The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 04, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 222
a iwnwiwiim
IP1 f Pf TnfWnfn am fflitUMn
Vegetable PrepatationAirAs
siaulaung taeftodcMdBetfifta
ling the Stomachs awlBowwsof
Promotes Digeahort-CheerFur-ncss
andRestContalns neither
Opium. Morphine norMioeraL
Not Narc otic .
Pumpam Saul
Aperfeci Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The KM Yon Have
Always Bought
Bears the
exact copy or wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Republicans Are Confident of Success-
No Third Party of Any Conse j
quence in this Years Contest.
Cincinnati, Nov. 2. On account of
the death of President McKinley, the
Oaio campaign began at a much later
date than usual. The republieana held
their opening, meeting October 19;h, and
had eleven days of campaigning. The
democrats opened their campaign
October 23 1, and had only eight day.
For this reason there will be some meet
ings next Monday, notably the meeting
to be addressed by Senator Hanoi at
Elyria. Senator Hanna hue been speak
ing several times each day since the
republican opening, and Governor Nash
has done likewise. During the ptst week
Senator Foraker, who is a candidate for
re-election, has traveled by special trains
and addreesed the people along his route
between the bonrs of hie afternoon and
evening rallies. In addition to the state
candidates, many speakers from other
states, including Governor ' Gear, of
Oregon ; Speaker Henderson end several
congressmen, have been here for the
The contest this year is squarely be
tween the republicans and democrats.
There is no third party of any such
consequenoe as two years .ago, when
Mayor Sam Jones, of Toledo, a non
partisan candidate, received 100,220
votes for governor, more than one-fourth
the vote cast for Governor Nash, republi
can, and almost one-third the vote for
John R. McLean, tbe democratic Guber
natorial candidate. Jones then carried
the two large counties of Cuyahoga and
Lucas, in which Cleveland and Toledo
are located. Tbe vote of all tbe minor
Parties, including tbe prohibitionists,
socialists and reformers, this year will
not aggregate 80,000 out of a total vote
of probably 900,000.
Lin lug uF War Meat Tuesday.
Nkw Yobx, Nov. 8 Altera meeting
Saturday of tbe Tammany ball executive
committee Secretary Thomas F. Smith
announced tbat according to the reports
of tbe leaders of the various districts In
Manhattan and tbe Bronx, Edward M
Sbepard, democratic candidate for mayor,
would have a majority of 47,328. Tbe
majority in Greater New York is placed
at more than 60,000.
Robert O. Morris, chairman of tbe re
publican county committee, tonight
estimates the majority fur Beth Low and
the other fusion candidates at 29,500 In
Manhattan and the Bronx and 70,000 in
Greater New Y.ork.
Chairman George W. Dunn tf the re
publican Ftate committee, issue i a state
ment In which be claims tbat the
republicans will elect ninety ont of tbe
115 assemblymen to be elected in tbe
Roth sides in the contest in Greater
New York practically closed their cam
paigns Saturday night as far as speaking
is concerned. Mr. SheparJ and Mr. Low
made therrlast speeches and the fusion
lets have announced no more meeting',
The democrats, however, bad several
meetings scheduled for Sunday nigbt.
Saturday uight immense meetings were
held by both tides all ovtr Griater New
Snteldtt at Clatak.nle.
Clatskanix, Nov. 3. Perry C. French,
a single man about 3 years or ace, com
mitted toicide Saturday evening by
seodi g a bullet through his brain. He
bad recently c ma West frcm Lone Tree,
Mo., and for tbe past three or four days
was stopping wi h the fen ily of an old
acquaintance, Sanford Caivar. He
seemed in rather unusually good spirits
Saturday, and abu. 7 p. m. went np
stairs to Hi room, from where a shot
was betrd in less tban thrte minutes,
folio we i by a groan.. When found be
was ufcmccloui and died in about 16
minutes. A note was found witb bis
pocketbook in bis hat near by, direct
ing tbat bis body be sent to bis father,
L. W. French, Lone Tree, Mo.; tbat his
money, about $12, be used as far as it
would go and bis father would pay tbe
balance. Tbe noce directed otter ar
rangements for his funeral, naming
pall bearers, clergyman, etc., and closed
by blddior all good-bye and stating tbat
Ufa was not worth liviog any Itnger for
Atteaapt t Kill x
Pxxix, Not. 2. WbHe tbe em
dowager was embarking to arose tbe
river today b fore entering Ho-nan an
assassin attempted to murder bar and
killed an attendant with a spear before
be was cot down. The court bee left
Ho-nan, enronte to Paklu.
Subscribe for fax Oaaoxicu.
Subscribes One tenth of the Entire
Portland, Nov. 8. H. W. Corbett
set tbe ball rolling for the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Saturday afternoon
with a subscription of $30,000.
This is one-tenth of tbe entire amount
that is to be subscribed by tbe stock
holders of tbe corporation. Mr. Corbett
made this announcement at the meeting
of the members of tbe committees ap
pointed by tbe chamber of commerce,
board of trade and Manufacturers' As
sociation, to co-operate with the subscrlp
tion committee of the incorporators, of
which Mr. Corbett is chairman. It was
tbe unanimous opinion of tbe business
men present tbat $300,000 could be
raised to make the Lewis and Clark
celebration a success, and further, that
the generous subscription of Mr. Corbett
did much to assure the raising of tbe
amount and the ultimate success of the
exposition project.
