The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 30, 1901, Image 4

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Special S;. !e of V
Mush Material.!
Z v
i ma.
: Pott?
7 pounds for 2oc.
(.'ream Flake Wheat.
S packajfcfefl for 25c.
Grano, 5. 20c pr package
Her grandfather was Thomas
s mfn,tr of tbe Continental Con-
Mr Roosevelt's fattier. Theodore,
married Martha, tieng'.te- of Jetties and
Martha AsiW) Be; oeh, ol Rosae!:,
Ga. Martha Bulloch's grandfather we
Jams Bulloch, who was a captain ia
Km Georgia and Virginia troop in toe
Rev tataWMf war, and a meat ber of
NjcietT of Cincinnati. By descent
James Bulloch was Scotch on hie father' ;
aide, and nn hie mother's there wee a
strain of Huguenot blood. The first
Baliocb came from Scotland abont 1715,,
and became a member of the Georgia '
Provincial Congress, and was of blood ,
relatione if. to the Dooglaaaes, Bailiies
and other prominent ScnU-h families,
A Special Beltrtaj Krittlno.
Grocery Department
Pease & Mays.
PERS05AL Ulltn,
State Senator Wi'iiaroson arrived here
this at araooa Iron: PrtaewHle, to remain
Soreoat? time witn lis family.
Lron, ot L. :ns
Fpr;r p. was a peenger
a patenter on the non
his old stamping ground at
The Chboxk lk ca s pu i c e"rn;?rn I
to toe fact tnat if wiii undertake IfciB
. ui-ication o: a creditable holiday edi
tion. It dO be in magazine form,
printed on heavy enameled hsok paper, J
and contain about forty pages. The
wonderful resources of Tbe DaJes and
Wasco county will be proclaimed to the'
worid through this souvenir pen., aa .
Hundreds will le sent away to friends in '
the East, besides finding lodgment on j
the readier tab;e ot every family in tbe
eooi ty. From tbe title page to tbe finis
trie contents wiii be interesting and
J beautifully illustrated, and a credit toj
! the town and countT. Tbe facts eet i
Lonely Homes
far the lack af a child to a
i aanaaai rr'rt if the his i
VhBe bvramm to cm
which Wine of Cardui would
That part Whet rv.geUe the
i to to preewr piece. By
the caeraUvc avcaat, at
WaOaW WtMfff wMafftVaMH
ptowEEf. mm.
I hare re-opened this w&-knowfc Bakery,
and am now prepared tt sfcply every
body with Bread, Wei and Oak, also
all kinds of Staple and .fancy Grocer es
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
oa it for trvcaty-fhre years, faa
caw proof can be ttvca than the
af Mr Bejwoe. who is eafy owe of
of weave to wfceea Wat of Cardui
'hopes have I
mckxiec, ywJd I
lofWawaf Cardui.
i minrriaga.
iy huabaad ai
r flooding and
taking tiuae
iy hoabaad rot
and restored m;
i expecting t
tra;n for
Mis? E a Donaldson, a nurse of Bl
V a rent's hospital, passed through town
today on ber way to Kingsley to spend
a week witL her father. M-. James Dm
aid-on .
Gathering of the C iai.-
The auisa'. ga:bertog of FoetaflOala
doniac C.a'o is to be Leid in Foe: on
Wedceeday. Keren. rver IS, 1901. It is
expected that this ri!. be the e'endest
gatLering ol ? people ever he'd in
Oregon. s-s tbe Fossii Journal. Tbe
Jocr-iH. niitj has been in Pjrtiand dnr
isg c r.'.st wtrt r : gop tbe High
iand lads and .a?se?. and has seenred a
iarge agreiatiou of fine Scottish talen'.
for tbe meeting. H?n. Geo. J. Catiie
tou. a:"! F'jri'.ar. 1. : t ;
deliver the'. add'???. Sere. Jas.
j forth in tbe ariic es wiii be the resu t
of earefel study and diligent researcn
. asd dea1. with :l;s Wasco the best
connty of the best state of tne beet conn
try on earth, embe.iisbed with nnmer
ons costly baf-une engravings UlosjtoU
log the features enamerated and the
prominent citizens ment.oned.
