The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 12, 1901, Image 3

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    The LINEN
Wcexect the Linen De
tNirtment tn be humming
this week. Every pat
tern is bright and new.
Oor &eeial Prices far
will brave ta be a big
5 the good things are gone
Men's Overcoats
Regular made, Oxford grey, good looking,
stylish and well-mad overcoat,
only $6.00
Men's Suits
Heavy winter suit, well made and perfect
only $6.00
H. & 3 M. Tailor-made
Suits and Overcoats, made
expressly- for PEASE & MAYS,
$18 to $83.
Largest and best line of UNDERWEAR
in the city.
m BUfe, vSsv
Your Storm Boots are
here. Shoes that keep the
feet dry and warm are not
usuolly very handsome, but
our box calf and kid shoes
add both style and comfort to
their other virtues. Some
have heavy ""welted extension
soles and Cuban heels. Leath
ers are pliable and comfort
able to wear. We have the
regular height and the extra
high cut, the most sensible
shoe for winter's snow and
slush. $&, $5.50 and $4
will buy a pair.
The Dalles Daily dmmfete.
- NOV. 12. 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Weaeo OoantT vurHti reentered
prior to December , 1898, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Interest
ceatM after October 80, 1901.
OoantT Treaenrer.
Don't forget that Wednesday evening
is Sandvig'e dancing class, at the Bald
win. 2t
Wanted A girl or woman to do most
ly chamber work. No washing, no
iroaing, and no children. n i2tf
Wanted A competent clerk. Good
wages to the right man. Boys Lee J not
apply. Address X, The Chronicle.
Royal Toke Point oysters nothing
quite so good. Served in all styles at
Jones' Gafe. You'll have to hnrry !
School for dresa catting, next door to
Farley & Frank's harness shop. Inves
tigate. See bills. East end of Second
street n9 12
Mies Grace Hill has opened dreesmak
inz parlors in the Vogt block, rooms 11
and 12, where she is prepared to give
perfect satisfaction in the latest styles in
dreasmaking. nll-lw
Special sale in children's school hate,
caps and baby bonnets, at tbe Campbell
& Wilson millinery parlors Friday aud
Saturday of this week. One-third off
regular price.
Rsv. W. 8; Holt. D. D., sjnodioal
missionary of the Presbyterian church
for Ofegon, will be in tbe city tomorrow,
Nov. 13th. He is desirous oi meeting
any of oor residents who are interested
in the work of tbe Presbyterian church
aud invites them to meet bim in tbe
Umatilla House parlor between 2 and 3
o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Do not tail to be at the Christian
church Wednesday evening. Tbe W. C.
T. U. bave sometb'n good for yoo. Tbe
address will be full of interesting, stir
ring truth presented by tbe Rev. Wal
ton Bklpwortb ; also a paper by one of
tbe memben recently come from our
famous, new state, Oklahoma. Prof.
Landers will sing (as be only cad)
"Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight."
No collection nor admission fee.
During tbe first nine days of the pres
ent month no lass than seventy-nine
homestead entries wore Hied in tbe
United State land office at Tbe Dalies.
Doting tbe yoar ending October 81st,
ultimo, tbe entries avnragoJ 106 par
month. This bents tb reward of nil
previous months and years savs only a
short period following tbe throwing
open to settlement of lands included in
tbe Northern Pacific land grant.
The personal property of tbe estate of
tbe iate Wenceslaus Pasbek will be sold
at public auction tomorrow at the
Pasbek farm. Malcolm Mclnnte, ad
ministrator of tbe estate, and Auctioneer
Dad Butte, will leave for tbe scene of
operations tomorrow. All tbe farm im
plements and stock will be sold, and it
is expected that tbe same will go at a
bargain so it will be a wise idea for per
sons desiring anything in this line to be
Hi Henry's minstrel aggregation drew
a splendid bouse at tbe Vogt last night
and never was a houseful of Dalles play
goers better entertained or better please 1.
More than this The Chronicle could
not say if it wrote a column, and less
tban this would fall short of the truth.
Should the troupe again visit The Dalles
while the memory of last night's per
formance is still green, the Vogt will not
be large enough to hold the crowd that
will want to attend.
Tbe ladies of tbe M. . church will
giva a "picture social" on Friday even
ing at tbe church. A literary and mu
sical program la being prepared. Re
freshments of sandwiches, offee aud
pumpkin pies (their justly celebrated
pumpkin pies) will be served. A very
modest charge will be made, so tbat
everybody and tbeir friends can come.
