t Dalles VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1901. NO. 220 SBH AVcgetab4ePrcpadoftftf As similating toeFoodandBeftuta Ung the Stoaocte aadBoweb of Promotes DigestionJCheerfirf ness andRest-Containa neither Opium.Morphjne nor Mineral NOT HASLC OTIC. Stmt" sltx Smnm Aperfeci Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diatrtoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW "YORK. CASTORIA Ft Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of At AM itP 1 " 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC CCNTAIM eeSWSfWf. SJSJWJ .O.JK OrrV. Itebels In Rebo Have Surrendered. Washington, Oc 31. An important cablegram was received at the war de partment this afternoon from General Chafiee. It follows in part : "Manila, Oct. 31. Adjutant-General, Washington. The following is from Brigadier-General Hughes.: 'Insurrec tion forces on Gebu island have come in, laid down arms in good faith in obedi ence to the demand of the people, sixty officers, 470 men. Affairs yet not satis factory in Bohol Island ; may move ad ditional troops there to force settlement.' "This settles for the present, at least, the disturbance heretofore existing in Celm. Future disorder in that island will be made by deliberate action oi the inhabitants, aa peace may be easily preserved if the people are dispoeedlo do so. Shall advise Hoghee to waste no time, but move on Bohol immediately. Chaffek." Washington, Oct. 31. General Miles has reoom mended that the Eleventh Cavalry and the Twenty-eighth Infantry be sent to the Philippines. Two regi ments are all that the secretary desired to order to the Philippines at present. Tries regiments are to take the place of the Fortieth, Seventeenth, Twentieth nd Twenty-second Infantries. These regiments have been longest in the island and will be returned as toon as transports are ready. Will Arraign the American for label. Chicago, Oct. 31. Judge Hanecy to day appointed a special attorney for bia court to bring certain publicttions al leged scandalous ai tides before I is court ad ascertain the names of the persons responsible for tbeir appearance in Hearst's Obicago American, with the view of taking steps to punish them for contempt. The articles, it is alleeed, were published for purpose to intimidate the judge into rendering a decision against the gas tioat in the quo warranto proceedings instituted pn behalf of the American. Redmond Party Landed- New Yohk, Oct. 81. John E. Red mond, Patrick E. McHugh and Thomas 0lnn ell, nationalist members of pari it. -ment, wbo came here in behalf of the Irish cause, landed today from the teamsbip Majestic. Tbay were an thueiasiieally welcomed on the pier by a large delegation of Iriab Americans. The envoys intend to make a six weeks' tour of the United States, end tbe object of their misaioa is to further tbe interests ottue Irish League end explain tbe changes that have taken place in parlia mentary affairs since the death of Charles Stewart Parnell. Extensive preparations for tbeir reception here and elsewhere throughout tbe country have been made. Five hundred Irish women tendered a reception at the Hoffman House tonight to Messrs. Mc Hugh and O'Donnell and presented to them an address of welcome and also presented them a floral harp, eight feet high and bearing the inscription "Gead Mille Failthe." Mr. Redmond and hie ompanione will leave New York Friday of next week for Boston. Tbey will then visit Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco and all the large cities in the United States and Canada. Will Come to The Northwest Meat Year. Wabhtngton, Oct. 81. To Represents tive Jones of Washington, wbo called upon President Ro jsevelt today, to pay his respects, tbe president expressed his great interest in tbe Northwest, and aaid he expected to make a tour of that part of the United States next summer. He Kept Hll Lof. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched bis lei: with a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suf fered intensely-. Then the beat doctors urged amputation, "but," be writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve end my leg was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions, Ecsems, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has ne rival on eattb. Try them. G.C. Blekeley will guarantee satisfaction or tefuud money. Only 60 cents. Thousand Kent Into Ball. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose longs are sore and racked witb coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly aod not al ways erne. Don't be an exile when Or. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the moat infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, aod all Throat and Lung dlseaaea on earth. Tbe first dose brings relief. Astounding cores result from persistent use. Trail bottles fsee at G. 0. Bleketay'a drag store. Price 60c and 1.00. Every tottle guaranteed. 4 Uua't ata it an. Just wet tbe affected pan freely wltb Mysterious Pain Gore, a Sdoteb remedy, end the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke at Patt. FRENCH FLEET TO BOMBARD SMYRNA Sultan Abdul Hamid Has bat Three Days in Which to Make Complete Settlement. Paris, Oct. 81. Tbe officials of tbe French foreign office confirm tbe report that a division of tbe French Mediter ranean fleet, composed of three battle ships and two cruisers, under the com mand of Admiral Caillard, has proceeded from Tonlon to tbe Levant, to make a naval demonstration against Turkey. A foreign office official, in communi cating tbe foregoing to tbe correspond ent of tbe Associated Press, said : "Tbe squadron sailed with sealed orders and proceeds first to a Greek port, the island of Smyrna, I think, where the admiral will receive definite instruc tions as to carrying out his sealed orders. I am not at hbeity to say what tbe sealed orders are, but the seizure of tbs customs at Smyrna would probably be a very effective way of convincing the sultan that Franco's patience, is ex hausted and that we have decided to enforce an immediate execution of the Turkish government's engagements. We, however, are very hopeful that the sultan will not compel us to go to that extreme. Our squadron will not reach the Greek port before Sunday. Tue Turkish government has thus still three days' grace and we trust in