The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY NOV. 11, 1901 IT IS BETWEEN GEER AND? All Western Oregon aspirants for ! the governorship have left tbe Belt), ! leaving Mr. Geer to fight out the j campaign agninsl Eastern Oregon, j Il resolves itself into a fight between Geer and one of the two candidates from this county. As the campaign develops, it is also apparent that Mr. Geer will meet with opposition fiom tbe Scott Corbett element. Mr. Geer being a protege of Mr. Simon, he cannot hope for support from tbe people ' whom he betrayed, the while he pre- j tended to be striving for their suc cess. Mr. Fulton is not a candidate. Had be been, he almost certainly ; would have received the nomination with the unanimity with which Mr. Geer was named at tbe Astoria con- vention in IX'Jb. lint, Air. jfuuon eliminated, it simmers down to Mr. Geer and one of the Umatilla county candidates. This close connection between Mr. Geer and Mr. Simon augurs uo good for the former. It is impossible to go upon tbe streets and find a repre sentative citizen of whatever party who will express a desire for the suc cess of Mr. Simon. And therefore the candidate who now rests beneath the political wing of Mr. Simon will have about tbe same chance for nom- ination that a snowball would have of remaining in a state of frozen vapor if immersed in tbe fires of ! jja(je8 i Just now Mr. Geer seems to be a poor security upon the political stock market. East Oregoman. Senator C. W. Fulton's persistent refusal to allow himself to be con sidered as a candidate for governor mast be accepted as definite and con elusive. Twice recently he has de clared in tbe most open and positive manner that under no circumstances would he become a candidate or ac cept the nomination if it were ten dered him. This is naturally taken to mean that the object of Mr. Fulton's ambition is tbe seat In tbe United Stales senate which Joe Simon has been rattling around in for tbe past three years. Tbe guber natorial talk has not been started by Mr. Fulton's enemies but by friends who have planned bis reaching tbe United States senate by way of the governorship. Mr. Fulton doesn't fall in with these plans, and evident ly intends to attempt to reach the object of his ambition by tbe most direct route. It is of course im possible at this time to predict what the future may have in store for Senator Fulton, but should bis am bition be realized we shall then have a colleague for Senator Mitchell wbo will represent this stale in tbe upper bouse of congress as it has not been represented since tbe days of tbe lamented C. L. Dolpb. Judge W. K. Klli? has just rendered a decision that if sustained on appeal, should it be appealed, ought to be a lesson to parties who sign petitions for liquor licenses and then, as is often tbe case, sign remonstrances against granting the licenses. Two men named Means circulated a peti tion for a liquor license among the legal voters of Echo, a little town in Umatilla county. They obtained 82 names while 63 was a majority. Be fore tbe petition was presented to the county court a remonstrance was circulated which likewise contained a majority, many of the petitioners signing the remonstrance. On this showing tbe county court refused tbe license and an appeal was taken to the circuit court. Judge Ellis held that when a person signed a peti tion, bis signature to a remonstrance, as far as his name was concerned, was nil. The county court was there fore ordered to issue tbe license. Whatever this may be at law it is at least good sense. It become apparent as tbe cam paign progresses that Mr. Geer is not popular with his party says the ; East Oregonion. If he be renomi- nated, it will be in spite of opposi- ! linn rf Iho rani nn1 flta rathfir lllfl nun Ul "-, " by reason of hearty support. Il will be a machine nomination, purely and simply, and will not lend strength to the cause of the republicans. This assertion, although made by a paper that is of democratic proclivities, is backed by the judgment of men who are closely in touch with the status of Oregon politics. Mr. Geer stands as the Simon candidate, and this is not good for him in t!ic eyes of most Oregonians. A majority of the people of tbe state do not like Mr. Simon, and any man for whom he stand.; sponsor will not appeal to the better element of tbe parly to which he belongs. There is reason in the opposition of Mr. Geer, for it is apr parent that he is hand and glove with Joe Simon and the Simon fac- turn, and this is enough to damn him politically before the people of Ore- gon. