The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 30, 1901, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
OCT. SO. 1901
Tbe present attack on tbt? beet
sugar industry by tbe sugar trust is
only preliminary to a more vigorous
warfare which has a its object the
making of a reciprocity treaty with
Cuba under which the raw Cuban
sugar may enter tbe United States
f:ee and be handled by the Ameri
can Sugar Refining company, says
the Spokesman-Review.
With free entry of suear into the
United States tbe Cuban sugar rais
ers know that this country woull be
their best market, and ibey wj!i leave
nothing undone to remor? tbe bar
rier that now exists in- the form of
tariff duties. With these Cuban in
terests the trust will make common
cause, for it wants the raw material
for its refineries and it desires to get
it withont paying dotv on it. Back
of the attempt, therefore, to make a
reciprocity treaty with Cuban sugar
free, will be found tbe immense re
sources and influence of the sugar
It is needless to ssy that on the
other side there will be those who
are determined to make a vigorous
contest is behalf of the Wet sugar
intt rests which wonld be seriously
damaged if not destroyed by the
free admission of Cuban sugar at
this time. At leas: twenty states
are now raising 3UC&: beets, aid tbe
people of those states have
Come tO
regard it as an agricultural industry
o! great importance. They are not
disposed to see it crushed out just as
it is proving a success, and especially
at tbe behest of one of tbe most
offensive monopoes in the land. It
is generous to help tbe Cuban farm-
hut'-iran farmsr on
Dut American larmers are en-
titled ;o ronsideratiou first
Shnu'd Mm. TlinnrlArv R.-vwrph
live a thousand years the
people of
the United States wiL" never forget
that the '-first iidy of the land ' bad
tbe courage to say that she never
spent more than 300 a year on her
dressts. God bless Mrs. Roosevelt.
Honoied indeed is tbe nation that
has a woman like her as the wife of
its chief executive. There are Ore
gou women iiving on tbe sontbwest
fork of Squaw Creek that would con
sider themselves disgraced for life if
they made such & confession.
Tbe PorJand Welcome says:
Senator Mitchell, toeetber with tbe
feders! powers, will baTe sorne'.biiig
to say during tbe next catrpaigu.
Tbey will try and elect one of their
favorites to succeed Simon. Little
Joe never was their choice, and
never will be. They will spend
money to defeat Simon. Tbe fight
may be at the primaries, and, if it is.
there will be another such a scene &s
was wivuefsed six rears aco."
Tbe Kainier Gfzetie is sometimes
terse and witty. It ssys: - -Damn
the lorpepos,' said Farragut. Damn
tbe Spanish mines.' said Dewey.
4Damn the Texas,' said Schley, and
now it is up lo some one to damr.'
the re d tspe of nara! inquisition."
Buw'a Tata:
We offer one hundred do'.: air reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall 'a Catarrh Care
F. J. Chexey &. Co. Prone., Tuiedo, O.
We, tbe undersigned, have knovc F.
j. Cheney ior the last 15 years, aad be
lieve bin. perfect'. y bonorab.e in aJlbosi
nees transactions and financially able to
carry out any L igations "made by their
Wstt A Truax.Whoieaaie Druggists, To
ledo, O., Waiding, Kiucan A Marvin,
Whoieaaie Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
Bali's Catarrh Cure ii taken inter
nally, acting directly upon tbe biooo acd
m ucutur eorfacea of the system .
F. J. Caa.vcv 4 Co.. Propa., Toisdo O.
Qild by drrngrets price 7 . .
''a Family Pilia are u e bewt. 12
tt.e Early Kisers
- are talc, prontpt.
-novioc all im
'd bowels.
Clarke A Falk have on sale a rail I1m
of paint ami artist's brnabe.
Ever-hearing raspberry plants at Mrs.
C. J. Siub ing's for tea cents each.
A fall line oi Eastman films and sup-,
plies jost received by Clarke A Falk.
Bnlb of tbe beaa:iful Easter Lt.'y, 10
cents each;
? 1 per doien. The Dalles ;
o21-3l !
