The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 06, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalies Daily Chronicle.
NOV. 0. 1901
The results of the recent elections
to not nt all surprising. Republican
stales have cone republican and
democratio states democratic in
most cases by .educed majorities,
owing to the light vote. I ammany
was downed in New York city, but
this is a result that was foreseen, and
one that could have been accom
plished long ago, except for the
apathy of the business men. The
wonder is that Tammany has so long
been permitted to rule, and that
from the days of Tweed down to
those of Croker, tin second city in
the world should submit to the ruie
of a single boss.
It is perhaps more due to the
efforts of Justice Jerome than any one
else, that Tammany is under; but it
remains to be seen whether he has
the ability and the strength to keep
it under. History repeats itself, and
J 1 '
a "rerorm victory is generally fol
lowed by a sweeping reform defeat.
The good citizens of New York have
won a splendid victory, and have
not only shown the outsiders what
they can do, out it is to be hoped
have learned the lesson of their own
strength. Mayor Seth Low and Dis
trict Attorney Jerome have control
of the city government, and it de-
pends largely on them
not Tammany's carcass
from the garbage barrel
wbether or
be dragged
to be again
called back to life.
One lesson the election teaches is
that republican principles are steadily
becoming more' popular. The elec
tions, following a presidential elec
tion, are apt to show largely reduced
majorities, and often a defeat of the
winning party. In no state have the
democrats been able to reverse the
opinion held one year ago by
the people, and in proportion to the
number of votes cast the republicans
have maintained the majorities of a
year ago.
However much some of the people
of Kentucky may condemn Governor
Durbin of Indiana for refusing to
grant the requisition for the return
of ex-Governor Taylor and Charles
W. Finley, who weie indicted by
the Kentucky courts for complicity
in the murder of William Goebel,
the general opinion will
Indiana's executive gives
reason for the refusal when
be that
a sound
be says
that the time has not arrived when
an unprejudiced and nonpail'zn
bearing of the charges against the
fugitives can be held in Kentucky.
Political feeling never ran so high
in Kentucky as it did at the time of
the shooting of Goebel and immedi
ately afterward. Great bitterness
still exists and there is a cry for
vengeance. Un Jer the circumstances,
it is out of the question to expect
that a fair and impartial trial would
be given, such as might be allowed
a person charged with an offense in
which political matters were not in
volved. From the trials that have already
taken place it is evident that the
public temper is not such as to
guarantee exact justice for the ac
cused. When the court has to order
that every person entering the court
room be searched for concealed
weapons, as was recently done iu the
Caleb Powers case, it is safe to con
clude that a good deal of prejudice
exists on both sides; and while there
is such a state of feeling it is not im
proper for the executive of a neigh
boring commonwealth to use extreme
caution in responding to requisitions.
For inJantc and Children.
Brain Pood MomtnM.
Another ridiculous food fd has been
oranded by the most competent author
ities. They have dispelled the eilly no-
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another for muscles, and still an
i other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
boiv, bnt it mil sustain evary other
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, its nutriment, is den roved by indi-
; gallon or dyspeysla. Yon mint pre-
j pare for their appearance or prevent
; '"t18.' tvi
i medicine of the healthy millions. A few
doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver
to healthy action, purifies the blood, and
makes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
Yon can get Dr. G.'C. Gieen's reliable
remedies at Blakeloy's drug store. C-Jet
Green's Special Almanac. 1
Attractlio Women.
All women sensibly desire to be at
tractive. Beamy It tho stamp of health
because it is Iho outward manifestation
of inner purity. A healthy woman is
always attractive, blUdtt and happy.
When every drop of blood in the veins is
pure a beauteous flash is on the cheek.
But when the blood i-, impure, morose
ness, bad temper and a sallow complex
ion tells the lale of sickness all to plain
ly. And women today know there is no
beauty without health. Wine of Cardui
crowns women with beauty and attrac
tiveness by making strong and healthy
tiioss organs which make her a woman.
j w,SnVf m&tif, ar in R
your friends will hardly knew ycu.
Seven Years In Bed.
"Will wonders ever cease?" inquire
the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence,
Kan. They knew sue had been unable
to leave her bed in seven years on ac
count of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration ami general debility ;
but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk," ehe writes, "and
in three months I felt like u new person."
