The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 01, 1901, Image 3

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...The New York Cash Store...
186 and 142 ftsjeond Strtjet.
The BARGAIN STORE of tbe City.
Are You Mixed.
on m Suit and Overcoat Question?
It's pretty hard to know what to do, isn't it, when every clothier in town
has "the boet at the lowest pW and all "give satisfaction," and ail iwt the
tailor to piffle, and sive you a half to a third and ail that. It comes down to
the qtieati n of falih in eomeboly. Hart, Schaffher & Marx tailor-made
Clothing, made txpressly for PEASE & MAYS, will answer
the question. Stylish, durable and best lor the money.
$10,00 to $25,00,
Largo assortment of 8HIRT&, made up in plain and
neat effects; Correct Style for this season.
$1.00 to $2.23.
Velvo Chameleon Neckwear, the only new thing
from the siik looms this fall. Sold by Pease & Mays only.
Largest and best -assortment of Siylifrh flats in
the city.
We c flVr for this week a
complete line of Gloves, in
tan, brown, black and red:
sizes 6 to 7.
Specl I Sale Price),
No gloves will be fitted on
during sale.
Little Feet.
Take oare of them the big feet
will take care of themselves.
There is no article of wearing ap
parel that rqnlre so much atten
tion s Children's Shoes. We be
lieve In good sho s and the right
kind of shoes for children shoes
that conform (n the imtur.l shape
of the foot without sacrificing all
sense of pood taste. We have sev
eral makes of Children's Shoes
made from the hest of leathers
and on the right lasts.
Box Calf, $1.50, $1.75,
$2.00 and $2.25.
Kid, $1.50, $1.75, $2
and $2.50.
Kangaroo Calf, $1.25,
$1.50 and $2.00.
Ail sites and widths.
The Dalles Daily Clwmjete.
NOV. 1. 1901
Served I
At Andrew Keller's'.
All Waicn County warrants registered
prior to December 82, 18.8, will be -paid
dd presentation at my office. Interest
UMN after Uolober 30, 1,01.
' OMBtr Treasurer.
Don't forget Sundvig'e dance at the
Baldwin tomorrow night.
Best Bock Spring lamp coal $7.50 per
ton, delivered to any part of the city.
Stadelman Commission Co. o31-lw
Egs sell for 50 cents a dozen in Burns
Harney county, and sweat potatoes at
10 e nts a pound.
Fur rent Two large fnrniebed rooms
on corner of Union and' Tenth. Inquire
of local 'phone 867. nl-18
A marriage license was issued yester
day afternoon to F. W. Quinn and Ida
P. Crowfoot, both of the Dafnr neigh
borhood. There is a nice front gate belonging to
somebody lying in the Stadleman field
t the turn of the road leading through
the lane at the Mission Gardens.
Wanted By a woman: Plain sew
ing, cleaning offices, men's washing, or
ny general work by the day. Apply at
Mrs. Britain's lodging house, west Sec
ond street. ol-2
The mean temperature at this place
for the past month of October was 58 2,
trie highest by five or eijc degrees of any
noniu since 1875, which is as far back
M tbe weather records go.
A Portland employment aeencv adver
'see in a Pendleton paper for 1000 girle
'or housework, 75 girls for working in
hotels, 50 girls for working in stores, and
Wgirle for waiting on tables.
Tne ladies of the W. C. T. U. hope to
ee all the ci linens interested io the pub
lic welfare 0f this uommunity at the
M- E. church tonight at 7 :30. The Rv.
J- M. Alennder will make the address.
Everybody will be welcomed.
Another t nit was filed in the circuit
on this morning against F. N. Jones,
M Sherar's Bridge. This time the plain
Wis W. A. Johnston, The Dalles mar
I?1' WJ mm for the recovery of
IM0.86, principally on book account.
A mm named Taylor easne over ft oca
kime county yesterday with a losd oi
w-'on, Whlcb be disposed of with some
jaoa'ty to Tb. DaHee merchant..
7P,e her are to used io syroPmade
01 la'phuric acid and a Utile cheap
"et stuff of soma kind for sbieheoleg.
as to have lost their taste, if they ever
had any, for the genuine, old fashioned
juice of the sugar cine.
Another case of diphtheria developed
this morning. It is that of Curtis
Coram, son of H. T. Coram of Wapini
tia, who is living with his grandmother,
Mrs. . Davis, of 112 Fourth street, and
has been attending the public school.
The residence and inmates were prompt
ly placed under quarantine.
Every merchant should patronise the
columns of The Chronicle new year
edition just as liberally as he possibly
can. Enoourage this issue, as it will
strive to make the queen city of The
Dalles the "Commercial Emporium" of
the mighty Columbia. What helps The
Dalles helps you ; you help us help yon.