Ciark and Falk have jost received a j
fall line o! fresh Veiox papers and de-;
velopers, the same as used by Mr. lovick j
in bis recent deroosstra'ion at onr store.
Lost Doting ..-'..: week, three,
keys on a ring: a'i flit, one large, two
email ones. The finder will favor the
owner by them at Thb Chbos-
iclb office, or 22 Iw
Tbe Truatilia House barber shop has (
recently been enlarged Knd fitted np with '
tne only steain-bealct! bath rooms in
tbe city. A',i the furniture and appoint '
tnents are new and of ;iie beet. For tbe
convenience of business men the place
will be kept onen. on::! fori ber notice,
till 10 o'clock p. m. This is tbe only
onion shop in the city j using the union
card and employing anion barbers.
BralB Food Nodu-m.
Another ritJ.cB;oos footl fad has been
Branded by :be most competent author
vies. They have dispelled the silly n."
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, soother for rcuscies. and stall an
other for bones. A correct diet wil! not
only nourish a particular part of the
hair, bn: it will sustain evary other
part. Yet. however good your food may
be. its nutriment :? destroyed by indi
gestion or cysoeysia. You must pre
pare for tbeir appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's Anos Fiewtr, the favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A few
doses aias digestion, sttmo-atee tbe liver
U. health? action, purifies tbe b.OC-3. and
make? vou lee. DtviTant ana vigoron?.
Yon r. get Dr. G C. Gteen's reliable
fSMte at BUseie;. s drug store. Get
avasafsByciaJftlnaaaan. i
'? nt.
Duil Headache, Pains in various parrs
, . 7
05 the bodv, Sinking at tbe pit 0: the Loss of appetite. Feverishness,
rimpiw or ? res are aa. postiive eviaen
necame eo it must be purified in
to obtain eood health. Acker's
A atrip of rwnnd fee: wide off the east
Eienir r:a3 nevet failsdiecure ScroJuioue
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases, it is
certain iy a wonderful
remedy and we sets every tnttse on a
positive guarantee. Biateley, tbe drng
gisL. 11 everv bottie
Don't Let Tb em Staffer.
01 ten children are tortured with itcb
mg and burning ecxema and oiber skit
diseases but Buckles' Arnica Saire
beais tbe raw sores, expeis inflammation,
leaves tbe skit without a scar. Clean,
Srajrrant, cheap, there's no salve on
earth as gaod. Try it. Cure guaranteed.
Oniy 25c at G. C. Biakeiey's drug store. 4
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is uot a mere
sttmuient to ttre-d nature. It affords tbe
etomach coup'.eie and abeoiute reel bv
digesting the food you eat. Yoo dan1:
have to diet uu: c&n t: ; y all tbe good
' j. i you want. 11 z . Dyspepsia Cure
iastantiy relieves that disueseed feeliogjB
after eating, gtv:ng
vigor. Clarke 6s. Fai
von new life ano
k's P. O. Pharmacy.
ever wi,ere prais One
Minute Cougb Cure ior the ecfieringe it
has re.ieveti and tbe lives of tbeir Utile
ones :: bst saved. Strike, at tbe root of
tbe Lrouuie and draws our the it-flim-
. . .... , , . .
nation. Tbe children s favorite Conch
Tbe children's favorite Congh ! ntDaer. sdocciug u
lark 4 Falk a P. O. Pharmacy. ' '
Care. C!
From my p':aea August 12:h, one dark
bay mare, ebon mane, weight about
:fU0 pounds, age 9 or lOvears; hrwnd
, , . ,j . ; .
JL on left boulder. Anv Ifilt-rmation
as to tier whereabouts wi be liberally
rewarded. G. W. Paksoxe,
o2u-la.w Haod Eiver, Or.
K-r . . t
OblescLlager's pasture, four
' . '
n. .ies west o: i :,e Da.iss. one buckskic
boree, wawbt about 1000 rx uod ; brand-
ed wttb s heart on last aaoatlder. Aiao
one bar mare ;
shoulder, witi.
oitabl teward
ucdereigned ior
Dranded H on right
rhit atrip in face. A
ill b given by toe
any information lead
ing 10 tne:r retoverv.
