The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 07, 1901, Image 3

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    ...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Linen Sale
Nov. Iltb
This Great Sales9 emphatic feature is its Great Positive Hel
fulness. It affords Splendid 0Mrtunities for Economy
on Table Damasks, Napkins, Doylies and Damask Towels.
satin Damask Cloths
with Naiin to Match.
8x8, grade 100, $175, reduced to $1 43
8x10, grade 100,
8x8, grade 101,
8x10, grade 104,
8x12, grade 104,
8x8, grade 105,
8x10, grade 105,
8x12, grade 105,
8x8, grade 107,
8x10, grade 107,
2.25, reduced to J 90
2.50, reduced to 2 10
3.25, reduced to 2 75
4.00, reduced to 3 45
8.00, reduced to 2 40
3.50, reduced to 2 90
4.25, reduced to 3 60
4.00, reduced to 3 35
5.00, reduced to 4 25
Regular 46c quality reduced to 39c
Keguiar ooc quality reduced to 43c
Regular 75c quality reduced to e7c
Regular 85c quality reduced to 73c
Regular $1.00 quality reduced to 79c
Regular 1.25 quality reduced to $1 05
Regular 1.50 quality reduced to 1 28
Regular 1.75 quality reduced to J 35
Regular 2.00 quality reduced to 1 65
Fnncy twilled fringe, hemmed, plain and colored border.-.
60c quality reduced to 42c
60c and 65c quality reduced to 50c
75c quality reduced to 62c
$1.00 quality reduced to 85c
Regular $ .75 quality reduced to 63c
Regular .85 quality reduced to 75c
Regular 1.00 quality reduced to 85c
Regular 1.26 quality reduced to $1 05
Regular 1.60 quality reduced to J 28
Regular 2.00 quality reduced to 168
Regular 8.00 quality reduced to 2 60
Regular 3.50 quality reduced to 3 00
Regular 4.00 quality reduced to 3 47
Regular 5.00 quality reduced to 4 25
Regular 6.00 quality reduced to 5 28
The Dalles Daily Gimmick.
NOV. 7, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Vino County warrant registered
prior to December 22, 1898, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Interest
eeases arter October SO, 1001.
County Treasurer.
Tapine bay oysters are aold wholesale
and retail by A. Kellar. &6-lw
Royal Tapine bay oysters served in
every style at A. Kellar'e. 1 w
Wanted A good woman or girl to do
general work. Apply at this office. 6 lw
At Andrew Keller's is the only place
where Royal Tapine Bay oysters are
served. They are the finest to the mar
ket. i.6 lw
Thomas Wbitcomb, a highly respect
ed pioneer resident of Lyle, Klickitat
county, died at his home on the 15th in
stant and was buried today.
Orion Kinerrly today won the 33 30
Winchester rifle offered as a prise at The
Dalles shooting gallery. Mr. Kinersly
scored 50 out of a possible 60.
A good buggy wheel can be found on
Lugblin street, near Dr. Siddall's
buildings. It was brought there Hal
lo we'n and apparently hasn't been found
by its owner.
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of
Toney Jackson, formerly switchman at
The Dalles, will confer a favor by ad
dressing A. Jackson, Box 216, Oentralia,
Wash. 7u-2tdw
The amount of scalp bounty warrants
issued by Wasco connty during the two
months ending October Slst is $502.
Tola ta less than the two corresponding
months of last year.
Mrs. Carey will move her millinery
ore on or before Nov. 20th to the new
bidding east of Sexton & Waltber,
where she will be pleated to meet all her
old patrons, as well as new ones, no-lw
Attention is called to the notice of the
city maisbal, which appears in another
co'nmn, ordering the "removal within a
month of all bouses and obstructions
tbat aie located on any of the public
stress of this eity.
The ladies of oar city who desire dress
making done will be tare and receive
satisfactory work by taking their sewing
to Mrs. A. Everding, at her hove on
Alvorri avenue, on block west of the
Uogblln residence. n6-lw
Senator J. N. Williamson's mother it
dangerously 111 at her home in East
Portland. ;Two attacks of paralysis
nts a 1
ttiojL L,
have rendered her absolutely helpless,
while her age, some 74 or 75, precludes
any hope of her recovery.
Wanted 100 bead of broke or half
broke horses, of 14 to 15 hands in height
and from 5 to 8 years of age. Also 50
head of horses weighing from 1100 to
1200 pounds. Bring them next Tuesday,
November 12th, to Ward & Robertson's
stable. u7lwdtltw
Large two-story nine-room dwelling
on lot 150x220, well improved and in
good condition, will be told at a sacrifice,
as owner is obliged to leave the city on
account of business interests elsewhere.
Inquire of Hudson & Brownhill or Dad
Butts. 7-ltddw
Now is the time to buy a home at bed
rock prices. Remember there is not a
vaceut dwelling house fit for occupancy
in The Dalles and real estate is bound to
advance within the next few months.
