The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY OCT. n, 1901 II R. SCOTT H CASMLACY. Tbe East Oregonian wishes to say to .The Dalles Chronicle that it is sincere in its advocacy of tbe elec tion of H. W. Scott, of tbe Pvrtland Oregon ian, to succeed Joseph Simon in tbe United States senate from Oregon, and will support him for tbe position against any man In Ore gon, democrat or republican, on tbe ground that Mr. Scott is the Guest man for the ofl&re. standinj head and shoulders above any other man in tbe state as a representative of 'the Oregon country" in the upper hose of congress. There is no question regarding bis fitness and ability, and, if he were elected, it would be cred itable to the people of tbe state in tbe eyes of the people of the whole nation. In short, the office should seek tbe man in this instance. Let it be put on record for all time that tbe democratic East Oregonian is for H. W. Scott for United Stales senator in 1903. and that it will have no other candidate. Will The Dalies Chronicle plesse accept this open declaration, or will it continue to squeak, sneer and snarl because the East Oregonian has dared to suggest "a good thing" for Oregon that the republican party can perform if it would serve tbe pecpie? East Ore gonian. The Dalles Chronicle does accept this open declaration, and is as much surprised as delighted at the East Oregonian"s candor and good sense. The election of Mr. Scott to the United States senate wonid dc honor to tbe state and wonld in a measure help wipe out tbe burning disgrace of Simon's election. Harvey eott. in the judgment of The Chkoxicle. towers head and shoulders above any man that could be named in Oregon for United States senator, with only one. or possibly two excep tions. In this opinion The Chron icle and East Oregonian are entirely as one. Whether or not Mr. Scott, who has made many bitter enemies, and richly deserved to have made them too, could be elected, is a mat ter that The Chboxicle has no desire to discuss. We only add as an apology for mistrusting tbe East Oregonian that our mistrust arose from an acquaintance with that paper in years gene by, when its editorial expression was guided by a mind that never had a kindly thought or a generous word lor anybody out side its cwd political circle. LET TEE POLITICIANS EEWaRE. The wool growers of Southeastern Oregou are in dead earnest on the subject of leasing tbe public domain. So are the ranchers and small stock men, and their opposition to the scheme is justifiable and right. The leasing of the public domain means the rnin of tbe very class of people who are doing more than any others to develops tbe natural resources of a country that in the bands of great cattle syndicates would remain a practical wilderness for a'.; time. At a recent meeting of these protestants the following unequivocal resolution was passed i 'Resolved, That should the pro posed law jss we will never here after, in tbe discharge of our duties as citizens, allow any opportunity to pass without showing our disapproval and condemnation of tbe men and the political party that may be re sponsible for its passage; that we earnestly urge the people of eacL election precinct in Lake county to meet at the carl est dav possible, that the' may take such action as may be deemed best, in opposition to tbe proposed policy of leasing the public lands, and to bring the entire population into harmonious action 'against leasing.' We suggest that, when there shall be two other as sociations of like purpose organized, each association shall appoint one member of s county executive com mittee, which