A. Eevxolus,
Toe La-M, Or.
Sick Headactie a -., uie y and r-ernia-nentiy
cured by usinc Muki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink,
Cure eonstioatioe
and indigettka, Ui&ke you eat, sifeep
aad happy. Satiefaetion garanted or
muney back. Socta. and 50 eta. Biakeiey,
tbe drugjr is..
Hvrsss f.-r !.
Twe'.v good work bones. Will sail
very cheap. Applv to Kad Gate.
If anything aiia your hair, gw aad ass
hVa tbe haadaaaiiars for all
a arcciaJtv of thaas
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
Notice of Sever Assessment.
Notice at hereby given that the City I onnei!
' of Dalle City. on the Mth day of Oete-
. ber, BSn, die determine ant ascertain tbe pro-
porrjonsfe com f the enst action of the Conn
srree: w in Italics City. vregvu. and to: Uie
i unw ot ie.-. ing :;. t o: ihe entmc:i'r.
tsereof. assessed the proterTy here:aafter de
scribed as hereinafter et forth, to wit:
L Beginuing at the northeast corner oi Mock
A at the intt-'s o:: n tt I'nion and Main stjec:.
in Dalies OUy; the. ce soulherlx along the west :
line of Tuion street UV feet: thence westerly at
rigfc ancles la BMlaa stTee; tr the west line of
said block A: the-iicsf uonhe.-ly paimllei with
t man street to the conth Dae m Jlaii- stre-:
:hei cv easeriv u-. the nlaoe ! beginning Be-
InMgtaT to toe U. K & S. Co. Assessed at tSO.
ft Reginnine at - pcint on the west hae of
rnkc sreet tffi ire nortiierly tmm the south-
e-ast comer oi bitck A. thence westerlx at right
angles to jfhataa street to the east lineof Liberrr
Lit?-?T street ti- a point where the samt- if in'e:
j sected by a line drawn at right ancles to IJadoo
i sneet from a point or. the west line thereof ja
feet northciy frots tbe point of
j thence easter.T tr- said point no the west line oi
Cnion s tree; fvet northerly from the point of
: beyirjEing. theuee sootiierK to the place of be- Belonging t Mrs." E- II. Wilson. As
; sessd at Six
j 3. Besinning at the southeast comer of block
j A on the north side of Second street and west
aide of Cnion sticct, fhanee nortttetly along the
I west line of Cnion street S te. thence west
; erT ft right angles to Tmon street to Libeny
tneiii-t- s,mtrer.T on the eat lice o: ut-
g" V- 9i
T "5 Ibenniuc" Beiongrt"
i i""" ia
4 A strip of ground feet wide off the west
VZ .TfT"
, . ? ri?pn, ? , 3afi
' rSf iTSe?S
ar.Tpt'T. to Z
1 . . ,
, t A strtp of ground feet t ide of! the west
ia of lot i ic 4 in DsCio citv proper be-
j 3rt wet
. sjar at tat s in hksek 4 tn Dalies City proper, be-
iongintoP. j. Mania. ssaaasvStlf
order ; side of lot . ic biock 4 in Dallas City nrojier. be
Riood io,,jriI1f ksJsBstsaa Baldwin: assessed at Is.
