The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 05, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOV. 5. 190t
Elections will be held in a dozen
states today, but, excepting a few
localities, there has been an unusual
lack of interest during the campaigns,
which have been short and without
striking incidents. Ohio, Massachus
etts, Iowa and New Jersey will elect
governors and other state officers.
In the other states the elections are
for minor state positions and munici
pal officers. New Yoik city is, per
haps, the point of greatest interest,
for there has been a fusion of the
better elements against Tammany.
Id Ohio and Maryland legislatures
will be chosen which are to elect
successors to Senators Foraker and
There h:s been an unusually active
canvass in New York, and each side
claims the victory. Van Wyck, the
Tammany candidate for mayor, was
elected in 1897 by a plurality of
82,457. The vote was: Van Wyck.
Tammany, 233,996 ; Tracy, republi
can, 101,873; Low, citizens' union,
151,540. Had the two anti-Tam
many candidates combined,
Wyck would have been
beaten by
19,416. Bryan's plurality in New
York city last year was 27,505.
Ohio gave McKinley a plurality of
9,036, while Governor Nash was
elected the year before by s plurality
or 49,023.
Maryland last year gave McKinley
a plurality of 13,941. The last legis
lature bad a democratic majority of
Massachusetts in 1900 gave Mc
Kinley a plurality of 81,869, and
Governor Crane, republican, a plural
ity of 97,976.
Kentucky gave Bryan last year a
plurality of 7,975, while Governor
Peckham, democrat, was elected by
a plurality of 3518. The last Ken
tucky legislature "bail a democratic
majority of 14.
McKtnley's plurality in Iowa in
1900 was 98,353, while Governor
Shaw was elected the year before by
a plurality of 56,217.
New Jersey gave McKinley a
plurality of 56,899 and Nebraska a
plurality of 7822, but Dietrich was
elected governor of Nebraska in the
same year by a plurality of only 861.
In Kansas, McKinley's plurality
was 23,354, while Governor Stanley,
republican, was elected by a plural
ity of 17,099.
Bryan carried Colorado by 29,661
plurality and the fusionists elected
Orman governor by a plurality
The total vote in all the states
holding elections this year will, no
doubt, fall considerably below that
cast in the presidential election.
The growth of the rural free de
livery service has been phenomenal.
It started five years ago with an ap
propriation of 10,000, the route
running from Cbarlestown, W. Va.
The appropriation for the service
during the present year is $3,500,
000 and the postmasier-general will
ask congress to allow $6,250,000 for
next year. Congressmen who are
taking particular interest in the
service say that the allowance will
probably bo greater thau the postmaster-general
recommended and
predict that $10,000,000 will be ap
propriated. It is estimated that
when the service has been perfected
it will cover 1,000,000 square miles
of territory and have over 30,000,
000 patrons. On November 1st
there will be 6000 routes in opera
tion, one carrier to each route, and
the natural growth of the service
will increase the number of routes
by the 1st of next July to between
8000 and 9000. Each carrier serves
on an average 600 patrons. There
were 4298 carriers on the 1st of last
July, to that within one year tbe
service will have doubled.
Foley's KMney Cure
Clarke & Falk have on sale a foil line
of paint and artist's hrnshee.
Ever-hearing raspberry plants at Mrs.
C. J. Stabling's for ten cents each.
A full line Of Eastman films and sap
plies jnst received by Clarke A Falk.
Clark and Falk have just received a
fall line of fresh Velox papers and de
velopers, the same an used by Mr. Lovick
in his recent demonstration at our store.
The Umatilla Hoaee barber shop has
recently been enlarged and fitted up with
the only steam-heated bath rooms in
the city. All the furniture and appoint
ments are new and of the best. For the
convenience of business men the place
will be kept open, until further notice,
till 10 o'clock p. m. This is the only
union ehop in the city ; using the union
card and employing union barbers.