The (.nblication of sach an edition is
lb proper wotfc of a board of trade or
; similar organ ttathn ; hot as i; is Lard
la keep sach in existence, eept ctaily as
regards finances, 1 he Chronicle, in its
osja'. enterp: ii:nT manner, wi.: take
s:on itse.f the burden of sccb a souvenir
- edition, knov.: fa . well tbe: tbe pub-
; lic-sp.rited of this city wi.i aesis:
mat-rr a..y SD:n a legitimate tnttrpiise.
Ttris ed'.tion wi.l be tbe best a;' revising
aiedrun. ever offered tbt business men
of The I', as it will be iesoed about
, December 15th, thereby giving them
tu adver-
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Stricter ycgtAaMCi TerfectlT harmless, sure to accomolish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greateit kscnra- female remedy.
fltTfla Bewarr p: cotnaterret'ts an imlul'ncs. Tbp rrnnine r-t op oo!t ic pari-' r ' : Cat
wajsjlfWBl lor with tae-siniile sicnatcTT oa aide of toe tii!r tous: t.-w jjmu.
Sead&ar Cutoitr u f''""" Hti. Co. Sole Agenu. Cleveland. Ohio. 1
F a- ale bv Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dtliee? Or.
regulator line wfc Collar Line.
Wines, Liquors - Cigars
Family Orders will receive promDl attention.
Kex! door to First National Bank.
Condon rhctif S3.
Lode I'M- iOflt.
TlTtii'iii nil
. Sgwasasj
PoruanG &
ThP nsllPO.DnrtlQnif QnnlP
SJpon, fortner'y piper to the Biack iampie time and opportunity
Wale ;ue 42i Bighhaawssi jscd chan?-' tise their holiday goods.
pon p. per of the wcr.d ior more than
thirty yews, is to .ead the pipe mn?ic.
Tbe dancers a:: ia HiiLiand costun-;e,
wil! te James Frb. Harry McArthcr,
I.o-i- F :br. N'd!....-;. Stack aci Mysie
Sharp. Clansman William Stevenson
w;i. sin and recite, and it is prchable
etverai ether Portisni ciacsmen w;ll be
present. Tne evening entertamment
wiii be a superb affile, snch a? Foss:!
has rever seen tfore and may not see
aatn for a long time, and it is possible
that arrangements may be made to give
the peneri. pobiic an opportunity of at
tending i. Sctch men are expected to
be liriituil frna, bII over the state, and
w!.-;e :bey are in Fosst the '.oris wi!! be
Tne O.-rgonian has demi.ed Harrv
Wm C. CampbeK has been placed in '
ctiarge of this special edition and y.or
patronage and assistance wiii b. solicit
ed from this date. Four tbonsanu
copies wiii be printed and those desiring
extra copies sbcu.d leave tnetr orders at
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot fu kin
apw Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kindf
str bailey-gatzert, Headquarters for Bran. Shorts,
or mill ram
between Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
Way Points.
This Honr is maunJactored expressly for fans
use: everv Rack is rnaranteed to BiveBttiafan.
We se:i our goods jower than any bouse in tLe trade, and if yon don': think sg
and get car prices atid be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
this ciSce.
tbe fam-. ns young F.rtis'.: and a
epec.a: wrtier t. go to Fos.-il to report . crowns women
in: asa.r
Suit Cm Ditcree
A. V. Evict h&e .ed ee action in the
circait court for a divorce from his wife,
iona Evic. Tne complain, a, leges
lhat the parties cre married in Wa-eo
county Decerarwr 24. 190?; that the d- -en
iaii. fogeti:r.z and disregarding her
ma'riage vow, has been repea'edly
go tty-of crswtl and inhuman treatment
c. the plaintiff, rendering is ::ie Onrden-Sutn-.
