The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 30, 1901, Image 3

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    ...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 148 Seoond Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
fteelal Cto&litO
oat Sale of
..logs' ami mi's school sons..
Arc You Mixed
on the Salt and Overcoat Question?
It's pretty hard to know what to do, isn't it, when every clothier in town
has "the best at the ljweet pic" and all "give satisfaction,' and all bags the
tailor to piree', and sve yon a half to a third and all that. It comeR down to
the qnes'i n of faith in somebo iy. Hart, ScHsxtTnet Marx tail
or-made Clot King, made ixpressly for PEASE & MAYS, will answer
the quesikn. Stylish, durable and best for the money.
$10.00 to $23.00.
Large assortment of SHIRTS, made up in plain and
neat effects; Correct $ttjles for this season.
$1.00 to $8.83.
Yelvo Chameleon Neckwear, the only new thing
from the Bilk looms this fall. Sold by Pease fe Mays only.
Largest and best assortment of Stylish flats in
the city.
We offer for this week a
complete line of Gloves, in
tan, brown, black and red!
alzs 6 to 7 V
Special Sala Price.
SftC tSr
No gloves will lie fitted on
dtirins sale.
Little Feet.
Take care of them the big feet
will take care of themselves.
There Is no ariiL of wearing ap
parel that nqnlrea po much at'en
tion as Children Snoes. We ht -lieve
in good shoe Mini the right
kind of shoes for children shoes
that conform to the natural shape
of the foot without sacrificing hII
sense of aood taste. We hare sev
eral makes of Children's Shoes
made from the best of leathers
and on the right lasts.
Box Calf, $1.50, $1.75,
$2.00 and $2.25.
Kid, $1.50, $1.75, $2
and $2.50.
Kangaroo Calf, $1.25,
$1.50 arid $2.00.
All sizes and widths.
The Dalles Daily Ghmriete.
WEDNESDAY - - - OCT. SO, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco County warrant registered
prior to December 22, 1898, will bo paid
i presentation t my office. Interest
ceases after October SO, 19.1.
Gonnty Treasurer.
Don't forget Prof. Sandvig's dancing
class this evening at th Baldwin.
Carl Pets, a anbject of the German
empire, yesterday took oat hie first citi
zenship papers.
For rent A con pie of large famished
rooms in a nice locality below the bluff.
Inquire of Condon 'pLone No. 391.
The Fortnightly Club will hold its
first meeting of tbe season at lire. A. J.
Tolmie'e, tomorrow (Thursday ) after
noon, at 2:30 o'clock.
Professor Bandvig will commence a
dancing class next Wednesday evening,
to continue all winter. All those desir
ous of j lining the class should be present
at the first meeting at 6 o'clock,
sharp. o28-3t
Wanted By young woman with a
child of a year and a belt old, a borne
for self and cbrid where she could assist
in housework and receive small wages,
(iood reference. Address Tux Chron
icle. o'29 n2
The Fossil Journal says : "Tom Da
vidson, of Bock creek, Gilliam countr,
sold a band of yearling ewes to Nat Wa'
lace, of the same county, last week at 14
per head. This is the top prioe we have
heard of this fall."
There are now five cases of diphtheria
in quarantine, four old cases where the
patients are well and await tbe twenty
oae days limit, and one new cas of
three days ago. The fUg was taken
down from the Bcberrer residence today
and from tbe Tom Kelly residence yf recently examined anew under tbe dl-
ness, to act as agent for fire insurance
companies and do abstracting and con
veyancing. The capital stock is $25,000,
divided into 250 shares of tbe par value
of $100 each.
Yesterday a gentleman from Hunts
ville, Colombia county, Washington,
closed a deal far the purchase of the lot
east of tbe Dan Baker residence property
in Kramer's Addition and tbe lot west
of Joe Studnecker's place hard by, pay
ing for tbe former lot f 225 and for the
latter $175. It if understood that it is
tbe buyer's intention to improve the
property as soon as convenient.
Dad Bntts has a bargain to offer to bis
Tnends in the shape of a neat, gix.rooia4
cottage with modern conveniences, on
Alvord avenue. It will pay you to in
vestigate this proposition if you want
a home. We also have other very desir
able property. For further particulars
see Dad Butts, at Hudson & Brownbili-'e,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon. 3td-lw
Charity May Bennett, daughter of
Mrs. Martha J. Bennett, of this city,
died at the' residence of her mother at
5:35 p. m., yesterday, October 29th,
aged 14 years, 5 months and 15 days.
The cause of death was quick consump
tion, witu which the deceased was at
tacked about six weeks ago. 1 be funer
al will take place from tbe family resi
dence tomorrow (Thursday) at 10 :30 a.
A. J. Rich, wbo bails from tbe neigh
borhood of Troutdale, but who has been
vorkinv for some months past in the
Antelope country, and Annie Kiit-ourse,
of Petaluma, California, were uoited in
marriage this forenoon by Key. Father
Bronsgeest at the Catholic parsonage.
