IB Thank v Mjk giving Linen Sale Commencli MONDAY, Nov. Iltb 1 This Great Sales' emphatic feature to its Oreat Positive Hel fulness. It affords Splendid OMxtrtcinities for Economy on Table Damasks, Napkins, Doylies and Damask Towels. satin Damask Cloths with Nain& to Match. TABLE PAHAMie 8x8, grade 100, $1.75, reduced to $1 43 8x10, grade 100, 2.25, reduced to 1 90 8x8, grade 104, 2.50, reduced to 2 10 8x10, grade 104, 8.25, redueed to 2 75 8x12, grade 104, 4.00, reduced to 3 45 8x8, grade 106", 8.00, reduced to : 2 40 8x10, grade 105, 3.50, reduced to 2 90 8x12, grade 105, 4.25, reduced to 3 60 8x8, grade 107, 4.00, reduced to 3 35 8x10, grade 107, 5.00, reduced to 4 25 Regular 46c quality reduced to 39c Regular 50c quality reduced to 43c Regular 75c quality reduced to 67c Regular 86c quality reduced to 73c Regular $1.00 quality reduced to 79c Regular 1.25 quality reduced to . $ 05 Regular 1.60 quality reduced to 1 28 Regular 1.75 quality reduced to 1 35 Regular 2.00 quality reduced to 1 65 NAPKIN. DAMASK TOWELS. Fancy twilled (ring., hemmed, plain and colored borders. 60c quality reduced to 42c 80c and 65c quality reduced to 50c 75c 'quality reduced to , 62c $1.00 quality reduced to 85c Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $ .75 quality .85 quality 1.00 quality 1.85 quality 1.50 quality 2.00 quality 8.00 quality 8.60 quality 4.00 quality 5.00 quality 6.00 quality redueed to. reduced to. reduced to. reduced to. reduced to reduced to reduced to. reduced to reduced to. reduced to. reduced to PEASE 5l MMYS. Che Dalles Daily Gteonfelft. FRIDAY NOV. 8, 1901 m Oysters Served I In any Style.. At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Waaoo County wanrrnntB reglatared prior to Daoamber 88, 1898, will be paid on presentation at my office,. Interest ceaaea after October 30, 1901. JOHN F. HAMPSHIRE, Qoddit Xmianr. VAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tapine bay oysters are sold wholesale and retail by A. Kellar. n6-lw Royal Tapine bay oysters served in every style at A. Kellar'e. ' 1 w Wanted A good woman or girl to do general work. Apply at this office. 6-lw Don't forget Professor Bandvig's dance at the Baldwin tomorrow night. Furnished rooms and rooms suitable for housekeeping. Inquire at Fifth and Court streets. n8 lwk Sweet potatoes are being peddled about the suburbs of Portland at fifteen pounds foi a quarter. Tonight the Dufur fire companies give their firot annual ball, in the Odd Fel lows' hall at that p'ace. At Andrew Keller's is the only place where Royal Tapine Bay oysters are erved. They are the finest in the mar ket. lC lw L. L Van Nortwick has leased the Umatilla House barber shop and is ng tin back in the stand he occupied ac ceptably for about two years. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Toney Jackson, (ormerly switchman at The Dalles, will confer a favor by ad dressing A. Jackson, Box 216, Gentralia, Wash. 7n-2tdAw L. L. Van Nortwick has again leased the Umatilla House barber shop, where he will be pleased to see all his old friends and as uijuy new ones aa pus- Wild geese are said to be very plenii-M "ii juat now in Sherman county. A lot of fine fat ones arrived here today from Klondyke station, consigned to a local commission house. Mrs. Carey will move br millinery store on or bafore Nov. 20th to the new building east of Sexton 4 Welther, where she will be pleased to meet all her oil patrons, as well ee new ones. n6-lw Toe football game which wee to have oeen played at Goldendale tomorrow, between The Dulles god Goldendale teems, hat been postponed. The game will prob.bty be played on the 16tb inn. Toe ladle of eat city who desire dress owMoi dec will be mm aud receive satisfactory work by taking their Ben inc. 29th instant to receive any donations in to Mrs. A. Everding, at her home onpnoney, clothing, fruits or vegetables Alvord avenue, one block west of the Laugblin residence. nO-lw Judge Mays is slightly lame from the effect of the kick of an animal he was assisting to brand yesterday at the Tygb valley ranch. The blow wee received on the knee, and while very painful, happily no bones were broken. A. M. Williams & Co. have just re ceived their fall shipment of ladies' felt Romeos, Juliets and slippers for bouse wear. Come early while the assortment is complete, for such values and color combinations are rarely seen. The city authorities are having a atone foundation built under the fire engine house. This became necessary because of the decayed condition of the sills and the settling of the building so that it was impossible to close the front doors. Tieman Hall, Hood River lodge No. 105, A. F. and A. M., will be dedicated next Monday evening by the officers of the grand lodge. A large delegation is ex pected to go down from here. After the dedicatory exercises a banquet will be spread at the hotel. A meteoric shower of shooting stars, said tocqual tbe