The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 31, 1901, Image 3

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    ...The New York Cash Store...
138 end 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORK of the City.
oat Sole of
Arc You Mixed.
on the Suit and Overcoat Question?
It's pretty hard to know what to do, ifn't it, when every clothier in town
has "the beaiavthe lw-st p'ioe" and all "give satisfaction," and a! heat the
tailor to pi?ce and erve vou a half to a third and all that. It comes down to
the quest! -n of falih in someboir. Hart, SchaAier Bv Marx tailor-made
ClotHintf, m.i xpreesly for PEASE & MAYS, will answer
the question. Stylish, durable and beat for the money.
$10.00 to $2300.
Largo assortment of SHIRTS, made up in plain and
neat effects; Correct Style for this season.
$1.00 to $2.83.
Yclvo Chameleon Neckwear, the only new thing
from the silk looms this fall. Sold by Pease & Mays only.
Largest and best assortment of Stylish Hats in
the city.
We offer for this week
complete line of Gloves, in
tan, brown, black and red!
S1Z38 6 to 7 l2-
Sped I Sale Price,
50C tSr
No gloves will be fitted on
during sale.
Little feet.
Take care of them the big feet
will take care of themselves.
There la no article of wearing ap
parel that n quire so much atten
tion as Children' Shoes. We be
lieve in good sho"8 Mid the right
kind of shoes for children shoes
that con for n to the naturMl hape
of the foot without sacrificing nil
sense of good taste. We have sev
eral makes of Children's Shoes
made from the nest of leathers
and on the right laata.
Box Calf, $1.50, $1.75,
$2.00 and $2.25.
Kid, $1.50, $1.75, $2
and $2.50.
Kangaroo Calf, $1.25,
$1.50 and $2.00.
AH sizes and widtha.
if V
The Dalles Daily ChKmiele.
OCT. 31. 1901
Oysters J
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco County warrant registered
prior to December 88, 18.8, will be paid
on presentation at mr office. Interest
ceatea after October 80, 1M1.
Conner Treasurer.
The weather forecast for tonight and
Friday is "increasing cloudiness."
Don't forget the dance at Fraternity
hall tonight. Supper and 8 good time.
Eugene has rained a bonus of $8000 for
a woolen mill to be erected at that place
Best Rock Spring lamp coal $7.50 per
too, delivered to any part of the city.
Stadelman Com mission Co. o311w
The grand social entertainment to be
given by the Modern Woodmen at the
Baldwin next Monday night will be free
to everybody.
The parties who borrowed the Circle
coffeepot without permission some time
fiDte, are requested to return it at once
to Fraternity ball.
Mrs. P. J. Stadleman is recovering
rapidly from the attack of typhoid fever.
She was able to ait up in bed for 8 little
"hile for the first time yesterday.
Another fresh case of diphtheria was
reported to the city authorities this
morning. The victim is the mother of
six children. The house was promptly
A plaai drunk, who gave hit name as
Mike Raglan, was arrested last night by
Officer Paulsen and contributed $2 to
the replenishment of the eity exchequer
this morning.
K - v. C. D. Mickelseo, the M. E. pas
tor of Goldendale, announces that he
will preach next Sunday on the subject,
"The Creed of Emma Goldman and Her
Uoldendale Disciples."
Dftd Butts today closed the sale ol lots
'and 2 in bios 8, Bgelow's Bluff Addi
o for the ram of $50. The rota be
"onged to F. H. Wakefield and were told
to Caroline Jonas and husband.
Mr. W. g. Williams, who underwent
critical sarisal operation at The
Dalles Hospital a weak or so ago. baa to
r con valesoad thai k! nmaut hm.
ory is now Siy antlsrjjsaf'l'
me Dalles Hlsh School baas ball team
just eonalndas) i-snerm-rti ftr slWsWtsd
"riss of games with the Golds-dais
f"my, and for oas gas with the
Portland high school. Tba tones has
,ec'ved challsngss from tbs Dafar high
school, Hill's Military Academy,
land, and the Portland Academy
Harry Dunn and the widow of the late
Neil McLeod, of Goldendale were mar
ried at tbe home of the bride yesterday
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will
spend their honeymoon on tbe Sound.
M. McGinnis, adminiatrator of tbe
estate of the late Wenceehtaa Psebek,
announces tbe sale at auction at tbe
ranch in Columbia precinct, on Novem
ber 13th, of tbe cattle, horses, bogs,
chickens, hay, farming implements, etc.,
belonging to tbe estate. Tbe terms will
be made known at tbe time of sale.
Dad Bptts put out a new sign this
morning in front of Hudson & Brown
hill's office, which be had made to hold
slips of cardboard describing tbe prop
erty he has for eale or rent. The sign
was only in place a little while when
somebody tacked a good-sized card on it
with tkiis legend: "Wanted, a good
looking widow. Apply at once to Dad
Mayor Farley received a telegraph
message from Huntington, Baker county,
early this afternoon announcing that
Wesley Roberta, son of Mrs. A. J. Lin
ton of lower Ten Mile, had been acci
dentally and dangerously shot at that
place jnet before noon today. No farther
particulars of tbe accident were given.