'I he young cuuple left for Portland on
tbe afternoon train with tbe Intention
of going to bouse-keeping in East Port
land. Andy Lytle, the slayer of Emmett
5gsu at tbe Derbam sawmill in Crook
county some four or five mouths ago,
was acquitted by the jury at Prinevllle
yesterday morning after tbe jury bad
been out eighteen hoars. The defense
claimed that Egan bad assaulted Lytle'a
ife and tbe jury seems to beve be
lieved the charge, as there was no
aesiion that Lytle bad committed the
Tbe petrified forests of Arisona were
There was a case of prompt justice io
Albany recently. Tbe crime was com
mitted on Saturday and tbe man was in
the penitentiary on Tuesday. Tbis is
good example. Men should be made to
know tnat if they violate the low they
will bo punished ot once.
Artic es of incorporation of tbe Pratber
Investment Company were filed la too
office of tbe ooaoty clerk yesterday. Tbe
incorporators are Goo- T. Pratber, W.
H. Marshal. Vmrf Barnes and O. E.
Harm in, all of Hood Bivor. The bast' Country. Donald is a Boss-sWre
ness of the oorporatloo Is to do a general
rection of tbe general laud office, the
ailicifled logs he in tbe greatest abend
aoce within an area of eight square
miles iu Apscbe county. In some places
they lie more thickly than tbey could
have stood while living as trees, and it
is thought that tbey most have been
carried there by a swilt correot of water
in tbe uiesosotle age.
Donald McKay, called Too Baal," to
distinguish bin 4ross too otbor Pooald
McKay, of Antelope, loft Antelope last
week for a trip to Canada and too WW
wbo baa doea well la tbe
real estate, trust, loan and banking bas!- la Oregon during tbe last too rears.
Before goin.' he sold his sheep 2200
bead of ewes to Donald McKay at $3
per head. A month or two ago he sold
his lambs to the same party at $2.10 per
Tbe Cascade Warm Spring, Hotel,
T. Moffett proprietor, will be kept open
for tbe accommodation of guests all win
ter. Tbe hotel furnishes comfortable
accommodations and bot baths within
the building at reasonable rates. For
farther particulars address Tbos. Mof
fett, Cascade Springs, Cascades, Wash.
Don't be a back number. Shoot op
to date ammunition. Peters Ssml
Rmnkelesa Powder cartridges COSt no
more than the cheapest black load, gives
all tbe advantages of tbe smokeless loads
excepting a light vapory smoke. Peters
cartridge?, loaded with Kings Semi
Smokeless have won the worlds cham
pionship record, four years in succession.
Peters Loaded Sheila are exce'lod by
none in strength, velocity, cleanliness,
nrt will imnrove anv man's score.
Mir At Benton sole asents for Thel
Dalles. o30 ltddw
Peter Hollett, a Spring Creek rancher,
while coming to town today with a four
tinraH load of wheat, was thrown vio
lently to the ground and rendered in
sensible. The accident occurred on The
Dalies and Goldeuda'e road near the G.
W. Stnitb ranch. Tbe frodl wheel of
the wagon struck a rock and tbe jar
threw Mr. Hollett to tbe ground, where
be lighted on bis head. Neighbors of
tbe inj ired man took care of him till be
recovered consciousness when be was
brought on to town. It is not thought
tbat his injuries are serious.
For many weeks a Portland gentleman
has stood daily in the neighborhood of
the Regulator office with placards posted
all around him announcing that be wants
to hire 500 men at $2.25 a day to work
on railroad construction and improve
ment. Of course he occasionally runs
up against a few men that are willing to
work at tbis rate, else he would doubt
less have abandoned h'is potation long
ago. But the singular thing about it is
that First street, in the neighborhood of
the Regulator office, is crowded all the
time with a lot of strangers whose ap
Dearsnce would Indicate that they are
laborers, bat who apparently don't want
work st any wages as long as tbsy have
a dollar left to blow iu on whiskey.
And the maj rity of them keep in a
boozad condition st all hours. Two of
these gentry, wbo claimed to be broke,
applied to W. W. Wilson, of tbe Bald
win restaurant, yesterday afternoon for
a square meal. Mr. Wilson told them
be bsd three cords of sawed wood oat
side tbst be wanted damped into bis
cellar. It wasn't half ao boor's work
for tbe two, and for tbis bo would give
tbem sapper sod breakfast and ball a
dollar Lb aesb. Tbe ma ludlgoaotly
teraed op tbeir noses and walked of.
It wasn't work tbey vara altar, bat
abartty, aed charity eader seek etraaav
Mr. Wilson serf properly re
fused. The fact is, tbe best wsy to re
form these loafers Is to enforce the apos
tolic precept, "If a man work not nei
ther shall he eat."
A Dlstlngnuhrd Indian Scoot.
Captain George E. Bsrtlett, one of the
old-time Indian scouts of tbe Black
Hills country and Dakota, was in town
tbe other day and got away almost be
fore anyone knew be was ber. He is
representing tbe King Powder Company
and Peters Cartridge Company, of Cin
cinnati, and, as appears to be his custom,
be gave a little exhibition of bis skill in
handling a rifle and shot gun that will
not soon be forgotten by tbe three Dalles
persons who wsre privileged to see It.
