.saaaawjsawaalgsB ...The New York Oash Store... 136 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Thanks giving Linen Sale Commencing MONDAY, Nov. Iltb.. This Great Sales' emhatic feature is Its Great Positive Hel fulness. It affords Splendid Opportunities for Economy on Table Damasks, Napkins, Doylies and Damask Towd. jrtL satin Damask Cloths with Nafritins to Match. 8x8, grade 100, 8x10, grade 100, 8x8, grade 104, 8x10, grade 104, 8x12, grade 104, 8x8, grade 106, 8x10, grade 105, 8x12, grade 106, 8x8, grade 107. 8x10, grade 107, $1.75, reduced to $1 43 2.25, reduced to 1 90 2.60, reduced to 2 10 8.25, reduced to 2 75 4.00, reduced to 3 45 8.00, reduced to 2 40 3.50, reduced to 2 90 4.25, reduced to 3 60 (a 4.00, reduced to 3 35 6.00, reduced to 4 25 1 TABIC EAHAStt. Regular 46c quality reduced to 39c Regular 60c quality reduced to 43c Regular 75c quality reduced to . 67c Regular 86c quality reduced to 73c Regular $1.00 quality reduced to 79c Regular 1.25 quality reduced to $1 OS Regular 1.50 quality reduced to 1 26 Regular 1.75 quality reduced to J 35 Regular 2.00 quality reduced to J 65 DAMASK TOWELS. Pancy twilled fringe, hemmed, plain and colored border. 60c quality reduced to 42c 60c and 05c quality reduced to 50c 76c quality reduced to 62c $1.00 quality reduced to , 85c NAPKINS. Regular $ .76 quality reduced to 63c Regular .86 quality reduced to 75c Regular 1.00 quality reduced to 35c Regular 1.26 quality reduced to $1 05 Regular 1.60 quality reduced to 1 28 Regular 2.00 quality reduced to 168 Regular 8.00 quality reduced to 2 60 Regular 3.50 quality reduced to 3 00 Regular 4.00 quality reduced to 3 47 Regular 5.00 quality reduced to 4 25 Regular 6.00 quality reduced to 5 28 PEHSE St MAYS. fhe Dalles Daily Clmmfete. SATURDAY NOV. 9. 1901 Oysters Served In any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All ffio Connty warrants registered prior to Dmmbcr 88, 1B, will be paid on presentation at mjr office. Interest cease after October SO, 1001. JOHN F. hAmpsBIRJE, , Conntr Treasnrer. eVAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Oonl forget the dance tonight at the Baldwin. The ladies of the Christian church will give a Patriarchal social on the 29th. Royal Toke Point oysters nothing quite so good. Served in all styles at Jones' Cafe. You'll have to hurry ! ntt-12 School for dress cutting, next door to Farley & Frank's harness shop. Inves tigate. 8ee bills. East end of Seeocd street. t9 12 Watch for Hi Henry's big band Mon day at noon, and for the new, specially made locomobile which this company carrier. The sofa cushion which has been on display in Blakeley's window, will be ralll d off at that place this evening at 8 o'clock. Lost A small tablet containing ac counts for the month of October. Finder will please return to Mat Suhoren'e blacksmith shop. n9 3t At a mooting bald yesterday by the pastors of the Methodist, Christ iati, Con gregational and Baptist churches it was decided to hold union Thanksgiving ser vices at the-Baptist church. Further announcements will be made at a later dato. For the secoud time in seventeen years the position filled by Tom Kelly in the Umatilla House was tilled by an other person. Mr. Kelly was taken sick yesterday and was forced to lay off dor inx the afternoon ; but (was well enough this morning to resume work. Juitic Brownhill returned from a busloeis trip to Sherman county yester day, and states that be is agreeably surprised to note the rapid growth of the Sherman county towns. Slnoe the construction of toe railroad, buildings by the dosens bare been erected and are In course of erection, and business is rush iog Hi Moro, Wasooand Gross Valley. A telephone msseege was reerived In the city Chts morning ttoat Q. D. Hire, of Five Mile, was taboo suddenly 111 and '. Donne was summoned to attend bl. InttrnoUeiM were alto Mat to end Mi mm smmbq 4ssasdiatsly boneO oi bis recovery worn not ootettamed. Dr. Doane returned about noon-time and reported that Mr. Hire was not dangerously ill and wonld pull through all right. The members of Wasco Lodge, No. 16, A. Ff 4 A. M., and visiting brethren will go to Hood River on Mcnday even ing to take part in the dedication of the new Masonic hall in that place. They will leave the Regulator dook at 6 o'clock that evening on the steamer Reliance and will return home after the dedication services. All members are requested by Secretary Doane to beat the dock short ly before the appointed hour for leaving. On account of the report that has got circulated in Golctendale in some way, to the effect that there were seventy-five cases of diphtheria in The Dalles, the players in the Goldtndale academy team were not in favor of The Dalles high school players going to. their town and the game has been called off. It is like ly that it may be arranged at a later date when the Goldendale people get over the uncalled-for diphtheria scare. John Davin, who runs 10,000 bead odatiy a bad actor and there are several sheep in the great Ocfaoco country, is in Portland leasing land from Colonel R. W. Mitchell, of the Willamette Valley & Cascade Mountain