We have a (ew very choice locations left.
Call on us and be convinced. Hudson
& Brownhill or Dad Butts, ltd aw
The Dalles Tent, No. 20, Order of
Maccabees, gave an entertainment Tues
day night In honor of a visit from State
Commander J. W. Thompson, of Port
land. A special meeting was called for
the purpose, and after attending to
ome business the Knights repaired to
Keller's cafe, where an elegant banquet
was served.
No. 1 wheat has stood at 50 cents a
bushel in this market without variation.
for about two weeks. fleTTrfTx" ol the
crop is already banted, and probably
three-fourths of what was hauled has
been sold. The price has easily averaged
50 cents, as very little wheat was aold
below tbat figure and some brought as
high as 54 cents.
Alex. McLeod yesterday closed a bar
gain with J. H. Hn-lley, late of Glen
wood, Klickitat county, for his residence
property on the bluff south of the brew
ery. The property consists of a house
and barn and two lots. The price is
$1250. Mr. McLeod keep; possession
until spring, when he may possibly
move away from here.
An entertainment and basket social
was given by the school in district No.
52, Mosler, Saturday evening, Nov. 2nd.
An interesting literary program was
rendered by tbe pupils, after which the
baskets were sold to tbe highest bidder.
The entertainment was a decided success,
tbe proceeds being $39.50, which will be
used for library purposes.
Charles Mcintosh, O. M. Cooke, Ben
jamin Southwell and W. J. Harriman
have filed articles of incorporation of the
Wasco Connty Churn Association, Lim
ited. The business of tbe association it
tbe manufacture and sale of tbe D. A.
Fiak Faultless chum. The capital
stock of tbe corporation it $1000, divided
into 200 tbaret of tbe par value of 86
each. Tbe principal offiet and plana of
boiinses it in Tbe Dai let.
Henry Waberg . a reudanC of this eity,
who bat been working for tbe Oregon
Lumbar Company back of Cook's Land
ing, was brought here on last night's
boat suffering from having been serious
ly injursd by a log that ha was barking
on a side hill rolling on him so that it
pinned him to tbe ground and held him
fast till be was relieved by his fellow
workman. On bis arrival here Dr,
Logan found that two or three of the
man's ribs were broken and he was in
jured internally. The doctor hat hopes
of bis recovery, but says it will be a long
time before be is able to go back to work
Colonel Frank J. Parker, tbe veteran
Walla Walla newspaper man, deplores
the lost of a ring tbat he aayt wat a
genuine mascot. Tbe colonel taye the
ring it a couple of tboueand yeart old
and originally came from Ireland. He
tayt whoever bat worn it has been uni
formly successful in whatever has been
undertaken. The ring was worn by
Senator Squire during bis successful
campaign in the state of Washington.
Then Senator Turner bad a turn and
won out. Following him Senator Foster
wore it and won the toga, and lately
Senator Mitchell of Oregon wore it dur
ing his successful campaign. Here its
history ended, as Senator Mitchell lost
the ring, and now Colonel Parker refuse
to be coneoled, at be would very much
like it to adorn one of his fingers while
be is booming tbe Lewie and Clark ex
A. J. Thompson, who .was arrested
ere Tuesday night by Officers Ali-ky
nd Woods on a charge of cattle stealing,
this morning practically admitted that
he was the party wanted by tbepO
kane authorities and contented to go
back to that place without a requisition
from the governor. Deputy Sheriff
Pugh arrived here yesterday and will go
batik with his man on the 9:20 train to
night. On tbe 19th of last month
Thompson, who was then known in
Spokane as J. C. Moore, offered to sell
a number of beef cattle to a local butcher.
A deputy sheriff happened to he pres
ent at the lime aud thought the stranger
acted queerly for an ordinary cattle
trader. Tbe officer at once telephoned
to the sheriff's office and was told to
bring the man in. It happened, how
ever, tbat Thompson beard one end of
tite telephone conversation and rushing
out of the building be . jumped on bis
horse to leave tbe country. Tbe officer
got another horse and started after him,
and in the race shots were exchanged, a
bullet from Thompson's pistol striking
the officer, bot doing him no harm. At
tbe foot of a bluff of rocks Thompson
left bit horse and scrambling ap tbe
bluff on all fourt escaped. Foor other
men have been arrested at accomplices
of Thompson.
for infant and Children.
Hi KM Ym Haw Always buffet
Bleeds to Death By Cutting the Radial
Artery In His Left Arm.
George R. A. Farrie, who murdered
A. J. Worrell in Klickitat county on
March 12, 1900, committed snicide lu
the jail at Goldendale, some time Tues
day night, by opening the radial arttry
of the left arm, just above the wrist,
with a piece of broken tumbler shaped
like an arrow bead and very sharp at
the point.