The shadows bad lengthened out con
siderably when tbe captain and Leo
Schanno, Fred Van Norden and E. H
Sargent, of Tbe Dalles shooting gallery,
reached the beach near tbe foot of
Washington street and one of the party
picked up a common oyster can and
Captain Bartlett struck it five times
with shot from a repeating shot gun
before tbe can struck tbe ground. Then
changing the gun for a 22 caliber rifle,
bits of glass, necks of bottles, bits of
brick and other little things were thrown
in the air and wese almott invariably
struck by the bullet of tbe marksman
It is claimed that the captain can bit a
ten-cent piece while it is going through
tbe air, without any difficulty.
Captain Bartlett has a history that
stamps bim above the avsrsge man. It
is stated he won great distinction as
captain of the police Indian scouts at
Pint Ridge agency, South Dakota, In
1890 and 1691, and was present at tbe
"Wounded Knee" fight on December
29, 1890, when 400 Indians and 40
United.State soldiers were killed. He
also was sent in command of the relief
party, wbo went out to the battle ground
on January 1, 1891, to pick up tbe few
wounded Indians tbat had been left
there to die, and with bis own bsnds
unfolded a dead mother's frossn arms
tbat encircled a baby girl that was still
alirs and unharmed.
The Utile Indian girl was afterwards
named Lost Bird ("Kilkalan Nuoi")
and was adopfsd by Mrs. General Cslby,
who is now educating her In Washing
ton, D. C, where she Is admired by all
wbo know ber, for she is quite pretty
and very bright as well as a rare relic
of a ghastly murderous fisht, sod the
Ghost Dance wsr wltb tbs Sioux,
Tbe captaio expects to sgsln visit Tbs
Dalles in about a month, wbsn he bss
promised to give a free xm bit ion of bis
skill, doa notion of which will be given
Aeeonat Nook t-a(.
On tbe road between Tbe Dallss and
Center Ridge tbe undersigned lost bis
eeooant book. Finder will be suitably
rewarded by leaving property at Ida
Chronicle office.
eSO-dsott Jambs T. Ooortar.
Teg will aot nave boils if yea take
OUrks talk's ears tare fot boils.
Wo have just received our complete fall line of
BoysVand Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until tho nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at onee.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The NewTork Cash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Mr-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heater has revolution
ised the heating stove trade in all sections of tbe United Slates. Its won
derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other eicelUnt qualiiirs,
strongly recommend it to all In nee J of a beating stove.
What Colo's Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from soro to
80 degrees In five minutes.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 88 hours without attention.
Yon build only one fire each winter.
It boms chips, bark, Isaves, paper and
corn cobs, and gives excellent results wltb
tbis fust, which Is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light snd easily moved and
set up.
Ths combustion Is psrfect and ashes are
removed only oocs In tour weeks.
None of ths beat Is wasted and tbs stove
a 111 save one-half of your fuel bill.
It Is clean, economical; convenient, safe
SgrSfivr" and dorable.
Every one ot die's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to Slav
air-tight as long as used. Where wood is used for fuel svery fsmily should
baxe one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Blakeley's Drug Store,
Wu carry the IsmM and moat SBSBkJstS ,0B OWN KX I II U' T of I union ami Va-
(took lu Katturu Oregon ol nl: la ru the Hast Stud.
IBUO onO MMUICIMBS, Kverithtae; we .ell 1 iaeeft.
CON us ud HBIi HI KS, Ow srlces ara Coeaiiunt.
lomntiudrHlsull. r I'ltBaVRII'TION Osnartnteat
""VLVnnJSiXSIm - . eharg. of co,,,,,! man.
rtiuu aag roco AMKttAS. Wb Manniasture--
PHOTO ral'BKlBd HOISTS, Woad'a l,Lrh. TikUli,
v.O vrWKV'B CHOtHH-ATsta. and vriieh Haas! A Hawed Ceeaga.
as AIL OitOKUe rewslve our QflTU OUflsiCC Kvtrv ruikK dullvared Vree,
persona) aiuntloo. DUIfl MUrlCd iriin.flr, In Itioeltr.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has Jast received 1000 samples
of the Istest pattsrns in Gem's
Clothing Goods. Hs guaran
tees prices an J s good fit or no
pay. : t
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Irrigation, Mage, KaUrostf sad Water tangly
Ky?8inSaa4 assert Uag aarveytag. May-
f2gattAMat Oaaaiainiat lisM aAgt Wjl nlaMliaVstai III
wwswtry"iii T"H1t
addfoss, 9. 0. gas SW, fgl DaUJa, OI.
Fire Inwrance.
Ut IMni I &m ks. (o. of loita.
rouudsd IWJ.
Capital paid np g7,SOtMMM
Now is the time to Insure; tomor
row may be too late.
Phone No. an, Heufert x Condon.
Phone No. 80S, Pacific States Co.
Resident Agent, The DaiLee,
Why pay I.M por gailM tar
paints wbsn you sen bay
Prion's ana pseef eeiM lay
sailoa, ffureoiead tar ft ye
talk, agates.