ONE WEEK ONLY Special Sale of Mush Material. Cream Flake Wheat, bulk pou nds for 25c. Cream Flake Wheat, 2s, 3 packages for 25c. Grano, 5p, 20c pr package Grocery Department Pease Maya. I'EKSO.VAI. MENTION. D. J. Cooper went to Portland on the afternoon train. Mr. William Willi?, agent tor Hi Henry's Minstrela. its in the city. T. W Duncan is in the city in the interest of the Weekly Examiner. Mies Florence George, daughter of Judge M. C. George, is visiting Mrs. Tolmie. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mans and daugh ter left today on a week's visit with friends in Heppner. Attorney J. C. Moore is in Crook connty gathering horses for he outside market, according to the Prineville Journal. Superintendent C. L Gilbert was out this week in the Snanikfi and Antelope conntry yisitiug the schools of that neigh tior hood. Constable . L. Lawrence, of Zilia, arrived here today to take buck for trial the eiwaeh, Alec McCov, who is wanted in Yakima county for horse stealing. George Haveley, eon of John B. of Boyd, returned yesterday from the East where he went a month ago for surgical treatment for hernia. The treatment was quite successful and it is hoped that hie lontt troubles from that source are over. While away he visited Canada aurf the Pan-American exposition, be sides a number of the leading Eiatern towns. Attractive Woman. All woman sensibly desire to be at tractive. Beauty is the stamp of health because it ie the outward manifestation of inner purity. A healthy woman s always attractive, blight and happy, j When every drop of blood in the veins is pure a beauteous flush ie on the cheek, j But when the blood is impure, morose ! nese, bad temper and a sallow complex j ion iella the tale of sickness ull to plain ! ly. And women today know there is no beauty without health. Wlue of Cardni crowns women with beauty and attrac , tiveness by making strong and healthy ! those organs which make her a woman. Try Wine of Cardni, and in a month I your friends will hardly knew you. Thousands Sent Into Bzlte, ! Every year a large number of poor ' sufferers whose lunge are sore and racked J with coughs are urged to go to another ! climate. But this is costly and not al- ways sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wiii cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The fir6t dose brings relief. Aetounding cures result from persistent use. Trail bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drugstore. Price 50c and li 00. Every t oi tie guaranteed. 4 UOItN. This morning, Nov. 2d, to Air. and Mrs. Charles Stewart, of this city, a ten pound daughter. OUR CHURCHES St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. C H. Luke, rector. Morning service at 11a.m. Evening service at 7 :30. Sun day echool, 12:15. All are invited. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., in the nbw church on Union street. Sunday school at 10 a. in. ; B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. Zion Lutheran church, Sjventli and Union stre t? W. Brenner, pastor. Services morning and evening. Sub ject in the evening, "The Lutheran Courch." All are cordially invited to attend these services. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. W. Skip worth pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock; eveuing 7 :30 ; Sunday echool 10 a. m. J class meeting 12:20; Epwortb Lea.: .i? 6:30. A!l are cordially invited to these services. . Christian church, Ninth and Court street-, Rev. J. M. Alexander minister PreeehiBg At 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; Sunday school 10 a. m. ; Christian En deavor 6 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting 7 :30 o'ch ek Thursday evening. Congregational etiurch corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling, pastor. Tomorrow is communion Sun day. The pastor will preach morning and evening. Morning subject, "He Saved Others, Himself He Cannot Save." Evening subject, "Human Life a Stage." W. T. Wesson, Gliolsonville, Va., druggist, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Curo gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the beat remedy for coughs, colds, throat and iung troubles." Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phar macy. Wanted By a young woman with a child of a year and a half old, a home for self and child where she could assist j in housework and receive small wages. , tioou reierence. Auuress auk ubon- iclb. o29 n2 DeWitt's Little Early Biters never disappoint. They are sate, prompt, gentle, effective in removing all im purities from the liver and bowele. .Small and easv to take. Never mine or distress. Clarke & Falk's P. O. PbT. gjftK: Wrtlfld. Or. Mar. When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. Wo have the Crown of Science Hair SjSKS'fe Grower and Cocoantit Cream BBaBr Tonic. They will cure dand BMBP rufl' and al! scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. Pood Changed to 1'olnon. Putrefying food in the intestines pro duces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's Now Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 4 If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossv. Price, 20 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber chop, The Dalles. tf Agents wanted for "Life of President Theodore Roosevelt;" thrilling illus trated biography of our youngest presi dent ; complete outfit mailed on receipt of 35 cents in stamps; be first in the field. 8. C. Miller & Co., Portland, Oregon. 29 2w-tu-th-sat NOTICE. Effective this date. A charge of $1 per car per day will be made for delay to car?, for all time held under load, in loading or unloading by consignee or consigner, in excess of forty eight hours from time car is set for loading or un loading. James Irkland, Agent O. R. & N. Co. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Rlakeluy the druggist. If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that be makes a special tv of these goodj9. tf A new line of children's echool hats and cape received at Campbell A Wil son's millinery parlors. At reasonable prices. Call and see them. o23-tf For rent A couple of large furnished rooms in a nice locality below the bluff. Inquire of Condon 'phone No. 391. OOsVbS Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Carte & Falk. You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure ot boils. II or tea for Sale. Twelve good work horses. Will sell very cheap. A,ply to Ned Gates. o26-2tdaw Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Gifford'B Fotos Never Fade. H. W. TURNER PROFESSIONAL Dyer and Cleaner Blankets scientifically e'eaned and bleached. Portierre curtains dyed all colors. Mail orders will receive promp at tention. Phone Red 131, "Life of MeKinley," complete books now ready. Can fill orders for book written by Marshall Everett or .Murat Halstead. Beat editions published. O.ittJt free. 8. C. Miliar & Co., Portland, Ore. 29 2-lu-tb-a Foley's Kidney Cure mmkmkMo0y mad bkukhr right WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Waehlnton Sta. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 102. A Strong Woman Iowa City, Iowa, Aug. 16, IMS My wife was aiok tor three year. We triad everything without relief and spent much Money. My wife tried Wine of Cartful and tour bottles cured her. 8he took two more bottles, knowing she would have to work hard during the hay harveat. 8ho attended to all bar house hold duties and loaded and unloaded all the hay. This mediolne Rare her strength. For merly she was weak and tired and eould hardly get about, but since sho haa been taking Wine of Oardui she feels better and stronger than when 20 years of age. JOS. A. K1BBWHAFHB. Mrs. EUcnhafcr had tried everything during her three years t leanest and had spent consid erable money. She was weak and could hardly get about for three years before she took WINEo'CARDUI Now, after taking the Wine of Cardul, she can ' work with her husband in the hay Held. That b hard work, but It Is not as Injurious to a woman's health as labor in stores, factories and offices where thousands of girls are closely con fined vear after vear. With the aid of Wine of Cardul a woman can do any reasonable work and enjoy good health. The health that Wine of Cardul brings makes a woman vigorous m body and mind. Freed from those terrible devastating pains a woman grows wall and strong Naturally. Wine of Cardul regulates the disordered menstruation and cures leucorrhoea, falling of the womb and periodical pains In the head and back caused by standing or sitting a long time in the same position. Thcdford's Black-Draught puts the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and blood In proper shape. Greatly Increased strength and endurance is the natural result. Most cases are cored quickly. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardul and 25 cent packages of Thedforcfs Black. Draught Tor adriee and literature, aidrru, liYinc ijmptomi, "The LaaUat' Adrtiory Department, rue vaamaooga ewaaaaw vompanj, uiananoega, tioa. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS,. Greatest known female remedy. PMITIAII Bnwaroof counterfeits unci Imitations. The gr nnlne Is put up only In paste-board Car UMWllUn ton with fao-simlle signature on side of i lie bottle, thus: narwi Bend tor Circular to WILLIAMS 11 Ft;. CO., Solo Ajcents, Cleveland. Ohio. i? For sale hv Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dilles, Or. regulator line. White Collar Line. Dies, penwystflria!Thannnonnftri,flB,DBn(a mo uaiiDDTUiiiaiju qwiuj Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and Way Points. NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT LEAVES- OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. TIME CARD Leaves Portland at 7 u. m. on Tugs lav, Thursday and SattrVday. Arrives The Dalle?, emni da', 5 p. m. Laves The. Dalles at 7 a. in. on Ban dar, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Portland, same dny, 4 u. in. Meals the Very Best. BTEAMEBS REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Airent, The Dalles, Oregon. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. It artificially d ! seats the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive of pans. It is the latest discovered digest ant aud tonic. Ko other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price SOc. and fl. Large size contains SH times small size. BookAUr.boutdyspensiamalledteM Prepared by E a DsWITT A CO.. Chicago Bold tiv Clarke & Kalk'n l O Pharmacy. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis- FOLEY'S SiafartNd or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c and $1.00. Bold hy Clarke & Falk, DnitufiMs. Pflrin LVI the meat healing In the worts). This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a, m. Leave Astoria 7 p. m. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phoned, Main 351, Port land, Oregon. E. W. Crichton, Auent Portland, -1'ratber and Barnes, Ats., Hood River, Wolford & Wyere, Agts.. White Salmon, J, C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria. J. M. FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles. Just What You uuant. if Mi if 4 n i I New ideae in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stunk. Real imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yoars for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a fall line of bouse paints. D. W. VATTSE, Third St. FOR SALE. About a doien head of 8 year-old Shorthorn stock cows, and some early spring calves. And I wish to purchase one or two No. 1 milch cows. Address John M. Davis, c30 If Eudersby, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. In Wareboosg Hi U Headquarters for Seed Grain fail kind Headquarters for Teed Grain 01 f 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, &u kindt Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, KtMsi Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle. OTI fTHfitir This Floor is mannfactnml expressly for famlk liUAA XV Ui use ; every sank 1b guaranteed to give Batisfaotisa We sell oar goods lowor than any house in the trade, and if you don't think call and get onr prices and be convinced. . , Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies; Grandali & Bar get UNDERTAKER EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Kobes, Burial Etc. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjJBlA BREWEUV ATJGrTJST BTJCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health i Reports for June z, won, says: "A more supei tor Drew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid 2 of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of 2 . i i i 1 I.. , i : & t i T . .. . : HHAls.xHH i . i l i i lilt) uesi in uiuifc auu L'iiuitwBit ui uuffo. Aii" tuiiiu ijuauirag am ui ine oigo m est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and a young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with J the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not J possibly be found.' East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. THE " OWL T. 3D. 3F,A.TjTE. Prop., y Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. , Phones: 51 Lol SeCQnd Street I C. J. STUBlilfiGJ WOOliBSALK AND HETAJL WineSp Liquors Cigars Family Orders wiH receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Voiiiliin Than S3. Lone Ilat. lOtfl. THE DALLES, OREGON. I ' MOTT'8 BB3sK3ij-'' PENNYROYAL Pit Th overcome neas, lrrerularlVJ omissions, lnurai or and banish of menstruation." They are "LIFE BAVISIia " w woinauuoou, aming development of organs auu xTimJm known romcdy for women equals them. Cannot do haraijJB becomes n pleasure. Al.OO PJBlt BOX BY MAi S uy arugglSW. UU. UOTT'S CHEMICAL UO.. uieven-t For sale by Geo. 0. Blakeley. The Dalles, Or Advertise in The Chroni Subscribe for The Chronicle.