Wagon Road Com pany. Mr. Davlu says that the wool Industry in eastern Crook county has grown wonderfully and is still growing. He favors the leasing of the public ranges by the government and thinks that such a system would be of great ad vantage to the stockmen. The wheat market is reported some what stronger today than for the past two weeks and more anxiety is shown by the buyers to secure grain than was a week ago. The warehouses are offer ing 51 cents for Ciub, white 52 cents Is being paid for wheat delivered at the Gelzert dock. Nearly all the wheat crop has already been sold, and It is not likely that the producers have lost mucb by selling at 50 cents, as the prospects for a considerable raise is poor. "Hunting (or Hawkins," the new farce comedy, which will be seen at the Vogt opera house Thursday. Nov. 14th, seems to have much to commend it to playgoers. It has been very favorably criticised by the press, and is said to be a cleverly-written play with an interest ing plot,, brimful of bright, humorous dialogues, breezy action, laughable situ ations and an abundance of new music, popular songs, clever dances and various olber pleasing vaudeville features. A meeting of tbe Forest Reserve Asso ciation was held at Dufur yesterday and was largely attended by stoekmeu from all over the country. W. H. H. Dolor addressed (he meeting and dwelt at length on the proposed bill tv sail to In dividuals not holding over 160 aorta of government tend a quarter iso,tee of reserve land without reMgenaeBMsjw, and in bis speeah strongly oppose! fee jnoasoM, stating thai it would oete ee loW an opportunity ser weartoy siesem end capitalists to monopolise tbe forest reserve as has heretofore been done with government lands. A. J. Dufur and others also made speeches before the meeting. A grand ball was held in the evening under tbe auspices of tbe esse- ni mti Inn Since Manager Patterson hasTefusedi to assume the management of The Dalles football team, much talk is Indulged in io football circles as to who will assume tbe responsibility. John Cooper is spoken of for captain, while Belden H. Grant seeme to be tbe coo lea of tbe boys for manager. With a little substantial assistance on tbe pert of the business men and witb encb men at tbe head of the organisation, our Dalles team will take a front place in the Oregon league A woman by tbe name of Pauline Dinsmore was arrested by Nightwatch man Paulsen last night for being drunk and disorderly and today is lodged in tbe city jail In order that she may have a chance to recover from her dissipa tlod, when she will be given an opportu nity to move out of town. She is evi- others of the oame stamp who the offi dais have their eyes oo at present, who will be given like treatment on the slightest provocation. It would be well for them to take warning and leaye be fore tbey get into the hands of the law. Some time next week e meeting'of Tbe Dalles Commercial Club will be called by President Whealdon to consider tbe proposition of establishing a monthly sale fair in this city on tbe first Monday of each month. This has already been established in Pendleton by Industrial Agent Jndson, of tbe O. It. AN., and has proven a great suocess, end it should be equally successful in The Dalles, which is backed up by an enormous agricultural district. Tbe sale fair gives those wbo have any surplus-articles or produce of any kind the best opportunity to dispose of tbe same at the highest figures, and also give buyers a chance to secure what they need in an easy and convenient manner. Theold Saltnaarsbe stock yards and the Columbia feed yard are spoken el as a suitable market place, and it is to be booed the members of tbe commercial clob will do their duty in encouraging the tale felr. Charley, the faithful old horse which for the pent twentvtwo years has been the property of Dr. Shackelford, of this olty , has token passage for boree beaven, and the saddest thing about hie depart are is that bis end was so untimely, since his master found It necessary to shoot bim to prevent him from further suffering. About two months ao be topped on a rooty nail, and sines that time be hoe navigated on three logs. Everything that could he thought of was done to relieve the in jored member, hot recovery was doubt lul, and a tew dogs see he totaed ooe M hie forelegs oo that ft woe Impose! Die for to stead ep, so es a last resort his thirty mark and only last summer made forty miles in a day, which shows what an animal wblcb is taken proper care of daring life cin do at that advanoed age. A plate loaded wltb green figs adorns the show window of tbe state board of horticulture, my yesterday's Oregonian. and attracts considerable attention. The frnit wee raised on the farm of Rtnll Bebanno, near The Dalles, and has all tbe sweetness and' flavor of the South ern California article. Mr. Schanno says be raisee three crops a year from bis fig trees, as some of the fruit is ripen ing while blossoms are appearing for tbe later offerings. A number of fig leaves accompany tbe fruit, to show tbe kind of garments Adam woie when be was turned out of