committee shall meet and dense some plan by which tbe united voice of the people msy be ' taken, so that their opposition to this movement of leasing tbe public ' lands msv be made known to tbe American congress :n the clearest snd most effective manner." Just as long as tbe 'statement mains uncontradicted that Admiral Schiey's flagship received seventy j per ernt of tbe bits made by the1 piniards, and bad tbirty-six por MM of the return fire to her credit, just so long the people of the United i States will give admiral Schley tbe ; credit of the victory over the Spanish ! quadron at Santiago, in spite of tbe decision of all tbe naval inquiry boards in the universe. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke t Fa a have a saie a fall line ' of paint sa i artist'- brasher. Ever-ber'rig ra?ptrry plants at Mrs. C. J. Stub :ngs f jT ten cents each. a-u A line of Eastman .u. and sop plies just received ry C;rke & Faik. Bolt of the beautiful Easter Lily, 10 cents each ; 1 per dexsn. Tbe Dalles Nursery. c2l-Sl dark and Faik have jast received a foil Sine of. fresh Velcx paper? and de velopers, tbe sarx-e s- ijsru t.y Mr. Ijvick in his recent demonstration at ocr 'tore. Lost Dating carnival week, three keys on Bring; all flat, one iarge. two Em ill ones. The Seder win favor tbe owner by leaving them at The Chkox icle office. oc'22 Iw iur - ix.-w... UUur recentiy been enlarged and r:tei cp wtb the on?y steam-iiea ted bath rooms in tbe city. A;! the fnrLirnre and appoint merits are new and of tbe beet. For tbe convenience of bnsineae men the place wi'.! be k-pt open, cntil farther notice, till 10 c'clotk p. m. This is the only onio -ii p n tbe city : osing tbe anion card and emplovirg nnion barbers. oio-lnt Brain Funl onsenae. Another ridicnloc? food fad has been oranded by tbe most competent aatbor liie. They bave dispelled tbe Eiiiy no tion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for mnscies, and et!Y. an other for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular jart of tbe bojy, bnt it will ecetain evry ntber part. Yet, however good voar food may . . " ... oe, tie ca.rimec. is aeiruyeu uy mui gestion or dyspeysia. Yon must pre pare for their appearance or prevent their coming bv taking regniar doses oi Green's August Fiower, medicine of tbe beaitbv miiiiona. A fe aosee a:ae aigesxion, etimn'aiee me liver to bealtby action, pnrifiee tbe biood, and makes von fee! baoyant and vigoroas Ynn can act Dr fi. C. liiwrf r)iaine remedies at Biakeley's drag store. Green 'e Specia Aimanac. I laretf bat. Get 1 Dail Headache, Paine in varioae parts of tbe bod v, Sinking at the pit of tbe stomach. Loss of appetite, Feveriabaege, Pimpiet or bores are sli positive eviden ce? of impure biood. Ko matter bow it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good beahb. Acker's Biood E.exir bas nevei faiied tocare Scrof uioos or Syphilitic poisons or any other biood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we seii every bottie on a positive guarantee, fiiakeley, tbe dro- gist. Don't Let Tbca StsSTar. Often children are tortured with itch- ing and burning eczema and other skin i diseases but Bocauen's Arnica Salve ; ... ' neaie tne raw sores, expeis innammation. - . l. . -' r-i .cam lur rain nuuvui a etai . eicau, fragrant, cheap, there's do salve on earth as good.. Try it. Core guaranteed. Oaly 25c at G. C. Biakeley'a drag store. 4 t- j t. ,. i aliey al Ieet; them-ea: nght anr northerlv t- Ivodol Dye papai Cora is not .-: beginning joogiug u. Max V.wt a.