IK Dalies VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1901. NO. 224 s "" 1 ssrPssaV "sJsWJss5s1bbw t hti r ' "tttftt ,nnnnnngemf,eBgweNs ITT 1 1 1 1 lUi i iu 1 1 11 1 u ItluttmMwHwliMI dmasnaullllJ n U 1 UaL 1 1 imHiim'lWMrHIIVIIUHllWBHIHHI1 AVcgefaUePrepatalionfbrAs- similatlnfi the Food andfieGuta- liitgthe Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Dige9uon,Cheerfur ness andRest.Contalns neither Opium, Morphine norMioeraL JJot Uarc otic . HKipeafOUa-SIMaamCHKR Jtx.Smtn S-kMtSJM- r - W Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of hjr Use y For Over EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Thirty Years CASTORIA Itar Umatilla House (ale and Restaurant MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Service the Best. Rates Reasonable. 'Special rates Theatre Parties. to Steady Boarders, Families and FRANK BATTY, Manager. TURKISH PORTS SEIZED BY FRANCE Three Cities on the Island of Mitylene Occupied. Paris, Nov. 5. An official dispatch announces the arrival of Admiral Gail lard's squadron this morning at the island of Mitylene. Pabis, Nov. 6. Admiral Caillard has occupied the three principal ports of the island of Mitylene. London. Nov. 5. The British foreign office has had no request front Turkey, as announced by the Constantinople correspondent of the Echo de Paris, to fu fill the terms of the convention ot 1878, at which, in exchange for the island of Cyprus, Great Britain trau tee 1 the integrity of the sultan's Asiatic possessions. supreme court j.idge, 44,807 plurality. These pluralities aw considerably below those of 1899, when Barnett, rep., had 110,558 plurality. The reduction of the republican plurality is due in part to the light vote cast. In Philadelphia, Kothermel, the fusion candidal fur district attorney, i was beaten by 43,478 plurality. Harrie' plurality in this city was 34, 961, and Potter's was 31,921. O. Harry Davis, fusion, was elected judge of common pleas court, No 5, running nearly 1000 votes ahead of Henry Budd, his associate on the ticket, defeat ing Maxwell Stevenson, dem. Stevenson was also on the public opinion party ticket and received republican support, but not enough to elect him. The re publicans elected the other two judges, Robert Ralston and J. Willis Martin. Nw Yobk, Nov. 5. It is learned from a reliable source that France has not, up to tbo present, informed the Triple Alliance of any contemplated naval action in Turkey, says the Herald's Berlin correspondent. The Tageblnit compares the attitude of M. Ddlcasse to that of Napolaan III in 1870. Like the sultan, King William of Prussia had already yielded when France, hy urgently pressing new claims, critical ly embittered the situation. Victory for Ou Force. PIuladklnma, Nov. 6. Estimates fioui the sixty-seven counties of the state give Frank C. Harris, r publican, fur state treasurer, an appaen plurality of 51,018; William P Potter, re?., for Jeffords Will Vlaht Maber. New Yobk, N v. 5. Peter Maher baa signed articles to box Jim Jeffords, of California, next Friday night, before the Eureka Athletic Club, Baltimore, in a 10 round contest. About a month ago Jeffords and Maher met at Lancaster, Pa., for six rounds, and the raeult was a draw. If Maber defeats Jeffords be states that be will issue a challenge to or x the winner of the Jtffries-Rublin tight. A new line of children's school hats and caps received at Caunpbati a Wil son's millinery' parlors. At reasonable prices. Call and see them. o23 tf Won' Kab It la, Just wet tbe affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Sootcb remedy, and tbe pain is goue. Sold by Clarke Falk. Clarke A Falk's havor in, extracts are the beet. Ask your v Njer for tbein. SETH LOW WAS ELECTED Tammany Suffers a Crushing Defeat Returns Prom Other States. New Yobk, Nov. 6. Seth Low, ex president of Columbia University, and four years ago tbe Citisens' Union candi date for tbe first mayor of Greater New York, was elected today tbe second mayor of Greater New York by a plurality rang ins: anywhere from 30,000 to 40,000, defeating Edward M. Shepard, of Brook lyn, the democratic nominee. The campaign was an exciting one, and the vote, though somewhat lees than in tbe presidential election a year ago, was the largest ever polled in a municipal con test in this country. In addition to tbe canvas for mayor, public interest largely centered in the nomination by the fusionisls of William Travel 6 Jerome for district attorney, and Mayor Robert A. Van Wyck, by th? democrats, for justice of tbe supreme court, who were voted for only in tbe territory contained in New York county. Returns received up to 11 p. m. indicate that Jerome has been elected by a com fortable majority and that Mayor Van Wyck has been defeated, tbe latter running behind his ticket from 15,000 to 20,000. Returns also .indicate the complete triumph here of the Greater New York fusion ticket, Charles Vincent Fornes, the nominee of tbe Cit. tens' Union and the republicans for president of the board of alderman, defeating George M. Vanhoesen, tbe democratic nominee. E. M. Grout, forth past four years demo cratic president ot the Borough of Brook lyn, now tbe fusiocist nominee for controller, bas also defeated W. W. Ladd, Jr., democrat. Republican Majorities In Ohio. Columbus, O., Nov. 5. Tfce republi cans today carried Ohio by such in creased pluralities on tbeir ticket and with such an enlarged msj irlty in tbe legislature as to cause all sorts of com ment on ""What did it?" Tbe result continues tbe republicans in power In the state, making an epoch of twelve years in succession for that party in Ohio, and it insures the re election of Senator Foraker. The extent of tbe republican success is attributed to the silver democrats not voting; to the attitude of John R. Mc Lean, tbe