The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 08, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 226
Schafrner Jaior
MKT, .CH.rtNtK & MAU
The New English
Black and White
tm Seasons Swellest Overcoat
It has recently been extensively advertised by
the leading wholesale tailors of America who have
spent much time and money in introducing it into
this country. It is distinctly an English creation
and is made of the dignified mourning goods, being
therefore suitable for the most discriminating dress
ers. The care and attention given to make and
finish constitute standing evidence of the really
wonderful advance in the manufacture of ready-to-wear
English Great Coats, 'varsity and other
styles, in all the latest fabrics,
$10, $ 1 2 and u to $23.
New flats, Underwear, 8usJenders, Neckwear and Shirts.
PEASE MAYS, The Dalles, Or.
SHORT $57,000
Maccabees' Supreme Finance Keeper,
Charles Thompson, Writes Supreme
Commander Markey, Confessing
an Enormous Shortage in His
Poht Hubox, Mioh., Nov. 7. Charles
B. Thompson, of this city, supreme
finance keeper of the supreme tent,
Knights of the Maccabees, is a self
confessed defaulter in the aum of $67,
000. The order, however, is protected
from loss by Thompson's surety bond.
The shortage is acknowledged in tbe
following letter to D. P. Markey, supreme
commander of the order:
"Dear Sir : It is witb a feeling of dis
tress and shame that I tender herewith
my resignation as supreme finance
keeper of tbe order of which you are the
head. And this step is taken witb a
bitter realization that I am no longer
worthy the cauipanionsulp-and associa
tion of my fellow officers. I have beld
tbe poeition since tbe order was founded ;
have, during most of that lime, been
officially associated witb tbe present
supreme officers and never until now
did I in any way betray my trust. I
was engaged in a legitimate business
venture in which I had made large
investments and found myself in
position where further money was neces
sary to save myself from bankruptcy and
ruin. There was apparently no chance
for lose. 1 then betrayed my trust and
used tbe funds of tbe order, at tbe time
believing there was no questiou of my
ability to replace them withiu a short
time. Ths amount 1 used was $57,000.
I have no hope of being able to repay
this amount.
"I know tbe order is protected from
loss by the surety bond of nearly twice
tbe amount in a perfectly responsible
eouipttoy, bat this does not lessen my
mental suffering, nor relieve me from
the disgrace of having betrayed too
confidence reposed in me. Nothing tbat
may occur can increase the. ' tortures
which I have suffered and am still soffer
ing. I can only await snob action as
may betaken and abide tbe consequences.
No punishment can be greater and no
Dev Mlla House Cafe and Restaurant
Service the Best. Rates Reasonable.
A3ST"SpeciaI rates to Steady Boarders, Families and
Theatre Parties.
suffering so intense as that resulting
from tbe loss of the respect and esteem
of tue membership of tbe order and the
Buffering necessarily caused to the
"CtfAKLEH B. Thompson. "
Downfall or Croker.
New York, Nov. 7. In commenting
upon the election, the Times today says:
One of tbe results of the election will be
the immediate attempt of the democratic
anti-Tammany forces to rehabilitate tbe
party in this section. To bring this about
ex-Senator Jacob . Canter, president
elect of tbe Borough of Manhattan,
favors, if necessary, the revocation of tbe
charter of tbe Tammany Society. Tbe
Greater New York democracy proposes
to undertake tbe reorganisation of the
democratic party bere and to make
the effort forthwith to secure, to tbe
exclusion to Tammany, recognition of
tbe state and national committees. The
first steps in this movement will be
taken at a meeting to be beld tomorrow
night, which will be attended by repre
sentatives of all democratic bodies op
posed to Tammany Hall.
John McGullagh superintendent of
state elections, asserts that in spite of
all tbe precautions taken to prevent
violations of tbe eleotion laws and all
tbe work done by tbe bureau, be believed
that at least 10,000 illegal votes bad been
cast in this city on Tuesday.
AH buildings and obstructions in the
streets of The Dalles mast be removed
from the streets within thirty days from
this date or the matter will be submitted
to tbe council for them to act upon it.
By order of C V. Champli.
Marshal Dalles City. Or.
Dated Noy. 8, UWI. u7.d2dw
For rent Two largo fnrplsbed rooms
on corner of Union and Teeth. Inquire
of local 'pbooe 807. ol-tS
Subscribe for Thb Cbsojuols.
Fun d u Tidal Wave.
Woods, Tillamook couotv, Nov. 7.
A local weather prophet of some con
siderable bonor bere in Tillamook pre
dicted a great tidal wave for last Sunday.