- etimaieat to tired nature. It affords tbe i - . j .l,, v, J is. A strip 4i feet wide off the eat aide of lot stomach couplets and abeoluta rest by ; , jn bioet s a ciu prupel gusii u. digesting the food you eat. Yon don't i Grant: assessed at a. hare tn Aimt hnl oan min. all tha anvwi i - Lot 6 in block 3 in Dalies City : roper es- nave to aiet oat can enjoy ail tne gooc e1iauB t hlril, ,lfl Ultr Uurst. ltjere,,s -food yon want. Kodol Dyspepsia Care ; iuhofiu width : belonging to Geo. Buch, and insUntiv VeiioveetbatdiWresaed Wiiog i "" lDenorUl enj ol Ka 6 m bloci after estinir. eivn VOU new life and vigor. Cisrse k fsik's r. U. fnarmacy. i Mothers every - where praise One Sdinute Cough Care for the sufferings it has re.ieved and the live of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws our the irfUm mation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. C!arke & Talk's P. O. Pharmacy. isal ttoofc I ost. betaeeo The Dalies and tiie anderaigned lost hie Fiuder will be suitably leaving property st the On the rosd Center Ri Jge seejout book, rewarded bv Chronicle office. o29 da 2t James T. Coopek. Sick Headache abeoibteiy and perma nently cured by osing Moati Tea. A pleasant berb drink. Cares constipation end indlgaatioo, makes yon eat, sleep sad happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or aaouey back. 2a eta. ami 50 eta. Blakelay, tbe drogjriat. Foley's Homy m Tmr imrchMra.sMfmr. No mtvku Groceries I Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. Notice of Sewer Assessment. Notice i heTebr given that the City (ontirii i at DkIIcs City. Oreson, an the -iit day of Oct-; S ber. 1901. did determine ant ascertain the pro- portionate coin of the construction of the Court - - tu-t" tm iftmliM nam. tasaaaaa. &nii in- th purpose of paying the eottl of the eonstructjon memji. asaeaseu tne property nercii;a:icr ac wribed as hereinafter : forth. k wit: 1. Beginning at the nortfet comer of bloca A at the inters etion o; Cninn and Main streets in Dalies Ci;v ; the' cv s.ctberly along the west line ol Cnino stress ltX feet: lDcno" westerlv at rich ancles to "nion street to tbe west line an .,.,.. . . . . . - . Said blu-k a. th-.;e, u.-tMrrle parallel with .7- The east half of lot In block - la Dsiies tnion street to tbe sooti lino of Mair street: . pr-'P" belonging to A. heiler: a-.seseed a. , tnerre easier y i.-. the place of beu.cina Be longing ta the U. it AX. Co. Assessed at t. ( ST. Lots 1 rnd 2 in block 5 in Dalles City Beeinninr st p-int on the west line ol proper, belonging t- Max Vogt: assessed at S. Union si-eet 4s3 feet northerly from the south- J Lois e. 7 and I in block 5 in Dalles City j east earner of biock A, thence werterlv at right ! proper, belonging to w A. L :.- assessed at ' angles to I" nion street to the east line of Liberty j fee. street: thence northerly along to east Uueof ' as 9 and in in hlort I !n Dslles Citv ' Liberty street to a point where tbe fame is in'er see tec by a ,:ue drawn a ngni angles to l nioo srreet from a point on the west line thereof i . ;:t,- - rL U - "tr7Zi2J7. - r non street k feet ncrtherly from the point of beginning: thence southerly to the place of be- ginnina. iwionguig tr J. :. M . - As - sessed at Hi S. Begii.uinc at the sontheajst rimer of block ' side of Cnior. ttr l, thence norther v along the I west line of F nion street 6S3 teet . thence west-: ' er!y at right angles to V nion street to Liberty ' street . thence southerly on the east line o! Lib- i errystreet to the north line of Second street: thence easterly alorg the nrtb line o! Second i street to the place of beginning. Belonging to j ;ur esiaie oi juiii. ex. j.ieneioacn. iunesseu a. est I 4. A strip of ground 5t feet wide