The LINEN Debartment. We expect the Linen De artment to be humming this week. Every Mt tern is bright and new. Our Special Prices for THANKSGIVING will rove to be a big. success. CONE EARLY before the good things are gone Men's Overcoats Regular mado, OxfoH grey, a good looking, stylish and well-made overcoat, only $6.00 Men's Suit Heavy winter suit, well made and perfect fitting, only $6.00 M. S. & M. Tailor-made Suits and Overcoats, made expressly for PEASE a MAYS, $12 to $23. Largest and best line of UNDERWEAR in the city. LADIES! Your Storm Boots are here Shoes that keep the feet dry and warm are not usuolly very handsome, but our box calf and kid shoes add both style and con) fort to their other virtues. Some have heavy welted extension soles and Cuban heels. Leath ers are pliable and comfort able to wear. Wo have the regular height and the extra high cut, the most sensible shoe for winter's snow and slush. $3, $3.30 and $4 will buy a pair. PEASE St MAYS. oooooooooooooooooooooooooseooooooooot The Dalles Daily Chmfete. MONDAY - NOV. 11. 1901 Oysters Served in any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wateo County warrant, registered prior to December 88, 1898, will be paid on presentation at my office. Interest after October 30, 1901 . JOHN F. HAMPSHIRE, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. H! Henry's Minstrels At the Vogt opera boose tonight. Wanted A competent clerk. Good wages to the right man. Boys need not apply. Address X, The Chronicle. Royal Toke Point oysters nothing quite ao good. .Served in -all atylee at Jones' Cafe. Yon'U have to hurry 1 n912 School for dress cutting, next door to Farley & Frank's harness shop. Inves tigate. See bills. East end of Second s'.rejt. fc9 12 Lost A small tablet containing ac counts for the month of October. Finder will please retnrn to Mat Schoren's blacksmith shop. n9 3t The ladies of the Lutheran church will have a sale of bread, cakes and pies on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, at Nickelsen'a store. The sofa pillow which was rattled at Blakeley's drug store Saturday evening was won by Miss Gussie Mcintosh, 5 being the lucky number. Those failing to attend the Hi Henry minstrels at the Vogt opera house this evening will miss a grand treat, and no one can afford to ds that. The ladies of the Good Intent will give a unique and enjoyable social on Friday evening at the M. E. church. A literal y and musical program is being prepared. Miss Grace Hill has opened dressmak ing parlors in the Vogt block, rooms 11 and 12, where she is prepared to give perfect satisfaction in the latest styles in dressmaking. nll-lw The 2 year-old child of Joseph Knebel die 1 at the fenlly residence on Tenth street this morning of an attack re sembling dypbtheris. The funeral was held from the borne of the parents this afternoon. Raised seats have baen placed in the rear at the Vogt opera bouse for the minstrel performance this evening. The management wish to slot that there U1 be: Plenty of room for oil, with a good view of too stage. Circuit court convened In this city today, with J ode Bredebaw on the bench. The forenoon was apant in reading over the dcoket end setting be P dates tor the trial of the different cases ao that nothing of importance transpired to the time of going to press. Sheriff Kelly today received a tele phone from Deputy Lee, of Cascade Looks, stating that he had captured a party there thia morning who waa at tempting to pass a forged check on an Idaho bank. Mr. Kelly ordered Mr. Lee to bring the cnlprit to The Dalles on the first train. The W. C. T. U. will hold a temper ance meeting at the Christian church on Wednesday evening at 7 :30. The Rev. Walton Skipworth will deliver an ad dress, and a paper will be presented by a member of the local union. ("They hope to have good lively singing and a big crowd of the friends of social and moral improvement. , W. C. Wilson, who is boring for coal in the vicinity of Cascade Locks, tells the Pioneer man that he has struck a vein of bituminous coal nine feet thick and about fifty feet from the surface of the ground. He says the coal is of ex cellent quality and that he will have some of it out on tt.e bonkers before the winter is over. Wilson has bonded square mile in the vicinity of his find Felix G. Dorris, a pioneer of 1845, died Saturday at the borne of tie daughter-inlaw, Mrs. George F. Dorris, '189 Uma tilla avenue, in .Sellwood, after a short illness. He had just returned from a visit to his son, S. G. Dorria, of Moro, and had been with his danghter-in-law only two