The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 01, 1901, Image 2

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    The Mies Daily Chronicle.
SOY. 1. JWl
It is aatonisbing to fee the atten
tion dt voted in tbe Soetb to tbe
HMMtaMtt of Book; r Wellington
wX dinner by tbe press it at, tajstbe
Sah Lake Tribune Tbe matter
is made if, to a great issue a question
of oversbedowing importance. Tbe
latest BMIm of tbe Stat at Colom
bia, Sootb Carolina, bis over foor
co cars of its editorial apnea de
voted to it, the quotation and opin
ion fsboaing an anguish of mind
eech as miirbt be evoked, bad a sud
den and great calamity ovt.-isken
tbe nation. Tbe State saj- tbe
treatment of tbe incident by tbe
newspapers of tbe Nor lb shows that
tbe Northern people do not realizt
tbe point of view
of tbe Southern
people. Tbat certainly is true ; bnt
tbe enormous importance attached
: v... ,.. c,.n.t.aM r.r. bm sh.avs
' " '""
tbat the point of view of Southerners
is hysterical and silly. It is the
more ridiculous for tbe South to take
tbis view when we remember that
tbe South voted last year with prac
tical unanimity tbat colored men
hi tbe Philippines were admirable
patriots and should be treated as
free and equal with ourselves. In
tbe meantime, we do not see in anv
of the .southern papers any con-
demnation OI thf. Shocking Bill Savage
. - 1
saying o: renaior lliiman, OI routn
f'arr.linn iViwt 11 i rmnaatsn nporrrifs
v. - W
will have to be killed on account of
tbat dinner. Such sentiment as
tbat is what really deserves to chal
lenge the attention of tbe South,
which ought to condemn Tillman m
most scathing terms for thus inciting
n pitiless war upon blacks who are
innocent parties, who bad nothing to
do with this bone of contention.
Booker Washington bad been enter
tained by great officials in Europe,
and even by Cueen Victoria; be is a
citizen of tbis country, doing a
ntiebty work for whites and blacks
t.. i. juil,. th.
A Lie iJua j i uujcwtiiig iv; uv
nwsni rlnr t'n onlnpro inmonl f.f him id
awaw. .
preposteroua; it is a relic of ignorant
nnd bigoted provincialism which the
Southern people most outgrow. By
tbe way
suppose Aguinaldo should
come to this country and be enter
tained by tb'j president; would the
South make objection ? If not, wby
not? But is there any just compari
son of Aguinaldo with Booker Wash
ington, in character, works or patriot
ism ? Suppose the governor of South
ALKnma '
Carolina, Georgia, or
a -ii l
suouiu invite ikguinaiuo to uiuner, .in u
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
woald tbe Soutb's heavens be rent.- p09itive gnarantee. Blakeley, the drug
T hose stateB voted In effect for ; gist.
Aguinaldo, and certainly their gov
ernors should not be above eating
till. tiin. I . I if l.i,f, Oniill Oof
-lu luv -Uw.
with him, why should they not eat
with Washington, an out-of-sight
better man
Justice Brewer, of tbe United
Stales supieme court, recently, in a
speech delivered at Yale college,
ms('e tbe statement that he could1
we no solution of the trust problem, j
Tbe present movement toward con
solidation and centralization was but i
a natural evolution that 1 gislation 1
against trusts could not stop. lie !
could suggest but one thing, namely,
proper public sentiment formed
under the leadership of men of brains ; ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of
and education. Opinions such as ! 'he trouble and draws our the infUm
tbese will have suggested themselves 1 m"tion' The children's favorite Cough
- , , . ... Cure. Clarke & Falk s P. O. Pharmacy,
to every mun of candor and intelli-
, . .. . , Account Book I nil.
gence who has given the subject! 0n tbe ro4td 1 The Dalle, aud
careful Investigation. Legislation Center Ridge the undersigned lost is
aufllciently far-reacbing to atop all account book. Finder will be suitably
combinations of eapital known as rewarded by leaving prouerty at the
trusta would be revolutionary and
productive of inflnitely more harm
than good. Every intelligent man
knows tbat there are good trusts as
well aa bad ore. The beat, there
fore, that intelligent legislation can
hope to aoooaapliab it ike restriction
or aoppreafrion of tbote that experi
ence proves to be inimical to tbe
interests of tbe masses of the people.