side of lot s and itsit,! itet wide off the wes:
side of lot I in block 4 in Daiiea Jirr proper, be
..limine tt. X. H aate ae-ci at rjf
j it a strip of ground s: feel wide off the east
saasat nay jawaas,la
II. Lot 5 in block 5 In Dalies Citr proper, be
longing tt- Fred incdt. assessed at ti-
li. A sarip of ground 13 feet vide off the wnest
side of lot 4 it bluck S in Dalles City proper be
longing u- Pauline Lusher, and assessed at t'.v
IX Beginning at a point an the sooth line of
SJr:' treet : : : evsial tbe northeast comer
of lot I in block 'X in Italics City proper, thence
easterly aleng the south line of Main street T
fet ; inches : thenee southerly at richt angles
la feet u the allej tience Westerly along the
north line of the al: -y T. feet I inches: thee -r
northerly, at right ancles, to the place of begin
ning, beiai gi'if t '-ST..uuc K..r:eu ii?s.sJ j
14. A strip of ground ! feed wide riff the cast
side of lot 4 an i a strip & feet wide off the at I
nd- of lot I in Uaefe in lilies City proper: 6e
iongisg to MaL.tii lis.osiL z u: 5-
1: Beginning at a posot on the souu. line of
Main street I feet east of the- mjrttwes: comer
of lot a is block S in-Dalies city proper : theuce
eastern rl.rp tbe scnth line of Mair. street :
feet thence southerly a: right angir CB fee: b
the alley: tiience wearer iy alone the north line
of the al.ey fet theaee B-jrtieTiT at t-a;
angle. U the place of begiut-i-f e.onging u
Wolf: assessed at m
Bacit:u:r,c a pnint or. the south line of
iain rtree-. X' iet east of the northwest corner
of let 3 in bluck tt in Dill cut pioaer. th-nee
easterly alung the south line of Mail, street SI
feet tisrr aotttberit at :i?L: a:jf.e
uk alls tiexMxr westerly cong the north line
al the tee: tneucf northertT. al rib!
anale, a the place of sssfaatfasr: beuucging u.
t? j.Mr--3i. $"
A t,Tip c, piHWM! ite. Kilk , lne
saal side of lot I asm a strip U feet wid off the
west side ut lot 5 ia block S in Dalles City
:-onitar u- Geo. tnet. sMaalsi "
Besrinuing at c point in the south line of ;
' v . -
H'te-et -:. ::: .
of block t iu Dalles OttT t roscr. thtnf i- srreriT
... f -u.-. . uti .: : sf-rt . ; fee:
tneneva: rtaatsOiaM asster.y :.i i tr,
alley thaaee assttily alaaw tha north Hae of taw '
a' J tnct at rjght analas northarly
!?! - ,eJ oitato"g betoosriaeto Max as-
is. a st r. t: iw eiibaSis., ...t. ....
. diivj il i,aii it- i mmm Mkasnttaa hi
SS Lot fin Mock Ti-Imlies'ltyT roper ex-
cepting a strip o7 the north e-.d ther.; j iei -
iaesMs in widta; besoogiag to Geo. Baca, ai.i
srtefi St tx-. '
.' A t- r - - , .
ii n,il.(W,r.n. .at :-T -ki- irSUZTTT., - . u , n77--l-v
sad at u&
4 asps iai u, a Mit- of
" -1. t.-- ::. : ,,..-.5 .:!: ;x, ,.e.r i
A hvtuagtx. and aastsaec at til.
atrta of groond a tart wide oS the west
aide of lot I ia Monk J in Dalies Ciiy proper Ut
. -ngmg p Max ogt and aaseMMi at
4 Lot in Moek S ia Dalies City
n :ng u rt.:.. A
. Xite hi. at.u eseQ a: t
:x . 11. Dalies city pruue. be-
i.. . :. u.uca , a. uauta tin t-'-longir
W Kate Hand ley sn3 asss.r-'. a JS-
SS Lot nV ia falnefe j a Dalles City proper
aaawastng to E. schacno and asstasec at lav
ST. Lot 5 ia hinek 4 it: Pallas fttr nm..i , ,
n-etefrui. ihe ..... . ii-L i-.
one st m said baiica t:i 4. i-l t-- ;
i'2" .L.'iJ? J .'tc '
TaWTl .UlTiS a'. a. 1 i -
ieet theact neaxerly inralie. will, tyeevoa 1
St Met; thanee ,iifcealy parslie miUi CofUt !
raw S) iei - uiu easier 1 1 aioog the nt. lb
lineuf ftei..c street u.- the uiaee of Pewi:.i::ur
to U 'jait-i sii asiu at
A pitee if around desert d as
teginnifig ai a potat ia the in.rtt line of Htw,d
atsait ia balsas (jut 42 frt west : tne iatenec
ban of O nrt and aeeood street. theiMx nurtt
arly swralle; with Court street CP Ieet
wwsaariy parallel with aeeood atrect jt feet
thaue southerly paiaDel with Const siraot S
faet u aaoood stxast thitu 1 aastariy along the
north line of Daeoud aanet 3 faet so to 1.1Z id
w aw saw aeor-
IH. T.
propei. belonging BO Sanies Snipes.
