The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 07, 1901, Image 1

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    t Hnlles
NO. 225
wseSSBBfrV LssTae.
a f e4BBBSml
u t t rwsssssxessasV
HA NT. CHurrmt 4 MAS
The New English
Black m White
tw Season SweOest Overcoat
It has recently been extensively advertised by
the leading wholesale tailors of America who have
spent much time and money in introducing it into
this country. It is distinctly an English creation
and is made of the dignified mourning goods, being
therefore suitable for the most discriminating dress
ers. The care and attention given to make and
finish constitute standing evidence of the really
wonderful advance in the manufacture of ready-to-wear
English Great Coatft, Varsity and other
styles, in all the latest fabrics,
$10, $18 and u to $23.
New flats, Underwear, Suspenders, Neckwear and Shirts.
PEASE MAYS, The Dalles, Or.
Closing Arguments in the Schley Case
Applicant's Chief Counsel Said
His Client Was the Victim of a
Chain of Circumstances.
Washington, Nov. 6. Upon opening
the Schley court today, Captain Parker
vuuuiuucm mo niuiucui iu nwui iwuiy
111 inures and was followed by Schley's
chief counsel, Raynor, who closed the
arguments for the applicant. Raynor
was eloquence itself, without cae'ing the
slightest imputation on nny official of
the Ameiican fleet. He declared that
Scbley was the victim of au unfortunate
total darkness as to the location of the
Spanish fleet. Nelson chased the French
fleet twice across the sea. Nelson was
thunders of Trafalgar reached over the
sea ami the blood of Nelson annointed
tbe deck of "Vietory," shouts arose from
England's hosom that, will never die as
it rolls upon tbe advancing tide of
centuries. And so with Schley. Raynor
echo through tbe aues oi undying fame.
When Manila shall be forgotten and
Sam; .igo buried In oblivion, tfce name of
Potts Bhall still live."
Kayuor's Gond-Siatured Talk.
"The question here is not whether
Schley made an error In judgment. Tbe
Ul'Stlrtrt La I... ilLI l.a .ill .n.
cording to the dictates of Ms conscience ;
did I e do hia Aav to lila pouutiv?"
- UWI was V I U i UIWV.WW
with a verv law 1 the at Oantaln Harbor
rtrl I - n . . i A . i m
The Schley-Hodgson colkquy, in whieb
te Texas," was disposed of thus : "Tbe
fAll n C i i . t . . v
aarrp nUk iiAM.H.MMa .. .. Ann
tte. Never intrUi mit lh lltartv of
it wi un rivuk wuru vuh user.
all willjbe witb you then. It was
case of confiding Innocence on oue side,
of business enterprise on the other."
"ynor reviewed eloquently tbe part
taken by the Brooklyn iu the battle of
uly 31.
lev lira House We id Restart
Service the Best. Bates Reasonable.
tWS pedal rates to Steady Boarders, Families and
Theatre Parties.
Wants to Pay on Installment Plan.
Const antimopjlk, Nov. 6. The Porte
haa sent a note to M. Bapet, councillor
of the French legation, enclosing month
ly drafts on the customs in payment o.'
the Lorand and Tubini claims and em
bodying certain decisions of tbe Turkish
government regarding tbe quays diffi
culties, M. Bspn haa forwarded tbe
commnnrcatiou to Paris.
OttictU News ur Miss stone.
Washington, Nov. 6. The state de
partment recaived today a cablegram
from Consul-General Dickinson at Con
stantinople, saying be bad received a
letter from Mies Stone, tbe missionary
held by brigands fur ransom, dated
October 20:h.
A new Una of children's school hats
and caps received at Campbell & Wil
son's millinery parlors. At reasonable
pricee. Call and see them. o23-tf
Uuu't Ku it In.
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and tbe pain ia goue. Bold by Clarke ft
For rent Two large furnished rooms
on corner of Union and Tenth. Inquire
of local 'phone 367. r.l-tB
Clarke ft Fulk'a savoring extract are
the beat. Aak your w ser for tbem.
Clifford's Fotaa Never Fade.
ad Tar
Foley9 8 Hooey
Undertaker iif eVnaalnet
Cor. Third end WeetMneten at.
All orders attended to promptly. Loaf
disUnoe phono 483. Loon), MM.
China's Shrewdest Statesman Passes
Away His Health Had Been
Pkki , Nov. 7. Li Hung Chang died
at 11 o'clock tbis morning. At midnight
last night he rallied slightly. His family
bad installed native doctors in charge
of tbe patient, tbe regular physicians
having refused to attend him unless tbe
Chinese doctors were dismissed.