"I am wil ing to give one-tenth of the
14300,000 that has been named as the
amount to be raised by tbe stockholders
of the corporation, which is to direct tbe
Lewis tnd Clark Centennial," said
Chairman Corbett, in making bis an
nouncement. "I have lived here fifty
years, and I lelit-ve that I can hflbr(Tto
give that much for this exposition that
will be a bt nefit to this country, even if
I do not get a cent back. I do cot expect
to take my money with me to my grave.
I wish it to do all tbe good It can white
lam here.1
Collision mt Ko.alin,
Rosalia, Wash., Nov. 2. A rear end
collision of freight trains occurred in
front of the depot here today. Two en
gines were badly smashed, two freight
cars and a caboose were wrecked, a cor
ner of the depot was crashed into and
tbe building fired. One tramp was
slightly hurt. A wrecking train is now
at work and tbe track will be cleared
sometime tomorrow. No blame is at
tached to the train crews, as they were
apparently unable to stop their heavl'y
loaded battering ram.
Shot HI Slater.
K ali6pkll, Mont., Nov. 2. GUn
Jaoquetb, tbe 14 year old son of ex
Representative Jauqueth of this oity, ac
cidentally shot and killed bis little sister,
18 months old, this evening. The boy
was experimenting with a new shotgun
when It was accidentally discharged, th
sbot entering the back of tbe child who
was In an adjoining room twenty feet
away. The wound resulted io death au
hour later.
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
MONDAY, November 11.
til M
Positively largest in the world.
Fifty All-White Stare.
Six Modern Comedians.
Twelve Cultivated Singer.
Comic Bongs, Latest Ballad.
Fourteen New York Vaudevilles.
Wetch for tbe grand automobile parade
at noon.
Hear tbe great band of 40 pieces.
First 3 rows, 75c; balance of
the house, 50c.
Heats on sale at Clarke Folk's, Poet
OSoe Pharmacy, Thursday morning.
Foley9 tioney miTmr
affLWsf W60B$ 0tMm sVaNMLVAaafsKB
Skirt Materials j& j&
The much soueht-after kinds are here in abundance. Pebble Cheviots, heavy Ox
ford Cloths, beautiful Venetians, Coverts, Serges, Tweeds and Homespuns; in black,
navy, browns, castor, brown and gray oxfords, etc a variety from which there is not
wanting a single item to make it complete.
Our east window today shows a good assortment of the above including certain
weaves especially selected for the popular rahiyday skirt.
Prices range from 65c to $2.25 yd.
All colon In Bias SKIRT BINDING l-e rvej
Corsets V?
We show a full line of
popular-price, straight,
front Corsets, under the
above well-known brand.
No other line of corsets
on the market offer the
same amount of satisfac
tion to the wearer . . .
and as the original
straight-front Corset the
Royal Worcestercontains
important features which
are exclusively Us own.
Something New t VP
Prices ere
1,$L25,1.60. 2,
and 13.
$2 25
Royal Worcester
Tape Girdle
Adapted for tall, slender figures, and more especi
ally Intended for scant bust. 12-inch, four-hook clasp.
Mads from Imported coutllleln pink and bias, satin
ribbon bow.
Price, $1.25
Woman and Jewel..
Jewels, candy, flowers, man tbat is
tbe order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even tbat
greatest of all jewels, health, Is often
mined In the strenuous efforts to make
or eave tbe money to purchase them. If
a womap will risk her health to get a
coveted fen, then let her fortifyjfberself
against tbe insiduous consequences of
cough, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular use of Dr. Boscbes's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early tsgaand heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive tbe dresd diseasejfrom tbe system.
It Is not a cure-all, bot it is a certain
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G.G. Green's
reliable remedies et Blakeley's drug
store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
We offer for a limited period tbe
twies-a-woek Chbokicle, prion $1.60,
and tbe Weakly Oregonian, price $1.60,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscri ptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. Won't Kub It In,
Just wet the affectei part freely witb
Mysterious Pain Cure, e Scotch remedy,
and tbe pain ie gone. Sold by Clarke A
Clarke A Falk's Savoring extracts are
the beet. Ask your v xr for them.
Clifford's Fotos Never Fade
Hundreds of Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, and other
overworked Professions! and Business Man who thought
they had kidney trouble have told us they had never
tN.n able to find anything to equal Lincoln "xnnl
Pills for the cure of that pain in the back , and the all
gone feel in that so often precedes paresis.
Priee, $1 00 per box buy of your druggist or sent
by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
LIffOOLI PROPRIETARY 00., Ft Weyae, Iai.
M. Z. Donnslt, Agent, Tbe Dalles, Or.
'i li I a
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
Ill A full linn of BRIDGE A REACH
Cook and Heating Stoves.
The largest and most
complete line of . . . -
ever shown in the city
ana now em display at
H. Glenn & Co's
faint and OU Store
fssMrftsi Jar Tag Qnmnm.
FARMING IM PLEMENT8. Agente for Hoosfer Drills, J. I. Case Steel Farm
Harrows and Plows. Spring Tooth Harrows, Blssell Chilled Plows, Mitchell Wag
ons end Hscks, Henuey Boggles.
...Star Windmills...
Witb Bail end Roller bearings, and fully warranted.
Write us for prices and catalogues.
All ordars entrusted to us will hare prompt attention.
Prices always right.
Tbs only Exclnsive Hardware Store In tbe city.
p. S. GUlWIfiG.
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Psutaa ix
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axlna, Springs and BlaoksmJth SuppUaa
Axent for BeaseU Oo.'s I agues, Tbuskerssad law Mills,
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