Rrnln Food Nonsonse.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
Dranded by the most competent author
ities. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another for muscle?, and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
body, but it will sustain every other
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi
gestion or dyspeysia. You must pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, the favorite
medicine of the healthv millions. A few
I doses aide digestion, stimulates the liver
to healthy action, purifies the blood, and
makes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
You can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable
remedies at Blakeley's drug store. Get
Green's Special Almanac. 1
Seven Year in lied.
'Will wonders ever cease?" inquire
the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence,
Kan. They knew sne had been unable
to leave her bed in seven years on ac
count of kidney and liver trouble,
i nervous prostration and general debility ;
but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
in three months I felt like a new person."
Women suffering from Headache, Back
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will
find it a priceless blessing. Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake
ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 5
J. E. Adcox, who is conceded to be
one of the best watchmakers on the Pa
cific coast, is now in my employ. Mr.
Adcox is not only an exceptionally fine
workman, but is an honorable gentle
man also, and the attacks made upon
him in the advertisements of Theo. H.
Liebe can neither affect him, myself
nor my business.
n2-8-lw T. A. Van Nokden.
Dad Butts has a bargain to offer to his
friends in the shape of a neat, six-room
cottage with modern conveniences, on
Alvord avenue. It will pay you to in
vestigate this proposition if you want
a home. We also have other very desir
able property. For further particulars
see Dad Butts, at Hudeon & Brownhili'e,
The Dalles, Oregon. 3td-lw
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere
stimulent to tired nature. It affords the
f I stomach complete and absolute rest by
digesting the food you eat. You don't
have to diet but can enjoy all the good
food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
instantly relieves that distressed feeling
after eating, giving you new life and
vigor. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Mothers every where praise One
Minute Cough Cure for tbe sufferings it
has relieved and the lives of their little
ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of
the trouble and draws our the inflam
mation. Tbe children's favorite Cough
Cure. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va.,
druggist, writes: "Your One Minute
Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction.
My customers say it is the best remedy
for coughs, colds, throat and lung
troubles." Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phar
macy. , Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and AO cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
For Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind : "De
Witt's Little Early Risers never bend me
double like other pills, but do their work
thoroughly and make me feel like a boy."
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts an
the bast. Ask your a wr for them.
Gifford's Fotos Never Fade
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
Bow' Ttiinl
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Core,
F. J. Cuknry & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable-in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druzgists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Rinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggiotB, price 7Bc.
Hill's Family Pills are the best. 12
Do you suffer from piles? If so do
not turn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's
Witcn Hazel Salve will act more quickly,
surely and safely, saving you the expense
and danger of an operation. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
N. Jackson, Danville, III., writes : "My
daughter had a severe attack of la grippe
and a terrible cough settled on her lungs.
We tried a great many remedies without
giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey
and Tar which cured her. She has
never been troubled with a cough since."
Clarke & Falk. '
C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., says
bis child was completely cured of a bad
case of eczema by the use of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
La grippe coughs often continue for
months and sometimes lead to fatal re
so Lb after the patien t is supposed to
have passed the danger point. Foley's
Honey and Tar affords positive pro
tection and security from these coughs.
Clarke & Falk.
For I'lieumonla.
Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., says:
"I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in
thiee very severe cases of pneumonia
with good results in every case." Be
ware of substitutes. Clarke & Falk.
DeWitt's Little E.uly Risers never
disappoint. They are safe, prompt,
gentle, effective in removing all im
purities from the liver and bowels.
Small and easv to take. Never gripe or
distress. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phar
macy. "Life of McKinley," complete books
now ready. Can fill orders for book
written by Marshall Everett or Murat
Haletead. Best editions published.
Outfit free. S. C. Miller & Co., Portland,
Ore. 29-2w-tn-th-s
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely the best for all
diseases of the throat and lungs. Dealers
are authorized to guarantee it to give
satisfaction. Clarke & Falk.
THe Coiomfiia PacKUigGo.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
L. Lane,
Wagon and Oarrlage Werk.
Ptott Brothe' Wag".
Tliirt and Me. Phone 159 1
h ffl t t 'ii if fcsssdWsbsWj
US. T.