Women euffering from Headache, Back
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will
find it a priceless blessing. Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake
ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 5
A llajlne;, ltonrmg Flood.
Washed down a telegraph lino which
! Cnas. C. E.lis, of L sbon. la., hid to re-
pair. "Standing waidtdeepju icy water,"
he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and
cough. It grew worse daily. Finally
the best doctors iuOakland. Neb., Sioux
City and Omaha said I had Consumption
and could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 6
lour Face
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
b'.ood -makes iteelf apparent iu a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should trv
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsapariilas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakelej the druggist.
N. Jackson, Danville, III., writes: "My
daughter bad a severe attack of la grippe
and a terrible cough settled on her lungs.
We tried a great many remedies without
giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey
and Tar which cured her." She has
never been troubled with acoush since."
Clarke & Falk.
La grippe coughs often continue for
months and sometimes lead to fatal re
sults after the patient is supposed to
have passed the danger point. Foley's
Honey and Tar affords positive pro
tection ami security from theee coughs.
Clarke & Falk.
For fueumonla.
Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., says:
"1 have used Foley's Honey and Tar in
thiee very severe cases of pneumonia
with good results in every case." Be
ware of substitutes. Clarke & Falk.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers never
disappoint. They are safe, prompt,
gentle, effective in removing all im
purities from the liver and bowels.
Small and easy to take. Never gripe or
distress. Clarke & Balk's P. O. Phar
macy. "Life of McKinley," complete books
now ready. Can fill orders for book
writteu by Marshall Everett or Murat
Halstead. Best editions published.
Outfit free. S. C. Miller & Co., Portland,
Ore. 29 2w-tu-th-B
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely the best for all
diseases of the throat and lungs. Dealers
are authorized to guarantee it to give
satisfaction. Clarke & Falk.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a foil Hue
of paint anl artist'd bruabee.
Evei -bearing raspberry plants at Mrs.
C. J. Stubling's for ten cents each.
A fall line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clark and Falk have just received a
full line of fresh Velox papers and de
velopers, the same as used by Mr. I.ovick
in his recent demonstration at oar store.
Tbe Umatilla House barber shop has
recently been enlarged and fitted up with
tbe only steam-heated bath rooms in
the city. All the furniture and appoint
ments are new and of tbe best, For tbe
convenience of business men tbe plaee
will be kept open, until farther notles,
till 10 o'clock p. m. This is tbe only
union shop in tbe city ; using tbe anion
card end employing onion barbers.
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
How's Tills:
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, anil be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
WestA TniBx, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Waldinjr, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledp, Ohio.
Haifa Catarrh Cure U taken inter
nally, noting diiectly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrugpists, price 7rc.
Hull's Family Pills are the best. 12
Do you suffer from piles? If so do
not turn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve will act more quickly,
surely and safely, saving you the. expense
and danger of an operation. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
C. M. Phelps, ForeBtdale, Yt., says
bis child was completely cured of a bad
case of eczema by the uee of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping'
and sunburn.
& Falk.
Manufactured by Came
tub GoiumDia pacKing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
L. Lane,
A N Daee
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Pish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Jefferson. Phone 159
Prof. Homer de Morrison
333'2 Washington street. Itnomx 33-30,
The first registered as well as the first gradu
ate piluilst ever In Portland. The world's
K eatest Trance Clalrvoyunt and Herba'ist can
bo -o sulted dally on all affairs ol life.
Prof, de Morriaon is without a doubt the most
scientific Palmltt and Clairvo ant in the world
today: he locates hidden treasure, reunites the
separated, tells if there is mineral, oil, or gas on
your land, enables you to win th j aftectlou of
one you desire.
Palmistry taught, mediumistic persons devel
oped. Heals by the uses of his revealed heib-il
teas; cures chronic and so-called iucurable dis
eases. Free treatment fur tbe poor.
Bend $1, date of birth and three questions; all
letters answered at c nee,
Locataui by Vision.
