...The New York Cash Store... Idft end 142 feeftond Streot. The BARGAIN STORfc of the City. uttt tiLOVt&e f i t Arc You Mixed on the Suit and Overcoat Question? It pretty bard to know what to do, ftn't ft, when every clothier in town has "the beet at the lowest p-loe" and all "give satisfaction,"' and all beat the tailor to piece", and save yon a halLto a third and all that. It comes down to the qnesti in of faith in somebody. Hart, ScHavfTner OX Marx tail or-made Clothing, made expressly for PEASE A MAYS, will answer the question. Stylish, durable and beet for the money. $10.00 to $23.00. , g. ; Large assortment of &IHRT&, made up in plain and neat effects; Correct Style for this season. $1.00 to $8.83. w i J Velvo Chftmeleon Neckwear, the only new thing $ from the silk looms this fall. Sold by Pease fe Mays only. : Largest and best assortment of Stylish tints in the city. We eflfer for this week a complete fine of Gloves, in tan, brown, black and red! eizss 6 to 1. Special Sale Price, SAC No gloves will be fitted on during sale. The Little feet. fake care of them the big feet will take care of themselves. There is no article tvf wearing ap parel bat rqnire o inuih atten tion as Children's 8hfc. We ht lievb in food sho-e ind the Hght kind of shoes for children shoes thai conform to she narnml t-iiano of the foot without acntrcing all one of ood taste. We have sev eral mkes of Children's Shoes made from the best of leai hers and on the right lasts. Box Calf, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. Kid, $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.50. Kangaroo Calf, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. All sices and widths. PERSE 5t MRYS. The Dalles Daily Gtaftfifelft. SATURDAY - NOV. 2. 1901 Oysters E At Andrew KeHer'e. jf. - TREASURER'S NOTICE. All VFaaoo County warrants ra.latered prior to December , IBM, -trill be paid on presentation at my office. Interest ceaaee after October SO, lOOl. JOHN F. HAJIFBBIBI, Oooaty Treaaarer. eVAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Next Monday will be collection day. Remember Sandvtg's dance tonight at the Baldwin. Dad Butte is to rushed with business that he will not be able to make bis collections until Tuesday. Best Rock Spring lamp coal $7.50 per ton, delivered to any part of the city, fctadelman Commission Co. o31-lw For rent Two large famished rooms on corner of Union and Tenth. Inquire of local 'phone 367. nl-t8 R. R. Htnton, of Bakeoven, is going to connect his ranch by telephone with Shaniko and the rest of the outside world. Hudson, Brown-bill & Butts have told to G. A. Cocken, a recent arrival from Wyoming, two lota on Tenth street, be longing to Mrs. Keeveny, for $200. A few friends were delightfully enter tained at. whist by Mrs. Peters yesterday evening, the party being given in honor of Mr. Peters' sitter, Mrs. Noswortby. For sale Two very desirable building lots on Fulton street east of the Gourlay property. Price $350, but easily worth o00. See Hudson & Brownbill or Dad Butte. 2a-2tdw Wanted By a woman: Plain sew ing, cleaning offices, men's washing, or any general work by the day. Apply at Mrs. Brittain'a lodging house, wett Sec ond street. nl-2 The 0. R. 4 N. Co. bat reduced the rates on coal oil from Portland from 40 cents par cwt to 18 cents, for small lots, and fro us 20 cents to 10 cents per cwt (or airload lots. Dr. Ferguson this morning pronounced Mr. Wayne Williams as out of danger. The Btitchea ware removed from the in cision id the abdomen this morning and the wound is nicely healed. The Canyon Oily News says William Farre, at one time a merchant of Ante lope, is an sepirtwt for she appointment o' register of the United States land offico at Borne. Mr. 9m It a very competent man. It was Sinnott A Pith and not i. 8. Fish, who purohaaed the tot recently occupied by the Porter livery ttabla. The grounds will be cleared off immedi ately, but just what improvements will be made on them the purchasers refuse to state at present. The Shaniko Leader taya U. W. Wells, of The Dalles, has been in Shaniko and vicinity for the past week trying to buy sheep. Mr. Welle procured some aheep and wanted more, but cooldn't afford to pay the prices asked. Mary E. Mcintosh has filed a com plaint in the circuit ooart asking for a divorce from ber husband, B. W. Mcln tceb. The couple wore married in The Dalles October 21, 1886. The plaintiff charges her husband with willful deser tion since July 1894. She asks for the custody of ber only child, a boy of 11 There are now four houses in the city that are quarantined for diphtheria. In three of them the patients are practic ally well and the quarantine will be raised in a few days. The fourth is too case reported yesterday. These facts are obtained from the city authorities and may be relied on as correct. The governor of Idaho hat appointed Mrs. Henrietta Mansfield, editor of