A sf ese-d
! n. Lot f in bloc 4 in Dalles City proper, bc-
I waging to Kate Mr.'iimiot. Assessed gss w
longing toiheesiate of A. Beitingen. deceased.
j Assessed t pal $.
SS. Lot 1 in block f in Dalles City UfUMI, bc-
i.inei t to the estate o:
H. Michclhach. de-
ceased. Assessed at J.'. S.
St. Lo4
longing tn the estate of A. BctUngen. deceased:
assessed at 5.?.-
So Lot 4 and tbe west half of lot 3 la block 5 j
in Dalies City proper, belonging as SSt Vogt: j
awaesaa, at sii.7 .
K. The east half oi lot 3 in bV-ck 3 in Dalles ;
Cite proper beluginc to A. Keiier aise-ssed al
ST. Lots 1 end 2 in block S tn Dalles City
j proper, belonging t Max Vogt. assessed at J3. I
j SL Lots 6. 1 and I 5n block I in Dalles City
proper, belonging to Geo. A. Licoe: a?: - eO at
I tf:.
proper, belonging to Wasco Lodge. No. lo. A F.
A A. M : assesaed at t
40. Lot I and fee: off the east aide of
lot f-
ic b;H in Da les City proper, excepting a
strip 9 ieet in width off the norm end of Tut ft
belonging to Dalies City : aiaesied at MOJO.
41. A strip of groonc feet in width off the
north end of lo- ? in block in Dalles Citr
belonging to Wm. Mc"Tun!: assessed at
4i A strip of ground tl feet in width off the
west side of lot f in block t in Dalies i"iry prop
er, belonging to -u'oa A. Drieer: assessed at
to je
; 43. Lots 1 and 2 in block I in Dalle Citr
r--. rtonging to Lsur. E. French . 1
u Lot, 4 and 5 in blork 1 in Dalles City
tOD u Uebe: assessed 3
. ir'
! 'TT .S
iSW p- iiTlfn,
47. Lot I in block T in Dialles Citr proper, be
longing to Columbia Lodge. So.5,LO.O.F.:
assessed at
4S Lot 1 in block S in Biglow's Additicn to
Ialles City, belonging to D. 1L and J. W.
FKDch : anesed at tii.
49. Lot - in block T in Dalles Citr proper, be
longing to Mary T. Blakile; . astesjed at f.v
30. Lot I and a strip 2i feet ic width off the
east side of lot I in block T in Dalies Citr prop
er, belonging tot. C Pease : assessed at if.
51. A strip of ground feet in width off the
west side oi lot and H feet off the east side of
lot y in block 7 in Dalies Cirr proper, belonging
to fiatnantha A. French : aneaoed attJS.
52- Lot 10 and a strip U feet in width of! the
west side of lot v ic blues 7 in Dalles City prop
er, belonging to Viarr Condon: assessed at Hft
5S. Lots 5 and I in block I in Dalles Citr
proper, beioaging to Mrs. D. It. French, assess
f-i- Lots 1 and 2 in block 10 in Dalles Citr
r'Toper. heiaaging u Crsnia neh: assessed at
5-i Lot 5. in block S in Dalles Citr nroper. be
longing to Isabella Gray : assessed at f .
IC Lot 4 in block v in Dalies Citr proper, be
longing tv smith Krencr : assessed at t
ST. Lot : in block 9 in Dalles Cirr proper, be
togging to the heirs at eophia Kiss, ceeeaaad:
it Sfr.
ae Lot in block 9 in Dalies City proner, be
jongnng to Anna F. Ta. ior assessed at t -
S- Lot 9 in block 9 n Dalles Citr proper be
longing to Phoebe Egar : -1 is a
O- The south half of lot 10 in block 9 in
Daiie Cite prop?r, bvloLgiog to T. 7 NichuUa
ases-red at J j.
