The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 04, 1901, Image 3

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...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 8cond Strgot.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
The celebrated makers of
Men's Fine Clothing
Itat Mm
comtmMT mi m
aav. Mwmm 4 marx
have mirnassed their own record ;
better lot of suits and overcoats
was never produced than we show
from this famous house. We shall
be glad to show them to you,
whether you come to buy or mere
ly to look. They are worth see
ing, as well as buying.
You are welcome to try on as
many as you please. You had
better see what we have before
buying elsewhere.
H. 6. & M. SUITS, 10. 912
to 925.
We can truthfully say that we
are showing the best styles and
newest patterns for this season.
Monarchs from 91 to 92.25.
Endless variety of styles and
fabrics at prices that will suit the
moat economical buyer.
300 Boys
to put their foet into 500 pairs of our
Boys' Fall and Winter Shoes.
Good Boys or Bad Boys
either will do. Neither are we par
ticular about the sise we have all
sises. We have the shoes to fit the
boys, and please pa who pays the
Good Kangaroo Calf, $1.75 and 2.
Heavy double-sole Box Calf. $2.25
and $2.50.
Heavy Sole Seamless Shoes, $2 and
High-out Heavy Sole Calf, $2 and
We know the kind of shoe the boy
requires and the parent desires, and
we've got them. Come and see.
of m
TaWe linens
and Hapkitis....
Commencing on
Monday, November
11th, we will have
our annual
SALE ...
For prices, watch
this space.
We will have some
extraordinary bargains.
fhe Dalles Dally Chftfitefe.
NOV. 4. 1901
Served I
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco County warrant registered
prior to December 28 MM, win be paid
on presentation at my orHoe. Interest
cease after October SO, 101.
Oounty Treasurer.
Modern Woodmen entertainment
At tbe Baldwin tonight free to all.
Beat Rock Spring lump coal $7.50 per
ton, delivered to any part of tbe city.
Stadslman Commission Go. o31-lw
For rent Two large furnished rooms
on corner of Union and Tenth. Inquire
of loeal 'phone 367. nl-t8
For sale Two very desirable building
lots on Fulton street east of the Gourlay
property. Price $330, but easily worth
$500. Hee Hudson A Brownhill or Dad
Butts. 2o-2tdw
Wanted By a woman : Plain sew
ing, cleaning offices, men's washing, or
any general work by the day. Apply at
Mcs. Brittain's lodging house, west Sec
ond street. nl-2
Sheriff Kelly is busily engaged today
in preparing and sendinu out summons
to jurors and witnesses for tbe next term
of court, which will convene on Monday,
November 11th.
Lost Last Saturday afternoon a young
black English setter, with white spots.
He had on at the time a new collar. A
liberal reward will be paid for his re
turn to Frank Haworth, tb'e jb printer.
The Velarde Bros, are engaged today
in raising the fire engine bouse prepara
tory to the putting in of a new atone
foundation, which will be adequate to
bear the weight of the engines and carte
of tbe companies, as the old one began
to sag from tbe heavy weight.
Baker City is having a lively contest
for postmaster, and another aspirant to
the office, in tbe person of Fred 8. Sock,
does not help to clear up the matter, but
in all probability will make it the mora
difficult for Congressman Moody to de
cide wbo shall have the office.
At least 600 bead of hogs were received
at the stock yards during tbe past lew
lays and shipped to Portland. Thomas
Slavey, of Kiqgeley. wbo is buying for
the Union Mae Company of Portland,
bought over 860 hand while tbe others
were j.urcbed by frank Taylor and
otter buyer. Several carloads more
will be shipped ont tbis wee.
Pet Copley, one of the eirtanprising
oeep-raisen of tbe Bakeoven country,
is in the city today. He reports that
tbe showers of the pist month have
brousrht up the grass in splendid shape
and greatly improved the fall and winter
range for sheep so that they will go into
the winter in good condition and the
producers Will not be likely to meet with
any loss even if tbe winter should be
unusually severe.
... It is hot trne that Theo. fl. Liebe
alms to attack the character of J. E. Ad
cox nor to injure the business of T. A.
Van Norden. Tbe trntb is well known.
If tbe trntb hurts, then it is a pity.
Theo. H. Liebe does an increased busi
ness simply because he is reliable, be
cause be offers good goods at low prices,
and because all work done at his place is
guaranteed. n4 dwlt
ing some packages at a private residence
when tbe team started, and tbey might
have been going yet were it not for an
individual on horseback driving them
up against the Baldwin opera house and
getting them stopped. No serious dam
age was done aside from the scattering
of some groceries along the streets over
which they passed.
Ed McCarty met with a serious acci
dent while harrowing on Wm. Barker's
Schuttler Flat ranch on Wednesday.