the Nampa Leader, one of the three Idaho commissioners to the St. Louis exposi tion in 1903. Mrs. Mansfield was for merly a resident of The Dalles, she be ing the wife of W. H. Minefield, for several years foreman In the Timen- Mountalneer office. .. m Fresh strawberries have been on sale in The Dalles almost every day this fall, and today wit no fxofcption. The Amer ican Market had eighteen boxes this morning, which went like hot cakes at 25 cents a box. Two of the boxes were purchased by a gentlemen who took them with him on the noon train to Montana. ki Daring the past couple of days 400 fat boga have arrived at the company's stock yards from Tygh Ridge and the re gions sooth of there. They were pur chased by Tom Glavey and brought the farmers five cents a pound delivered here. This morning Mr. Glavey shipped four carloads and the Colombia Packing Comnanv one oar to Troutdale. The balance will follow Monday. On October 31st it will have been three hundred and eighty-four years since toe work of the Reformation was first established. The Lutheran chnrch of this city will bold a special service to morrow evening in honor of the man who started it, Martin Luther, who was born Nov. 10, 1483. and died Fee. 18. 1546. The sermon will be on tee Lutheran church what It is. end why does It call itself Lutheran? President Driver, of the Forest Reserve Association, net netted the annual meet ing to occur at Defer on November 8th. Business of importance will come before tela meeting end a full attendance it de tired. The Hon. W. H. H. Dufer bet hu. in ii Lad in addraaa the taaotl end ke kindly toutoefee teeeew. Teeeeb 1 jaet of hit eddrest will be Forestry end1 National Irrigation in connection with the leasing of the public domain or the tale, to tattlers, of 160 acies of grazing land. Dofur Dispatch. A horrible cutting scrape it reported to have occurred last night at a dance on the old Tom Ward ranch on the Canyon City road, twenty miles or to from town. The victim it Nick Marks, of Pleasant Ridfje, and ft it reported that be was "cat to the heart" and is not expected to live. His assailant it a young man named Ruben Ford, who woika in a livery stable at Dufor. Marka, it is said, resented eoane sup posed insult offered to hit wife and another lady by Ford, and attacking Ford with his fists was getting the best 6f him When Ford drew hie pocket knife end atuck it into Mark's breast. These ere all the particulars that , could be learned tip to the hour of going to press. A good story is told on a capitalist from the red bills of old Polk who has jast returned from a protracted visit in Portland. The amnelng incident oc curred while he was taking in the eights and "doing" the city, at related by a man wbo was near by and witnessed the incident. The Polk county man was standing on a prominent street corner of the metropolis, gazing at the throngs of people and the wondere about film, When a couple of gentlemen dashed up in en automobile and stopped near by. He gazed at them and the machine for a moment, and then rushed up to them tod exclaimed in tones of deepest sym pathy, "Gentlemen, did your team get away ; I see you have lost the tongue to your rig !" Ladlaal I make big wages at home, and want all to have the same opportunity. The work it very pleasant-and will easily pay $18 weekly. This is no deception. I went no money and will gladly send full particular! to all sending stamp. Mas. H. A Wiggins, ' Boston Harbor, Mich. J. . Adcox, who Is conceded to be ae of the beet watchmakers on the Pe ine coast, is now in my employ. Mr. Adcox is not only an exceptionally fine workman, but Is an honorable gentle- man also, and the attacks made upon him in the advertisements of Tueo. H. Liebe can neither .effect him, myself nor my buti&ett. n2-8 lw T. A. Van Nokdkk. eiOTURKCV SHOOT. A. Y. Marsh will give a big turkey shoot on (be beach on the 26, 27, and 28tb of November. nSt27dw CASTOR I A Fer Intents and Ohiidrei. Hi VM Ym Urn Unyt tag.. Snbecrrbe for Tat Ceeoaici e. A Harder 6 til War Patli. Charles Coffee, the barber, who cot John Conboy, another barber, in a Front street saloon yesterday afternoon, was arrested last night by Officer Aliskey, but not for the cutting. Be fore the scrap la the fetooo Oenboy had filed a complaint in justice Brown hill's court, charging Coffee with the larceny of 76 cents. It was for this Coffee was arrested and his trial fixed at 10 o'clook this morning. Coffee appeared prompt ly with bit attorney, Douglas Dufnr, as did District Attorney Menefee and some witnesses, bat Conboy failed to appear end put in tbe claim that he was sick from tbe cutting of yesterday afternoon and had made an appointment with a physician to come at noon and diets bit wounds. The court awaited Con- boy's arrival until nearly noon, when an agreement was reached that the case be postponed till 2 p. m. Monday, and that meanwhile Coffee