off the ' side ot lot 4. block . in Dalle City proper "" , longing to Esther Nicholas: assessed at 5. I 5. A strip of ground IC feet S inches in width ; off the east side of lot A in block i tn Dalles City ' proper, bei jnging to Z. F. Moodv assessed a; iK.25. I 6. A strip of ground 30 feet wide of! the west side oi lot 3 in block 4 in Dalles City proper. be i longing to Margaret A. llartin : assessed at j." I T. A strip of ground a feet wide off the eas; ' side of lot 3 in block t in Dalies City proper, be j longing to P. 3. Martin: assessed ;&. A strip of ground 1 feet wide off the west j ?de,o! -bl.4 . typrier I longing to Matilda Baldwin: assessed a: IS te S. A strip of c round 4 fee! wide off the east side of lot 1 and a strip 4 feet wide off the west i side oi lot i iu bleek 4 in Dalles cite proper, be iurjging to p. H. Gates: a-vr'-t at " 10. -. strip of ground 62 feet wide off the east I aide ol wti in Mocc 4 in Dalies otv proper, be tbe favorite j longing to Hatihia Baldwin: assessed at s .: I side 11. ijol I in block s in Dalles :ty priiper. he- ' A sirip of ground 1Z- feet wide off the nest ! side of lot 4 in block 3 in Dalles City proner be longing u Pauune Lnaier. ami aaac;acc at f IS. Beginning at a point on the south line of slain street : ie;s tr.r unrtjieast C;imer 1'; City p-oper. iiien"e easterly along the south line of AIaiihtreet 37 feet 3 inches: thence southerly at right angles 120 feet to the aliey : thence westerly along the north line of theali?y C7 ieet S inches- then-v northerlv. at light angit. SS the place of begin- J.? belongtug to Caroline Korten; assessed at 14. A strip oi ground 16 feet wide off tbe east ! side of lot 4 an i a trin f f'-et wide off the vast side of lot S in thk 3 in SMies Cit) prwter: be- li'Dging to J.aU.Cn Baiuwiu. a&sesM-c at li 1. Beginning a; a point or. the south line of Uain street I feet east of the northwest corner j oi tot 3 in black 3 in Dsliee City proper . tnenrre eastcrlv along tbe south line of Main sine; 22 : feet: thence soatterly at right angks i.- feet n , me alley: thence westerly alone the north line ; of tbe alley 22 feet: thence northerly, at right ang'es. te tbe place of beginning. beUngliig to B Wolf: assessed at U. 16. Beginning at a point on tbe south line of Vain treel XI ieet east of the northwest corner I of lot 5 in block S in Dalles City pioper, thence easterly along the south line of Main street S j feet: thence southerly at right angles 120 ieet to i the a! lev : thence westerly alone the north line j of toe alley SJ iee; thence northerly, at right , ar.p -.- to tbe place of begiuning: belonging to . Klnnuner : Mx-.wr a; st 1 17 a atrip of ground u, feet wide off the east side of lots and a strip 15 ieet wide off the west side ot lot 2 la block Z in Dsle Oty proter bciuugiug 10 Geo. Bncn. a: i13. Besrinping at s point in the south line of Kain street 40 feet west from the northeast turner of btuek S us Dalles city i roper, thence westerly along the south line of Main street M ire; thcaec at right snaiea soatheriy U0 feet t tbe alley: taeiaee easier K oi ng tbe north line af the "n DeiJeeCllj r roper. lte: anc 7 i!.r-.