Deputy Sheriff Stimson, who stayed
at tbe jail of nights, beard Farris groan
log about 11 o'clock. Not wishing to be
taken unawares and knowing that Farris
was a desperate man, the deputy went
after Sheriff Bnrgen. When they re
turned to the prison they discovered
tbat Farris was dead. Coroner Hart
and Dr. R. E. Stewart were summoned,
who, after a hasty examination, de
clared life extinct. The body was left
as it was nr. til yesterday mcrning, when
a coroner's inquest was held and a
verdict returned in accordance witb
these facts.
From the evidence submitted to the
jury and an examination of the premises,
Ferris turned on tbe water at the eiuk
.when he opened the artery, letting the
i blood flow into tbe sink as long at pos
sible, and then he lay down on the bed
in bis cell and there died. It was ex
pected Judge Miller would have re
sentenced him fome time this week.
In the letter to his wife, Farris told
her tbat if his future were as bright as
his past few days on earth it would be a
bappy one; that be believed in a Su
preme Being.
Farris, it will be remembered, shot
Worrell upon the .letter's ranch, about
twelve miles east of Goldendale March
12th. Worrell at the lime was plowing
with a team of four horses in a field
about a mile from hit residence. At he
did not return to his home in the even
ing, a search was instituted, aud his
body was found in the afternoon of the
13tb. It had been dragged to tbe point
where found, a distance of soma forty
rods. A rope had been fastened around
th; feet and the horses with whirb the
deceased wat plowing, hitched to the
rope, and the body wat thus drawn to
tbe place where found. There were
thirteen bullet holes in the body caused
by et least five shots, two of the sbott
having been fired while the deceased
wat io a prostrate position.
On Ibt trial Farris admitted the hom
icide, but alleged self defense.
M u of the O. A. at.
Yon art requested to meet with tba
ladies of the W. R. C. Saturday evening
next at 6:80 for a social time.
By order of the president.
A. Y. Marsh will give a big torkcy
shoot on tba beach on tbe 26, 17, and
tetb of November. eX97d
..nogs' ami Toottt's school its..
Wo have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to lit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until tho nobbiost and neatest patterns aro
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The New York Cash Store
Ewiy one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to ttav
air-ti.-l.t as long as used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
bexe one or more of tbese stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air- Huh. Heater has revolution
ized the heating stove trade In all sections of the United States. Its won
derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other escelhnt qualities,
strongly recommend it to all In nee i of a heating stove.
What Cole'a Heater Will Do.
Tliifc stove will heat a room from zsro to
SO degrees in live minutes.
It will heat your houto evenly day and
It holds Are .16 hours without attention.
You build only one fire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corn cobs, and gives excellent remits witb
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light and easily moved and
set up.
The combustion Is perfect and ashet art
removed only orce in four weeks.
None of the heat is wasted and the stove
a ill save one-half of your fuel bill.
It Is clean, economical, convenient, tafe
and durable.
Blakeley's Drug Store,
We crry tbe laruuntaiid mint complete ' l it OWN' EX THAcr ol Lemuii mi. I Va
t ck lu Kastsra Oregon ol nlilaaru tbe Hat Mail.
DRVUS end MKUM INBS, Kverrtblug we sell is fresh.
COM Ha aud IIHUSHK, Our prices are fleasl.leBt.
NI'ONOKN aid CUAHiill, . Oar ril'ltll'TlO Oepartiusat
ri'KHCa and WAI.LUI, Utnobsrteoi ooinpeteut men.
flttt.UO and Pocu iAMKit., We Marmfseture-
i'hoto rarBttaad mount., 9i:,ffEffto T.hl...,
I.OWKBK'e CI.OiiOraTICa. and WlHh Hassl Almond Cvea as.
M AIL MOKK receive ur QfiTU DUfltJCC tv,'r' 'te delivered free,
persoual attention. PUI H I nUrlCa promptly, In tint city.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of the latest patterns in (ivnl'f
Clothing Goods, fie guaran
tees prices and a good fit or uo
pay. s i
John Pashek, The Tailor.
irrigation, Bridge, Railroad end Water .apply
CUy, Mint and Kspert lead Surveying, Map-
, construe uon age Msintensrme ol
d yewadeMoas. Madera Bridges, eew
tyoin, Masonry terua lares. Its.
Addons, W. O. Bo tie. TV DAUJCe, Ol.
fire Insurance.
Law Uaioi t Qott lis. Co. of lotto.
founded 13.
Capitol paid up .7,000,000
Aaaate .JO.l20.OUa
Now it th. time to insure ; tomor
row may be too late.
Phone No. Ho, Heufert A Condon.
Phone No. 803, i'aciflc Htatea Co.
Resident Agent, Tba Dalles.
Why pay l.7 per gallon lot interlay
paint, when yoo eta boy Jtaatjs ft 1
! Patton'a ana nroof naiata las II AA mam .m
-r. . r . -r-. - js-.
gaiioo, g.tranieea ror o yeart.
1 ea!k, agents.