FortUad, Aug 10. -(To ihe Editor). Homer
do Morrison, occultist. looaUK by vision thebul
lion stolen irom the 8elby Smelting Works. In
behtlf of occult science he immediately com
municated by letter the facts to Mr. A. J. Rals
ton, owner of the Helby Works. The reports re
ceived last night prove bis statements correct
"It Is pleasing to be assured that tbe gold i
stolen from the Helby Smelting Works was -lo-1
caieu oy vision oy a roruana occultist. This
B roves that the story of the confession of the
Jief and that his assistance was required in re
covering the gold was a base California lnven-
US. T.
Notice of Sewer Assessment.
Notice is hcrchv given that the City Council
of Dalles City, Oregon, on the 24th day ol Octo
ber, 1901, did determine aud ascertain the pro
portionate cost of the constiuctton of the Court
street sewer in Dalles City, Oregon, and for the
purpose of paying the costs of the contraction
thereof, assessed the property heielnafter de
scribed as hereinafter set forth, to wit:
1. Beginning at the northeast corner of bloc
Aattheinters'Ction of Union and Main streets
in Dalles City; thence southerly along the west
line of Union street 100 feet; thence westerly at
right angles to Union street to the west line of
said block A; thence northerly parallel with
Union street to the south line of Main street;
thence easterly to the place of beginning. Be
longing to the O. H &N.CO. Assessed nt 150.
2. Beginning at a paint on the west line of
Union stect 4tij feet northerly from the south
east corner of block A, thence westerly at right
angles to Union street to the oust line of Liberty
street; thence northerly along the east line of
Liberty street to a point where the same is inter
sected by a line drawn at right angles to Union
srreet from a point on the west line thereof J0
feet northerly from the point of beginning;
thence easterly to said point on the weit line of
Union street 90 feet northerly from the point of
beginning: thence southerly to the place of be
ginning. Belonging t Mrs. E. M. Y llson. As
sessed at f ).).
3. Beginning at the southeast corner of block
A on the north side of Second street and wect
side cf Union sti e t, ther.ce northerly along the
west line of Union street 46 leet, thence west
erly at right angles to Union street to Liberty
street; thence southerly on the east line of Lib
erty street to the north line of 8ccond street;
thence easterly along the north line of second
street to the dace of beginning. Belonging to
the estate of John H. Mlchelbach. Assessed at
4. A strip of ground 58 feet wide off the west
side of lot 4, block 4, In Dalles City proper, be
longing to Esther Nicholas; assessed at $29.
5. A strip of ground 12 feet 8 inches in width
off the east Bide of lot 4 in block 4 In Dalles City
Jiroper, belonging to .. V. Moody; assessed at
6. A strip of ground 30 feet wide off the west
side of lot 3 In block 4 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to Margaret A. Martin; assessed at f 15.
7. A strip of ground 86 feet wide off the east
sMo of lot :l in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to P. J. Martin ; "asses sod at $18.
8. A strip of ground 18 feet wide off the west
side of lot 2 in block 4 In Dalles City proper, be
longing to Matilda Baldwin ; assessed at $9.
9. A strip of ground 48 feet wido off the east
side of lot 2 and astrit4 feet wide off the west
side of lot 1 In block 4 in Dalles Citr proper, be
longing to N. II. Gates ; assessed at $26.
10. A strip of graund 02 feet wide off the east
side of lot 1 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to Matilda Baldwin; assessed at $31.
11. Lot 5 In block 3 In Dalles City proper, be
longing to Kred Pundt, assessed at $29.
12. A si rip of ground 15 feet wide off the west
side of lot 4 in block 3 in Dalles City proper be
longing to Pauline Lusher, and assessed at $7.60.
13. Beginning at a point on the south line of
Main street 15 feet east of the northeast corner
of lot 5 in block 3 In Dalles City proper, thence
easterly along the south line of Main street 27
feet 3 inches; thence southerly at right angles
120 feet to the alley : thence westerly along the
north line of the alley 27 feet 3 inches; thence
northerly, at right angles, to the place of begin
ning; belonging to Caroline Korten ; assessed ut
14. A strip of ground 16 feet wide off the east
side of lot 4 and a strip 8 feet wide off the west
side of lot 3 In block I in Dalles City proper ; be
longing to Matilda Baldwin ; assessed at $12.