Tbe wave was to sweep over the strip of
low coast land and wash against tbe
mountains. It would then recede, leav
ing ruin and desolation. A number of
inhabitants took to tbe mountains Satur
day and others got ready their wagons
to depart at tbe first sign of an unusually
high tide. Many gathered on tbe beach
to watch the tide come in. There was
no indication of anything nnusual, and
when the tide was full and began to
recede tbe people saw tbe ridiculousness
of tbe situation. Those persons who
were on "camping trips" to the mount
ains returned Monday looking some
what sheepish.
Kr tiger Talk fur War.
New York, Nov. 7. According to tbe
London correspondent of the Tribune, a
Johannesburg financial bouse bas just
had a remarkable chat with tx President
Kruger about South African prospects.
The ex-president's talk was all ot arbitra
tion, which he declared to be tbe only
satisfactory way of ending the war.
Asked what be would do if arbitation
was offered to tbe Boers, be replied tbat
such a thing was impossible.
"It c-uld no', happen, but. assuming
for tbe moment tbat It might," be added,
"we should take up arms if arbitration
went against as. VVe would never suffer
tbe results of arbitration, if those results
were uujeet and wrong."
A now Use of children's school bats
andosps received at Campbell WIN
son's mil Unary parlors. At reasonable
prices. Call and see tbem. oi58-tf
saw a .
Jest wot tbe effected port freely wits
Mysterious Pain Core, a Sooteb remedy,
and (bo palnls gooe. Sold by Clarke et
New line "Sampson'
Waists Just Received.
Umbrellas Recovered ?!to
When Buying
an Overcoat j& j& j&
consider the advantages of one that is impervious
to rain. Such a coat, in this climate, is most de
sirable as anyone familiar with the usual "misty"
days of Oregon winters will admit. The cut here
illustrates rir
Cravenette -Raglan
made of the original and genuine rain-proof crav
enette cloth handsomely tailored and stylish
fitting garments. Come in dark gray oxford
mixtures tan coverts and fino pin-head effects
in gray and tan.
$17.50, $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00.
We hiivn made special efforts this fall to
please ihe man who is in need of a good pair of
Trousers. If yjn have a coat and vest too good
to cast off by all means come here. Out of
onr very complete line of rxtra Trousers we can
positively match np a pair that will make your
suit look like new, and save you money.
Worsteds and cauimeres, stripes
and check ; siza op to 60 waist.
Special values at
Mm Suits
The latest addition to our anlt stock
is a choice line of all wool fancy rough
faced cats! mere
Suits at
. .
cut in the latest styleswith broad
shoulders, hand padded, hand-felled
collar and band-made button holes. An
ideal business suit one that Is tailored
to hold its shspe and give perfect satis
faction. No extra cttarsjes for prsss-
ins suits, overcoats or extra trousers.
Boys' Shoes
The best is hardly good enough when it
comes to wear, but the way we are selling
"Armored Cruisers" makes us
think we have the right thing.
Every seam is sewed with four rows of silk and the
bottoms are of the best oak-tanned sole-leather and are
driven full of steel circlettes.
8 to 13 $1.75 13$ to 2 $2.00
2$ to 5ft $2.25
Woman and Jewel.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
tbe order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even tbat
greatest of all Jewels, health, is often
ruined in the etronuooe efforts to make
or save the money to purchase tbem. If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
aitainst tbe insidoous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular use of Or. Boschoe's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in itsearly stsgesfjsnd heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive tbe dread disesgeTjfrom tbe system.
It is not a cure ail, but it is a certain
core for cough, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. O. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Blakeley's drug
store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forsot tbif.
The largest and moat
complete line of . . ,
ever shown in tbe city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Paint and Oil Store.
Hundred, of Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, and other
overwork ml 1'rofessinnal and Business Men wha thought
hey hai kidney trouble have (old us they had never
-n shh in find anything to equal Lincoln ffonisl
Pills for the cure of that pain in the hack, and the all
goiiH fMt-lipj that so often precedes paresis.
Price $1 00 per bos buy of your druggist or sent
by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
LIH00LI PROPRIETARY 00., ft, Wayne, Iod.
M. Z Uoniiell, Agent, Tbe Dalles, Or.
lwajawdBV In I Pr I
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel ,
A foil lino of BRIDGE BEACH
Cook and Hooting Stoves.
FARMING IMPLKMRNTS.-4.oats for Hooslor Drills, J. I. Case Steel Farm
Harrows and Plows. Spring Tooth Harrows, Bissoll Obllled Plows, Mitchell Wag
ons and Hacks, Ifenuey Buggies.
...Star Windmills...
Witb Ball and Bolter boorlags, sod folly warrantsd.
- Writ os for prices and eataloguos.
- w wwm.
rar in. in Til
BBBl ll " W
jgSt-w afj ys t'
Prints always
fMod to m gill bgvo prompt attsottoo.
Tboooly Ecctosirt Hardvars tort la lbs oily.