The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 31, 1901, Image 4

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Special Sale of
Mush Material.
Cream Flake Wheat, bulk
7 pounds for 2c.
Cream Flake Wheat, 2s,
3 packages lor 25c.
Grano, 5s, 20c pr package
Grocery Department
I Pease & Mays.
"Stock Inspector A. A. Bonney lain the
city, the guest of the Umatilla Honse.
Mrs. J. B. Sneer, of the Warm Springs
agency, spent last night in the city, the
guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. Williams.
Orcgon Hoy Ply Just One Game.
ArrMttd at RoMbarg.
Rosiburq, Oct. 30, Two men were
arrested here by Marshal Dillardon sns
picion of having been connected with
the recent hold-up and robbery of the
Southern Pacific train. They gave their
! names as James Peltntore and Jack Wil-
son. Both are strangers in Rosehurg.
They were held on a charge of lieing
drnnk and disorderly. They declare
that they came from The Dalles and
N. Jackson, D.tnvil!?, 111., writes : "My
daughter had a severe attack of la grippe
and a terrible rough eettled on her lung,
i We tried n great many remedies without
; giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey
! and Tar which cured her. She lias
! n 'vt been troubled with a cough finv.
Uiarse & rata.
C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., says
his child was completely cured of a bad
! case of eczema by the use of De Witt's
Witch Haz?l Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
La grippe coughs often continue for
months and sometimes lead to fata) re
snl.s after the patient is supposed to
have passed the danger point. Foley's
Honey and Tar affords positive pro
tection and security from these coughs.
Clarke & Falk.
THe People's national Family Newspaper
To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly 'Chronicle for $1.50.
W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va.,
druggist, writes: "Your Oue Minute
Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction.
! My customers say it is the best remedy
I for cough?, colds, throat mid lung
! troubles." Clarke A Falk'e P. O. Phar
j macy.
Homer Angell. of The Dalles, and Dick
Smith, another Oregon graduate, went
to Columbia University, New York, to
study law. says a recent issue of the
Telegram. Although greatly interested
in footbali work, the two Webfoot de
cided not to participate in the sport, but
onntiu fhpir p!lprTTIq tfl the nACTPR of
" B . 1 1 1 w:u i l - u
t mr sen i. ii i-miu nere si.e couiu assist
'in housework and receive 3mil wcges.
Good reference. Address The Chron
I ici.b. d''9 ii2
Wanted By a young woman with a
j child of a and n half old, a home
Published Monday,
Wednesday and Frl
day, ts In reality a fine
and fresh every-othcr-day
Dally, Riving the
latest news on days of
isMie, and covering
news of the other S.
It contains all impor
tant foreign cable
new which appear
In the Lratly Tribune
of same date, also do
mestic and foreign
coriespotidcnce. short
storlet, elegant half
tone illustrations, hu
moious Items, indus
trial information,
fashiou notes, agricul
tural matters, and
comprehensive and re
liable financial and
market reports.
Regular subscrip
tion price, $1.50 per
We furnish it with
Semi Weekly Chroni
cle for 12.00 per year.
Published on Thurs
day, aad known for
nearly sixty rears In
every part of the Uui
ted flutes aa a nation
al family nowspaper
of the hlguet class,
for farmers and villa
gers. It contains all
the most Important
Enteral news of the
ally Tribune up to
the hour of going to
Sress; an agricultural
epartment of the
highest order, has en
tertaining reading for
every member of the
family .old and young:
market reports which
are accepted as auth
ority by farmers and
merchants, and it
clean, up-to-date, in
teresting and instruc
tive. Regular subscrip
tion price, II per year.
We furnish it wlta
Semi-Weekly Chroni
cle for 11.50 per year
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest knoTrn female remedy.
ftlllTIAII Bcwareof counterfeits and imitations. Tneg'.nnlne Is pnt up only In paste-board Cat
WHUIIUN ton with fac-simile signature on side of the bottle, thin: dhgg acts327!.
Bend for Circular to WILLIAM MVii. Co., Solo Agents, Clerel&nd, Ohio.
For sale bv Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dalles, Or.
Risers never
safe, prtirupt,
removing all im
purities from the liver and bowels.
Small and easy to take. Never gripe or
distress. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Phar
macy. For I ueumonla.
Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., says :
' I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in
thiee very severe cases of pneumonia
with good results in every case." Be
ware of substitutes. Ciarke & Falk.
Blackstone. However, they wanderer
to the aide lines each evening and
watched the varsity and "scrub" elevens
a f nTflPM Riinip nf ihp flinnant pnst-
erners le.trned of :he football renown of j DeWitt's Little E.r!y
the two Oregon lads, and passed light j disappoint- They are
remarks in tlieir presence, tailing tntm ; jrentie, tn-ctive in
if they wert- such "crackajacks" they
had better enter the game. This effer
the boye declined with thanks, but the
Columbia roosters took up the cry of
"co:d vet," at which our boys promiftd
to como out j ;i s t for one practice.
When they appeared on the fiVId nest
atternoon the Columbians save them
the "ha-ha." They immediately sized j
Smith up as a big "stiff," in college par-
lance, and Angell, who has hut one
hand, was just a coo.mon "mark." The
coach set the Oregonisnson the "ecrub"
team, and both immediately distin
guished themselves by magnificent
defensive work. . When the "scrubs"
took the ball, it was passed back to
Smith, who was playing half-back.
Without waiting for interference, he
broke through varsity line and, giving
the "straight arm" to half a dozen men,
rahed up almost the entire length of
the field and m.ide a loueh down.
'Hevas able to outrun the swift men
hi n it the Columbia line and scored on
the varsity, something that isn't often
done iu a big college. The players,
coacherennd rooters immediately swarm
ed about the Etijjene man and began lb
feel his muscles and :ye him in perfect
wonderment. When asked if there were
any more in Oregon like him, Smith re-1
plied: "The woods are full of 'em."
Smith has .positively declined to play
any mote football, but says he just
wanted to show the easterners that Ore
go;, wasn't So stow.
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely the best for all
diseases of the throat and lungs. Dealers
are author:, d to guarantee it to give
satisfaction. Clarke & Falk.
Dalles, wW & Astoria
White Collar Line.
THe DaiiBS-PBillaml Route
Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablete. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 els. Riakeley the druggist.
Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Inr" : "De
Witt's Little Enriy Risers never iiend me
double like other pills, but do their work
thoroughly and mako me fee! like a boy."
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke' &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
A new line of children's school hats
and cape reel veil at Campbell & Wil
son's millinery parlors. At reasonable
prices. Call and ste them.
For rent
rooms in
Kbw Y
It to Its Only ao Illutlou.
ouk U.::. oU. llie .Berlin cor
respondent of the London Times and the
Ke York Times sayathe letters of Gen
eral Voyron.w no commanded the French
troops in China, to Field Marshal Count
von Waidersee have made a disagreeable
impression. Ttie German public, ac
cordirg to the correspondent, which has
beeu deluded into the belief in a grow
ing Franco-Herman friendship, now has
its eyes opened. The Kreuz X-itung
does not publish the letters because, as
it save, "they do not furnish altogether
attractive reading for wide circles."
A couple of lame furnished
a nice locilitv below the bluff.
Inquire of Condon 'phone No. 391.
For Intaats and Children.
fbe Kind You fiave Always Bougni
at 7 A. M.
Leaves Portland at 7 a, m. on Tnee
dav, Thursday and Saturday.
Arrives The Dallep, same day, 5 p. m.
Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m.
Meals the Very Best.
.Portland Boat... LflK
This Route has the
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
at 7:00 A. M.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
T . ,
, ueave roriiana v a. m,
! Leave Astoria 7 p. m.
W. C.
ALLAWAY, General Agent,
The Dalles. Oregon.
Landing and office Fool of Alder
Street; both phones, Main 351, Port
land, Oregon.
Bears the
MpUp of
Dyspepsia Cure
notice. Digests what yon eat.
Effective this dae. A charge of $1 I It artificially digests the food and aids
per car per day wi;l he made for delay to Nature lo strengthening and recon
cars, for all time held under load, in atructintr the exhausted digestive or-
loading or unloading by consignee or gans. It is the latest discovereddigeat
i consigner, in exeeK- of forty eiht hours . ant and ionic. No other preparation
from time car is set for iuadini; or un-! can anuroach It in efficiency. It in
James Ibelano
Agent O. R. & N. Co.
Shamrock II Nut for Bat. .