Even be re it is mncb easier to rag- :
gest what oogbt to be done than to
suggest bow it can be dose. Back
of sil ibe eote-trnt agitation is tbe
wolit fact that tbe country was never
in more prosperous conditioc. nor
tabor so ore rileetifol or better re- J
Warder tbsn it is tolsv. "Willi less'
l050 bjkJ a cf tbe more
roxions trnsts shorn of their power
to do mischief we migbt defy tbe
talicals anti-trust bgiutora to point;
oot sroy materia respect in winch Tbe '
remaining combinations are provicg
injurious to tbe masses.
Cart A FsJk rave m nki fa!1 l'ne
jf yaini iO'l Mtsst Iwsarisse.
Evet-heer;Tr rweebetTjl tit)U at Mrs.
C. J. SiaVing e fut ten cent; esrb.
o22-tf I
A fob line of Eastman tins and sup
plies ;o?t receive by Ciarke rJc Falk.
Boii of the beeetJfoJ Easier Li?r, 10'
cea,e "S P"r do,s"IJ- ""'
Nrirserv. oz.-oL j
Clark an-l F!k have jost received a ;
foil ;ioe
jl frfb Vejor riAtxere aci de-
. -. . , , ... . '
velopers, the Sm- a? nst-fl Al. lfica
... . . r.
jo at oo;
Lost Do in? carnival
kyg on a ring ; b
one large, two
man ores. Trie ficder w:
owner by leaving tbeoi at The Cheos
K-j.E office.
The Utnatilia
, , . , . i
un; buvjj ,
l i i :,v.
recehi.y wen eii&rgei tiiu uiii up -iwi
tne only steam-heated hath rooms in
the Cltv. A., tne furtltare and annoict-
menu are new and of the best. For the :
l . . . ,
convenience 0! bueiness men the place j
il he tH,i nwr nr.til f nrl her no'ice
jj lOo'cl'Jtk p. m. This is tbe only j
..... - .t i
nmor -!i n tne city ; OBing trie odiod
card ai.J emr)oyirg nnion DErLerg.
- - Olfr-lm
- . .1-
c A strip of trroond SS feet wide off tbe west i S-.
Afiottter ridiculour food fad hag been side of ion, block 4. in Dalles a;y proper, be- a 3 in block 7 iu Dalles Cltr proper, be
nranded bv the mosc competent author- j ln ttTlTJt inHdtb ! ,0nglDg ie C"y : "" at
. . 9, its. a -it 1
ries. Thev have dlspelieJ the amy DO-
. , . , . . . . , , . ;
Hon that one kind of food is needed for -
. . . , j
brain, anotijer for mccles, end KtU an-
. , . .
nt..r tut hnnca A rorreol n -t Wii: not t
-" - -
ar part of tbe j
:n everv otfier I
.u err inner
onlv nourish a particular part of the!
boiy, hot it will Sene
. a , r j I
part. l ei, nowever gxu your iouu may :
be, its nutriment is def troved by mui-.
gestion or dyspeyaia. You must pre-
pare for their appearance or prevent j
their cooiing by taking regular
Green's August Piower, the
lor Hoaos r.f
favorite i
mediehieof tbe healthy millions.
A few
doasa aide diuestion. stimniatee tbe liver :
10 neaitny action, puriuee toe oiuou, auu
makei! brJ0Vnt and vigorous.
Yon can get Dr. G. c. Gieen r?lisble
remedies at Blakeley'e drug store. Get
Green's Special Almanac. 1
I-layed Oot.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodr, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or feoree are ali positive evirien
ces of impure blood. Ko matter how it
became eo it mint be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Kiexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisone or any other blood
uirca-rn. x . ir i tea a 14 ' ca
i A i ona hoc It IB stfk sra in r u
1 . 1
1 ieift, mTmrr uuiiieii ki wni miik1-- uu w i
Don't Let Them SaftTer. itheallev: thenee westerly along the north line cj; A T""56 ffrouu l described aa follows:
. . . of the alleys feet' thence northerly, at tight ' Beginning at the northeast corner 01 block 15
Often children are tortured with ltcn- a,if, to the place Oi beginning' belongiog to U"68' Addliion, thence southerly along the
inc and hurnin eczema and other skin I Blumauer; assessed at 111. fweatline of Court atieetafsi feet; thence wester
ing anu uuruing enema anu U'.uar eaiu , , . , l at right angles to Court street 1SI feet : thence
jd(MMM but Bucklen's Arnica Salve
beaJe the raw sores, expels inflammation,
, leave tbe akin without a sear. Clean,
fragrant, cheap, there's do salve on
earth m good. Try it. Care guaranteed .