Mr. Farley fortbwitb forwarded tbe sad
news to Mrs. Linton.
Merchants desiring advertising space
in tbe special new year edition of This
Chbonicle will make application to W.
C. Campbell or at this office. Space is
rapidly bring taktn. and the indicationa
are that the number of pages of this
splendid issue will .have to be increased
to accommodate tbe liberal patronage.
Remember the date of publication is
about December 15'h in order to give
tbe business men an opportunity to ad
vertise their holiday goods.
Deputy Sheriff Wood and Officer
Alibky last evening arrested a Yakima
Iodian, named Alec McCoy, who is
wauled at Zilla, Yakima county, for
horse stealing. The srrest was made in
response to a notice sent to Sheriff Kelly
by tbe sheriff of Yakima county on tbs
11th instant. Mr. Kelly turned tbe
matter over to Messrs. Wood and Alisky.
with tbs result above related. Consta
ble Lawrence, of Zilla, was expected
here today to take tbe Indian back tor
Tba ladiea of the W. C. T. U.. feeling
there should bs some effort made to
arouse public sentiment on the gross
temperance question, are trying to ar
range tor a number of meetings for this
purpose. Tbs first will bs held st tbs
M. 8. church Friday evening at 7 :W.
The principal address will bs mad. kg
Bsv- Alexander, pastor si tbs Christian
church. They are planning for some
singing and other exercises.
JjAJl intsrsstsd laths wsifars of our town
Hand community are urged to bs present, tj. a dispel, of Jong eOsdleg
Bi ... '.''" 'ilm A . J 4-.U - - --- -- - .... nl
Tba WooJgrowess
and Harney counties will
Ontario, Oregon, November 20th at 2 p.
m. This meeting is called for tbe pur
pose of making the association stronger,
etc., and to take active measures In re
gard to defeating tbe passage of tbe
range lease law. Opposition to such a
law Is widespread, saya the Vale Ga
zette, and tbe promoters of the bill will
be wise if tbey hang it up on a sage
brush. The masses are determined that
the cattle kings shall not get their mitts
on the public domain.
Some of tbe town kids evidently mis
took last night for Hallowe'en and played
a number of annoying pranks on divers
and sundry cltisens, who were corres
pondingly mad this morning. B. T.
Collins, the milk man, was one of the
victims. A gang of youngsters made a
raid on bis milk wagon and almost got
away with a can of milk. Mr. Collins
is on bis ear and vows that tonight be
will be "loaded for bear" and if any sim
ilar game is attempted he'll blow a bole
through somebody, or try to doit, awful
A delegation of some ten or twelve
Sherman county ranchers and business
men, consisting of Carl Peetz, Alex.
Scott, W. H. Moore, Harry King, J. W.
Meseinger and others, passed through
town yesterday afternoon on the way to
Portland to confer with Senator Mitch
ell and urge tbs righteousness of tbe
claima upon tbe government tor s rea
sonable compensation of tboss who filed
homestead and other claims and made
valuable improvements on certain lands
that the United States supreme court
receutlv declared to be included in tbs
original grant to Tbs Dalles Military
Road Company.
Magnificent natural advantages lis
undeveloped and unimproved in Wasco
county for jack of tbs necessary capital.
Tub Chkoniclk wants to tell this to tbs
world through the columns of its great
new year edition. You make it possible
tor it to do so by patronizing tbia special
issue. This edition ill help Tbe Dalles ;
you help this edition. It will invite tbs
proper kind of Immigration, sod will
not state that figs grow on thistles here
more than elsewhere. Tbis county Is
competitively new, sod wbst it wants
mors tbsn snytbiog else to promote its
dsvelopment is capital sod purposeful
energy. The Cmuomiclk in its holiday
adition will tell all' tbis and illustrate lta
articles. Give tbis issue s boost.
Tbe Oregonlan says: "Inspectors
Edwsrds snd Fuller have just concluded
taking testimony relative to tbe collision
which occurred at, Ly le, Washing too,
between tbs Hegokttor Lias steamer
Regulator snd Whits Collar etesraer
Bailey Gstsert, and will render tbejr
decision in a day or so. Wblls tba
damage sttendsut upon tbs collision of
tbs two steamers est nominal, there
uemrtbsiaso has baso an infract is of
th rales of tbs inspectors gossralac
lbs amount of daassgs In
curred is not tsksn into coosldsrstion.
It is the damage whscb might have oc
curred that counts, and It if possible
tbs inspectors may find It necessary to
reprimand one of ths captains.
Tbe editor of a country newspaper has
no business to make mistakes, says
Truth. He has no business ever to get
snytbiog into his paper that people do
not like. Hs ought to know what would
nit each individual or be ought to take
each item before It is published and let
tbe parson whom It concerns censor it.