15. Beginning at n point on the south line of
Main street 8 feet east of the northwest corner
of lot :i in block 3 in Dalles City proper; thence
easterly along the south Hue of Malnstret22
feet; thence southerly at right angles 120 feet to
the alley ; thence westerly along the north line
of the alley 21 feet; thence northerly, at right
angles, to the place of beginning; belonging to
B. Wolf; assessed at $11.
10. Beginning at a point on the south line of
Main street 30 feet east of the northwest corner
of lot 3 in block 3 in Dalles citv proper, thence
easterly along the south lfn of Main street ti
feetr thence southerly at right angles 120 feet to
the alley: thence westerly along tho north line
of the ulley 21 feet; thenea northerly, at right
angles, to the place of beginning; belonging to
B, Blumauer; assessed ut 111.
17. A strip of giound 12 feet wide off the
east side of lot S ana a strip 15 feet wide on" the
west side ot lot 2 in block 3 in Dalles City
proper, belonging lo Geo. ltuch; assessed at
18. Beginning at a point in tho south lino of
Main Street40 feet west from thu nnrilu..
of block 3 in Dalles City proper, thence westerly
along the south line of Main street 54 feet;
thence at light anaies southerly 120 feet to the
a ley; thence easteily along the north lino of the
aliey 51 feet; thence at right angles northerly to
place of beginning; belonging to Max Vogt as
sessed at $13.50.
19. A strip 40 feet wide oft' thn ,mt u.i.. nt
1 In block :i in Dalles City proper, belonging to
J. D. Uraut; assessed at $20.
20. Lot 6 in block 3 in Dalles City r roper; ex
cepting a strip off the north eud thereof 26 feet 7
inches in width; belouglng to Oeo. Ruch, and
assessed at $2..
., .21'A..striP off ,ne norU end of lot 6 in block
Un Dalles City troper, 26 ftet and 7 inches in
width; belonging to William Weggenmau; as
sessed at $13.2
22. A strip 26 feet wide off the east side of lot
7 in block 3 in Dalles Citv proper; belonging to
A. Bettiugen, and assessed at $13.
23. A strip of ground 32 feet wide off the west
side of lot 7 in block 3 In Dalles City proper be
longing to Max Vogt and sssessed at $8.
24. Lot H in block 3 In linlleu nit,. ..-...,... ..
longing to PrlHz Nltsehke and assessed at $2y"
25. Lot ! In block 3 iu Dalles city proper: be
longing to Rate Handley and assessed a i $29.
m. l-ot 10 in block 3 in Dalles City
' l
uv'vuiiid w c. oeuauitu mm asscsscu at
27. Lot 5 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, ex
cepting therefrom the following tract, to-wlr
beginning at a point in thn north Hue of Sec
ond street in Mld Dalles City 42 feet westerly
fioin the Intersection of Court and Second Its.,
thence northerly parallel with Court street 90
feet; tbencu westerly parallel wm, u,
street 60fect; them e easterly along tbe no th
un. Huiijjertv iHrn . uitt.
line of Second street to the
ut in a oiaetH or i
4 asse
of beglnnlna:
Deiougiug to is
II . Uates and assessed at 829
28. A piece of
beginning at a point in tbe north line of Second
street in Dallas city 44 feet west of the Inteisec
tiou of Ci urt and Second streets, thence north-
erly parallel
wun uourt street 00 feet; thence
wwieuy psrauei with second street 24
eel 60
tuenee southerly parallel with Court stree
w ovna strati; uenoe easterly along the
north line of Second street 24 feet to tbeSee of
"" w M to. tVALe Mfll nr.
at $12,
. 2t. Lot t) and the east half of
lot 7 In bl
k 4
80. West half of lot 7 iu blook 4 In Dallas City
proper, belonging to James Snipes
A ss esscd at
31. lot 8 In block 4 in Dalles City proper, bc
li.nirlnr to Kate MeCcrrmaok. Assessed at $33 88.
82. Lot 2 In block 6 in Dalles City proper. V.e
longlng to the estate of A. Bcttlngen, deceased.
Assessed at $33.26.
33. Lot 1 in block 6 In Dalles City proper, be
longing to the estate of J. II. Mlchelbach, de
ceased. Assessed at $33 95.