Notice of Sewer Assessment.
Notice is hereby Riven that the City Council
of Dalles City, Oregon, on the 24th day of Octo
ber, 1901, did determine and ascertain the pro
portionate cost of the constiuction of tbe Court
street sewer in Dalles City, Oregon, and (or the
purpose of paying the costs of the construction
thereof, assessed the property hereinafter de
scribed as hereinafter set forth, to wit:
1. Beginning at the northeast corner of block
A at the inters' ction of Union and Main streets
In Dalles City; thence southerly along the west
line of Union street 100 feet; thence westerly at
right alleles to Union street to the west lino of
said block a; thence northerly parallel with
Union street to the south line of Main street;
thence easterly to the place of beginning. Be
longing to the b. K A. N. Co. Assumed at 50.
2. Beginning at a point on the west line of
Union st eet 4fi feet northerly from the south
east corner of block A, thence westerlv at right
angles to Union street to the east line of Liberty
street: thence northerly along the east line of
Liberty street to a point where the same is inter
sected by a line drawn at right angles to Union
srreetfrom a point on the west line thereof DO
feet northeily from the point of beginning;
thence easterly to said point on the west line of
Union street 90 feet northerly from the point of
beginning; t notice southerly to the place of be
ginning. Belonging t. Mrs. K. M. Wilson. As
sessed at 45.
8. Beginning at the southeast corner of block
A on the north side of Kccond stiver and wect
side of Union strett, thence northeily along the
west line of Union street 46 tcet, thenec west
erly t right angles to Union street to Liberty
street; thence southerly on the east line of Lib
erty street to the north line of Second street:
thenco easterly along the north line of Second
street to the place of beginning. Belonging to
the estate of John H. Mlchelbach. Assessed at
4. A strip of ground 68 feet wide off the west
side of lot i, block 4, In Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to Esther Nicholas; assessed at $29.
5. A strip of ground 12 feet 5 Inches in width
off the east side of lot 4 In block 4 in Dalles Oity
proper, belonging to Z. F. Moody; assessed at
6. A strip of ground SO feet wide off the west
side of lot 3 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to Margaret A. Martin; assessed at $15.
7. A strip of ground 6 feet wide off the east
side of lot 3 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to P. J. Martin; assessed at $18.
8. A strip of ground 18 feet wide off the west
side of lot 2 in block 4 In Dalles City proper, be
longing to Matilda Baldwin; assessed at $9.
9. A strip of ground 48 feet wide off the east
side of lot 2 and astrin4 feet wide off the west
side of lot 1 in block 4 in Dai les Citv proper, be
longing to N. H. Gates; assessed at $26.
10. A strip of ground 62 feet wide off the east
side of lot 1 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to Matilda Baldwin; asset Bed at $31.
11. Lot 5 in block 3 In Dalles City proper, be
longing to Fred fundi, assessed at $29.
12. A strip of ground 15 feet wide off the west
side of lot 4 in block 3 In Dalles City proper be
longing to Pauline Lusher, and assessed at $7.50.
13. Beginning at a point on tbe south line of
Main street 15 feet east of the northeast corner
cf lot 5 In block 3 In Dalles Citv proper, thence
easterly along the south line of Main street 87
feet 3 inches; thence southerly at right angles
120 feet to the alley: thence westerly along the
north line of the alley 27 feet 3 inches; thence
northerly, at right angles, to the place of begin
ning: belonging to Caroline Korten ; assessed at
14. A strip of ground 16 feet wide off the cast
side of lot 4 and a strip 8 feet wide oft' the west
side of lot 3 In block 3 in Dalles City proper; be
longing to Matilda Baldwin ; assessed at $12.