Qaly 2fk at G. C. Blakeley 'a drag store. 4
Kudo! Iyepep1a Core is not a mere
stimuleat to tired nature. It anorde tbe
stomach eotuplete asd abaolote neat toy a strip to feet wide oft the east side of lot
, , 1 in bbiek 3 in Dalles Cltv proper, belonging to
digesting the food you eat. You won't j. d. urant; assesned at $20.
have to diet hut can enjoy ali the good I L"t 0 in block 3 in Dalles City rroper: ex
, ' , , ' ' " ! (reciting a strip (iff the north end thereof 20 feet 7
food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure j inches in width; belonging to Geo. Ruch, and
instantly relieves that distressed feeling 1 tt'1 111 ,
... ... , 21. A strip off I he north end of lot I !a block
alter eating, giving you new life and Wur. Dulles citv roper, , Uet and 7 inches iii
vigor. Clarke ralk ts r. U. ruarmacy.
Mothers every where praise One
Minute Cough Cure for the eufleriuga it
has relieved and the lives of their little
Chrouiule office.
Jambs T. Cooi-bb.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma-
nently cured by using) Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, make you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed er
y haok. 25 eta, and DO eta. Blakeley,
Foley's honey Tar
tor chil6rtn,m1c, tore. Nooplmtm.
M. T.
Union and Second Street. Local Phone 92.
Notice 8f Sewer Assessment.
i .on rig o Kate noCormaclt. AsewdaifE Be.
has AM dt -mrine anl ascertain tberir- Assessed et t...
wortloaste t -' ibe tvmst'ueUrjn of t5w Coort j S3. Lot 1 in Mock 6 In Dalle Clry proper. Of
,.p. ,n pH Citv. Oregon, end for the J longing to the estate of J. H. Micbelbacc. de
parpose of pan ins tbe rsU of tbe eonstroctioa ceased. Assessed at $33 fa,
thereof, assewed the j.i rrty hereina.'ter de-; gL Lot Mu b!or & ia Dilte City proper, be
arribed as here! Hatter net iortt. to wit. lonelng So ilie estate of A. Bettinzen. deceased :
1. BeiDEfn? n: the nnneast corner of blor
A at the int-T eif f.f l mon and Hain ttreeta
I Iaile (Hty . tbtr -utbeilj liioiig the west ,
Hue of i irfoa rf. lw f-t. thence weau.jr at ,
Heb! autrl " t i n stieet to the wet line ot
mi!": hioca A : :u'.ace linrineriy ni.:i'i i.u
1-m.JUi n
ion tttrtet to (lie .:itb line of M:r- street; j
Eaei :.. the tua- of br:.rin Be
MSSia to the O. H AS. fU. AmvmmI at as, j ST. Lois 1 nd 2 In blork I In ra; Cltr
g, amW a p, j, the vrwt lineofj
aaal l rner of block A. thauce weMerl at right j
1 analca to I'nioc Dtrael to the
line of Liberty !
street: thenct- noruieriv elor.j :rir ti uneoi
Liberty street to a poitu where tn rae is in'er- '
secW-J by a line drawn at ngBt angies to i nion :
mrt. ;tIaI a fMJjiii uu iae west jjut uitrrca w i
jee: niTtbe-;v jroir,
tbe point of beuincin?;
.j -nt .h(. we?J 1!ufc o( ,
I ataa reet M fet northerly ir.p the point of
beainr.iog thence aoatherlv to the place of be-
; Itenagine Mrs. E. M. Wilson. At- .
::. httriLuinc a: tne sottbeas: eorr--r o:
A on the north side of Second street and west
sItte rf PnM sfeeet, thaoee northerly alone the
erly at riaht angles to Lnion street to Liberty
street: thence somberly on tbe east line of Lib- '
ny srree: to the north line of second street :
, K. ,., !,...,
IJW i" use Ulnar "i 0."".. a. -...i.j ... :
itneesaiifc at jonn a. Jiieneiaacn. ssssku .