81. Lot 5 fn block 6 In D illes Cliy proper, be
longing to the estate of A. Bettiugen, deceased;
assessed at $20.
85. I .ot 4 and the west half of lot 3 fn block 5
In Dalles City proper, belonging to Max Vogl;
assessed at $21.75.
TO. The east-half of lot 3 in block 5 iu Dalles
citv proper, belonging to A. Keller; n.-sesstd at
37. Lits 1 end 2 in block 5 in 'Dalles City
proper, belonging to Max Vogt; assessed at $29.
88. Lots 6, 7 and 8 In blonk 5 In Do'.los City
Proper, belonging to Geo. A. Liehe; asses-ed at
89. Lots 9 and 19 in block 5 in Dalles City
proper, belonging to Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F.
& A. M.; assessed at $58.
40. Lot r and 55 feet off the east side of lot 6
In block 6 in Dalles City proper, excepting a
strip 25 feet In width off the north end of lot5,
belonging to Dalles City ; assessed at $30.53.
4t. A strip of ground 25 feet In width off the
north end of lot 5 in block 6 in Dalles City
Jiroper, belonging to Wm. MeOlurn; assessed at
42. A strip of snur.d 11 feet In width off the
west side of lot i; in block 6 In i 'alien City propt
er, belonging to Julia A. Driver; assessed at
43. Lots 1 and 2 In block 8 In Dalle." Citv
proper, belonging to Laura E. French; assessed
at wt.
44. Lots I and 5 in block 7 in Dalles City
proper, belonging to (ieo. A. Llcbe; assessed at
45. Lot 3 in block 7 iu Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to Dalles City ; assessed at $29.
46. Lot 2 in block 7 In D-illes Citv proper, be
longing to tho estate of P. Brogau, deceased ; as
sessed at $29.
47. Lot 1 in block 7 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to Columbia Lodge, No. 6, 1. O. O. V. ;
assessed at $29.
48. Lotl in bloci 6 in Bigelow's Addition to
vanes uiiy, oeionging to u. M. and J. W.
French ; assessed at $25.
49. Lot 0 in block 7 in Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to Miry T. Blakeley ; astessed at gJO.
60. Lot 7 and a strip 22 feet In width off the
east side of lot 8 in block 7 In Dalles city prop
er, belonging to E. C. Pease; assessed at $40.
oi. a strip of ground 86 feet in width off the
wentsiueoi iot n ana iu leet oil tneeastslde of
lot 9 in block 7 in Dalles City proper, belonging
to Samantha A. Flench; assessed at $26.
62. Lot 10 and a strip 12 feet in width off the
west Bldo of lot 9 In blcok 7 in Dalles City prop
er, belonging to Mary Coudon ; assessed at $50.
53. Lots 5 and 6 In block 8 In Dalles City
proper, belonging to Mrs. D. M. French; assess
ed at $66.
64. Lots 1 and 2 in block 10 in Dalles Otty
proper, belonging to Ursula Ruch; assessed at
55. Lot 5 In block 9 In Dalles City nroper, be
longing to Isabella Gray ; assessed at $29.
66. Lot 4 in block 9 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to Smith French ; assessed at $89:
57. Lot 3 In block 9 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to the heirs ol Sophia Kiss, deceased
assessed at $29. '
58. Lot 8 In block 9 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to Anna F. Taj lor; assessed at $29.
59. Lot 9 In block 9 In Dalles City proper, be
longing to Phoebe Egan; assessed ut $y.
60. The south half of lot 10 In bloak 9 in
Dalles City proper, belonging to T. T. Nicholas;
assessed at $25.
61. Tho north half of lot 10 in block 9 in
Dalles City proper, belonging to Mrs. A. J. Fitz
gerald; assessed at $25.
62. Lou 5 and 6 In Trevitt s Addition to Dalles
City, belonging to tbe First Congregational
church of The Dalles: assessed at $6 i.
63. Lots i laud 2 in block 12 in Gates' Addiiion
to Dalles City, belonging to Florence M. Vause;
assessed at $60.