Paradise to rustle for him self. Tbe leaves are shaped something like those of tbe white oak of tbe Pa cific coast, but present a much larger surface. Secretary Lamberson says figs have been raised successfully for several years on tbe farm of J. W. Ms goon, near Gravelly hill, io Multnomah scanty, end these specimens from Eastern Ore gon prove that ercb of the great seetiona of the state is adapted to tbefr cultivation. PBK.OMAL MENTION. T. A. Hudson left Isst night oo a business trip to Pendleton. Mrs. G. M. Nolan, of Dufur, was in the eity today en route to Hood River, where she goee to visit friends for a few weeks. Mrs. Grace Dtxtor, who bee been visiting bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B Crosses", for the past twe months, left for ber borne In Vallejo this morning. Miss Ella Donaldsou, wbo is studying in St. Vincent's training school In Port land, and Miss Josephine Brnne, of the Good Samaritan hospital, wbo have been visiting relatives in this vicinity, left for Portland yesterday on the after noon train. Jack Gibson, Cbas. Frank, fir., and Cbas. Inderwels returned yesterday from Blalocks station, on tbe O. R. A N., where tbey have been banting geese. They report that there are tboomods of the big birds in tbat vicinity and the statement is lolly substantiated by tbe number of geese brought in by tbe bunt err, as they had about twenty eight and one rabbit. Mason, Attention! porforsoed the painful doty Charley was close to the Members of Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. A A. M , and visiting biethren are re quested to be et the Regulator dock at 6 o'clock Monday evening to take tbe steamer Reliance for Hood River. Tbe boot will leave at 8 sharp. O. D. DoAve, Secy. Wur Bale r Trade One heavy wagon nod one nee light wegoo for sale or will trade for borate. nC lwd T. J. Pairs. The Dalles. take Yea wffl not have boils if Osteite A leak's sere earn boils PoUy'tHomw steAfHMffatgksttlwm i fggeT rweTrawgBosgjBBBWslwee " ..Boys' m TWltlfS SCHOOL SUITS.. KNEE PANTS Wo have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are ottering them at unusually low prices. Now is the timo to fit out vour boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The ItfewTork Cash Store BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out. We also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. ...MAYS CROWE Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The introduction of Cola's Origin.! Alr-Tighi Heater has revolution ised the heating stove trad. In .11 Motions of the United States. Its won derful economy in tbe me of fuel, and many other eacelUnt qualities, strongly recommend it to ell in neei of . heating stove. What Col.'. Heater Will Do. This stove will heat . room from aero to SO degree. In five minutes. It will lieat your honse evenly day and nlgbt. It holds fire 36 hours without attention. Yon boild only one fire each winter. It bnrna chips, berk, leaves, paper end corn cobs, and gives excellent results wltb this fuel, which Is Ordinarily wasted. Tbe stove Is light and easily moved and set up. Tim combustion It pei feet end asbes .re removed only once In foor weeks. None of tbe beat Is wasted end tbe Move will save one-half of yonr fool bill, i It Is oleen, economical, convenient, eafe end dor.ble. Every one of Cole's Origloel Air-Tight Heaters Is g.aranteed to stav air-tut. t as lone as used. Wfaere wood is used for fool every family should base one or more of these stoves. Sold by MAIER Sc BENTON, The Dsllss. Blakeley's Drug Store THE OLD RELIABLE J 170 3d St., THE DALLES Wo carry the largest and moat complete st .ok iu Ksktoro Oregon o DRIIUI and MKUIC'INSI, COM II" and UKUSHIS, ei'unoee and chamois, PI) MO MB and WAI.I.SH, l'KBM .n root UAMBMA., i-llOTO BUPf I.IBB. rgoTo rAPaa.no moun.t. f.OWNBV. tiHOf'OLA TKg. ' ow N EX rH ACT of Umiou and Ve nt:! ars the Meat Made. Everything we sell Is fresh. Our prices are Oeuatsle.t. Our I'UB.OKII'TION Deparluisot Is iu charge of competent men. , We Manufacture Or. Wand's l.lnlbieal. Or Wuud'e Sarssparilla, lir W lion's Headache Tablet, and WIU Mseel Aliuuail Cream. 11 A IC OBUBKS receive our QflTU DUfltfCC I vvry Package delivered free. I personal attention. OUinrnUflEd prumiUy, in the oily. 1 John Faahek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 sample, of the latest patterns m Genl't Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good fit or no pay. i J John PfMhok, The Tailor. QUO. B. CAMI'ggLL, CIVIX BMOIMBBB. Irrigation, Bridge, Railroad agd Water iopeiy fP4prt Ud egrvof lag, Mao- SaBagggf'wsBg.' AOsT Pal BTBBBBBat BWeBBBWeWVaV ' ' T I --1 1 tf.Tf-JL J 1 ' I Of! eHP W bw. ObbOBIOUS. .1 tedraas P. 6. Baax all. TBB fweT DAUBS, OB. Fire Inaeronce. lBlBBl((teiB.(l.tllBBL IBU. Cirit.1 onM op 7,600,000 wiMMiMMMM Now ie tbe time io insure: tumor. TOW BMP BO too Mte. Phone No, tOt, PaatAo Btotae Co. ARTHUR UKVnUt, Resident Agent, The Delia, oaeeMBBBM Wnj-BOPoU per gmihM bwbasoMwP ef (pelots when yon eon boy Jtesej B. ira Lion's Man aaseeJ ' saw il id ease SaW I Bav BF VFpW gSSBeaaw rWVSf WW rerW Weaaaajp gggggggf vsz-jpsr m