weeks, He was 78 years of age. He leaves one son, S. G, D jrris, of Moro. The funeral will be held from the home of Mrs. Dorris today. Judge John F. Caplea, ex-minister to Chili, is in the city on business. Mr. Caples is an extremely interesting talker and so well posted on South America that be is capable of entertaining an au dience for hours ; but in spite of the fact that the South American republics are good countries, the United States is good enough for him, aod he is not of the opinion that any citisen of the United Slates coold better his condition or feel more satisfied than in his own country. The eleventh annual meeting of the Oregon Bai Association will be held in the United States court room in Port land on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 19:h and 80th. Addresses will be deliv ered by some of the best known and ablest attorneys in the state and all members of the association ate requested fo be present so as to assist in making this meeting one of the most successful in the history of the association. An iniormal dinner will be served and any member desiring to invite guests should submit the names to the committee. Hi Henry's well-known minstrel tr ganhutiou srae on parade during the noon boor today and lo no reaps ens it disappointing, but on the otto bend tnsy appear to be most worthy of the endorsements received from the leading press of she soon try. Too parses est led by Hi Henry in bis splendid locomo bile. 7 be band is one of the finest that has ever plsyed in The Dalles, and we dare say the inside performance this evening will be new, bright and witty, and well worth the price of admission. Last Friday one of the wagons loaded with a part of the armature for the power plant of the Wasco Milling Co., en route to White river talis, upset in Long Hol low, about fifteen miles from The Dalles. The massive machine, which weighed jtabout 9000 pounds, slid down an em jbankment about thirty feet and waa in mured to some extent by having some of the castings broken ; not so seriously, howeyer, bnt what it can be need, and the accident will not delay the company in furnishing light and power at the ap pointed time. The people of Vancouver are elated hover the fact that at last tbey are get ting a railroad to their city that is not a paper railroad. The Washington & Ore gon Railroad Company, which was jorganizsd last January and placed its engineering forces in the field, has ever since been actively engaged and has pushed the work forward with all pes- ible speed. As a result, immediately upon the completion of tbe surveys the actual work of clearing and grading the right of way began, followed by track laying, and now the rails are within five miles of the city of Vancouver. Yesterday Deputy Sheriff El Wood arrested a party by tbe name of Jac k Bartmess, of Rowena, oo a charge of as sault with a dangerous weapon. The victim of the spparently uncalled-for assault being B. W. Matthews, the sec tion boss at Wyeth. As near as could be learned tbe two men had some little difference, when, according to Mr. Mat thews statement, Bartmess attacked bim and struck him with a ahot sack filled with rocks, inflicting painful and dan gerous wounds on Matthew 'i bead. Bartmess is confined in the county jiil awaiting a hearing in tbe justice court. "Hunting for Hawkins," anew and decidedly clever comedy, written by Guy -F. Steely, will be the attraction at the Vogt Thursday, Nov. 14tb. This new play bos been accorded unstinted praise by newspaper critics In various cities In which the company has been seen this season, and is said to be one of tbe greatest successes from a laughing standpoint of any comedy that has betn produced doring recent years. Differ ing from the majority of faros comedies, "Hunting for Hawkins" contains an ori ginal and well-defined plot. Tbe dia logue is said to be humorous, too action spirited, aod the situations irrseistably laughable. The performance is liber ally interspersed with new musical sum oars, a number of popular songs, several cleverly-executed dances aod various vaadeTiils divarsitiee. nave boils if yen tone Threc-Quai tr of a Century. For seventy-five years Tbe Youth's Companion has been publishad every week as a family paper. In these seventy-five years tbe paper's constancy to a high standard haa Won the confidence of the American people. It has kept pace with the growth of the country. Its stories, its special articles, its edito rials, its selections represent all that is best In American life. For 1902 tbe fore most men and women of the English