Mrs. Evic is charged with hav
irg tE ungovernat ie temper; with flying
into a rage without cause or provocation
and abusing ber husband , with calling
him vile and approbrioos names and
e, :hef, including devi. and eon of
af other names "too vile to be set
forth in this complaint ;" and with
having frequent Ij told her nnetiaiid that
if it were not for the law she would kill j
hini. Mrs. Evic is further charged with
baWirag at d iferent times left her iiome
and remained away at cnseem.y hours
in company ot men and women of bad
rr potation, and that on the 2Sth ol Sep
teoiber she left nome and has ever
ainee remained awar. . i
T-ie complaint further that on
the 30th of September the contending
parties made a settlement of their prop
erty, in which Mrs. Evic agreed to sor-
reoder all her rights in and to tt for trt
worn of $120; and that tbe said -urn has
been deposited with Hndaon x Brown
bill, of this city, to be paid to Mr- Eric
whenever etie shall rxecute and deliver'
a proper transfer of her claim to tbe
plaintiff. Ko children have been born
IS plaintiff and defendant.
AttraetiTv Women.
Ail women sensibly desire to be at-;
tractive. Beauty is the stamp of hea'tb
because it is the outward manifestation
of inner purity. A healthy woman is
always attractive, b'ight and happy. :
Wnen every drop of blood ic tbe veins is
pure a beauteous nasn is on tbe cheek.
Bat when the 5""ood is impure, morose
ness. bad temper and a sallow complex
ion tells the tale of sickness ai! to plain
ly. And women today know there is no
beauty without health. Wine of Cardui
with beaut v and attrac
tiveness by nak:r;g sttuiig an J healthy
thoss organs which make ber a woman.
Try Wine cf Cardui, and in a montn
your friends wi" hard'v knew you.
Leaves Portiacd at 7 a.m. on Tues-da-,
Thursday and jtrjr.iay.
Arrives The Dalles, saiiie day, 5 p. in.
L-aves The Dalles at 7 a. m. on San
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Pouland, same dny, 4 p. rn.
A. M.
Meals the Very Best.
All kinds Of
Faneral Supplier
...Portland Boat...
kVkV'.-'-i Ronte has the
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
at 7:00 A. M.
Fcr iii-ts. nts p-nri Ciiudrea.
He iM Yea Hare Aiwajs Bocgu!
W. C. ALLAWAV, General Aent,
The Dalles. Oregon.
Bears the
Portland-Astoria Route
Str "TAH01A;
Dai y Rjund Tripe except Sanday.
Leave Portland 7 a. a.
Leave Aetoria 7 p. u.
Cr andaM Bar get
The Dalles. Or.
Barial Shrouds
! S
Landing and ofhee Foo: of Aider
Street; both phones. Main 361. Fort
land, Oregou.
of menstruation." Thev areMLIFRI
wQinaaii-xM, aiding development of organa and bod v. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life
becotnes a pleasure. fl.OO PER BOX BY MAIL 8aM
by druffrst. DR. MOT1T8 CHEMICAL CO.. Qeveiand, Ohio
For sale by Geo. C. Blekeley, The Dalle, Or.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregnlarity and
omissions, increase vig
or and banish '-mini
are "LIFE SAVEBS" to girlg at
C. M. Pbeips, Foreatdale, Vt., sys
hi child was complete!? cared of a bad
case of ecrema bv tbe nee of DeWitt's
Witch HcEii Saive. Beware of all
c junterfeits. It instantly relieves piles.
Clarke A Faik's P. O. Pharmacy.
Itatrta ai.ct
The iollowing prd:gree of the piesi
dent appears in today's Oregooian :
Iheodire Kosaerelt was bora in New
Yurk City October 17, 1858. of Dutch
aud .- jtch-Dish anoeetore. The first
Sooeevelt that came to New York was
Kiaas Marten sen Roosevelt, a no came
from Holland la 1647. Theodore Rooee
velt'e grandfather . (.'orMltns VeaScheick
Ito.eve t, married Mfipafrt Barnbill,
of Bcotch-Iriib b.aad, fratn Peensylra-
W. T. Wesson, Gholsonviile, Va.,
druggist, writes; "Yoor One Minute
Coogb Care gives perlect sa'isfactton.