renowned showers of 1790, 1833 and 1867, is billed to appear in this latitude next Sunday night, November 17th. If such a shower falls as predicted it will be something of more than ordinary interest to witness. Parties who obtained blue ribbons at tbe late district fair are again reminded that the warrants for the premiums awarded have all been drawn and placed in the hands of J. C. Hosteller, cashier ot French & Co.'s bank, for distribution. Mr. Hosteller woqld be very muob pleased if the owners of these warrants would call at tbe bank and get them. I Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Thornburr invjted a party of lady friends to a 6 o'clock tea in honor of tbe presence In the city of Mrs. Grace Dexter, nee Cros ben. Those present were Mrs. N. B. Sinnott, Mrs. N. J. Hinnott, Mrs. J. 8. Fish, Mrs. J. B. Crossen, Mr. Charles Dexter, Mrs. Hugh Logan, Mrs. Carlyle, of St. Louis, Mr. T. J. Seufert and Mrs. Orion Kinersly. S1 El wood Cbenewortb, an insane per son, escaped from D. Y. K. Hearing, sheriff of Union county, at an early hour Wednesday morning, and has not been re captured. The sheriff bad Cbeue worth' and a criminal in charge, one for tbe asylum, toe otber for the peniten tiary. The train made a atop at Nolio, twenty mile west of Pendleton, and Cbenewortb embraced tbe opportunity to wake hi escape by jumping through tbe window of tbe toilet room. Cbeoe worib ia well dressed and aged about 90 year. J. A. Benahaw, representing the Boye and Girls' AM Society of Oregon, g In tbe city in the Interest of car!taiooi to tbe society, to vis of the norneto- tog winter. Mr. Beoebaw will toe et toe court boas to this city on the that the people of this neighborhood may feel disposed to contribute to this most worthy of all objects. R. R. Hinton.of Bakeoven, purchased of tbe Gllman & French Livestock Co. 206 head of yearling heifers of the Short born and Hereford breeds, which were delivered Sunday. The entire bunch were fine, large, healthy-looking ani mals. Tbe price paid was $18 per head, delivered at Snaniko.' Mr. Hinton has also purchased four fine Shorthorn bulls from the famous breeding farm at Frank fort, lnd., wbtcb are doe to arrive here some time this week. Dick is now one of the principal sheep-owners in Wasco county, and with this purchase of cattle added to those he already possesses he will be in tbe front ranks as a cattle owner for this Bection of Oregon. Shan iko Leader. Lots tf fun Monday night when the far-famed Hi Henry's big city aggrega tion of minstrel and vaudeville stars hold forth at the Vogt opera house. Their premier comedian, Billy Clark, is a phenomenal hit. Probst, tbe human wonder, imitator of song birds, Viola Abt, the little dancing beauty, Havey & Cooley, Cook & Hall, Corrigan & Dove, the Pan-Americ n views, Hi Henry's cornet solos, tbe wonderful Brother Bard, special engagement of tbe modern Hercules, Prof. Morrev, c JDeidered tbe strongest mail (of his weight) living. Among tbe increditable feats which he perforates is that of lifting a chair with bis teeth In which is seated Miss Stella Morris, who weighs 200 pounds, during which be performs characteristic calk walks. This makes a bill not equalled on the minstrel stage. Don't miss the noon parade and the fine concert in front of the theater at 7 p. m. The Glacier says that notwithstand ing the verdict of suicide in the case of J. E. Rourke, who was found dead near Hood River last Sunday, there are some circumstances whicb would possibly in dicate murder, such, for instance, as the total absence of powder marks or burns about the wound, tbe absence of im portant papers he was supposed to have on his person, and position of wound which is unnatural aud would be diffi cult for a man if his age to accomplish. The evidence showed that be was in e desperate mood the lest few day he was seen here from some unknown cause, certainly not In regard to moaey mat ters, as his father' estate, which will be settled in January, would neve given him about $12,000. His relatives have been oommunioated with and the body to being beld to 8. E. Bartmeee under taking room pending instruction from tbeea. The fourteenth anniversary of tbe marriage of Judge A. 8. and Mr. Ben nett occurred yeetorday end in honor of the event a party of shout thirty friend and neighbors vet invited to spend the evening el tbe family reeinenee on Foorfb atteet. The evening wee largely deyoted to progressive whist, followed by an elegant refection. The judge and Mrs. Bennett are royal entertainer, and it goe without sat ing that a delightful time was had. Tbe honors ot the whist game fell to the lot of Mrs. J. A. Geisen dorffer, aud the consolation to Mrs. Hos teller. The guests Jof the evening were Mr and Mrs E C Pease, Mr and Mr M Z Donnell, Mr. ana Mrs Fred Van Norden, Mr end Mrs T J Seufert, Mr and Mr J C Hostetler, Mr and Mrs E H French, Mr and Mr J 8 Fish. Mr and Mrs