tbe mean time to receive complete satisfaction. It is now three months since the French Ambassador, M. Constans, left Constantinople. His departure failed to produce the desired effect. On the contrary, even tbe quays and Tnnis questions, which were settled by tbe saltan's irades, remain unadjusted. Tbe internal situation in tbe Turkish empire deterred us for some time from taking drastic measures to enforce our demands. But tbe dignity of France could not per mit tbe present state of affairs to be pro longed indefinitely. We sincerely hope tbe sultan will fully appreciate tbe fact that we cannot any longer be trifled witb, and relieve us of taking further steps to safeguard our interests." The official was asked what would happen in the event" of the French squadron being' ordered to seise tbe customs, if tbe Turkish authorities resisted, and he replied : "That is a very unlikely contingency, but if it occurs, I suppose we shall bave to bombard that port. We do not want bloodshed, and I do not believe there will be any occasion for it." Supreme BSTort to Bad Boer War. Aldzbshot, England, Oct. 31. It is understood as a result of tbe conclusion arrived at by tbe cabinet Monday every available infantryman will be sent to the front in South Africa between now and Christmas. The departure of tbe cavalry brigade from Alderehot Confers to which effect were received there last night, the troopers being instructed to start for South Africa about tbe middle of November), will leave oaly a single regiment of regular cavalry, tbe Thirty first Lancers, in tbe United Kingdom. Prince Arthur of Connanogbt, wbo is a second lieutenant In tbe Seventieth (Queen's Own Husears), goes witb his regiment to South Africa. Miss Btone'o Case. Co.NBTANTiNOPi., Oct. 31 . It is again rumored that Madame Tsilka, companion of Mias Stone, and her child (born since ber capture by brigands), are dead. Better Gave Odds Against Il. Naw" Yoax, Oct. 31. 8etb Low is a ten to Bine favorite in this morning's betting. Pood Chanced to foleen. Putrefying food in tbe intestines pro daces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidaey and Bowel troubles. Only 86c at G. O. Blaheley's drug store. Experience is tbe best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of mi alba, siilii r-rr-f Should It tail to give imsaceleta relief saeaey refunded K eta. and 60 eta. Blekeley, the dreg- Skirt Materials j& jz? The much sought-after kinds are here in abundance. Pebble Cheviots, heavy Ox ford Cloths, beautiful Venetians, Coverts, Serges, Tweeds and Homespuns; in black, navy, browns, castor, brown and gray oxfords, etc a variety from which there is not wanting a single item to make it complete. Our east window today shows a good assortment of the above including certain weaves especially selected for the popular rainy-day skirt. Prices range from 65c to $2.25 yd. All colors in Blots SKIRT BINDING ft 1-Se yard " "71 Bias Caret! Royal Worcester Bias-gored Straight-frcnt Corsets V We show a full line of noi.nhir-i.rire. straight- front Corsets, under the above well known brand. No other line of corsets on the market offer tbe same amount of satisfac tion to the wearer . . . .and as the original straight front Corset the Royal Worcester contains important features which are txcliieively its own. Prices are $1, $1.25, $160. $2, $2 25 and $3. Something New V 4SS Royal Worcester Tape Girdle Adapted for tail, slender figures, and more especi ally intended for scant bust. 12 inch, four-hook clasp. Made from imported ooutille in pink and blue, satin ribbon bow. Price $1.25 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is tbe order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often rained in the strenuous efforts to make or bsve tbe money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortifyJberself aaainst tbe insiduoas consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by tbe regular use of 'Dr. Boscbee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption in its early stsgesand heal tbe effected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread diseasetfrom the system. It is not a care all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and ell bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies et Blakeley's drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 Do yon softer from piles? If so do not tarn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's Witch Hsxel Salve will act more quickly, sorely and safely, saviog you the expense and danger of an operation. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Chookiclb, price $1.60, and tbe Weekly Oregon ian, price $1.60, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. f Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are tbe beat. Ask your gr tgsy for them. Gifford's Potos Never Fade OVER-WORK. Hundreds of Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, and other overworked Professional and Business Men who thought tbey had kidney trouble have told ns they had never -n able to find anything to equal Lincoln Sexual Pills for the care of that pain In the back , end tbe all gone feelins that so often precedes paresis. Price. $1 00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00., Ft. Wajne, lad. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dallas, Or. JUST ARRIVED I The largest and most complete line of . . . Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES, OREGON. A full Una of BRIDGE A BEACH SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES, and Cook and Heating Stoves. FARMING IMPLEMENTS Agents for Hooster Drills, J. L Oeae Steel Farm Harrows and Plows. Spring Tooth Harrows, Bissell Chilled Plows, Mitchell Wag ons snd Hacks, Henuey Baggies. ...Star Windmills... With Ball and Roller bearings, and folly warranted. Write as for prices end catalogues. All orders entrusted to us will beva prompt attention. Prices always right. The only Exclusive Hardware Store in tba city, IMH ever ahowu in the city are now oa diapUy at H. Glenn & Co's Paint and Oil stora. p. S. OUJHNJHO, Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -oBALaa im- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Axeat tor BasssU Oe.'s atagtoas, TBtssker and Saw Mills. Telephone 111. 1071. Off. INN! I laUfUll SU, TIB DALLBF Oi Subscribe for The Chronicle.