-, 1:: - ..rj "v" - " to trip 2 ' 7 in block S tn Dallas City proper: belonging lo A Bettiugeu, and asaened at $12. i. A strip oi ground 33 feet wide off the aest side of lot 7 in block 3 in Dalies City proper be iouging to Max uart and asaciaod at S. Si Lot in block 3 in Dalles City pntr: ba ' longiDg to Prim A Niuenke and ssasasaa at 2f 85. Lot 9 in block s in Dalies City proper ; be longing to Kate Handley and aasimad a l. I 3S Loth) in block Sin Dalles .City proper . belonging to E schannoaud asseaaed at I 27. Lot i ia block 4 in Dallas City proper, ex reptina tbeieliom the following tract, lo-wta: . beginning at a point in tha north line of bee . ond street in said Dalles City CI lee: aesu-rlv fioen the iiiterseerioa of Court ane second feu.. northerly parallel with Court strset w feet; I twee- eaterly aaraliei with becund to. M ieet; tSaaca awutherly naraUel with t ourt streat Sj feat; thaxre easterly aaoag the no th line of Second s tract to the place at begin i. tug belonging to S H Gates and sweat sd at te. . A il st r of e round described as follows begiaalog at a point in the north line uf becond stsaet ia Daliaa CU; Ieet aeat uf the lutersec tiaa of c art aaS Second streets, thence north erly parallel with Oaatt street 60 feet; thence ly parallel witn beeuod street M feet t southerly parallel with Conn street t lo tssvond street thence easterly aioua th. ii on lineal bacoad street St teat to tha place of m as siai. aale sic J - M. Lot and tbe east half of lot T in b.'Xi i iDallas City sa-oaar, belougiug to J. h Mat SO. W est half of lot 7 In block 4 in Dalles City ! Groceries M. T. , belonging to James Snipes. Assessed i r;t v. ! SI. lot I in block 4 in Dalle? City proper be : limalng to Kate McOornisck. Assewed a: gc; BV j 32. Lot 2 la block 6 is Dalles City proper, be S kmginp to tbe estate of A. Bettinsren. deceasel. - Assessed at S53-25. S3. Lot 1 in block 6 in Dalles City prnj-er. be longing to the estate of J. H. jiichelbach. de ' ceased. Assessed at S SV. j XL Lot 5 in block I iu Dlles City proper, be leseing to tbe estate of A. HetUogec. deceased : assessed at -V ST. Lot 4 and the west half of lot 3 in -i I ; in Dalles city proper, belonging to Mai Vogt: ' v..nrin. tn w-v !..;... !.s a. a- a. v - assessed at lab. . LnJ ." and feet off the east side of lot 6 j liu bU-rt - ir: la ies Citv proper, eieepttnr n ! JP Jt in width off the north end of lot 5. ; belonging to Dalles City assessed at .. , ML. A stnr o grouno feet in width or the noru: end of lo: 3 in nioca r in Dalies city l.-ipe-. b. nctng t- - ! run aetc at LUS 42. A strip of ground 11 feet in width off the west side of lot f in block 6 in la!ies URy prop er. belonging to Julia A. Driver: assessed at (&.50 IS. Lots 1 and 2 in block I in Dalles Cite proper, belonging to Laura . French : assessed a; v 44. Lota 4 and I in block T in Dalles Citv 'pro X proper, belonging to Geo. A. Liebe : assessed at I SV Lot S in block ', in Dalles Citr proper, be assessed at 129. 1 iouging to Dalles City 4C Lo: 2 in block T in Dalles On proper, be : longing to the estate of F. Brogan, deceased : as ; sesaed at (29. 47. Lot 1 in block T in Dalles City proper, be longing to Columbia Lodge. No. &, I. O. O. F.; assessed at 12. 4B. Lot 1 in bloc k 6 in Bieelow s Addition to i Dalles Citv. belonging to D. M. and J. W.jl i. Lot in block 7 in Dalles Citv proper, be longing to Mary T. Elaksiey assessed at gj. 50. Lot 7 and a strip 22 feet in width off the east side of lot s in block 7 in DaUes Cirv prop er, belonging to E. C. Peane assessed st t40. 55. A strip of ground :5f. feet in width off the wei side ot lot s end 16 teet off the east ide oi lot I in block 7 in DaUes citj proper, belonging to Bamantba A. French assessed at t-ti. 52. Lot 10 and a strip 4i feet in width off the west side of lot S in bluet 7 in Dalles City prop er, belonging to Alary Condon ; assessed at 130. 53. Lots 5 and i, in block I in Dalles City proper, belonging to Mrs. D. M. French: assess ed .-.:'.. 