My customerr -.. t the u-et remedy
for eoogh. c-j.ds, throat nd nng
troubles." Clarke a Falk's P. O. Phar
macy. A late Washington dispatch ears;
W-.o.gro e:e in California and Oregon,
and ie fact all of tbe western states,
bare obtained an important diplomatic
victory by succeeding in indaeing the
administration to abandon the reciproc
ity treaty with Argentine republic,
which pr-. posed a reduction in the tariff j
on woot coming Iroui that country f
twentv per cent per pound."
Effective this dae. A eharire of ?:
per car per day will be made for delav to '
ear., for ail time held under al in
loading or unloading by consign or
consigner, in eneees ol lorty ejgat tourr
from time cat is set for loading or un
loading. James Iukxand,
Agent O. R. A N. Co.
Oyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat. i w
ItartiCciaUytiiseststhefoodandaitiB UClSt WtlQt
a Slaw iu dlscuk buuxux ami io.uu-
E. W. Cricbton, Aaent Portland, i
Prather and Barnes. Aets , Hoed River,
j Wo. lord tV Wyers, Agte.. White Salmon, U
J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria.
J. M. FtlLOON, Agent, The Dalies.
structiof the exhausted digeetive or
fjana. It is the latest diacoveredd igest
tnt and touic. 2so other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cores
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flautienoe, Sour S to mack, Kaosea,
Sick Headache, Gastralp is Cramps and
all other result of imperfect digestion.
Price V0c. end gL Large tee cootains times
smaUatae. Book all rJioctdyeserpaiaanalaUres
apased kyC c : yrrr co, cttcagw
Sold bv Clare.- A Falk's P O rcr.
You uiant.
If yoa want to retain yoat hair you
baae to keep yoor scalp clean. Soap
will make yonr Lair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
best preparations for cleansing the -scalp
Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave yoor hair soft and gloeev. ,
Price, 2T, and 50 cents e boUle, at Eraser',
barhr chop, Tae Dalle. tf
mi1 J)"-'
Of tlie product or this a el 'known brewery tbe United States Health
Reports for June as. 1900, says: A more superior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
S laTJSt, ,r,ee of d"i'tioo, bat on the other band is eo-nposed of
tbe beet of me:t and choicest of bops. Iu tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv the phveicians v. :th
SS ?mxli lh J belte, Dom or mon wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
Wast. KrTnH gtvaat TTJTji rtirf wma nnninu
A ww WkMWU. 1 3 I ,1 Wm r lin.lilTlJIl.
When vonr hair appears dre am C
have lost its vitality k wenu sotuetbing
to give it life and vigor. We beve what
tbe hair needs when it gets In that con
dition. We have thn Crown of
, i .naMaaa.
Iwi. Ockermsn, Goshen. Ind ; 'Da-, Z'"rlL:r!W Z"
W- .... . . " vw,iasMw wwww vaj sasasr avwn . s tim
III ii L'ti.eRar; R sers never bend me : dand SaflsV ruff a' 0 a.',
doable like other pills, botdo their work j scalp dieesa. For sale at Fraaer's ir
tboroagbiy and make me fee! like a bay." I bar shop. Price fiOc and Tfira bottle.
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke A' . ... Z. -' .
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy I FlorJ lot wUl mm w,Bd cllPP
I and sunburn. Mawnfaotarad by Caret
Gilford's Fotoe Never Fads. 1 Faik.
New ideas in Wall Pmpr here. Hoch
wide variety as ae are aboaing never be
fore traced a single U-k. Reai ;ruil.
MB ere tun effects at ordinar prices
Good papers at cheap paper prices
Elegitnt designs, tasteful colortna's, yoorw
lor a small prior, at oar store on Third
street. Also a fall line of boose paints.
D. W. VATJBE. Third St.
a 1 a . -
a wui a aoaen bead of 8 year-old
ou'irmorn stock cows, and some earir
spring ealres. And I wish to parchaee
one ur two No. 1 eoikefa cows. Address
. iomu M. Daru,
30 tf Eadaraby, Or.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street
Pbjnes: 5! La!,
6 loog Distance
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