I W I i
r . . ; r Z . . . . , . I
off the eas; side of lot t in block 4 in Daliei City
proper, btlonging to Z. 1". Moody aisessed m i
.,? - '
" . - - -
c A atrip af gmnnd 30 feet wide off tbe west ;
side of lot in block -I in Dalles City proper be-
. . . . . 1
longing l' JjMlnarei a. nuruu. uurwu bi -i-
7. A strip of ground M feet wide off the east I
"! k.d ViHfJ iu DalLCil Z7"1' te"
longing to Y. J. Martin: treated
7 A strip of ground M feet wide off the east
. - . . - -
a strip o: gTomiu in leei wioe on ine wesi ,
,n to MBtiid Baldwin; assessed at iy ' j
'j. A irtnp a
.... . , .
. . hi ml 1 1. fa. ' i" ' ii i riSthb m . t
. i i .... .-
klde of j iu bUje. 4 ln iAtv pTopOT, be i
lonzing t- -V H 0at3-: Bi'i : 141 -i
.1 ,A, 0i,?T?n,n,d K?1 '!id' "ffthe eft
side ! i'rt 1 ic block 4 in
longin? to Uatilda Baldwin; assessed al 131.
, - . . '. .
.'l-VJ?1. Vr!. L:liM?roper'
mj ii)c "& tv w icu a uuu, ar BjpsnvnM -
jo. a s'rip of gTound t leet wide off the west
side o! lot ir. oioca in uaires tnty proper ne
longlng to Pauline Lusher, and aasetaed at J7..V
13. Beginning at a point on tbe sontb line of
Main street Li ieet eai-t of the northeast comer
of lot S in block - in Dalles City proper, thence
easterly along the south line of Main street 27
feet I inches: rhence southerly at rigbt angles
12i; feet to the alley : thence westerly along the
north line of thenl!?y 27 feet 3 inches: then'
northerly, Ht risiit angles, to the place of begin
ning: belonging to Caroline Korten. assetsed at
11. A strip of ground M feet ivide off be cast
side of lot 1 nxi" a strip leal wide oft the west
side of lot 8 in bl 'k :' in f illes City proper: be
longii.g to Matilda Baldwin: assessed at VI.
15. lieginnina at a point on the south line of
Main street feet east of the northwest corner
nf 't 4 r, ,i,.i' 4rt Italic 1 ! nmrjir- lli.mM.
eautrr-lv wlong the south line of Main stnet 22
feet: thence soutterly at right angle s 120 feet to i 01. The north half of lot 10 in block 9 in
the ullev: thence westerly alou? the noub line ! Dalles City proper, belonging to Mrs. A. J. Fltz
of the alley 22 ftrct: thence northerly, at right gerald; assessed at 125.
uugie. tu HMB vwvk in uuginuiiiKi i:iuiikis v
II ,, - li.lf.IICI ut I
16. Beginning at a point on tbe south line of
Main street : leet east of the northwest corner
of lot 8 in WodkS in Dalit City proper, thence
easterly along .the south line of Main street 2
iV ut. , ,ou,,a 4 r , w , 1 northerly parallel with Court street 200 feet to
east side of lot 3 an l a strip 15 feet wide off the the ,3V' 7henct. easterly along the line of the
west side oi ot 2 if. block 3 in Dalles City H g ue place of beginning. Belonging to
proper belonging Id Oeo. Kuch; assesssd at I Qoi district No .12 ; tested at J133.
'- ... . . , . ...... .. il t&. The west half of block 13 In Dalles City
Vi. Beginning at a point in the south line of ulol)eT Bnl iinlt Addition to Dslles Cltv bf--Main
street 40 feet west from the northeast comer ; ESS t, W Lord usessd at 143
of block S In Dalle City i roner, thence westerly ' l0D,nf w n u,ra ;
along the south Hue of Main street 51 feet; i Beginning at the southeast corner of the
thence at right an.les southerly 120 feet Ui the ! intersection of Court and Fifth street.- in Dalies
alley; thence easteily along the north line of the i UWi thence southerly al'ing the east Hue of
aliey 'il feet: thence at right anale northerly to 1 Court street to the alley, thence easterly along
Mace of beginning: belonging to Max Vogt: as-
I sesbeii at i j o
I ium; oeionging iu vnuiam neggenmau; us
seized at ?',;:.;:
22. A strip 2fi feet wide off the east Side of lot
7 in block :. iu Dalles City proper; buiouglng to
A Bettingen, and assessed at Hi.