J T Peters, Dr and Mrs H Logan, Mr and Mr N J Siuoott, Mr and Mr H Kuck, Dr and Mr Geisendorffer, Mr Nosworthy, Misses Virginie and Harriet Marden, Judge Bradabaw. klOHAL MENTION. A. D. McDonald, a former extensive Sherman county farmer, now of Spokane, is in tbe city. Hon. F. N. Jones and wife, of Sherar's Bridge, were passengers on tbe delayed train this afternoon for Portland. Dr. Ray Logan, of Moro, passed thro' town this afternoon on the way to St. Vincept'e hospital with a patient. Fen Batty, of the Columbia Southern hotel, Soauiko, arrived here this after noon and is registeied at the Umatilla House. Distriet Attorney Frank Menefee re turned hou e this afternoon from Gilliam county, where b bad been on legel bi slat ss Douglas Stone, who recently sold cut hi farming interest in Kherman county, was in town today making arrangements for exchange on Cuba, where be goes in tfae oeer futuie to engage in the cattle business. - BOBM. November 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Flugcr, of Ten Mile, a daughter. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. lie Kind You Have Always Bought bears the Signature of Wanted 100 bead of broke or half broke, horses, of U to 16 hauls in height and from 6 to 8 year of age. Also (-0 head of horses weighing from 1100 to 1200 pounds. Bring them next Tuesday, November 12ib, to Ward & Robertson's stable. n7lwdltw BIG TURKEY SHOOT. A. V. Marsh will giv big turkey shoot on tbe beach on the 2d, 27, end 28th of November. nti37daw WM. MICHELL, Undertaker mi Embalmer Oor. Third end Wanhinerton etc. Jall OvatT9 ftl494avanvaavaw fag) DsTQflLl At) V IgOAft diteapboM i. Local, 10$. ...the Nfew York Cash Store... 138. and 142 Second Street. The bargain store of the city. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..Boys' ami nti SCimSBlTS.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall lino of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering thorn at unusually low price.. Now is tho time to lit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchase! without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and niftiest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New York Cash Store BUY A WILSON ' AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will nob burn out. We also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. .IKE AYS CROWE... Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tialu Heater has revolution ist! the heating stove trade in all sections of the United States. Its won derful economy in the use of fnei, and many other excellent qnaUtlee, stmngly recommend it to all In neel of a heating stove. What Cot's Heater Will Do. Thi stove will heat a room from xero to 80 degrees In Ave minutes. Ii will heat your home evenly day and night. It holds Are 36 hnnrs without attention. You huild only one fir each winter. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn nobs, and fives excellent resells with this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted. The stove Is light and easily moved arid et up. The combustion is perfect and ashes are removed only or.ee in tour weeks. Nona of the beat Is wasted and tbe stove will save one-half of your fuel hill. It I clean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. Every one of Cole's Original Alr-Tlght Heaters Is guaranteed to stav alrtbrht as long as used. Where wood Is used for fuel every family should bake ooe or more of tbes stove. Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles. Blakeley's Drug Store, S Wo orty the Urgent and moat com pic lu V H OV N K X IK ACT of lemon and Va st' ok In Kaatero Oregon o( nl.la are tbe Haat Made. VaVUS aud MKUH I Nkta, Kverytbio we tell it Trash. COM Ha ami HHLHC, Our prkiee are Ceiieuuul. ai'ONOKB sd ONANiiii, . r I' HEM HI V Tin I j apartment riiHSKS aed wai.l.KTe. U '" h',,e ' "ml' ' rHIMO and rooo t'AMKW, We Manufacture ruoxo r-area ..- mount. g'fftt'ittXWi ..OWrMKK' CHQCOt,4Ta. and vTlutt Haaal Al ed ?r a a! M AIL OKIraaa receive our OflTU DUflftJCO fcvery I'afktge dullvorcd frae. Irual atteuUon. OXI 1 11 r IIUIII.U promotly, in tbe uit) . John Paehek, .The Tailor, Has just received 1000 sample of the latest patterns in Cent' Clothing Goods. Hs euarao tee prices and a food fit or no pay. v i 3 John Paehek, The Tailor. qko. a. cAuragLL, eivix SMoiMaaa. Irrigation, Bridge, Bauroad and Water Sepely P3t7ffiSe'jd assart land Berrer lag, Msa Laaeiioa. IxsasBSHf fttesi and ajslsssasnss el B E 4e(v4BsM. 9 4 BssVT eHk4 fLK eA IAJPt fire Insurance. Uw IMm t Govt bR. (o. of lotto, rounded 1H2. Capital usM up 7,BOOtOOO Aaaet aeo.liNi.OtUI Now I tbe time to insure ; tomor row may oe too late. Phone Mo. M. Beufert 4t Condon. Pboee No. W, Faeiflo Htatea Co. ARTHUR 8KUFKKT, Reeident agent, The Dalle. Why Bay U.7o aer gaiiea far laJfKf Ja It when yoo at bay 'imm M PeHM'l Mi Btoel pelgt tar e.jraamaleea tor a. pare, , agenl. 3