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agent 8. ml For Sale or Trade. One heavy wagon and one new light wagon for sale or will trade for horees. n9 lwd T. J. Dkips, The Dalles. DUSIMMB locals. Tapine bay oysters are sold wholesale and retail by A. Kellar. n6-lw Ry'l Tapine bay oysters served in every style at A. K llar'e. lw Wanted A good woman or girl to do general worts. Apptv at tnis omce. d-iw Furnished rooms and rooms suitable for housekeeping. Inquire at Fifth and Court streets. n8 lwk At Andrew Keller's is tbe only place where Royal Tapine Bay oysters are served. They are the finest in the mar ket. l6 lw L. L. Van Nortwick has again leased the Umatilla House barber shop, where he will be pleased to see all his old friends and as m any new ones as pos sible. n8-lw Mrs. Carey wiH move her millinery store on or before Nov. 20th to the new building east of Sexton & Walther, where she will be pleased to meet all her old patrons, as well as new ones, nd-lw The ladies of our city who desire dress making done will be sure and receive satisfactory work by taking their sewing to Mrs. A. Everding, at ber home on Atvord avenue, one block west of the Laugblin residence. n6-lw If you want to retain yoai hair yon have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossv. Price, 2o and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber chop, Tbe Dalles. tf BK3 TURKEY 8HOOT. A. Y. Marsh will give a big turkey shoot on the beach on the 26, 27, and 28th of November. n2t27dAW Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder light. Gilford's Fotos Never Fade. HE VO&T 0PM HOUSE F. J. CLARKE, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY. THURSDAY, NOV. 14th. First presentation here of this season's greatest laughing success, HUNTING Tor vv Bmsii s A merry mosicai comedy, presented by a big company of favorite fun makers, including J. C. rearr;ey, - .If (Jrapt DOZENS OF SPECIALTIES, and they are GREAT. First five rows, 75c; balance t of the house 50c. Sale of seats will begin Monday at Clarke & Falk't. Groceries Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. Bow' This! We offer one hundred dollar reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan cY Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure if taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and m ucous surfaces of the system. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 7ftc. Hill's Family Pills are the best. 12 Mothers every where praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has relieved and the lives.of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws our the inflam mation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes : "My daughter had a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible cough settled on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured ber. She has never been troubled with a cough since." Clarke & Falk. La grippe coughs often continue for months and sometimes lead to fatal re sults after the patient is supposed to have passed the danger point. Foley's Honey and Tar affords positive pro tection and security from these coughs. Clarke & Falk. Pur Pneumonia. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in thiee very severe cases of pneumonia with good results in every case." Be ware of substitutes. Clarke & Falk. DeWitt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle, effective in removing all im purities from the liver and bowels. Small and easy to take. Never gripe or distress. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phar macy. Do you sutler from piles? If so do not turn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's Witch Haze! Salve will act more quickly, surely and safely, saving you tbe expense and danger of nn operation. Clarke & Falk's P..O. Pharmacy. C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., says bis child was completely cured of a bad case of eczema bv the use of DeWitt's Witch Hazal Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If anything ails your bair, go and see Frazer; he's the headquarters for all bair remedies. Remember that he makes a arecialtv of these goods. tf Floral lotion Will enre wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arae & Falk. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the bent. Ask vnnr w 'er for tbem. He Columbia packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN0FACTUHKK8 Of Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. ami! .jaijinjey r L. Lane, UKNEKAL Biacksroiin sANDsss Wagon and Oarrlagfs Werk. Plan rathara' Wagon. Tkirl aii JbObtmi. PJuie 159 Horsesnoer Groceries IKE. T. Notice of Sewer Assessment. Notice fa herebv given that the City Council of Dulles city, Oregon, on the 24th day ol Octo ber, 1001, did determine and ascertain the pro portionate cost ol the constiuctlon ol the Court street sower in Dalles City, Oregon, and lor the purpose of paying the costs of the construction thereof, assessed the property hereinafter de scribed as hereinafter set forth, to nit: I. Beginning at the northeast comer of block A nt the intersection of Union and Main streets in Dalles City; thence southerly along the west line of Union street 100 feet; thence westerly at riirht ansles to Onion street to the west line of said blocS A; thence northerly parallel with t'nlon street to the south line of Mali-street; f hence easterly to the place of beginning. Be longing to tbe O. H A N. Co. Assessed at S50. 3. Begiunlng nt n point on the west line of Union sreet I6?3 feet northerly from the south east corner of block A, thence westerlv at right angles to Union street to the east llneof Liberty street: thence northerly along the east llneof Liberty street to a point where the same is Inter sected by a line drawn at right angles to Union srreet from a point on the west line thereof SO feet northerly from the point of beginning; thence easterly to said point on the west line of Union street 90 feet northerly from the point of beginning; thence southerly to tn place of be ginning. Belonging ta Mrs. E. If. Wilson. As sessed at S45. 3. Beginning at the sontheast corner of block A on the north side of Second street and wort side of Union stie.t, thence northerly along the west line of I'uion street 16 teet, thence west erly at right angles to Union street to Liberty street ; thence southerly on the east line of Lib erty street, to the north line of Second street : thence easterly along the north line of Second street to the niece of beginning. Belonging to the estate of John H. Mlchelbach. Assessed at flGflSS! 4. A strip of ground 58 feet wide off the west side of lot 4. block 4. in Dalles City proper, be longing to Esther Nicholas; assessed at 129. 5. A strip of ground 12 feet .5 inches in width off the east side of lot 4 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Z. F. Moody; assessed at 6.25. C. A strip of ground SO feet wide off the west side of lot 3 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Margaret A. Martin; assessed at 15. 7. A strip of ground 86 feet wide off the east side of lot 3 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be longing to P. J. Martin; assessed at $18. 8. A strip of ground 18 feet wide off the west side of lot 2 in block 4 In Dalles City proner, be longing to Matilda Baldwin; assessed at I'J. 9. A strip of ground 48 feet wide off tbe east side of lot '2 and astrit4 feet wide off the west side of lot 1 in block 4 in Dalles Cltv proper, be longing to N. H. Gates ; assessed at 26. 10. A strip of ground 62 feet wide off the east side of lot 1 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Matilda Baldwin ; assessed at 131. II. Lot 5 In block 3 In Dalles City proper, be longing to Fred Fundt, assessed at f29. 12. A strip of ground U feet wide off the west side of lot 4 in block 3 in Dalles City proper be longing to Pauline Lusher, and assessed at $7.60. 