54. Lots 1 and 2 in block 10 in Dalies Citv proper t' belonging to Crsula Euch: bt 55. Lot 5 tn block It in Dalles Citv proper, be-1 longing to Isabella Gray : assessed a't FJ9. is. Lot 4 in block 9 in Dalles Citv proper, be- ' longing to emith r reneh : asapsiwd at fJO. WL Lot Z in btock V in Dalles City proper, be longing to the heirs o: sophia Kiss, cef-eaaed uaesed at t&. 56. Lot e in biock 9 in Dalles City proper, be- longing to Anna F. Ta lor: aaassBB at ITS. 56. Lot 9 in block 0 Dalles City proper, be iouging to Phoebe Egan: assessed nt 60 The south half of lot 10 in block 9 in . yai.ta ..uv pror, oeiong!L:g to I . T. Meboai u!sec at SI. The north bal of lot 10 io block 9 in Dalies City proper, belonging to Mrs. A. J. Fits eeraid asse&scd at (25. 62. Lots 5 and I in Tieviu t Addition to Dalles City, beloneiug to tbe f irst Congregational church of Tbe Dalles: usaessed at HX. 63. Lots 1 and 2 in biock 12 in Gates' Addition to Dalles City, belonging to Florence M. Vsuse: assessed At I6C 64. A piece of grouni described as follows: Begiuning at the northeast comer of block 15 Addition, thence southerly along the west line of Court -: 2 iee: : tbenre wester ly at right angles to Court street K., feet : thence northerly parallel with Court street 300 feet to Uieallry: ihenee easterly along the line of the alley to the place of beginnirig Belonging to school district So. 12; assessed al $133 65. Tbe west h!f of olock 13 in Dalles city pioper anu oales AOditiun to Dalies City, be- ! uuging io n . ixru : asea at 14j. (6. Becinning at the southeast corner of the intersection of con't and Fifth streets in Dalles '. ity. thence southerly along the east line of Court street to the alley : tnenee easterly along the north line of the alley lot; fee:: thence northerly parallel with Court street to the aouth line of Fitth street: thence westerly along the south line ol Pifth street to the place of be ginning Belonging to the estate of G. M. Krause assessed at 6 Begiuning at a point on the sooth line of Fifth street It feet easterly from the iniertec ; 'ionof Court and Fifth streets: thenee southerly narailei with Court street to the alley : thence oasnrriv a - ,ng tne nuru. Uiiuof the a'Wiu (wf tnenee northerly parallel with Court street lo the u ""e.01 ' ": tnenee westerly along the scutb line of Fifth street w feet to the piece uj negmniug. Belonging to Mux oet : ase,ed at47. AU said property Uin ia Dalles City, in aaid assessments a ere each and all en tared in ::.. d.icket of city lieus on 'be -;6th day of Octo- ! tarr. liail.and tie made payable in ope pavuient U be male on or before the lsth day of X'oveni- ' bet, hail. This nohce U given by order of the council. Date this 26th day of October, 1901. J. D'lHFRTV. I oanttd Recorder of Dalles city. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. Trsa-sct s Osssrsl Bsskisj Bmsissss. . 1 a.rtaWa aaf Vaavall aS a a 1 avsa wi VSw-Jll saagaSIWU I Ism Ilia 111 the JaSStera Sight TelaaraahLe York, Chicago, roniaxtd uee uoiiaetioas meoe at sll points on fat orabla terms NOLAN. tub cotitMia Pastfiig Co.. PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF MASf FACTCKKK or Fine Laxd and Sausages j Curersof BRUNO HAMS & BACON JKIFD BEEF. ETC. L. Lane, GENERAL .AND... Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Ttenl and JeSGm Pknel.. ;laaBaaaaaaaaBaaBBWaasaa Hi Pit Yellowstone Park Line. THE BUSESG CAB ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO TH E EAST. THE OXLY DIRECT LIKE TO THE TELLOW- SIOXE PARK uuoioeit,nniaitiiS!s ABJUTB. Sa 2. Fast mail for Tacoma. Seanle. Olympia. Gray" Ko. uaroor anu aoutc jtena points, Spokane. Reas land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewistou, Buf falo Hump mining coun- 5;S0 F. U. try, Helena. Minneapo lis, 81 Paul, OmaLa. Kansas City. t. Lonla. Cnicago and all point h east and southeast. Puget Sound Express for Tacuma and i.