61. The north naif of lot 16 in block 9 in
Dalies City proper, p.. Mrs. A. J. Fits
geratd assessed at i.
GL Lots oand f in "rerjrt s Addition to Dalies
:'itT. beionnng to the first t'ongTegatiocai
church of Tbe Dalies: assessed at H
SX Lots 1 and I in block L in Gates Addition
u Dalles Cit-r. belonging to Florence M. Vsum.
t-ssessel at M.
6. A piece : gi.rtini d-acribed as follows:
Begtnning at tne ncyMi corner of block 15
'jte Addition, tbeuce toutberlr along tne
lat line of Court street ieet ; thence wester
ly at right angles U "ourt street MS feet : thence
i.L.r::.e:.y pataliei with Coat street a iee: to
tne allry thence eierir aU-ng the Une of the
alley to the place of beg-inni-jg. Belonging to
seno-o; districi.So. 12: assessed at tlx;
Sa. The west half of black IS in Dalles City i
fi,-Jn Ml Ule- AUUilluU lO lMliCS (JItT, pt-
lonthg Lord aaMCsed at 1145.
" Beiinnihg at tbe southeast Comer of the
midsection uf Costtt asal RfUl Stsaafel tr. DaLes
Citr tbenee Mutfaerl; alone the east Une of
Conn attaet to the allay: theuee etateriT aiong
tbA nortb bne of tbe alley 1 feet: thence
r.ortber!y parallel with Curt street to tbe aoGtt
une oi nun street inenee smuw t i
Swult 3)ne of Fifth street n, h i,w r.
c-.nntng l.-..,-.g....r to the estate of G M
TJ w.
?S2,!4J? ?! roo, ?n.U,e "0,lth iiue 01
f1'5 f et easterly frmn the intersex
'ton of oourt and Fifth street : thtuw sootherlv
T"' "" "f: snenee
IT 71J-fr7 r
::.c of tne aiievS fe?:
-:;rari' tain
. a it?! Citnrt - - - ... k.
sxrutt. .ine ..f Fi:tL sfnvt fi.e-v:, westeflr aioug
the acuta Une of Fifth street M fast an the piac
1 ?laIiiS iioging to Max Vogt . asa sed
Al': said prop rty bcint ia Dalles City
btfid aUsMlamm-ri ta k, a.k -u
1 .r u,set of city liens 00 the ith day e.f .etc
"f1 f before the isin df of WuiiZ
n"oce u given by order of the counctl.
Datea Uus aatfa day of October, 1jL
Lecurder of Dallas City
.v i.ti
IX. F A fM K s H
6t CO
Transact a General Banking Bssiusas.
Lettars oi Credit
Uto Ksstara Sutea.
avaUafals ia
bigbt txebanga aad Tetograpbic
Tmatstn aold oa Kww York, Cbioaao.
2". Fraactoao, INiaadOvV'
ITcic, U
PORK and
m ax r r act r siebs or
Fine Lard and Sausages
Cursrs of BRAND
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers Wagon.
TMri an! JeUcns. Bene 159
Yellowstone Park Line.
nisi Btioi.rinkai.iStt
Fast mail for Tacoma. So.
beartle. (iyrnpia. Gray s
Harbor and South Bent!
points. 6pkane. Ross
land, B. C, Pnllman,
Moscow. Lewiston. Buf-
tt:U A. M. faloHnmp mining eoun- 5:50 P. H.
try. Helena, Minneapo
lis, BL Paul, OmaLa,
Kansas Citr, St. Loots
Chicago snd sU po:
So. 4. east and southeast. fio. X
Iuget Sound E
U; P. M. for Tacoma and .ttie 7:00 A. M.
and intermediKte pxcts
Pullman Crst-cUa and ton it t siec-pers to
Kiuneapolit, fit. Paui and Missouri river points
without change.