democratic candidate for gov ernor two years ago, and tbe Ohio mem ber ot tbe national democratic com mittee; to the superior organization of the republicans and other causes. Tbe republicans attribute tbe result largely to the popular desire not to disturb the prevailing prosperity, in accordance with Senator Henna's appeal to "let good enough alone;" to tbe desire to support President Roosevelt in carrying out tbe policy of tbe iate President McKinley and to iudoree Governor Nash and Senator Foraker. Beaulta In Maryland. Baltimobb, Nov. 6. A conservative estimate based upon about half the vot ing precincts in the city, and unofficial returns from tbe state, made at 3 a. ra., indicate that tbe democrats will control the legislature, and will have probably sixty-seven votes on joint ballot, which is six more than a majority. Nut more than half tbo returns from tbe city are in, those showing an unusually close contest. It is not believed that tbe msjority for either party iu Baltimore City will exceed 2000. Aoytbiog like accurate figures is not obtainable, and even the best-informed are totally at see as to the result. . Maw Jareay. Tbkntos, N. J., Nov. 5. Lata returns bear out earlier indications that Frank iin Murphy, rep., bas bean elected gov ernor by about 10,000 plurality. Hapublleani atnve Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. C All returns received up to 1 o'Hock this morning indicate that all of the republican ticket has baas elected, perhaps by aa much as 10,000 majority. The figures upon wbieb this estimate is baaed arc precinct re- GrUford'a FOtQS Never Fsde.forot wbleo tuov M average republican gala of about fear to tbe precinct Foley's Honey Tmr Subscribe for Taw Oasomou. New line "Sampson" Sui Waists Just Received. Umbrellas Recovered wHlle you wait When Buying an Overcoat j& j& j& consider the advantages of one that is impervious 1 to rain. Such a coat, in this climate, is most de sirable as anyone familiar with the usual "misty" days of Oregon winters will admit. The cut here illustrates our v Cravenette -Raglan made of the original and genuine rain-proof crav enette cloth handsomely tailored and stylish fitting garments. Come in dark gray oxford mixtures tan coverts and fine pin-head effects . in gray and tan. $17.50, $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00. EXTRA Trousers We hive made special efforts this fall to please the man wliois in need of a good pair of Trousers. If yon have a coat and vest ton goad to cast off !y all means come here. Out of our very complete line of extra Trousers we can positively match up a pair that will make your suit look like new, and save you money. Worsteds and caisimeres, stripes and check. ; eiz up to 50 waist. Special values at $3 urn Suits The latest addition to our suit stock is h choice line of all wool lancy rough faced car si mere Hand-made Suits at ... . $14 rut in the latest styles with broad shoulders, hand padded, hand-felled collar and hand-made button holes. An ideal business suit one that Is tailored to ho:d its shape and give perfect satis faction. No extra charges for press- lug suits, overcoats or extra trousers. Boys' Shoes if .iorM The best is hardly good enough when it comes to wear, but the way we are selling "Armored Cruisers' makes us think we have the right thing. Every seam is sewed with four rows of silk and the bottoms are of the best oak-tanned sole-leather and are driven full of steel circlettes. 8 to 13 $1.76 13J to 2 $2.00 2$ to 5 $2.25 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. ..- Women ana Jewel. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that i the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels' form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save tbe money to purchase them. If a woman will risk iter health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against tbe iosiduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by tbe regular use of Or. Boschaa's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption in its early stsgeeand heal tbe affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive tbe diead dieeasejtrom the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds snd all bronchial troubles. You can get Or. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at Blakeley's drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 Clark A Falk an never closed Sunday. Don't (oreret this. JUST ARRIVED ! The largest and most complete line of . . . m mm ever shown in the city are now on display at H. Glenn & Co's Paint and Oil Store. OVER-WORK. Hundreds of Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, and other overworked Professional and Businasa Men who thooghl ihev ha I kidney trouble huye told us they bed never itd-t to Hud anything to equal Linooln Sexual Pills for the cure of that pain iu the luck, aud the all guoe I ns that so often precedes paresis. Price, $1 00 per box buy of your drag-flat or Stat by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LIH00LI PROPRIETARY 00., Ft. Wajaa, lad. M. 7. Oonnell, Agent, Tbe Dalles, Or. IT g ::" Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES, OREGON. A full Una of BRIDIE BK.4CH SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES, ana Cook asd Hoatiog Stoves. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Agents for Hoottor Drills, J, I. Case Steel Farm Harrows and Plows. Spring Tooik Harrows, Rlaaail Ubtilad Plowa, Mitchell Wag. ona aud Hacks, Ueouey Buggies. jsMkifl UaeTav'Mfl BTVBaV1 'BSSSSSSSSSSawV mm Bk BSsL iii. . ...Star Windmills... With Ball and Roller bearings, and fully warranted. Write us for prioaa and catalogues. All orders entrusted to us sill base prompt attest too. Prices always right. The only Exclusive Hardware Store Is the city.