QuEExrrowN, Oct. 30. Sir Thomas
I.ipton, who an i veil here today on board
the White Star L ne steamer Celtic,
M VT V. I ! . .
irum ne lorn, srtiu to a represents- ,
tive of the Associated Press that the re
port that Ihe ISnaiurock II was for sale
id New York was quite untrue, and he
intended raciug her iu American waters
next aeaeon. lie reiterated his purpose
to again chaheuue for the America's ;
,-up anil expressed hi.uself as being !
4juite tutistifd with the manner in I
which the Shamrock II had been sailed. I
You will not have boila if you
Ciarke & Falk' enre cure ot boile.
UurstiS fur Sl.
Twelve good work horses.
vrv, A unlf in KaA f a tarn
Will tell
stantly relieves and permanently curea
Dyspepsia! Indigestion, Heartburn.
TT'IarnlancA. Rniir Kfnmnih. TCfiiisen.
,ake ! Sick Headache, Gastralgla Cranapsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
1 Price Mc. and (1. LargosUecontalnsSH times
' ...n.i.A n i ill I i 1 i iTi tfi
'.aeared by c c oVITT CO.. Cbtcagw
Sold by Clark - i Falk V P.O. Pharmtcy.
Clark & Falk are never close I Sonday.
Don't fnroet this.
are the most fatal of
E. W. Crichton, Agent Portland,
Prat her and Barnes, Attts., Hood River,
Wolford a Wyers, Agts.. White Salmon,
J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria.
J. M. FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles.
Jast What
Yoa caant.
A Ute Watiington dispatch says:
"Woolgroweie in California and Oregon,
and in fact all of the western states,
have obtained an important diplomatic
victory by succeeding in inducing the
administration to abandon the reciproc
ity treaty with Argentine republic,
which prcposad a reduction in the tariff nHflft physicians ftS the DCSt fof
on wool coming Irom that country cf KiAnv and HlaHrL tfOtlUfft.
FOLEY'S wuiSih
or money refunded. Coritiifna
remedies recognized by emJ-
If yon want to retain your hair yen
have to kep your tcilp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Aow we nave two of the yery j
best preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
i will leave yonr hair soft and glossy,
all ti- Price, 2! and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraier's
j barber chop, The Dalles. tf
When yonr hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gels In that con
dition. We have ft the Crown of
Science Hair flMfife Grower and
Cocoa nut CreamH Wr Tonic. They
will cure dand iawV run aid nil
scalp diseases. For sale at Fraaer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
twenty per cent ner pound.
Qifford'B Fotoe Never Fade.
PRICE 60c aad SMB.
Sold by Clarke & Falk, Druggists.
Floral lotion will core wind chapping
and snuburn. Manufactured by Carte
A Falk.
New idea in Wall Paper here. Sirab
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Blegant desigus, tasteful coloring, yours
for a smell price, at oor store on Third
street. Alto a full line of boose paints.
D- W. VATJSE, Third St.
for 8ale7
About a dosen head of 3 year-old
Shorthorn stock cows, and some early
spring salve. And I wish to purchase
one or to No. 1 milch cows. Address
4 Johk M. Davis,
f Endersby, Or.
I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Groeer.
v aeiill waaMBjBBBeawawsaMasawaBi
Ranjasaaviaijaieitu l iaiaIXiji p
I C. J. STUBLilflG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive promot attention.
i:. melon rhuni 83
Long; Dint. 1001.
Next door to First National Bank.
i,tii twrsira j rtli rTl tfi I ft flrtenf
Wasco Wain Hi X
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinde
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SiS!
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
frtn "STlmiT This door is manufactured expressly for family
bvJJJ. . XJ Ui use ; every sack is anaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell onr goods lowor than any honse in the trade, and if yon don't think ss
call and get cqr prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
r Gpandall & Barget I
DEALERS IN ms fabeS,
fill kinds of tjndkktaker . Burial Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles. Or.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vig
or and banish "paint
of menstruation." They are " LIFE SAV-ERS" to irirls si
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PES BOX BY MAIL. Sold
by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio
For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or.
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 2H, 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
0 tbe best of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
X est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
1 young. Its use can conscientious! v he nraannruMl h th nhvaieians with
J the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
v pubbioiy ue touna.
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
ST. 3D. BA.TT, aFrop.,
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street
Phones: 61 Lcal,
868 Ijong Distance.
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