The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 13, 1901, Image 3

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1 5.'. TSte.
9 I
The Hew York dash 6tote.
ft I
We exect the Linen De
(Mirtment to be humming
this week. Evem pat
tern is bright and new.
Our Secial Prices for
$ will frrove to be a big
the good things are gone
Men's Overcoats
Regular made, Oxford grey, a good looking,
stylish and woll-madc overcoat,
only $6.00
Men's Suits
Heavy winter suit, well made and perfect
only $6.00
H. ft. M, Tailor-made
Suit and Overcoats, made
expressly for PEASE & MAYS,
$12 to $23.
Largest and best line of UNDERWEAR
in the city.
ISS and 14 cond Street.
Tho ABAlff T0H8 of the City.
Your Storm Boots are
here. Shoes that keep the
feet dry and warm are not
usuolly very handsome, but
our box calf and kid shoos
add both style and comfort to
their other virtues. Some
hare heavy welted extension
soles and Cuban .heels. Leath
ers are pliable and comfort
able to wear. We have the
regular height and the extra
high cut, the most sensible
shoe for winter's snow and
slush. $3, $3 SO and $4
will buy a pair.
The Dalles Dafly ffimmiete.
W EDSEDAY - - NOV. 13. 1901
Served I
At Andrew Keller's.
All ITmoo County nuli re.letored
prior to December 8ft, 18.8, will b. paid
on pr.MDt.tlon nt mjr oSBee. Interest
ceneee alter October 30, 1901.
JOHN F. HAMP8BIBB, fiwutrti.
Don't forget that Wednesday, evening
ie Sendvig's dancing class, at the Bald
win. 2t
A marriage license wae issued yester
day to Mr. Geo. Mann and Miss Hattie
Halvor, of this city.
Wanted A girl or woman to do most
ly chamber work. No washing,-' no
ironing, and no children. ni2tf
Mies Grace Hill has opened dressmak
ing; parlors in the Vogt block, rooms 11
and 12, where she ie prepared to give
perfect satisfaction in the latest styles in
dressmaking. nlllw
Special sale in children's school hats,
caps and baby bonnets, at tbe Campbell
& Wilson millinery parlors Friday and
Saturday of this week. Ooe-tbird off
regular price.
A'l Unite 1 Artisans should arrange to
atnl assembly this (Wed.eday) even
ing. A good time aseart-ri, as this ie the
secular social evening. No work. Eat,
drink and be merry.
T. A. Van Nordeo is now prepared to
fit your eyes. He keeps the best quality
of glasses and frames on hand. Pre
scriptions accurately filled on short no
tice. No fancy price. l13 lw
Dj not fail to attend the temperance
meeting at tbe Christian church tonight.
Rev. Walton Skipwortb will deliver the
address. A moat cordial invitation to
evaryboly. No collection; no admis
sion fee.
Remember tbe "picture social" at the
M. . church Friday evening. Do not
forget the bill of fart i-pompkia pica and
a nice rorm, all for ten c nte and two
pairs of old rubbers, or 16 coat will en
title yjD. lo t very thing.
Toe 6-months old oaild of Cilnt Hell,
of this city, died this morning of
diphtnerii. Tbe little one has bees
ill several days, and although everything
that medic il teienee eonM foggen was
done it was all to no avail. Tbe fuueral
was held this afternoon.
Yesterday tbe little steamer T.hoqaa
took tbe place of tbe Bailey Gataert on
the Dalles-Portland raj,u dfi sbe
winter wtrl be ased la pleee of tbettnrer
'!. ajbjeb l 1 m W
Portland and Astoria. Alttwugh small,
tbe Tahoma is a speedy craft, but will
have to get a move on ber to compete,
with the old favorites, tbe Regulator
and Dalles City.
Tbe 5-monthe-old child of John Miller
died at tbe residence of A. M. Allen on
East Tblrd street, at 0 o'clock today.
Tbe little one bad been stek for se.veraT
months and tbe end was not unexpected.
The funeral will take place from tbe
Allen borne at 2 p. m. tomorrow.
Friends of the family are respectfully'
invited to attend.
Don't for a moment imagine that be
cause yon bave not been reminded of
the new year edition for several days it
Is not very much in evidence just tbe
same. Most of our wide awake citizens
are aware of the fact because they are
personally interested ; others will be, for
not to be known through its columns
means, virtually, not to be known at all.