At 9 o'clock last evening Earl Li was
still breathing and displaying unex
pected vitality. Tbe burial clothes bad
already been put on. Tbe courtyard of
the Yamun was filled with life-size
paper borees and chairs, witb coolie
bearers, wbieb his friends sent, in ac
cordance wish Chinese customs, to be
buried witb bim, io order to carry bis
soul to heaven .
Several of tbe ministers of tbe powers
called to express sympathy. The
Chinese officials are somewhat uneasy
concerning tbe effect his death will have
on the populace, and to guard against a
possible anti-foreign demonstration, tbe
Chinese generals have disposed of tbeir
troops about tbe city in each away as to
comma ad the situation. Trouble, bow
ever, is txtreinely improbable.
AU boil dings sad ostreetloos In the
treats f ft WS be removed
from the streets within thirty days from
U dr Stasia alii b aobmittad
to tfaesooaetl sat tessa asast apoa It.
R order of C V. vhampliii.
is arena i uanes wj, w.
Dated Noy. 9, 1M1. o7 J2dw
Now line "Sampson" Suspender I Umbrellas Recovered J2JJ1
Waiets Just Received. , wet tip
When Buying
an Overcoat & j& j&
consider the advantages of one that is impervious
to rain. Such a coat, in this climate, is most de
sirable as anyone familiar with the usual "misty"
days of Oregon winters will admit. Tho cut here
illustrates our 1
Cravenette -Raglan
made of the original and genuine rain-proof crav
enette cloth handsomely tailored and stylish
fitting garments. Come in dark gray oxford
mixtures tan coverts and fine pin-head effects
in gray and tan.
$17.50, $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00.
We li ivh made special efforts tbis fall to
please the man who is in need of a good pair of
Trousers. If you have a coat and vest too gosd
to cast off by all means come here. Out of
onr very complete line of extra Trousers we can
positively match np a pair that will make your
suit look like new, and save you money.
Worsteds and cataimeret, stripes
and check; i ,-, up to 50 waist.
Special values at
Mm Suits
The latest addition to onr suit stock
is a choice line oi allwool fancy rough
faced casaimere
Suits at ... .
rut in the latest styles with brosd
shoulder,, hand padded, hand-felled
collar and band-made button holes. As
ideal business suit one that is tailored
to hold its sbape and give perfect satis
faction. No extra charges for press
in suits, overcoats or extra trousers.
Boys' Shoes
The best is hardly good onough when it
comes to wear, but tho way we are selling
Armored Cruisers" makes Us
think we havo the right thing.
Every seam is seWed with four rows of silk and the
bottom! ore of tho best oak-tanned sole-leather and are
driven full of stool circlottos.
8 to 13 $1.76 . 13 to 2 $2.00
2 to 5 $2.26
Women and .I.wcl..
Jewe'.?, cMidy, flowers, man that is
tbe order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a maguet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save tbe money to pnrcbasa them. If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gtw, then lei ber lortify herself
aaainst tbe inslduous ooaseMences of
coughs, oolds sad bronchial affections by
tbe regular use of Dr. Bosohae's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stagssfand heal the
affecied lungs sad bronchial tubes and
drive tbe dread diefri tbe system.
It is not a fiU ?!, bo,t it Is a certain
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can gel Dr. 0. U. Green's
reliable remedies at EUkeley'o drug
store. Get Green's Specinl Almanac. 1
Clark A Falk are never eiosad Sunday.
fWt forget this.
The largest and most
complete Una of . . .
Haunt now
ever shorn in tbe city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Go's
mint and Oil Store.
Hundre.!. ol Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, and other
overworked t'rofutslonal and Business Men who tbssffca
-lif v tut kiiltisy trouble have told us they bad neve
,.- 11 ihl to Had anything to equal Linooln nawasl
Pills for the cure of that pais in the tuck, asd tt.a all
g-uiH ie. I 11 j Hi a so often precedes paresis.
Price $1 00 per box buy of your druggist or sssl
by mall on receipt of price, iu plain wrapper.
LI300LM PBOP&IETABT 00., Ft. Wsyns, Id.
M. Z Lassoall, Agent, The Dallas, Or.
LwaT li
Sexton & Walthar
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A full Hue of BRIDGE A BBACal
Cook and Hsallng Stoves.
FARMING IMPLEMENTS. A(SSts for Hoosiar DrUls, J. I. Case Steel Fare,
Harrows and Plows. Spring Tooth Hsrrows, BIsssTi Chilled Plows, Mitchell Wag.
osa asd Hacks, Heaoey Buggies.
...Star Windmills...
With Bail and Roller bearings, asd tally wamntad.
Wrs as for prists and asislofsas.
AU orders est met sd to as sill hsva prompt aUsotioo.
Prices slwsys right,
Tbs only Eaclasivs Ilsrdvsrs 8 tors is the city.