X'.- A strip of ground 82 feet wide off the west
side of lot 7 In block j iu Dalles city proper; be-
loiiilng to Jlux ogt ui.a i i,et.-eU at
24. 1it h in blrsik IJ in Dalles Cltv proper: Ije-
longing to Prinz A Nttaawks and assessed at f30.
26. Lot ! In bloek 3 in Dalies City proper; be-
longing to Kate llandleyaud aasetsed ai 2U.
2fl. Lot 10 in block Sin Dalles City proper;
belunging to K Scbauno and aesel at 2t.
27. Lot ' iu block 4 in Dalles City proper, ex-
cvptnig theietrom the following tract, to-wit
ill iud iuiiuitiiii ii i, lO'WIi: I
point in the north line of SeCjJ
aid Dulles city 42 fet uesterly
tiou of Court aud Seixiud St.,
U'ginnliig at a point 111 tin- north line
ond street in n
fioui the intersect
thence northerly parallel with Court street to
feet; Usance westerly
24 lost; thence south
parallel with Second M.
erly parallel with Conrt
street SO feat; their e
easterly alone tbe no th
liiui-ef Heeond sbaet t.Oie pluee of bealnnUig:
r"l: longing to N H. (lutes aud usansed att!9
2S. A place of around described as follows:
beginning at a point In tbe north line of becond
straet in Dalles City 42 leet weat uf the iulersec
tlon of C nrt and Becond streets, thence north
erly parallel wftb Oaart atreat SO feet: theu.e
westerly parallel with becond street 24 feat;
thence southerly parallel with Court street fie
feet to Hecoud street; thence easterly along tbe
north Una of Hecoud atreat 21 fast la the place of
nwuiM ssaissopuiK sv ware sic jar
asZSi aJaaaaMastaier.'.
W. Lot 6 and the aaat half of lot 7 In block 4
In Dalles City proper, belonging to J. M. Mar
den. Assessed ai gU.
90. West half of lot 7 ln block 4 In Dalles City
beouging to James Snipe. Assessed at
PI --
M. Lot S In block 4 in Dalles City proper, be-1
t; kv.
-, !. j nd tw- vtt hslf of lot I ir block S
ic najje, city proner, belonainr to Mas Vort.
Ml en tZ-
Tbe eet naif of ft " fn block I in Ifc!!e
. , i . ....
" p"i.
proper, belonaglj Mai oa. : assessed atSp. ,
proper, balooalasT to Qao. A. Liahe: W I at
Ijr.ts 9 and 10 in block 5 in Dalles City !
VTOner, belonclnr to Wasco Lodrc. No. Li. A. f. I
a A. M. : assessed at In-.
1. Lot ' and IB feet off tbe east side of lot 6
JD n.nca s ic ua'ies itty proper, excefnns o
EVntuS" "t?- mVw w :
neionying to naues tnt? sssesseo at
41. A striti of frronna feet in width off the
Sr'geM . w'SSrnin aaaam?S
protwr. tK.-ingim? u m. jtccrnm . assessed at
4Z A strip of ground 1! feet in width off tbe j
er. beioDgihg to Jnlis A. Driver: assessed at I
Lots 1 and 2 in block S in Dalles Cltr
, belonging to Laura E. Frencb j
j LoU 4 and 5 in block T in Dalles City
proper, belonging to Geo. A. Liebe: assessed at
wm a.l . in uniga iu a uni -i k uiuiki . lpc-
onj0e to the estate of P Brogan deceased- as-1
m t
-IT. Lot 1 in block T in Dalles Cltv tirorer, be-j
lonin Columbia Ixidge, No 5,1 0 O F i
astrasj mi t.
French: assessed at Ji'.
, ' . . . ,
Lot 1 in bloc 8 in Bigelow's Addition to
ne to u. x. and j. w.