Yestibuled trains, ruion depot conueeUons
in all principal
Hageagt clrecked to destination of tkketa.
For handsome.' y illnsiiated deseriptiTe matter,
tickets, sleeping oar reserraoous, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent. 256 Morrl
son Street.comer Thir1. F-ortiur.l t.reeon.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
9-3-. tl aakiugtoB street. Rooaaa tt 30.
fOSTLAKIt, oaaotix.
The first reriatered as well as the first eradn-
ie piiicist eer in fortland. The aarld'a '
g eatcat Trenee Clairroynnt and Her'oa is: can
be co.isu ted dailr .n all ......
Hio! c.r V... ... . ... - 'I. .
Inaav SsSs. M"'ro? nt " ,orU
louay . he luoate hidden treasure, reunitos the
eparalad te:U if there Is u-in-ral. o 1 or I
oie sou desire " ,OU 10 Wia hl
strv taueht. BMlinauti. ,... ,
2SHM!Lb-r 'i1" " Dl seated he b-!l
y "a.1 eatofc iwl ao-ea.''.ed iucuraoit- dis
ajsa. Free ireatownl f.e the poor.
fl (. date of birth and three ue.ti ns : a'J
letters SaSSMSSI al cnee.
LsBat.d fcf riataw. Aug 10. -do h tdi tor). -Homer
deMwnu, occjluu. naled by visbw soebal
S0?4 bJ lUu ln o Mr. a. iaD
Miby Works. "T t rnasi Uil
- s . s"oe nj, stasaasonn) oottaet.
; to or aasnsed toot the aold
ifraes the
as vaaaa
atAA knars fat
Union Pacd
PorUand Special.
126 p. .
via Umit
Ington. o"" iienrer. l
aorth. Omah. i-
"City . St Unxlt, Chi-
h uic nasi.
ttm a. m.
via Hunt
ington. sin 1 ilk i . - .
. . . .
Worth. Omaha, Kd
fv bou uie tan.
Walla Walla. m.
tt. Pwql
Fast Mai!,
9 p. m.
SinokaiMWall. T
rant, unluth un
Sea, Chicago and East,
rortlaaa. .
(All sailing dates
f 00 p. nt.
. to cnuge )
For San Francisco
Sail every 5 days?
Colombia RlTsr.
To Astoria and Wav
Landjngt. Is -flfi tn
Ratorday , "
10:00 p. m. .
Orecon Citr. Wrhm
6 00 a m.
Salem. Indetwodenae,;
ww w my -iaaings.
t 'JOa. m.
Corrallis and Way
Landings. T-uesday.
7 .00 a. m.
Willamette aad
EaawklU ttlrars.
Oregon City.Dsytottani
i Way-Lanaings.
I Leave
i Kiparia
j dcilv,
1 3 40 a. m.
Snake Hirer.
Kiparia to Lewiston.
Ct Parties Jeatring to en to 1
i points on Columbia Southern Tit Bi
ie So. 2. leaving The Dalles at I
4 .; mating direct connection t U
m . . r, D :
, nciijiuriiiiuc uuu aiiu sicgs waa ja.
m iur iimwi a, x.vo p. ml.
For farther pameaiars. call on art
J;. lKELaan.
TV.. rufL.
J. 8. scaaaca.
First national
A Gejttsral Banking Boainssi
Depoaiu rsesivsd, snojaw
Draft or Cueck.
DIBDS mr mw-
niirssSliniB maAa and
raaittad on dav of
j Sight aad Tsiayrsnhic
Kaw York. 6au Frat
; -...nvytaa
n p Tmrnais. JStO. D,
M. Wuxtaisa, Gsc A.
eg a n. AL.
H ' M"
r- w. srn-sos
. .a fall
ia block 4
f. M Mar
Tb tahi alwT
at ia taa aaarkot.
71 Frost St., near
-jr ajS aw
Clark 4 Falk ass aavar
forvM tbie.
Swwar a
. P. o.
ast bait of let 7 to block 4 jl Dalles City
4 -
av Lot as the east half of sot
to DalMa CWy . heJoactn, to
sx w