He was fonnd lying in tbe field with his
skull smashed in, and it is thought he
cannot recover. It is not Known for
certain bow he was injured, but it is
just probable he bad been fixing tbe
tugs or tbe harrow, when one of tbe
horses kicked him. From later news
A Dainful. and what mav Drove a fltaTffeoeived frotn the Bcene of the accident
accident, occurred at Dufor yesterday, Lhnrsday afternoon, we learn that the
It appears that Hugh Morehead. of tbatfl injured man was found under tbe liar
a one arm ore
and bleeding
nlai-P. wan Radrtlini a horsn hel.moin r tn rows, witu one arm broken and his lace
Or, Dodde, and when passing around tbe
animal be kicked at Mr. Morehead,
striking him in the stomach. At the
time it was impossible to tell what the
result of tbe injuries would be, but fears
were expressed that tbey were of a seri
ous nature and that they migbt result
fatally. ' 1
Tiie teamsters wbo aro hauling tbe
machinery for the power plant at White
river, had tbeir hands full this morning
loading tbe top of tbe generator on a
wagon. The large easting weighs 10,000
pounds, and as it is about eight feet high
and about three wide, it makes a very
top-heavy load, which will undoubtedly
tax tbe ingenuity of the teamster to take
it down tbe Sherar grade safely, and if
he succeeds in arriving at hie destina
tion without M ishap be will have causa
t.n hrnnth av.
. y
Sines the football season hasHKTrly lu bis back, and when the bystanders
opened, tbe question is asked by many attempted to separate them he held it
... ....... ' law ihsr i mm Unit astan sianiiJ Marba
or tne euttiuiiaete it Manager fetuersoa r
ewe. -M
The physician
who was called from Arlington gave
slight hopes for recovery, and tbe young
man was taken to Portland on Thurs
day morning, where everything possible
will be done to save bis life, Condon
. Latest reports irom Nick Marks, tbe
young man who was stabbed by Reuben
Ford last Friday evening, are very en
couraging and in all probability be will
recover. Dr. Dodds, of Pufur, attended
the injured man and found that -the
knife had entered tbe muscles of tbe
bask and bad been drawn around under
tbe arm inflicting a deep wound, but not
necessarily a fatal one since the ribs kept
tbe blade from striking any of the vital
organ? . It appears that Marks had Ford
down beating bim when Ford stabbed
m, leaving tne kniie remain imbedded
will reorganize Ins team, which was so
successful last winter in the series of
games whioh tbey played with some of
the strouajtgains in Oregon and
Washington. The Dalles has plenty of
material torn first-class team, and all
that is needed is someone with as much
energy as tbe manager of last sea
son showed to act as leader, and the
Dalles team will stand in tbe front rank.
The ladies of tbe Catholic church have
decided to open their fair (wblcb will be
beid for tbe purpose of raising money to
pay off tbe indebtedness an tbe building)
on December I7tb, and will continue tbe
Mine for Ave days. TbeUifforet com
mittees have been working earnestly lor
several months preparing for tbe fair,
and nothing that would add to the suc
cess of tbe sane bee been left undone.
All but $3000 has been paid on tbe eeetiy
edifice,' and it is expected that much of
tbis amount will be raised at tbe coming
Mays A Crowe's delivery team livened
things up tbis forenoon by an attempt at
breaking ail previous records in a oW.
tar tulle dash front FoarU street to toe
Umatilla House. Tbe driver was leav
it cut halt way around Marks
body. It took twenty-two stitches to
draw the wound together, and unless an
unexpected complication sets in he will
recover. Ford was taken away in an in
sensible condition.
Modern Woodmen Batertalnmeat.
They Travel M a Syeclal Train.
The big show, Hi Henry's City Min
strel 8 gg reiwvion of Ifty nil white per
formers, will appear at tbe Vogt opera
bouss Monday, Nov. Ittb. Tbe parade
at noon includes a. locomobile display, a
superb military band of forty musicians,
and tbeir big 200 oonnd St. Bernard dog,
said to be the finest In the world, having
more perfect points and value way np in
tbe thousands, certainly a magnificent
The premier comedian of the company,
Mr. Billy Clarke, is said to be as bright
as the brightest and a well bred gentle
man. A great feature is the little tot,
Viol Abt. prouounceefby the oldest pro
fessionals a wonder in ber line, a gifted
uanseuse of the highest ability, execut
ing exquisite toe dancing, pirouettes and
poses, together with her Frencby songs
and inimitable calk walk. Also tbe
wonderful Probst, with a throat like the
most exquisite song birds and whom
medical experts pronounce an anatomic
al wonder. Also the marvelous Broth
ers Bard, executing feats in acrobatic
display that are not attempted by any
others in tbeir line. We have only j ist
begun tbe list, but space forbids per
sonal mention of tbe balance. We have
eaid enough and are promised as mucb
more, and now is tbe time to procure
seats, which are now on sale at Clarku A
Falk'a Postosfiee Pharmacy.
J. E. Adoox, wbo Is conceded to be
one of the beat watchmakers on tbe Pa
cific coast, is now in my employ. Mr.
Adoox is not only an exceptionally f ne
workman, but is an honorable gentle
man also, and tbe attacks made upon
him In tbe advertisements of Tbeo. B.