speaking world have been enlisted as contributors. Tbe work of an unpre cedented number of new and promising ing writers , has also been secured. Thus the constantly-increasing dsmsnd for the best reading suited to tbe mem bers of the intelligent Amerioan house hold will be folly met. A twenty-eight page Prospectus of the 1902 volume and sample copies of tbe paper will be eeut free to any address, i hose who subscribe at once, sending $1.75, will receive all tbe issues for tbe remaining weeks of 1901 free from tbe time of subscription ; also The Compan ion Calendar .for 1902, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. The Youths' Companion, 195 Columbus Ave. Boston, Mam. The Coming Crass In France. Naw York, Nov. 9. France has long held the lead in automobile racing and seems determined to keep fa the front rank of ballooning and submarine boat building, says the Paris correspondent of tbe Herald. With a view toenconrag ing these decidedly novel forms of sport, the auto-velo announces that next seat on at Tronville races for airships and tub marine boats will be held. Yoa will Clare e ot noils. Foley9 Honey w Tmr 8HERIFF 8 NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that on the 13th day of November, 1901, at 10 a. m. at W. E. Steri ill's fornitare store at Hood River, Or., 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder fjr cash, all goods and chattels of W. E. Sberrill's furniture store, to satisfy a chattel mort gage of $2899.48, with interest from the 25tb day of March, 1901, to date, at tiie rats of eight per cent, together with costs. W. E. Sherrill mortgager; W. P. Fuller A Co. mortgagee, nll-td Rohbbt, Sheriff. C ASTOR I A For infants and Children. Tfef KlfifJ Yu Han Always BoMght Bears the of Maseu. Attention! Members of Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. A A. M-. and visiting mstbrao are re quested to be ot tbe Regulator dock at 6 o'clock Monday evening to take tbo steamer Rellasos for Hood River. Tbo boat will leevs at 6 sharp. , O. P. DoAstg, Secy. Oot Folk have on earn a fell lien of passe tad artist's nroabss. ...The New York Cash Store... 188 and 142 8econd Strent. The BARGAIN STORK of the City. ..Bogs' am Tun's SCHOOL SUITS.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall lino of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our lino. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out. We also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. ...MATS A CROWE... Trilby and Cole's Original Mr-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The introduction of Cole's Origins' Air-Tislu Heater has revolution ised the heating stove trade in all sections of the United States. lis won derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other escslltnt qualities, strongly recommend it to all In need of a (testing stove. What Cole's Heater Will Do. This stove will heat a room from ssro to 80 degrees in five minutes. It wUI heat your house evenly day and night. It holds fire 30 hours withont attention. You build only one tire each winter. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn cobs, and gives excellent results with this fuel, which Is ordinarily wasted. The stovs Is light snd easily moved and set op. The combustion is perfect and ashes are removed only ones In four weeks. None of the heat Is wasted and the stova will save one-half of your fuel bill. It Is clean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. Every one of Gale's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to atav alMWht as long as used. Where wood Is used for fosl every fsmlly should haze one or more of these stoves. Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles. Blakeley's Drug Store, gggggj Wsosrry the largest and most com plots OOK OWN KX PKAt'T ol Lemon sad Va- t ,ck In Eastern Oregon of ut. la sru lb. Meat Mad. mil o and MBD1CINKS, Kvsrjrimng we ssll Is rr.s. COM II aad HKl iSHBS, Our prlOSS ere aslsias. Sl'ONOKM and CUAMOI. Oar rHaOnvriOW I' I'll NKS aad WAUSt., " ,n ""V" W,"rt " I'KKUO and fOCU CAM KM AS, Wt Manufacture f MOTO Si l l I.IK, Or. Wand's MaMsiaat. FOT fAfBK.nd MOUNT.. V W nortTl.. dssh.' Takl.U. LOST KB.'. CHocoiATHS. and yyii.a Mas.l Alsauad Cr.aas. MAIL oftOBIt receive our QflTU DUfMCC very fseksve dsllvsNd Vfm, personal stteiittos. DUIIl rilUrlCu rriHKkdr. Iii tn.-slly. JONES' CAFE. First-Class Regular Meals. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served at all hours and in all styles. - Agency ALDON BRAND delioious Chocolates and Conxeottons Always wesn. Subscribe tor The Chronicle.