and amuses
i with tbe most digiufnt droiiery. A
brefzy, original streak of comedy rnrs :
through its three acts that carries audi
er.ces into flights of merriest moods and
keeps them in the liveliest hnmor from
rise to fail of curtain. Its story alOft) I
on tbe nnibitiou of a happy-go-iUckv John Pashek, The Tailor,
'Irishman Dai. Ma'ocev to wed the'
I . . I
captivating wealthy V too Clancy. The
erratic Maioney is a vt-ntanle "football '
of fortune that has been r icked into
every convenient gutter." Th'ouvh un
I amusing case of mistaken identity ur i
iiitrottnc-d into a social circle, which in
cluiea the wealthy widow, with whom !
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kiada
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi fu kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind
TTorimiflrta-Ma for "Rtoti R"h nrf a andaiiwng.
a,vvva. uuu ww a -waaaa m aaap, of WALL
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl FlOUP Thifi I'lonr n mMnietmA expresalv for faarfb
wv xv use ; everv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaetJga,
We sell oar goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if you don't Uunktg
cail and get cor prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
p. S. GUfafUflG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maler..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith SuppBai
Agcst for RumcII A Co.'s Engiaes, Threshers awl Saw Hill.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
nor. Second & LaoHdiB Kl, TEE DALLES OB.
Lyon s French Periodical Drops
Strictly veg-etable,perectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
CAllTIM Beware cf counterfeit? and Imitations. Tbe ir nalne l put ay onlr in paste-board Car
"w - - wc wnn lacumuc aiKDanire on mue or m ixitne. man:
8eod far Circalar to WILLI A Ma as fu . CO.. Sole Ageou. ClavelaiuL Ohio. U
For sale by Geo. C. Biakeley. Tbe Dalles, Or.
W. C. ALLAWAY. General Ao-ent.
Tbe Dalles, Oregon
ever shown in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Cos
Paint and Oil Store.
Jast What
You cuant.
Hue just received 1000 samples
of the latest pauerna in Geni'f!
Clothing Goods. H guaran
tee prices and a good fit or no
pay. : : : : :
The flab Cfafhiii; Co.
(Mays & Crowe Building).
All Goods Marked iii Plain Figures.
Malooey falla in love. The many com
! plicattom and blunders in hit lose llisll
iag is said to be an etidlee oarce of
' laughter that keep fun at a white hetit
j through the whole performance.
Job t.iulUnt Ua n.jud It.
If he'd had Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoying: but fiocklen's Arnica
I c.i n .. , .
ajcaiva; v,wir tug; wuri tnor vi fitiVM UU uitMlClattG
New ideaf in Wall Paper here. 8ocb
wide variety as we are showing never be-
j tore graced a single stock. Real imita-
John Pashek, The Tailor. j!onJcreM,D ordinary pitas.
! Good papers at cheap paper prices.
cieyaui uoaigua, lasieiui colorings, yours
for a small price, at oor store on Third
street. Also a fall line of boose paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St
Dyer and Cleaner;
Blankets scientifically e'eaned and i
! earth. It has cared thonndr. For In-
juye, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's
tbe best salve in tbe world. Price 26c
a box. Care guaranteed. Sold by G, C.
Biakeley, tbe druggist. 6
Fortierre curtains dyed all colors.
Mail ordeis will receive prompt at
tention. Phone Red 131,
Kr.'SSfflS: Portland. Or.
Irrigation, Bridge, Railroad and Water Supply
City, Mine and Expert Land snrvevinc. Mac
rt - "
('uultrurtion and U. I, ,
auwaja, ana raveiueuu.
leUni oi f oandefdona. Modern Brtdxea. Hew
ass, aaarvotra, Maaunry Stilora. Ear
ol Address, P. O. Box Ml, THE BALLE8, OK.
Of tbe product of this well-knoan brewery tbe Doited States Healtb
Reports for Jane 28, 1900, says: A more so pet ior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, baton the other band is com posed el
the beet of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the higb
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
tbe cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
They overcome
neas. irreirularity 8S
omissions, increase vsr
and banish paw
of menstruation." They are "LXFE SAVJ2B8 " to
womanhood, aiding development of or pans and body.
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do hano-fflj
becomea a pleasure. fl.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. mM
y druggist. Dit, MOTT8 CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, QMS
For al bv Geo. C. Biakeley. The Dalles, Or v'iL
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Strati
61 Local,
86a Long Distance.