The case of (he State vs. Jack Bart
mess is being tried today. This is a case
of assault with a dangerous weapon
whsch was committed several days age
on B. W. Matthews, tbe section boss at
Wyetli. Matthews claims that tbe de
fendant struck him on tbe bead with a
shot sack filled with rocks. Attv. John
Gavin appears for tbe defendant, while
Prosecuting Attorney Menefee appears
for tbe state.
According to Instructions from the
city fathers, through Marshal Cham plio,
Mr. Lord has repaired tbe sidewalk in
front of the burned livery barn in tbe
East End in an excellent shape. While
be, like many other good citisens, may
not notice needed repairs on bis prop
erty, still wben hie attention is called to
the same it is a sure shot that he will
bave tbe same attended to properly
without a whimper or any regard for tbe
Tbe result of tbe investigation of tbe
.collision between the steamer Regulator
and tbe Bailey Gatsrt. which occurred
at Lyie a couple of weeks ago, reeglted
in the full vindication of Capuin John
ston, of tbe Regulator. It will be re
membered that tbe Gataert ran into the
Regulator and the investigation was beld
in order to decide wbich of the two cap
tains was to blame. By tbe decision
the cost of tbe damages falls on the
White Collar line.
The Crystal bath-house at Long Beach,
destroyed by fire Monday morning at
3 o'clock, was owned by William Ferrell
and Frank Canaris, end was constructed
a year ago at cost of $6000. A d welling i
alining, owned by Mr Canaris, was
also burned to tbe ground. There is
probably do one who bas spent a sonv
mer vacation at Long Beech who has
not eijoyed a plunge in this popular
bathhouse, and if It it apt retail if
will be sorely missed by many of tbe
summer vJaUote u (be beach woo preset;
this .to surf bathing
Tbe bone Of
quarantined twaey. as the servant girl.
daughter, Miss Prudence, were not at
home at tbe time the quarantine was
placed on the house and of course will
not be allowed to return until the quar
antine is raised. There is one good
feature connected with their not being
there, and that if tbe fact (bat tbey will
not be kept away 'from the eostoffice,
which might bave interfered greatly
with tbe delivery of mail. S
Tbe first entertainment of tbe season
in tbe Star Lecture Opart? lor Oregon
will be given on Saturday evening of
this week, It will be remembered that
J. Wagoner, of Independence, was bare
soliciting patronage a short time since.
Enough names were secured to meet tbe
necessary' expense end tbe matter was
turned over to tbe public schools. If
there is a surplus It will be used to re
plenish tbe school library. There is no
where that an amount of money could
bo used to greater advantage than in
famishing reading matter for the young
Tbe trial of Ike Moore, who was
charged witb tbe larceny of 80 worth of
braes journals from the 0. R. & N. Co.
in this city, was concluded in the circuit
court yesterday, and after several hours
deliberation the jury brought in a ver
dict of guilty as charged in the indict
ment. The principal witnesses in tbe
case were Matthews, tbe junk man, to
whom tbe brass- was sold, Chas. Pay
ette, in whose building tbe stolen goods
was stored, and Tow Driver, who ar
rested Moore for tbe robbery. He has
not yet been sentenced and it is not
known as yet whether any motion for a
new trial will be made.
Four hundred. and fifty thousand dol
lars have come into the hand of Uma
tilla county farmers since tbe wheat
movement began Thuisday last. Tbe
effect on trade in Umatilla towns, es
pecially Pendleton, was almost instanta
neous and merchants of Pendleton,
Athena and Weston are happy. Forty
five and one-half cents for wheat
throughout all Umatilla county is eyial
to 46 and 47 f. o. b. This makes tbe
local quotations higher than tbey have
been made at Walla Walla, freight rates
to Portland and the Sound being equal
from both places. It leaves a fair mar
gin of profit for Umatilla farmers who
already were in good shape.