Admission 10 cents aud two pairs of old
rubbers, or if you have not tbe rubbers
lb cents will fill the bill.
In the circuit court today the case of
tbe State of Oregon vr. L. N. Moore is
being tried. Thie is a case in which the
defendant is I ein? charged with stealing
several hundred pounds of old brass
castings from tbe O. R. A N. Co.'s re
pair shops in this city and selling tbe
same to a junk man. Most of tbe day
was spent in selecting a jury. Tbe state
is represented by District Attorney Men, assisted by W. H. Wilson, while
Bennett A Sinuott appear for tbe de
fendant. A serious accident occurred at one of
Warren's wheels, near Bonneville, to
day in which J.J. Westerlune bad his
right leg broken about mid-way between
the knee and ankle. It appears tbat be
was assisting in handling some heavy
rock and bad a bar beneath tbe same
lifting when the weight became so great
that be was forced to release bis bold on
the iron, whiob was swinging around
with such fores as to break bis leg. Tbe
east-bono 1 train came along a few mo
ments after tbe accident and be was
taken to Tbe Dallas Hospital, where tbe
fracture was reduced, and at latest re
ports bs was resting easy.
Ever sine tbe first oaas of diphtheria
la tb city The Cnnowcu baa fait it to
bs a doty that it owed to the pa bile to
pabUab tb exact trutb as to th cam
ber of case at any on Usee This it
has dons free) time to tie, and always
with ebeolato good faith, la via ef
recant rumor, inquiries
made of the city authorities this morn
ing, with the result tbat Thl Chkoniclb
finds there are exactly six cases in tbe
city, four of which may be called old
cases, where tbe patients are convales
cent and only await tbe removal of tbe
quarantine, and two arc cases of a re
cent date. During the present diph
theria visitation there has only been one
death within tbe city limits, tbat of tbe
2 year-old child of Mr. Knebel tbat was
buried yesterday. - v
A round dozen of Portland people,
under tbe ebaperonage of Municipal
Judge Cameron, passed through Tbe
Dallas at coon today to take part in tbe
exercises connected with the annual
gathering of tbe Fossil Caledonian Club,
Jo be held at Foasil tomorrow, Wednes
day, nigbt. Judge Cameron is to give
tbe annual address, and tbe others In
the party are: George B. Shepherd.
Pipe Major James S. Moon, formerly of
the famous Black Watch regiment; Har
ry McArtbnr, William Stevenson, David
Forbes and Misses Nancy Black, Rosie
Forbes, Mysie Sharpe, Belle Sbarpe,
Lola Stanton and Miss Forbes. A con
cert of Scottish music will be giveq and
tbe party will return to tbe city Friday.
Almost a disastrous wreck occurred
on tbe O. R. A N. two miles east of La
Grande at 6 o'clock yesterday morning.
Tbe west-bound passenger train plunged
into freight No. 21 and a light engine.
The freight had been stopped to repair
a broken journal. The light engine was
about four car lengths behind. It broke
tbe force of tbe jtr and prevented tbe
wreck from being more serious, though
it was driveo into tbe freight train with
sufficient force to shatter the caboose
and one stock car into kindling wood.
The passengers were badly shaken up
and many received scratches and bruises,
but no bones were broken and no Inju
ries are serious. Tbe windows of the
coaches were broken, tbe engioee were
badly damaged and three cattle were
killed. Tbe wreckage was cleared aud
traios were running yesterday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Deputy Sheriff Lee, of Cascade Locks,
came up last evening with Hugh Shaw,
tbe party be took into custody yester
day for obtaining money under false
pretenses. A warrant, bad alread been
sent to Sheriff Kelly for Sbaw's srrest
by tb sheriff of Union county, as Shaw
bat been passing checks there before
coming to Cascade Locks, and be bad
not been detected eotll bis departure
from tbe town. Shew is a pcular char
acter, aud mad claims while in Union
tbat be was an ex-state senator from
Idaho, and also tbat be ran for prosecut
ing attorney for Nts Perce county and
was defeated. He went into Deputy
Lac's boarding boas yesterday and after
aettiog whet be wanted drw a chtek
for $10.86 on tbe Nei Perec beak. Mr.
Lea became eespseioc, and apaa l
qalry It wss found tbat be bad no money
ie tbe abate earned back, and when ia
formed ef the matter Sheriff KeUy at
that It was the party tbat
was wanted by the Union county au
thorities. As yet it is not decided
whether he will be turned over to the
sheriff of Union county or retained here
for trial.