15. Beginning at a point on the south line of
Main street 8 feet east of the northwest corner
of lot 3 in block 8 in Dalles City proper; thence
easterly along tbe south line of Main street 22
feet; thence southerly at right angles 120 feet to
the alley ; thence westerly along the north line
of the alley 22 feet: .thence northerly, at right
angles, to the place of beginning; belonging to
B. Wolf; assessed at $11.
16. Beginning uta point on the south line of
Main street SO feet east of the northwest corner
of lot 3 in block 3 in Dalles city pioper, thence
easterly Along the south line of Main street J2
feet; thence southerly at right angles 120 feet to
the alley; thence westerly along the north line
of the alley 22 feet; thenea noghcrlv, at right
angles, to the place of beginning; belonging to
8. Blumauer; assessed at $11.
17. A strip of giouud UU feet wide off the
east side of lot 3 and a strip 15 feet wide oil the
west side of lot 2 In block 3 in Daises City
proper, belonging to Geo. Kuch; assesssd at
18. Beginning at a point in the south line of
Main street 40 feet west from the northeast corner
of block 3 In Dalles city proper, thence westerly
along the south line of Main street 51 feet;
thence at right angles southerly 120 feet to tbe
alley; thence easterly along the north line of the
aliey 51 feet; thence at risht angles northerly to
run ui ucKinimig; neionging to Max Vogt; as
sesscd at $13.50. -
19. A strip 40 feet wide off the east side of lot
i in diock in uaiies citv proper, belonging to
J. D. Grant; assessed at $20.
20. 1 t 6 in block 3 in Dalles City proper ; ex
cepting a strip off the north end thereof 26 feet 7
incnes inwtatn; belonging to Geo. Ruch. and
assessed at $29.
21. A strip off Iho north end of lot 6 In block
8 in Dalles City proper, Sfi feet and 7 inches in
width; belonging to William Weggenuiau; as
sessed at $13.35.
A strip 20 feet wide off the east sido of lot
7 in block 8 In Dalles City proper; belonging to
ocHiuiui) huh useesscil Ul Jl...
28. A strip of ground 32 feet wide off tbe west
side of lot 7 In block 3 in Dalles City proper; be
longing to Max Vogt and assessed at $8.
2i. Lot 8 In block 3 in Dalles City proper; be
longing to Prlnz & Nitschke and assessed at $29.
25. Lot 9 in bloek 3 In Dalles city proper; be
longing to Kate Handley and assessed at $29.
26. Lot 10 in block 3 in Dalles City proper
belonging to E. Schanuo and assessed at $29.
27. Lot 5 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, ex
cepting Ibeiefroui the following tract, to-wii:
beginning at u point in the north Hue of Sec
ond street in said Dalles City 42 feet westerly
f i oin the Intersection of Court and Second St. ,
thence northerly parallel with Court street 60
feet; thence westerly parallel with Second rtt.
24 leet; thence southerly parallel with Court
street U) feet ; thence easterly along tbe invth
line of Second street to the place of beginning;
belonging to N H . Gates and assessed at fail.
28. A place of eround descrlbrd as follows:
beginning ut a point in tbe north line of beeond
street In Dalle City 42 feet west of tbe intersec
tion of C urt and Second streets, tbenee north
erly parallel with Court street 60 feet; thence
westerly parallel with Second street 24 feet;
thence southerly parallel with Court street 60
feet to Second street: thanna auferlv i .i
north line of Ssaxmdstrce 1 24 feet to pTaVof
u'muuu. uwiwiui to Mrs. Kate MeCor
Assessed attfBO.
West ball of lot 7 in block 4 in Dalles City
proper, be'onglng to James Bnipcs.
Assessed at
an. vs.
81. l ot 8 In block 4 In Dalles City proper, be
longing to Kate McCorrriael. Assorted nt JB3.25.
32. Lot 2 In block 6 In DhIIm City proper, be
longing to the estate of A. Betttngen, deceased.
Assessed at $33 23.
83. Lot 1 In block 6 In Dalles City proper, be
longing t. tbe estate of J. If. Mlchelbach, de
ceased. A gsessed at $83 25.
81. Lot 5 in block 6 In D illes City proper, be
longing to the estate of A. Betttngen, deceased;
assessed at $29.
85 Lot 4 and the west half of lots In block &
in Dalles City proper, belonging to Max Vogt;
assessed at $21.75.