49. Lot I in block
in Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to Mary T . Klskeley : attested at fifl
fjU- Jf H&f 'P n width off the !
I-1.' ' - 1 u.t V. I"'. . .11 Ull. k I IU 1' III'' III' III 111'
. . . . X . X
r - r 'mnnrint i I riif mnisin wt sin
aateaaed at
L A ttrlp .of ground 36 feet Jn width off the i
wan . e ana it, im on me east now 01 ,
. i j it i iti fii.'K i in llrtlle I'ltv T.niiiPT iinnnnr .
I " Bamantha A. Fiench; aasetaed atlJtV
- . ....... ..
?f; rfgy.'?TPaaat m Waag.OW t
I weat side of lot v in block 7 m Dalles City mop-
baflon-xinsr to Maurw Coadon; assessed at iso.
53. Lots 5 and C in block S in Dalles City
P wiper, belonging to Mrs. D. M. Pretich: assess
ed at '- .
1 14. Lots 1 and 2 in block 10 in Dalles City
proper, belonging to Ursula Buch; assessed at
! PH.
65. Lot 5 in block 9 in Dalles City proper, be
, longing to Isabella Gray : assessed at ."...
6. Lot 4 in block & in Dalles Citv proper, be
longing to smith French ; assessed at tS9.
67. Lot 3 ln block 0 ln Dalles City proper, be
, longing to the heirs oi Bophla Kiss, deceased.
assessed at 120.
68. Lot 8 in block 9 in Dalles City proper, be
. longing to Anna F. Taylor; aaaeaaed at
69. Lot 9 in block-'n Dalles City proper, be
1 longing to Phoebe Egan: assessed at 149.
60 Tbe south half of lot 10 In block 9 in
Ijalios City proper, belonging to T. T. Nicholas;
' atscssed at fP
82. Lots 5 and Oln Trcvitt's Addition to Dalles
! City, beloiuriui: to the Kirst ( oiiKnufatioual
I church of Tbe Dalles: assessed at ICi.
! 63. Lota 1 and 2 iu block 12 In Gates' Addition
; , Ualles (.tv umeiiiK to Floreuce M. Vaust-;
j ussjiieij gf py,.
' M.uoru uue oi sue uouy i ieu.; ineuce
northerly parallel with Court street to the south
line of Filth Nlaset; thence westerly along the
south line of Fifth street to the place of be
ginning. Belonging to the estate of O. M.
Krause; assessed at (63.
67. Beginning at a point on the south line of
Fifth street its; feet easterly from the intersec
tion of Court and Fifth streets; tbenoe southerly
parallel with Court street to the alley; thence
easterly along the north line of the alley til feet ;
U..-UCI- northern parallel with Court street to the
south line of Filtn street: thence westerly alona
Hhc south line of Fifth street '! feet Co the -place
or rieainniug. Belonging to mux ogi . : llseell
at 117.
All said prop rty b.-iiiT in Dalles City, in
Wasco Counlv, State of Oregon.
tteid assessments were each au) all entered in
the dicket of city liens on the Vritli dav of Octo-
: "er, ivui,aiia are made payable In one payment
i !9 he mane on or before the lMh day of Novem-
! MWI-
This uotice is given by order ol the council.
fatel tbis Jth day of October, laOl.
j, le illKltTV,
I 1 '"' Recorder of Dalles City.
Trausaot General Banking Business.
Letters of Credit issued available in
tbe Eastern States.
Bight Exobange and Telegraphic
Transfers sotd on Now York, Chicago,
St. Louis, Han Franosseo, Portland Ore
gon, eeatde Wash., and varices point
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on lav
oreble terms.
me Ma tomtiL
Fine Imrd and Sausages
Curersef H AWU
JEIF.D beef. etc.
Wkgon and Cnrrl
TUM and tififcw. FMHu 159
lira Mi
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, rirtiutt I Sis
No. 2. Fast mail for Taooma,
Beattle, Olvmpia, Oray s
Harbor and South Bend
points, Spokane, Ross
land, B. C, Pullman,'
Moscow, Lewlstoii, Buf
11:15 A. M falotlump mining coun- S;S0P. M.
try, llelena, Minneapo
lis, St. Paul, Omaha,
1 Kansas City, St. Louis.
Chicago and all points I
Ko. 4. east and southeast. No. 8.