The Tacoma News charges Walla
Walla with having two divorces to every
nine marriages, and naturally infers
that it must he a quarrelsome cemmnni
ty. The Penc'leton Tiibune denies the
c large and says that Umatilla county,
which, inferentially, is a connubial par
adise, has one divorce to every two mar
riages. One day last week four Hood River
"youngsters" were seen fishing in Hood
river, near town, and it was noticed that
one of them had a string of good-sized
trout. Their names and ages are given
by the Glacier as follows: O. C. Bart
mesE, 82; AbnerCoz, 80; A. G. Brad
ford, 76; P. F. Bradford, 74 ; making
the combined ages of the soar "young
stere" 312 year?.
The best advertising space ever offered
Dalles merchants a an ad. in The
Chbokicle new year edition. The issue
will be a souvenir gem and will be kept
in the heme for agee. Its an ad. that
lasts. Remember a copy will be sent
to every family in Wasco county and
every article will be read from beginning
oeni. Your patronage will he solicit
ed and everyone should respond.
The received in tbe county
clerk's effioe as sundry fees during the
month of October is $555.95. This is
nearly $200 more than was received from
the same sources during any month
since Mr. Like toot charge of the office.
It is believed to be t lie lrct amount
ever received in oos month since the
offici was established. The recaiptsfor
tbe corresponding month last year were
Between 3 and 4 o'clock this afternoon
Johu Conboj, the Umatilla Hoot
barber, was cut and sin abed with a
razor in the bands of aoother barber
named CSV. There had been bad
blood tefween the men. Coffee bad
worked for Cmboy till last night aad
today Con boy swore out a warraot for
Coffee's arrest on the chargeef steeling
mail son f money. Tbe men me 1b a
front street saloon and words led to
blows and in tbs scuffle Coffee drew a
reaor from hts pocket and slashed
Con boy cn the neck and side. Bow
dangerous the wooods are is not knows!
alibis writing Ma physician Us anil
been called in. Coffee disappeared and
nobody seems to know what has become
of him.
Regulations issued by the postofflre
department in Washington some months
ago distinctly stated that the depart
ment had no authority to designate any
particular kind or kinds of box that
should be pot op by patrons of rural de
livery mail routes in order to receive
the benefit of tbe service. Tbe act of
congress, it was said, simply required
that a "suitable box" be pat np. Many
a man can make for himself a "suitable
box" that will meet all tbe require
ments of the act. And if he does so,
tbe department has no legal nor other
right to force him to boy from a manu
facturer whose contrivance is endorsed
by officials of the department.
John Franklin Reynolds died in Hood
Rieer October 80, 1901. He eras one of
tbe oldest citizens of the town, coming
here in 1881. He served during the war
of the rebellion in an Ohio regiment.
July 3, 1876, he was married to Mrs.
AlviraE. Warner at Oakland, Calif. In
1879 be came with his family to Cascade
Locks, and to Hood River in 1881. He
leaves a widow and step daughter, Mrs.
G. T. Prather, and two children Mrs.
Frank Davidson aad Frsnk Reynolds,
both of Hood River. Deceased was born
in Jackson county, III., February 29,
1636. He was a schoolmate of the late
Gen. John A. Logan. He was.' a mem
ber of the U. B. church. Funeral today,
Thursday, at 10 o'clock from the U. B.
ohu rch . G lacier .
A correspondent of the Portland Tele
gram, writing to bis paper of tbs placer
diggings of the Gold H ill district, Jack
sou county, says: "Among the many
placer properties of this district, that on
Foot Cieek, owned by State Senator E.
B. Dufur, who took up his residence in
Gold Hill early in tbe summer, is con
sidered one of tbe most promising. Ex
tensive preparations have been made
for tbe operation of this old-time pro
ducer. Heavy hydraulic machinery has
been installed, and with tbe advent of
the winter rains work will be begun in
earnest, and pushed throughout the sea
son. This is known as "The French
man's Mine," and was successfully
worked for a long time, until the deat'i
f tbe former owner caused a suspension
of former operations pending the settle
ment of tbe estate. It was put chased
last year by Senator Dufur, who will
work it scientifically this season."
Tbe Dalles has two well-developed
and well-defined cases of smallpox, and
what is worse, it has bad tbe in for some
time, bat owing to tbe cranky notions
of the bead of tbe family no pbysfcian
was called in and the fact of tbe pres
ence of t'ie pest was only known to the
author kiss when complaint was made
this morning by some of tbe man's
neigh hrs. The two victims are the
wilt and obild of O. W. Bar see, whose
beeae b cs Ike btoff almost 4m ssnth
ol the O. A. A V. freight depot. Com
plaint was salt to Msyor Farley this
morning and he promptly sent a physi
cian to the iplana, who reported the pres
ence of the peat. The hawse was then
placed under qwarawtine aad Br zee was
given to imstersaand, in aowamiataka
ble terms, that be nastst obey the law or
suffer the onnsssjaeaocs. it may be re
membered the rhese w a case of
smallpox in this same family during fair
week and Barxee was vary mad because
the authorities wouldn't raiie the quar
antine so that be might attend tbe fair.
Prank of Balloweva.