An editor bas plenty of time to do tbis,
as all he bas to do is to bunt news end
clean rollers, set type, clean the floor,
pen short items and hustle advertising,
fold papers and write wrappers, make
paste and mail ths papers, talk to visit
ors and distribute type, carry water and
read proofs and correct mistakes, bunt
the shears to clip articles, dodge the
bills and dun the delinquents, take
cussing and tell subscribers that be
needs money. An editor bas no business
to make mistakes while attending to
little trifles like these, and living on ox
tail soup, flavoring, imsgioation; wear
ing old shoes and no collar, a patch on
the equator of bis pants, and at tbs
cms time turn 8 smiling countenance
on tbe man who tells him that bis paper
isn't worth tbe subscription price snd
anyons could ran a better one with tbsir
eyas shot.
Don't baa bask number. Shoot np
to data ammunition. Peters Semi
Smokeless Powder cartridges cost no
more tban the cheapest black load, glvas
all the advantages of tbe smokeless loads
excepting a light vapory smoke. Peters
cartridges, loaded with Kings Semi
Smokeles tave won the worlds chain -pionsbip
record, tour years in succession.
Peters Loaded Shells are txce'led by
uons in strength, velocity, cleanliness,
snd will improye any man's score.
Maier & Benton sole agents tor The
Dalles. o30 ltdsv
Dad Butts bas a bargai n to offer to his
fneuds in the shape of a uaat, sis room
cottage with modern conveniences, on
Alvord avsnus. It will pay you to in
vestigate this proposition if you want
a boms. Ws also bavs other vsry desir
able property. For further particulars
sea Dsd Butts, at Hudson A Browohlll's,
Tbs Dallas, Oregon. 8td-1 w
Agents wanted for "Life of Prssidsnt
Theodore Boosevelt;" thrilling illus
trated biography of our youogest presi
dent ; complete outfit mailed on receipt
of 85 cents In stamp; bs first In ths
field, n. C, Millar A Co., Portland.
Oregon. 29 2-tu-tu-sat
"Life of McKinloy," complete books
no rsady. Can fill ordsrs tor book
writtsu by Marshall Kvfrstt or Mo rat
Balstead. Bast editions published.
0 tit free. 8. C, Miller Co., Portland,
Or. . g.-toHh.s
If anything alls yoar hair, go and ass
OsgJkgeaT haJS tfatlg) sttstnSaftsTCawwwt lOtT flsU
hair rssaadiss. Basis at bar that hs
snakee specialty of tboss goods. if
..Boys' mil M1 SHITS..
We have just received our complete fall tine of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering. them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make vour purchases without
seoing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The New York Cash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The Introduction of Cole's Origins! Air-Tin In Heater has revolution
ised the heatinii stove trade in all sections of the United States. Its won
derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other escelUnt qualities,
strongly recommend it to all in nee J of a heating stove.
What Cola'e H.atar Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from ro to
80 degrees In five minutes.
It will heat your home evenly day and
It holds fire 30 hours without attention.
You build only one fire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corn cobs, and gives excellent results with
tbis fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
Tbe stove is light sod easily moved and
set up.
The combustion is perlect and ashes ara
removed only otcs in four weeks.
Nona of the heat Is wasted and the stove
will save one-half of your fuel bill.
It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to Slav
Where wood is used for fuel every family should
more of tbese stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
r ,T
' Every one of die
iir.ti.cht as lona as used
New Crooery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Qive us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Blakeley's Drug Store,
170 2d St., TH8 DALLES
We carry tb. largest and most com pl.t
fc.ek lu Kaatern Oregon of
, mils Sd WALLETS,
Ult 0N K X I'M i' 1 ol Lemon and V
nl; la aru the Meat Mada.
Kvor thing WV Mil in V roll.
Our prloes are Oonaiitani.
Our PRBSOBIPTION Oeparleuaot
U In charge of cftmtjuteot men.
Or. Wood's Liniment,
Or Wood' Mrrdla,
Or VVuu.i'. Iloadaetla Tablets.
MAIL OBUBBS leeetve our MTU DUflllf C I vvry fMSnguilellvered free. I
personal allenUoo. DUIIIrnUlICO H.irt(ly, lu Ue city. I
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Q M Just received 1000
of tbs latest patterns in deal's
Clothing Goods. He guars
tses prices snd a good at or no
nay. i i
John Pashelf, The Tiller.
ttmfc aseiMeee.
'lavv kaassjsns) Weiss fkisplji
Address, P. 0. SWS MS, TUB DA LI Hi, 01.
fire Insurance.
Uv sbsi 4 Cran Ibs. Co. of 1mm.
Pounded I SUV
Capital pakt up .87,000,000
Aassts 8itO.liMi.Oa5
Now Is ths time to insure ; tomor
row may be too lata.
Phona Nu. 8fl, Heutort A Condon.
moon Mo. boo. recido States Co.
Resident Agent, The Dallas.
i Why pay IMS pargsiloa tor lafsviae
paints wbsa you oaa bay Jataao W,
rillan, guaranteed for t rears. Ulark
elk, agents. sbJ