Puret Sound Expresg
U;30 P. H. for Taooma and Seattle 7,00 A. M.
and intermediate points
Pullman Arat-cla and tourist sleepers to
Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Missouri river points
without change.
Vestibuled trains. Uuion depot connections
m all principal cities.
Baggage checked to destination of tickets.
For handsomely illustrated descriptive matter,
tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent. 253 Horri
son Street. corner Third. I'ortlaud Oregon.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
Washington atreat. Itoonaa 83 30,
I'll It TLA N l, ORStOON.
The first registered aa well as tbe Orst gradu
ate palmist ever ln Portland The world's
g eatest Trance Clairvoyant and Herba 1st cau
be consulted daily on nil niTalrs of )lf .
Prof, de Morrison la without a doubt tbe moat
scientific Palinht and Clairvoyaut in the world
today: be locates hidden treasure, reunites the
separated, tells if there Is uiui-rul, o I. or gas on
your land enables you to win tbiafteoilou of
one you desire. .
Palmistry taught, mediumlstlc persons devel
oped. Heals by tbe uses of his revealed boibil
teas; cures obtonlc and so-caKed iucurahle dis
ease, free treatment for the poor.
Sand $1, date of birth and three questiona; all
letters answered at tiice.
Loeatd by Vision.
Portljud. Aug 10. -(To 'be KdlPirj.-Hoiner
de Morrison, ocoultlU. located by vision thebul
ion stolen irom the Meiby dmeltlug Weeks. In
bebslf of occult science he Immediately com
muntaalad by letter the faai to Mr. A. J Rsls
tou, owner of tbe Helby Works. The ruporU re
ceived last night prove his statements correct.
"It is pleasing to be assured that tbe cold
stoieu irom las belby HoialHug Work. ul
2 .toLb"ihllD oocuFuat. Tbl
KyV" " the story of she ooofeaaloa of the
Iblaf and that bis aaalaUnoe was required , V
npvertng the gold was a base OalltorVSl Invan
Uon for the purpose of depriving Oregon uf I oat
glory. '-Kdlto Portland UrTtUuJ
H Oregon
Qgp Shout Like
, hag
rta Hnnt
jlagnaa. 1 Atlantic
j Enem.
12. BO a. m.
9mft Lake, fV irei, rt
Worth. Omaha. Kc
wCttT.t Laart,fhl
, asc and the East.
1:05 p.i
Salt Lake, Denver. It.
Worth, Ociaca, Kan- . . ,
aaaCrtr.M Ink - a. 1
aaatbe ;
St. ta!
Fast af2.
WaHa Walla, Lewtston.
.Sit !!..
RaoL ItBhrlh, XT! vao-
AI1 aamac fate rev
FBrhan Francisco,
Ball every 5 days.
Hp. m.
4-00 p.t
4 oo p.
i rtSOfi-m. Tu
: 10JSO p. m.
and Way-
6N0. m.
tV til see tie Stiver.
Oregon CJty, Cewberg,
salem, Djde;ndence.
4:30 p. at
cs- m.
4:30 p. a.
Corral lis and War
Landings. WlllsmptU sad 3 30p.a.
Tamhttl Klvera. Monday,
Oregon CftT, ITton and WedneeSay
Way-LaDdlugs. rnday.
Slpana-to Lewlston. r.SOam.'
3 MB a. m.
Parties 3eaSrhsg to ro to Heppner at
on ( olumbta Bnathern via Biees. tboaU
o. 2, tear laa; e Dalles at 12 25 p. m.
:iltgdirect conueettoo at Heppner jnneosa
Hggs. Be'.urarac making direct couuactlM
asu mgrs wim no. i,ar
at lrt p. m.
eall on or address
The Dalles, uregon.
J.B. HCHB.vca, Max A
First national Bank.
A General Banking Business tranaetEfsJ
Depoeite received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
81 bt and TeiMcaphie Exchange sold
New York, Ban Francisco and "orV
D. P. TeoMraoM. Jeo. 8. SoneWft
En. M. Williams, Gno. A. LuMt.
H. M. Bball.
W W. WIXtiMI. Maoager.
First-gass ii? Every Retp
TV?al8 at ill (?
Tee tawto always sopplnvd el
74 Front St., near Ooort, Th-Dn