-:;.e and intermediate pjtnta So. 4. ' 11; P. M Ko. 3. 7:00 A. M. miiman nrst -eia and touritt sleepers to i Minneapolis, ot. ran! aul Missouri tiver pointa I without change. Vesti tailed trains. L'cion depot connections in all principal citie. Baa-gage cheeked to destination of tickets. S'or handsomely illustrated desvripuve matter, tickets, sleeping car reservations etc., call on or arriut A. D. CHARLTON, I Assistant General Passencer Armt. J, Mnrri son tstreet. corner Third, Portland Oregon. Prof. Homer de Morrison Lvdaa aP 3S3-, WasUtugtoa street, ttoonas S3-3S, rOKTL A N D , OKSOOK. The first registered as well ss the firat vmAn - f'" iu r ipnuitia ine aoriu s g eatest Trance Clairvovi,nt and Herba )' can be eo iaultrd dally on ail affairs or iif . Prof . de Morrison is without a doubt tha moat entiBc Palml-t and CUirvojaut lu tbe world itaaay: helcates hidden treasure, reunite the wywu. icw ii iueie is uiio rat, o 1. or i your laud enabha you to win th. aflecUou af one you desire. Palmistry taught, medinmfstic person devel vatt- Meals by the uses of his revealed heib-1 leas; cures eh ionic and ao-cePed iucurable dis eases. Free treatment for the pour. bend $1. date of birth and three ouesti .us all letters answered at t nee. tuoeavad by l taloa. rmAJgtt nehY0,. miintnitafl ti 1 n I ! I v V lettttf the faalii I.. U. . t D.i. ton.oauerof the Hikiti. cetred last nignt hi. -1 1 ti sscatl djTl-j I FEASC1 PAItTLOW ii i pieaatng to se BlacKsfflU Horseshoe thief sad thai a iTZLZ. J??mtf . coiwhag the gold mm a baa tSS7tTLJZ )aat .await -Oregon Shopjij Union Pacific TIME SCHEDULES raoa TQK DAU.F.3. Sail lake, Denver, Fl worth, Omaha. Kaa aaCity. t .Louis, Chi cago and the East. Atlantic Kawesa, :2:40 a. m. vU Bont- aa La, Denver. Ft.! werth, Omain. Kan.1 aaClty.St.Iuis.Chi-i aao ana the East. aa. i ,WSU WaiU, Lewlataa.!" FaWMail. 9Sf sa. via Spo kane. H !!' acc.ruii- aiiBBeapolis.Bt Ualath,N:.w,0.! and East. OCSAI AID KTVEB BOHEDBH JPartlanfl. (All sailing dates tub-' Jaet to change.) I I FDrSanFranciseo, SaO every 5 days, t S.OOp m. DaBg bla River. SanSar, t thp. tn. SaSarday, 100 p. m. To Aswria and Way. Landings. Daily exeapt Sunday, 6:00 a. m. WlUaasette River. Oregou Citv. Newberg, Salem. ladei- Jence, and Say-Landings. 4H . i Tuesday. ' fhsuaday, Sa tarda v. ; 6:00 a. m. i Tnawnay. Corvallis and w8v Landings. Willamette and Vaanhtll HlTers. Oregon Citv. Diyton and a'sy-Landi'ngs. Toatad.ty, aatosSay, 7:00 a. m. sL i Leave Kliaria dally. 8:40 a. m. sasks sUeer. Kiparia to Lewiston. hnrasB 8JDt.a aVaT Parties TUIng to ro to Bs i pattst on Columbia Southern ria Biggs, laaM I take Ko. 2, tearing The Dalles at 123 a mall lag direct twmm c lUmi st Heppner Jasesa sud Stan " rr'-f - r T rniasaiii at Beppuer tancOon and biggs a lth So. Lss 4l rising at tka BaOeaat 1:05 p m. For further partaenlan, call on or seS JAS. 1 HI LAND, Ajest, The Dalies, (gsga. Complete of Dms at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. . 6. ScatsntCK, PreaidenL Max A. V First national Bank. THE DALLES - - ORtW A GetMrgJ BssHng Bnsinese nsiuaats i anginil nYj- OtSaft or Check. Collections made and proceeds reguitted oe dav of collee Sight sad TesaaymphJc ExcuaiifSilSE' New Tark, 8mm Ffasoo sntl ! ! i D. F. DIKaCkTVOKS JSO. B. I Eo. M. J ii-i.iaara. UBO. A. H IT. BSALL Wauntsnsf W- W. WIsVavH, at a Bags. prt-gas5 9 Every Respt TV?als at QM fl PRIVATE PARTIES St The tafcje applied llaaaraC A i Special. 3 Watt Court, 7 rsoat WL. I