86. The cast half of lot S In block 5 In Dalles
Citv proper, belonging to A. Keller; assessed at
37. Lots 1 and 2 in block 5 in Dalles City
proper, belonging to Max Vogt; assessed at $29.
88.' Lots 6, 7 and 8 in block 5 in Dalles City
proper, belonging to Geo. A. Liebe ; assessed at
Lots 9 and 10 in
block 5 in Dalles Citv
proper, belonging to Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F.
St A. M. ; assessed at $58.
40. Lot 5 and 55 feet off the east side of lot 6
In block 6 In Da'les City proper, excepting a
strip 25 feet In width '.ft" the north end of lot 6,
belonging to Dalles City; assessed at $30.50.
41. A strip of gronna 25 feet in width oil' the
north end of lot 5 in block fi'ln Dulles City
proner, belonging to Wm. McCrum ; assessed at
42. A strip of ground 11 lectin width off tbe
west side of lot r. in block fi In PallCS City prop
er, belonging to Julia A. Driver; assessed at
43. Lots 1 and 2 In block 8 in Dalies Citv
proper, belonging to Laura E. French; assessed
at $66.
44. Lots 4 and 8 In block 7 in Dalle City
pmper, belonging to Geo. A.'Llebe; assessed at
45. Lot 3 in block 7 ill. Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to Dalles City ; assessed at $29.
46. Lot 2 in block 7 In Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to the estate of P. Brogan, deceased; as
sessed at $29.
47. Lot 1 In block 7 in Dalles City proper, be
longing to Columbia Lodge, No. 5, i. O. O. F.;
assessed at $29.
48. Lot 1 In block 6 In Bigelow's Addition to
Dalles City, belonging to D. M. and J. W.
French; assessed at $25.
49. Lot 0 In block 7 in Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to Mary T. Blaksiey ; astessed at 29.
60. Lot 7 and a strip 22 feet in width off the
east side of lot 8 in block 7 in Dalles City prop
er, belonging to E. C. Pease; assessed at $40.
61. A strip of ground 86 feet In width riff the
West side of lot 8 and 16 lee toff the east side of
lot 9 In block 7 in Dalles City proper, belonging
to Samantha A. French ; assessed at 8i6.
52. Lot 10 and a strip 42 feet in width oft the
west side of lot 9 in block 7 In Dalles City prop
er, belonging to Mary Coudon; assessed at $50.
53. Lots 6 and 6 in block 8 In Dalles City
proper, belonging to Mrs. D. M. French; assess
ed at $66.
54. Lots 1 and 2 in block 10 in Dalles City
proper, belonging to Ursula Buch; assessed at
55. Lot 5 in block 9 in Dalles City Proper, be
longing to Isabella Gray; assessed at $29.
66. Lot 4 In block 9 In Dalles City proper, be
longing to Smith French; assessed at $29.
57. Lot 3 in block 9 In Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to the heirs ot Sophia Kiss, deceased
assessed at $29.
58. Lot 8 In block 9 in Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to Anna F. Taylor; assessed at $29.
69. Lot 9 in blook 9 in Dalle city proper, be
longing to Phoebe Egan ; assessed at $29.
60. The south half of lot in in Mnnir o
Dalles City proper, belonging to T. T. Nicholas;
assessed at $25.
61. The north half of lot 10 in block 9 in
Dalles City proper, belonging to Mrs. A. J. Fltz
gerald ; assessed at $25.
62. Lots 5 and 6 in Trevitt s Addition to Dalles
City, belonging to tbe First Congregational
church of The Dalles : assessed at $61.
68. Lots land 2 in block Win Gates' Addition
to Dalles City, belonging to Florence M. Vause;
assessed e.t $66.
64. A piece of ground described as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of block 16
Gates' Addirion;' thence southerly along the
west Hue of Court stieet 200 feet; thence wester
ly at ngnt angles to Court street 133 feet: thence'
uurmcriy parauei wnn court street 200 feet to
the allay; thence easterly along the line of the
alley to the place of boginnl-ig. Belonging to
school district .No. 12; assessed at $183.