13. Beginning at a point on the south line of Main street 15 ieet east of the northeast corner of lot 6 in block 3 In Dalles City proper, thence easterly along the south line of Main street 37 feet 3 inches; thence southerly at right angles 120 feet to tbe alley: thence westerly along the north line of the alley 27 feet 3 inches; thence northerly, at right angles, to the place of begin ning: belonging to Caroline Korten; assessed at $13.63. 14. A strip of ground Id feet wide off (he cast side of lot 4 and a strip 8 feet wide oft' the wet side of lot 3 in block 3 in Dalles City proper ; be longing to Matilda Baldwin : assessed at $12. 15. Beginning at a point on the south line of Main street 8 feet cst of the northwest corner of lot 3 in block 3 in Dalles City proper; thence eastcrlv along the south line of Main street 22 feet: thence southerly at right angles 120 feet to the alley ; thence westerly along the north line of the alley 22 feet: thence northerly, at right angles, to the place of beginning; belonging to B. Wolf; assessed at $11. 16. Beginning at a point on the south line of Main street 30 feet east of the northwest corner of lot S in blook 3 in Dalles city pioper, thence easterly along the south line of Main street SB feet: thence southerly at right angles 120 feet to the alley ; thence westerly along the north line of tbe alley 22 feet; thence northerly, at right angles., to tbe place of beginning; belonging to 8. Blumauer; assessed at $11. 17. A strip of giound 12; feet wide off the east side of lot 8 and u strip 15 feet wide off the west side ol lot 2 in blook .1 in Dalles City r roper, belonging to (ieo. Kuch; assesssd at 13.75. 18. Beginning at a point in the south line of Main MreetlO feet west from the northeast corner of block I in Dalles City proper, thence westerly along the south line of Main street 51 feet; thence-at right angles southerly 120 feet to tbe alley; thence easterly along the north line of the ai.ey oi ieet; iriene-eat right angles northerly to place of beginning; belonging to Max Vogl; as sessed at $13.60. 19. A strip 40 feet wide off the east side of lot 1 in block 3 in Dalles Cltv proper, belonging to J. D. tiraut; assessed at $20. 80. Lot 6 in block 3 In Dalles City proper; ex cepting a strip off the north end thereof 26 feet 7 inches in width; belonging to Geo. Kuch, and assessed at I2J. 21. A strip off the north end of lot 6 In block 3 Wy rrouer, S3 feet and 7 inches in width; belonging to William Weggenman; as sessed at $13.25. , 22. A strip 26 feet wide off the east side of lot 7 in block 3 hi Dalles City proper; belonging to A. Bettingen, and assessed at $13. 83. A strip of ground 32 feet wide off the west side of lot 7 In block S In Dalles City proper; be longing to Max Vogt and assessed at $8. 24. Lot 8 in block 3 In ImIU Mtm .., longing to t-rinz & Nltschke and assessed at $29. 25. Lot 9 in block 3 In Dalles City proper; be longing to Late liandley and ai $29. 28. Lot 10 in block Sin Dalles City proper belonging to K. Schannoand assessed at $29. ' 2!l ln Dlock ' Dalles City proper, ex cepting theiefroui the following tract, to-wti: beginning at a point In the north line of Sec ond street in said Dalles City 42 feet westerly flow the intersection of Court and Second 8U , hence northerly parallel with Court street 60 feel i ; thence westerly parallel with second at. t, J?ii !, u,bwy wallet with court street 60 feet; thense easterly along tbe no th line of Second street to tbe place of beginning belougiug to N. 11. Gates and assessed lit $. 28. A piece of around described as follows: bcalnnlngat a point in tbe north llneof second street in Dallas Cltv 48 feet west of the Intersec tion of C.ort and Second streets, tbenee north erly parallel with Court street 60 feet: thence westerly parallel with Second street 24 feet thence southerly parallel with Court street SO north line of Second street 34 feet to the place of . "LA? fd ln ajat ha" of lot 7 in blook 4 tllo JuLSX belonlu o J- lTSar4 SO. West ball of lot 7 In block 4 lu Dalles City NOLAN. proper, belonging to James Snipes. Assessed at 16.8. 81. Lot 8 In block 4 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Kate McCormaok. Assessed at $33.86. 