Liebe n neither affect bim, myself
nor my basiness.
n8-8 lw T. A. Van Noudkv.
Tbe Modern Woodmen will enter
tain tbeir friends at tbe Baldwin opera
bouae, at. 8:30 this evening, with a well-
Invitation to all to attend. Tbe follow
ing numbers will be sufficient assurance
of the excellence of the) entertainment :
selection Mandolin Club
gong Miss Myrtle Mlcaell
Address Dr. Hamilton Mead
Bong Miss Haiel Wang
Duet Messr. Long and Brier
Bong Mint Basel Wand
Address George Byron
Bean Miss Myrtle Mlchcfl
Addans i- w
Log-sawing contest.
Agents er anted
iBbe and Wonders of tbe
ten CsgHnry," tesMrkai
aeefeon eight; Imp territory
anmmlaMaenV lddesas Weenie
HeblM On.. Chamber of Comi
Halloing, raooma, wash. ne-6
: lii
aahjegton Put
Dad Butts has a bargain to oflVr to bis
friends in the shape of a neat, six room
cottage with modern convenience, on
Alvnrd avenue. It will pay you to in
vestigate tbis proposition if you want
a borne. We also have other very desir
able property. For farther particulars
see Dad Butte, at Hudson A Brownhill'r,
The Dalles, Oregon. Std lw
A. Y-. Marsh will give a big turkey
shoot on tbe beacb on the 20, 27, and
28th of Novem ber. n2t27dw
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of tbe food, distress alter eating
oreay term of dyspepsia. One little
tablet fives immediate relief. 2S cts
and 60 cts. Blakeley, tbe druggist.
Subscribe for Taut Cmuomici a.
WW. RUvHsvLeLf
Undertaker m Emtalmer
THr and Washington sKs.
..legs' awl Mil ML sons..
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are ottering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns aro
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The New York Gash S tpr e
All andntBB aniamstsai aa naasmass V. 1
giSeZeTSoe 40ruSl,V
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tialn Heater hat revolution
ized the heating stove trado In all sections of the United 'States. Its won
derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other excellent qualities,
strongly recommend it to all in neel of a heating stove.
What Cole's Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from xro to
SO degrees in -five minutes.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 30 hours without attention.
I Yon build only one tire each winter.
It burns chips, ujirlu leaves, paper and
corn cobs, and gives excellent results with
I tbis fusl, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light sod easily moved and
' set up.
The combustion is perfect and asbes are
removed only omss in four weeks.
None of the heat Is wasted and the stove
nlll aaveone-balf of yonr fuel bill.
It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to stav
air-twlit long as used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
baxu one or more of these stover.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
Blakeley's Drug Store, gSjrSfe
Wo carry the largest and most SCtSStletS i I'll OWN KXTRACr o( Lcutuu and V ti
nt ck in Eautern Oregou o( nl:ia are tbe Heat Maria.
URDUS and MKU11-1NMS, BverjrtMng we iwll Is r rtsh.
COM Ha aiMt MHtKlt, Oar prtoes are Doaslsleal.
81'ONOKS ai.d CHAHOIS, ' 4BSCBII'IOW Ueuarltnent
fVltSan aed WALL BITS, . ehargsol comment wen.
I'UBSIU nad VUCtt UAMKKAS, w" MaiiuUoture
i-UOTO SIj f I LI ate, Linimant.
f tJOVO fAfBH and MODNTH, ,tr rt'. Ileadaene Tablats,
I.OWHII' CHunOLaTKS. and Wilts H.l Alnui.4 I'mn,
SS All. OKOBKa receive our I D1T1 DUflMCC I Kvi-ry !' luge delivered ITree,
persunsJ Sttoutloo. QUI II rllllllCd r.iuttly, lu tbe city.
John Faehek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 ram pies
of the latest patterns in (ienl'a
Clothing Goods. He wuaren
tees prices and a good fit or no
John Paehek, The Tailor.
Irrigation, Bridge, Ksilroed and Water Supply
rUr Mine and Kspart Laud iurveytog, If an-
USE. . Cenatractlea aad Malalananoe of
awananajajni ana VssreBanBSnjnanjnmjyr ajpSgeaaSBSeST SB)
an, Baser votra, Haaoarr Mitotan,
al Andreas, P. O. Be Bis. tUM DALIES, OB.
Tire Infturanee.
Idi (Mm I Oovi bs. of Lotdot.
Bounded laj.
Capital n 14 nw B7,aoo,OOU
Annate BUM.IUU.UdB
Now is the time to insure ; tomor
row mnjr be to late.
Phone No. 86. Heufert A Condon.
Phone No. 003, Pacific Htatea Co.
Resident Ageut, Tbe Dalles.
Why nay $1.75 per gallon tor inferlof
t aints when you eau boy Jaoew f,
I'atUn's ran proof palate for fl.s jflft
gallon, guaranteed for ft years. Owl el
Pals, agents. a