Halloweve, with Its midnight terrors,
is over and as far as The Chronicle has
been able to learn the pranks of tbe
yonngsters were all of the good-natured
variety and without and damage to
property. Fewer gates tlran usual were
missing this morning, as not a few took
the precaution of storing them out of
sight, or securing them with chain and
padlock. A big, heavy lumber-wagon
bed, weighing probably four or five
hundred pounds, was deposited nearly
half way up the steps lesding to the
hospital. Beside it were placed two
empty cement or limestone barrels. A
Union street paterfamilias who stored
bis front gate and had a cord of wood
piled on tbe street found the wood neat
ly piled in the open gateway. In the
neighborhood of tne Mount Hood baa.
hoase a wagon wheel was carried to Use
top wf a telephone pwle and laid flat en
the telephone wires. Bob Tea gee's de
li very wagon was fownd near the Mission
gardens leaded with gates, among which
were two large ones from tbe wagon
entrance to the C L. Schmidt place.
Tbe night before every wagon on the
Stadleman place was wheeled to a dis
tance ead the tails of a couple of heroes
in tbe stable were tied fast to a bale of
bay. The only instance reported where
any damage was done to property was
io the case of Nathan Wbealdon's fine
driving horse. Mr. Whealdoo himself
spread tbe report that the animal was
rained ; bat when asked for an explana
tion his reply was that the beast had
lost his gait (gate),-, very common oc
The "boys" evidently had lots ol fun,
and it is much to their credit that there
was nothing vicious about it.
Dad Bolts has a bargain to offer to bis
friends in the shape of a neat, six room
cottage with modern conveniences, on
Alvord avenue. It will pay yon to in
vestigate this proposition If you went
si home. We also have other very desir
able property. For further particulars
see Dad Butts, at Hudson A Brownhill's,
The Dalles, Oregon. 3td lw
If My thing alia year heir, go and see
Freeer; he's tbe headquarters for ail
hair remedies. Remember that be
make, a acecialtv of these goods. tf
Poky9 KkUmy Curm
sasVSstaV aMaWpS AMaf sVfisjkjeW tUHt
..Boys' am Mlt'S SGDl SWTS. .
Knee pants
We have just received our complete fall lino of
Bovs' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don t make your purchases without
seeing our line. We wtti'save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns aro
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The New York Cash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tighl Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
Tho introduction 'of Cole's Original Alr-TUthi Heater has revolution
ized the heating stove trade in all sections of the United States. Its won
derful economy in the use of fuel, and mdny other eicell.nt qualities,
strongly recommend it to all In nee 1 of 'a heating stove.
What Cole's Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from .fro to
80 degrees In five minutes.
It will heat your l ouse evenly day and
It holds fire 36 hours without attention.
You build only one fire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corn cobs, and gives eieellent results wltb
this fuel, wbioh is ordinarily wasted.
The stove Is light and easily moved and
set up.
Tbe combustion Is perfect and ashes are
removed only once in four weeks.
None of the beat Is wasted and tbe stove
a 111 save one-half of your fuel bill.
It la clean, economical, convenient, ssfe
T5aML -PSTSp .nri ilnrahla.
Every one of die's Original Air-Tight Healers is guaranteed to stav
air-thrM as long as used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
ban- one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MATER & BENTON, Tbe Dalles.
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of THILBY
Blakeley's Drug Store, I7S 2d St., THE DALLES I
We eerry the StfgSSt and most complete t Ott OWN KX rtUCI' ol Lemon nud Va-
et'ick In Kuktera Oregon ol :il:U are tho Ueat Mad.
DKVua aad MKIUCINBS, Kvsrrtblns wo sell 1
CONKS and HKI MIU, Ourprioeasre Oaa.ui.Bt.
u ai'OMOUa aad CHAMOIS, , . fMMCHIf Tits
JlllSBN and W ALLBTS, U BhU' ' ""
fUSHll and OC CAMKUA8, We Manufnoture
i iioto autM-iase, Wo"rt' ;,m'm''
rM FA...H ad MOtiNTa. ' &XVhV!W:
t.OtrWStra CHOCOIAHM. and Win. Heaet Alamad raia.
M OUIIEUI receive our DflTU DUflssCC K v0 farkage delivered free,
perroiial attention. 0U I fl rflulICO promptly, in tbe olty.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 100 samples
of the latest patterns In Heat's
Olttblng Goods. He swarao
tea prices sad a good fit or no
John Pashek, The Tailor.
, Hridse, BaUraadaad Wsfjagjly
ajaways. awsats saw rwrwesBj.
al AedAaas, P. O. Senile, til DALtg., OB. ' tela, agMM.
Fire Insxironce.
Is Ikw I bin k. (o. tf Us
Pounded iwv
Capital net mi .7,AOO,OUO
Aaeete s)wO,l Stilus
Now is the time to iusure ; tomor
row may be too late.
Phone So. SS. Heufert A (Joe don.
Phone Mo. S03, 1'acifle Utotes Co.
Resident Agent, The Dalles.
Why pay $1.76 par gallon for li
when pa. can bay Jssaes m
P Alton's sun proof paints for 1.&0 nag
tor a years. Utarggj