Reverend William Kraemer, who ha
charge of the large Bensdictine farm. In
the Willamette valley, near Mt. Angel,
an I aleo the farm property in this
county, arrived in tbe city today to look
after affairs in this section. Father
Kraemer states tbat rapid progress is
being made in tbe consti notion of the
new monastery building at Mt. Angel,
which when completed will be one of
tbe largest of its kind in the United
Stater, and that in a short tims tbe
wing which will be used for a college
building will be started. This will bo
(completed some time next year, and
Ijwhen finished tbe old college building
ill be vacated. These building
complete will cost considerable over
lone miilioo dollars, and this, combined
with a learned staff of instructors, will
cause the institution to be recognised as
one of tbe leaders of its kind in tbe
Miss Hoch, who bas been visiting
with Miss Mamie Bocbler, returned to
ber borne at Portland oa this morning's
R. D. Butler, tbe Boyd merchant, is
in tbe city.
Atty. Gilbert W. Phelps was in tbs
city yesterday.
C. P. Balch, of Dufor, Is in ttai city
oo a business trip.
Huli Gleen left for Portland on tta
afternoon train today.
G us Bonn was among tbe tsen,eis
for Portland this afternoon.
Cbas. Butler, of Port Townsend, is in
Tbe Dalles on a business trip.
Hon. Geo. H. vf llliamr, of Portland,
ie in tbe city on legal burin.
Thomas M. Strong, of Portland, Is in
tb city attending circuit court.
Sheriff Fraser, of Portland, is in Tbs
Dalles buying horses for tbe government.
J. C. Ward, proprietor of the leading
mercantile establishment at Kingsley,
is ia tbe city.
A. A. Jayne, the es-prosecuting at
tortey, who la at present located at
Hood River, is in attendance at tb
circuit court today,
William Bolton, formerly of Kingsley,
this county, who is st present sngaged
in tbe drog business in AlWna, Is visit
Ing friends bre today.
Dr. O. D. Doan left for Hppnr to
day, wber he will participate in the
laying of tbe oorncr-stou of a nw Odd
Fellows' temple, which will be erected
at tbat plac.
Ujf m. a. Maiui.
There will be a communication of
Columbia Chapter He. M. O. E. 8.. this
(Tuesday ) evening at 7 JO. By order of
the W. M.
Maar Scott Mvaas, Secy.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 148 Second 8treat.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
..togs' ago Mi's SCUM SUITS .
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns aro
sold, but come in at once. '
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The Mew York Cash Store
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out We also carry a line of TRILBY
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Alr-TUlo Heater hr.s revolotlon-
j iced the nesting stove trade in all sections of the United States. Its vnn-
j uviiui cuuilitujy in tne uvv ii,ti nnu itit.ii, vvnci t7,vii,t ju.ii,iv.
4 strongly recommend it to all In nee J of a healing stove.
What Cole's Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from zero to
80 degrees In five minutes.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 30 hours without attention.
You build only one Ore each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corn cobs, and gives excellent resnlte with
tbls fuel, wbioh is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light and easily moved and
set up.
The combustion is perfect and aehm are
removed only oftoe in four weeks.
None of th heat is wasted and th stove
aill save one-half of your fael bill.
It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Every one of Oole'a Original Air-Tight Heater is guaranteed to stav
alr-tUht as long as used. Where wood Is used for fuel every family should
base one or more of tbese stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
Foley' Honey
jky ntflsfrae. ms1 aein
4 Tar
Blakeley's Drug Store,
We carry tbe Unrest and mod complete
t .ck tu KaaUru Oregon of
nitron sad mmoivimk,
CO Mill mm BHtSliaa,
fVHaaa mm walliti,
I'KKMO and foot) 0ANKK4I,
I HOTO Mtiri'l.I K.
i rn own EX III At :r ol Lemon and Va
nilla are the Meat Made.
K toothing weeall I fresh.
Our price are Uuaalateat.
Our I'KBKCntl'TUIN Itepettweni
In Ul charge of competent men.
We Manufacture
Or. Woori'e l.latui.ul,
Or WuihI'i Haraapanlla,
Or Wuoii'a Headache Tablets,
and U io ta Haael Aluimid Vi
MAIL OKOKKM receive our QflTU DUflliCC Ever P ucaage delivureU free,
pereonal attention. DUllirnUilCd promptly, In the oity.
First-Class Regular Meals.
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at all hours and in all styles.
Agency ALDOIT BRAND delioions Ohooolatee
ana confections -Always nresn.
Subscribe tor The Chronicle.