32. Lot 2 In block 6 In Dalles City proner, be longing to the estate of A. Bettingen, deceased. Assessed at $33 25. 33. Lot 1 in block 6 in Dalles City proper, be longing to the estate of J. II. Mlchelbach, de ceased. Assessed at $33 25. 84. Lot 5 in block 6 lu Dilles CUy proper, be longing to the estate of A. Bettingen, deceased ; assessed at $29. 85 Lot 4 and the west bnlf of lot 3 in block 5 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Max Vogt; assessed at $21.75. S6. The east half of lot 3 in block 5 in Dalles Cltv proper, belonging to A. Keller; s seised at $7.25. 37. Ln!s 1 end 2 in block 5 in "Dall s City proper, belonging to Max Vogt; assessed at $29. 38. Lots 6, 7 and 8 in block 5 ln Dalles City proper, belonging to Goo. A. Uebe; assessed at $87. 89. Lots 9 and 10 ln block 6 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Wasco Lodge, No. lo, A . F. & A. M. ; assessed at $5S. 40. Lot 5 and 55 feet off the east side of lot 6 in block 6 in Dalles City proper, excepting a strip 20 ieet in width "11' the north end of lot 5, ; belonging to Dalles City ; assessed at $50.59. J1 A .-(.. nt rrr.Mwn 4'. .ba. In ..1,1,1. . , l, ,. it. v .,iirni i i m, i, . i . . icri ,,i . . i.i.ii uu but; north end of lot 5 in block 6 n Dalles city proner, belonging to Wm. McCrum ; assessed at $12-50. 42. A strip of ground 11 feet in width off the west side of lotc In block 6 in Dalles City prop er, belonging to Jutlu A. Driver; assessed at $5.50. 43. Lots 1 and 2 in block 8 in Dalles Cltv proper, belonging to Laura E. French; assessed at $66. 44. Lots 4 and 5 in block 7 ln Dalles City proper, belonging to Geo. A. Lie-he ; assessed at $58. 45. Lot 3 in block 7 lu Dalles Cltv proper, be longing to Dalles City : assessed at $29. 46. Lot 2 In block 7 In Dulles Cltv proper, be longing to the estate of P. Brogan, deceased ; as sessed at $29. 47. Lot 1 in block 7 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. ; assessed at $29. 48. Lot 1 in blook 6 in Bigolow's Addition to Dalles City, belonging to D. M. and J. W. Fr-.nch; assessed at $25. 49. Lot 6 In block 7 In Dalles Cltv proper, be longing to Mary T. Blaktley ; assessed at $29. 50. Lot 7 and a strip 22 feet in width off the east side of lot 8 ln block 7 in Dalles Cltv prop er, belonging to E. C. Pease ; assessed at $40. 51. A strip or ground 86 feet In width off tbe west side ol lot 8 and 16 feet off the east side of lot 9 in block 7 ln Dalles City proper, belonging to Bamantha A. French; assessed at$.'0. j"j 52. Lot 10 and a strip 48 feet in width off the west side of lot 9 in block 7 in Dalles Cltv prop er, belonging to Mary Coudon; assessed at $50. 53. Lots 6 and 6 in block 8 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Mrs. D. M. French; assess ed at $66. 64. Lots 1 and 2 in blook 10 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Ursula Kuch; assessed at $66. 65. Lot 5 in block 9 in Dalles City nroper, be longing to Isabella Gray; assessed at $29. C6. Lot 4 in block 9 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Smith Krench ; assessed at $89. 57. Lot 3 ln block 9 ln Dalles Cltv proper, be longing to the heirs ot Sophia Kiss, deceased assessed at $89. 58. Lot 8 in block 9 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Anna F. Taylor; assessed at $29. 59. Lot 9 in block 9 ,n Dalles City proper, be longing to Phoebe Kgan ; assessed nt $89. 6D. The south half of lot 10 ln block 9 In Dalles City proper, belonging to T. T. Nicholas; assessed at $25. St. The north half of lot 10 in blook 9 In Dalles city proper, belonging to Mrs. A. J. Fitz gerald ; assessed at $25. 62. Lots 5 and 61n Trevltt s Addition to Dalles City, belonging to the First Congregational church of The Dalies: assessed at $6 i. . .Vte,M.nd 2,,n b.,ock u 10 Gte8' Addition to Dalles City, belonging to Florence 11, Vause assessed at $66. 