A meeting of the directois of The
Dalles Commercial club was beld last
evening for tbe purpose of considering ,
the advisability of holding a monthly
sale fair in Tbe Dalles. Before goleg
ahead witb tbe enterprise tbe directors
consider it aeeassary to coatalt the
merchants regarding tbe matter and at
doing so today. A diversity of opinion
prevails and it is doubtful as yet whet
will be done. Some are of tbe opinion
that tbe fair sboold be held week!;,
thick that the first seggeeMea to.
tbe fm Meade-af
le the heet plea, while
betieviag that to be tbe beat time to
introduce the same. It is more i an
likely that a decision will be reach -d by
tomorrow and it is to be hoped that the
efforts of the promoters will be success
ful. On a fast field and with oOOOLperaot
witnessing tbe exhibition, Whitman
sollege yesterday defeated tbe Unlver
ity of Oregon by a score of 6 to 0. Noth
ing but the fact tbat a Whitman runner
collided witb tbe goal post just as the
whistle of the referee blew time at the
conclusion of tbe contest prevented the
score being 11 to 6, as the ball was just
crowing the goal line when the accident
prevented the score. Captain Hauer
bach, of the Whitman team, suffered an
injury to his knee the cap thereof be
ing wrenched and will be out of tbe
game for the remainder of tbe season.
Oregon's superior kicking tactics pre
vented the score running higher.
Guy F. Steely 's latest comedy, "Hunt
ing for Hawkins," will bs the attrac
tion at the Vogt tomorrow (Thursday)
night, and is one of the most emphatic
laughing successes of the present season.
It bas been accorded unstinted praise by
critics every where, and is raid to be en
tirely original, thoroughly entertaining
and enjoyable. Columns have bseu de
voted to highly complimentary mention
of the cleverness of its construction and
tbe spontaneous humor of the dialogue,
as well as to tbe keneral excellence of
the entire company presenting the play.
Some of the citizens of the Dalles bave
alluded to this play at Cordray's in
Portland and pronounce it to be one of
the finest they have ever seen.
Pease 5 May
90 abort length of Ta
ble Damaftk. &tecial
No. I - 2WM
J 1, iX ead 8-yard lengths.
9, 04 end t-yard lengths.
to Me totijr? Horn
MO of 0 oeJoefee
..lop' m mil's sgnol sins..
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering thoin at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
Tbe New York Cash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tinli. Healer has revolullon
issd the heNtinir. Mov tratle in all sections of the United Staler. lis won
derful economy in the use of fnei, and many other cieelUnt qualities,
strongly recommend It to all In neei of a heating stove.
Whet Colo's Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a rocirn from to to
80 degree In Sve minutes.
It will heat your home evenly day and
Tt holds Are SO hours without attention.
You build only one fire eaeh winter.
It hums chip, bark, leaves, paper and
corn cobs, snl gives excellent revolts with
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove Is light and easily moved and
set up.
Tbe combustion Is perfect and ashes ere
removed only onqs In four weeks.
None of the heat Is wasted and the stove
will aava one-hall of your fuel bill.
It Is olean, economical, convenient, safe
end durable.
Every one of Dole's Original Air-Tight Heaters Is guaranteed to stav
air-t irfht as long as used. Where wood is used lor fuel every family sboold
haiu one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, Tit Dalles.
and save fuel. THE WILSON baB an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
Blakeley's Drug Store, ZZ
We carry the Uraiwt and must complcto ' tilt OWN KXttUcr of Umtm sn4 V-
t .ck In KtmUtru Orcfon of ul:lu are the Uaat MU.
UHVun and MKDICINB, Ererytblng we Mil is fr.ah.
COSU..N. BKtiHSI, 'l?X'-?aJ' n . .
ai'ONUK. nad CI.AMO.e. 0ttr I'aWjWItlftlOW Department
i ununn nan i. Ul.ehniawS umaeUmt men.
ruuesce n wai.lkys, "i"Je , "
CUKUO ana) pot)i tiAKKItae, We Manufeoture
untn suvi'Liii Or. Wd'a Liniment,
i hutu ivri ii(ti wona'e NnrtaiNvMla.
rtlOTO fArMKend MOUNTS, " , W.,.M'a H.eTl.rh- Tablets.
I.ufVNBk'e l)Hoi;ilL41K. and Wiich lleael Him.i.u t'renw.
i All. oitliBKtt receive nut DflTU DUflMCC I Kverr l-wkeae .lilvrfwJ irree,
pcrooiml attention. BUI II f 11" BE J rutiifty, lit tftwelty.
First-Clase Regular Meals.
., .,. ...
Royal Toko Point and Olympia Oyttort atrrod
at all hours and in all styles.
Aft-enoy AXDON BRAND delioloua Onooolattf
and Conftotions Always firssn
w v w
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