61. A piece of grouu 1 described as follows:
Hegluulug at the northeast corner of blook 15
Gate Addiiion; thence southerly along the
west line of Court stiect 200 feet; thence wester
ly at right angles to Court street lat feet: thence
northerly parallel with Court street 260 feet to
tbealljv: thence ensterlv nlomr n,,,. ,.
alley to the place of beginning. Belonging to
fu. The west half of nlonk
13 in Dalles City
proper ana uate.v Addition to Dalles City, be
ouging to W, Lord; asbessod at $U5.
66. Bealnnlng at tho southeast corner of the
wimwwfli ui i.ouuaiKi riitn streets in Dalles
City, thence southerly along the east Hue of
Court street to the alley; thence easterly alonir
the north Hue of the alley 196 feet; thence
northerly parallel with Court street to tbe south
Hue of filth street; thence westerly along the
..T...,i. r, i ' . u "l lne Place ol be
ginning. Uelonglng to the estate of 0. M
Krause; assessed at $53.
XL dinning at a point on the south line of
f ilth street 106 feet easterly from tbe intersec
tion of Court and Fifth streets; thence southerly
parallel with Court street to the alley; thence
easterly along the north lino of the allev9 feet-
inM'.n."0''1!?' '"fe1 "tth Court street to the
south line of Fiftn s'reet; thence westerly along
thesouth line of Fifth street 91 feet to the place
' t $47 K' Beloljs"iuK to ax Vogt; asse sed
AH said property b?in.r iu
W asco County, State of Oregon.
Dalles City, in
o5$LS!!!T'!t eh "nrl all entered in
ii, J t lty "i'"" " tna iMi ' of Octo
ber, 1901, and aie made payable In one payment
ber iSS'j r 0 tho mii dtty of Nvem
Tbls notice Is given by orderof tho council.
Dated this 26th day of October, 1901.
..o.ij.h , J- lOHKRTY,
o29-14td Recorder ot Dalles City.
Tramaot a General Banking Buginew.
Letters of Credit
tbe Eastern States.
issued available in
8ight Exchange and Telegrapblo
St. Louis, Han -Francisco, Portlaud Ore'
gon. Seattle Wash., and various points
in Oregon end Washington.
Collections made at ill points on lav
orable Utrtns.
SHoip line
union Pacific
Portland Special.
12:25 p. iu.
lug ton.
12:?6a. m.
via Hunt
ington. salt Lake, Denver, Ft
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas City, St. Louis, Chl
cago and tho East.
Bait Lake, Denver, Ft
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas City. 81. Louis, Chi
cago and the East.
4:50 a.
8t. Paul
Fast Mall,
9: 88 p. m.
via Spo
kane. Walla Wglla, Lewlston.
kee, Chicago and East.
From Portland.
(AH sailing dates sub
ject to change.)
For San Francisco,
Sail every 8 days.
8:00 p. m.
c:00 p. m.
10:00 p. m.
i:00a. m.
Colombia silver.
To Astoria and Way
Landings. 4:00 p. a.
Willamette River.
Oregon City, Nowberg,
Salem, Independence,
and Way-Landings.
4:30 p. a.
6 00 a. m.
I 4:aop.a.
i Monday,
Cor vallls and Way
Landings. Tuesday,
7:00. m.
Willamette and
Yamhill stivers.
Oregon City, Dayton and
3:30 p. m,
3:40a. m.
Snake River.
Rlpada to Lewlston.
8:80 s. a,
Parties desiring to fo to Heppner ot
on Columbia Southern via Biggs, should
o. 2. leaving The Dalles at -12:25 n. m
makinir direct connections at Henmver innHa
HiidBlggs. Retunilwmakiugdirectconnecttfls
at Heppner junction end Biggs with No. 1, ar
riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. '
For further particulars, call on or address
The Dalles, Oregon.
Max a. Voor.
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business trantasteJ
Deposit received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptf
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange golds
New York, San Francisco and potv
D. P. Thompson. Jwo. 8. 8oaa,
Ed. M. Williams, Gao. A. Link
H. M. BsULL.
W W. WILSON, Manager.
Fireglass ii? Every Respot.
Afeale at fill
Tbe table ajweve supplied wW
best In tbe market.
7i Froni St., near Court, The D