61. A piece of ground described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of block 16 Gates Addition; iheuee southerly along the west line of Court atieet 200 feet; thence wester ly at right angles to Court street 133 feet, thence northerly parallel with Court street 200 feet to the all jy; thenceeasterly along the line ol the alley to the place of beginning. Belonging to school district No. 12; assessed at $13:1 65. The west half of blook 13 in Dalles City proper and Gates' Addition to Dalles City, be- 66. Beginning at the southeast corner of the .. nncuuuu oi tome ami rum streets iu Dalles Uty, thence southerly along the east line of Court street to the alley; thenceeasterly along hw norm line oi the alloy ICC. feet; thence "'"'j twrauei wim i.ourt street to the south llneof Filth street; thence westerly along the south line of Fifth street to the place A be giunlng. Belonging to the estate of G. M. Krause; assessed at $53. Hesinningatapolntonthesouth llneof Fifth street 106 feet easterly from theintersec lion of court and Fifth streets; thence southerly parallel with Court street to tbe ulley; thence easterly along the north line of the alley 91 feet: thence northerly parallel with Court street to the south line of Fittn street; thence westerly along the south Hue of Fifth street 94 feet to the place of beginning. Belonging to Max Vogt ; assessed lit f-l7. All said property beln iu Dalles CUy, in Wasco County, Stale of Oregon. .lail.'.K'f"?1'.nt.weree"cn Saa all entered in the docket of city liens on tbe iotli day of Ooto ber, IK01, aud ate made payable in one payment ber iSir U r be're lhe WUl dy ' "'"vum Thls notice is given by order of the council. Dated this 26th day of October, 1U01. J. DOHKKTY, Recorder ol Dalles city. o314td FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Traasaot a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in tbe Baetern States. 8icht Excbanga and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. OiHaaao, St. Louis, Nan Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points ,n Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points ou fa orable terms. mm M OREGON Vgjf Short Line i Union Pacific BAST TIME SCHEDULES wist"" bound THKDAJLLB8. aouiTD Chicago- . Portland Bait Lake, Denver, Ft. Special. Worth, OrSaha, fcan- 12:28 p.m. sas City, Ht. Louts, Chi- MOSpvSK via Hunt- cago and the East. log ton. Atlantic ,. v " Esptms, Salt Uka, Denver, Ft. 12:45a.m. Wol!r' 0mah- Kn- . via aunt- St. Louis, Chi- 4 80 i Ington. S na the East 8t Pen) Walla Walla, Lawtetoh. I Fast Mall, 8pokne.Wliace,Pull 0:35 p.m. man, Minneapolis, St. 3 S5a a. vlabpo- Paul.Duluth.Milwau- ao,, kane. kaa, Chicago and East. 00EAI AID RIVER SCHEDULE Prom Portland. (All sailing dates sub jeoi hj enrage.) For Ban Francisco, ! '''""P' 8:00 p. m. nail every o days. Daily except Huuday, (. :00 p. ui. Saturday, 10:00 p. m. Columbia River. To Astoria and Way Landings. Daily except Sunday, 6:00 a. m. Willamette River. Oregon City, Newberg,! Baiem, Independence,! onmCT and Way-Landings. ! 8uBd,- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6:00 a. m. 4:30 p. a. Monday, Wed nesSiy Frioiy. Corvallls and Way Landings. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:00 a. m. Willamette and 3 S0p. m. Yamhill Divers. Monday, Oregon City, Dayton and Wednesday Way-Landings. Friday. Leave Kiparla daily, 3:40 a. m. Hnake Klver. Rlparia to Lewlston. hem Lewtotoi 8:30 a. at Star Parties desiring to (to to fleppner er points on Columbia Southern via Biggs, taseM take Mo. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:25 p. n. making direct connections at Heppner Junetta and Biggs. Returning maklngdlrectcoiineettoa at Heppnerjunctlon and Biggs 1 riving at The Dalles at 1:06 p. t with No. La m. For farther particulars, call on or address JA8. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oreftn, Complete Cipe of Drills at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. J.S. BCHBNCa, President. Max A. Vge First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OBiOO A General Banking Business trans1 Deposits received, subject to Bigot Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompaj remittod on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange soW Saw York, Ban Francisco anc "W land. D. P. Th on peon. Jao. 8. 8wBsa Ed. M. Williams, Gbo. A. Ln H.M. Bball. UBiPWIiaESTBIaf W W. WILSON, Manas FirsKlaS '9 Every Re8P' finals atHI&o- PRIVATE PARTIES SERVE Tna table always soppli best la lbs saarket. 74 Front St., near Court, Tbf I ! 4 .00 p.MV. exssaf Sunday. 2