65. The west half of olock 13 in Dalles City
proper and Gates' Addition to Dalles City, be
longing to V, Lord ; assessed at $145.
60. Beainning at the southeast corner of the
intersection of Couit and Fifth streets in Dalles
City, thence southerly along the east line of
Court street to the alley; thence easterly along
the north line of the alloy IOC. feet; thenco
... i iwrnuei wun court street to the south
line of Filth street; thence westerly along the
south line of Fifth street to the place of be
ginning. Belonging to the estate of G. M.
KrauEo; assessed at $53.
JSx. Heglunlng at a point on the south line of
Kllth street 106 feet easterly from the intersec
tion of court and Fifth streets; thenco southerly
parallel with Court street to the alley; thence
easterly along the north line of the alley 94 feet:
L!,T,hen,lrtifC;!5;.i'ir.a,lel "l"Cunrt street to the
south lino of Fifth street; thence westerly along
the south line of Fifth street 94 feet to the placi
of beginning. Belonging to Max Vogt; ase.sed
u..AlLlSW PrP?rty bein in Dalles City, in
Wasco Countv, State of Oregon, 'v
."i'1 ""-''its were each and all entered In
!ie l!et .f c,,y ,len8 on ,nfi Wt lay of Octo
ber, 1901, and are made payable In one payment
ber 1S0? " r re the Wlh day of Novem
This notice is given by order of the counoll.
Date! this 26th day of October, 1901.
Recorder of Dalies City.
Transact a General Banking Busines.
tJ?? of Crsjdlt issued available io
tbe Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Traiufera aold on New York. Ohiaajn!
St, Louis. Han Francisco. Portland nt..
Collections made at all points on fav
orable tar rat.
Stioip line
Union Pacific
Portland Special.
12136 p. m.
1 tig ton.
Ba't Leae, Denver. Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kan
asvsOity.Bt. Louis, Chicago-end
the East.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
WorUt. Omaha. Kan
secit, .sTEoukoui
eago and the East
4:50 a.
Bt. Pan)
Fast Mall,
9 96 p. m.
via fcpo
kane. Walla Wall, Lewlston.
3:35 s. sj
lutn, mi
and East.
Trnn Portland.
12:Kr. in.
via Win t-
aea, uoieswo
(AH sailing dates sub- "
Jeot to change)
8:00 p. m. 4'00n m
Bor Sen Francisco, 4 UUp,a
Bail every 6 days.
3fv "-Wn IMver. i Q0
"Wp.m. To Aswrta end Way- Wexeeji
Haturilay, Landing. BundtT.
10:00 p. m.
Dally Willamette River,
0lJPu c,ty. Newberg, 4:80J:;
Tuesday, 4:30p.M
Thursday, Corvallls and Way- Monday"
Saturday, Landings. Wednesday
6:00 a, in. Friday.
Tuesday, Willamette end 8:80p.M,
ThuTd.iy, Vanillin stivers. Monday,
aSal m. BlpaMa to Lewlston. t.M
Parties desiring to go to Beppner at
on Columbia Southern via Biggs, shoaM
o. 2, leaving. Tbe Dalles at 12:25 p. a.
g direct connections at Heppner Junction
gs. upturning maaingnirectcoim
'"UP"? 80(1 "'MP wlth No-
n m xtsusse s i:uo p. m.
For further particulars, call on or address
The Dalles, Oregon,
J. 8. soaaaoa, Max a. Voat,
first national Bank.
A. General Banking Business transacts
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections matte and proceeds prompts?
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold M
New York, San Francisco and port
D. P. Thomphom. Jho. fc. SoaaiWfc
Bo. M. WotvuiM, Gao. A. Lies
H. M. BsMix.
W W. Wixaott, Menagsr.
Firat-gass 19 Euary Wet.
finals at ill 17001
The table always aoppHsd wit
beet in tbe market.
71 Front St., near Court, Thf DeH
rivrna i