be permitted to go on bis own recognizances. Coffee says he is prepared to prove that the six bits which he is charged with having stolen was the amount of percentage coming to him at tba time be closed tbe ehop last Thursday night. He bad been working for Conboy and bad been left alone in the shop for tbe evening. When closing for the night he bed placed a check mi the drawer for tbe amount taken, with bis name on it, had locked the drawer and left tbe key where Conboy would find it. Coffee says he didn't even take all tbat wet coming to him. The scrap in tbe saloon will hardly be discussed in the courts If Coffee's version of it is true, unless Oonboy't wounds should prove serious. Coffee taya he Wat standing at tba bAr of the saloon when Oonboy entered and approaching him asked, "Why did you quit working for me?" an I at the tame moment struck bim a violent blow on the right temple, then threw ont of hit arms around Coffee's neck and commenced punching bim in the face. It waa while in tbfa position that Coffee palled oat a razor end began to use it on Oonboy't tide end neck. After Coffee had sur rendered tbe razir to tbe bar keeper Conboy threw bim against a glass door, breaking the glass and inflicting a deep cat on Coffee's scalp. Such fa C iftWaj story and be hat tbe marks to show that he oust have been in some kind of a pretty t ad scrap. Oonboy't wounds were dressed yester day afternoon by Dr. UwiteodoitTer. They era not terioet. Dad Botts bet e bargain to offer to bit friends in the (bite of a nett, six room cottage with m idem conveniences, on Afford evecme. ft wilt aty yew to in veettgJate this ro petition tf ten want We etoo neve other eery deefr- M m ion's sciool suits.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Roys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to tit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until tho nobbiest and neatest patistns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New York Cash Store BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out. We also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. ...IKE AYS A CROWE... Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. m The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tislu Heater has revolution ized the heating stove trade in all sections of the United States. Its won derful economy in the use of fnel, and many other eicellcnt qualities, strongly recommend it to all in nee of a heating stove. What Cote's Heater Will Do. This stove will heat a room from zero to 80 degrees in Ave minutes. It will heat your house evenly day and night. It holds fir i 36 honrs without attention. You build only one Ore each winter. It barns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn coos, and lives excellent rssults with this fnel, which is ordinarily wasted. The stove it light tnd easily moved and set np. The eombuetlon it perfect end ashes are removed only oucj in four weeks. None of the heat Is wasted and the stove nill save one-half of your fuel bill. It la clean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters la guaranteed to stay air-ttiU as long at need. Where wood is used for fnel every family should base one or more of these stoves. Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles. Blakeley's Drug Store, THE OLD WELIABL g 176 2d St., THE DALLES We earrr the Urgwt and moat complete tecs, tu Kantora Ortton ot OKVue and MtJD.ciNea, com mm mil emcaRtst, KI'ONOK. and CHAMOIS, rUKtSSM and WALL KTS, f HUH it and POCO AMKMAM, I'UOTO niin I.IKI, PHOTO PAPBH and MOUNT., I'll OWN KX TKA;T of Lemou and Va ol:htarlhe Mast Mad. Kverytlilus we veil li Frtih. Our price ars Cuuala.aat. Our PHBaCBIPTlON Uapertntsat It iu ch urge of oompataut man. Wa Manufaotur Or. Woort'a Maiiuaat, Or. WooiTa .araayarillai Or V ..f. ll.tdaelt Tahlala, ana t iicn niin aiimui uraaaa. IMA... OUOBMt leoelva our I BflTU DtintlCC I Kv V Package delivered frae, I pemonul attention. QUI II rnUftfCw promptly, In Ihu elty. ff John Pashek, The Tailor, Has jast received 1000 samples of the latest patttrns iu Geni'a Clothing Goods. He jutran lees prices and a good fit or no pay. l l l John Faahek, The Tailor. able property. For further pesefeulart tee Ded Butte, at Hi Tbe Dalles, Oregon. tudsoo A Brownhlll't , tM? Horny aa?eaMsWVsiyBBtMMA AUtej QKO. K. ( AMfMCIX, UIVII 8N01NBBM. a, ftrMgt. BaBioel an Water tetyly fBesNel JCXf t Aesmtal BMtMfVjrJli UaJe Maintenance of Mfpfew- DAUEi, Og. cur, Ml i.A.m. MBt.sne. fTaVav' "H"?' H rg V W I rEBrToira. mltl sSQBm MMfa .l Address, P.O. Bottle, TBI fire Inaarance. Pounded 1UV Capital paid up .7,000,000 Aaeata sjO,HIM,oaa Now it the tin. to Insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, Heufert Condon. Phone No. 809, Puciao States Co. AKTlil'H SEUFEKT, Resident Agent, Tbe Dalles. frby pay 1.76 per gallon for inferior (alntt wbtn you sea bay Jswtt I, vert, efentt. Mt