The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 29, 1901, Image 4

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    ' ; : rrrz r-. rr. ' " ' ' aaaaaaaaaaaaa
business locals. i AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! I .
m Special Sale of
Mush Material.!
z Cream Flake Wheat, bulk 1
f7 pounds for 25c. Z
i . i tim i r . fa.
Stream riate w neat, zs,
d Grano,5s, 20c pr package 2
Grocery Department
Wanted I rollers at The Dalles steam
laundry. o8-tf
Clarke & Falk have on saie a foil Una
of paint and artist's brushes.
Ever-bearing raspberry plants at Mrs.
C. J. Stabling's for ten cents each.
A full line of fiaatman films and aup-
pliee just received by Clarke A Falk.
Bulbs of the beautiful Easter Lily, 10
cents each : fl per dozen. The Dalles
j Nursery. o21-3l
Clark and Fnlk have itist received a
fall line ot fresh Velor papers and de
velopers, the same as used by Mr. l.ovick
; in his recent demonstration at oar store.
Lost Purine carnival week, three
. keys on a ring ; all flat, one large, two
' small ones. The ficder will favor the
! owner by leaving them at The Chrov
I icle office. oct22 lw
The Umatilla House barber shop has
recently been enlarged and fitted up with
the only steam-heated bath rooms in
the city. All the furniture and appoint
ments are new and of the best. For tbe
convenience of business men tbe place
wili be kept open, until farther notice,
till 10 o'clock p. m. This is the only
union ?bop in the city : using the union
Tie People's fathnai Family jkiswr
To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for SI. 50.
Frank Cram, who la now in a Honnsh-
im little mercantile business in Hood
River, was in our city Sunday.
County Survevor J. B. Goit left todav ! card Dd employing union barbers.
for the Wamic and VTapinitia districts
to do some surveying that will occupy
him about a week.
M. D. Jacob, manager of "The Dalles
Aerie," is in the city soliciting business .
for his paper. The Dalies Aerie is the:
official organ of the local lodge of Eagles.
Prof Spillman, of the Pullman agri-j
cultural colleee. who has been in our
hospital for the past week, has recovered i only nonrisli
and is making a visit at Eight Mile for;0odv. but it
a wees or so.
Brain Food Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
Dranded hv the most competent author
ities. They have dispelled the silly no
don that one kind of food is needed for j
brain, another for muscles, and still an
other for bones., A correct diet will not j
a particular part of the
will sustain every other i
uart. Yet, however good vour food mar
Published Monday.
Wednesday and Fri
day, is in reality a fine
and fresh every-other-day
Daily, giving the
latest news on days of
issue, and covering
news of the other 3.
It contains all impor
tant ' foreign cable
news which appears
in the bally Tribune
of same date, also do
mestic and foreign
correspondence, short
stoiif. elegant half
tone illustrations, hu
morous items, indus
trial information,
fashion notes, agricul
tural matters, and
.'omprcbeosircand re
liable financial and.
market report.
Regular subscrip
tion price, 11.50 per
We fcrnish it with
Hemi Weekly Chroni
cle for TO.uO per year.
Published on Thurs
day, aud known for
nearly sixty years in
every part of the Uni
ted States as a nation
al family newspaper
of the highest class,
for farmers and villa
(rers. It contains all
the most important
Knew! r.cws of the
illy Tribune np to
tbe hour of going to
Sress: an agricultural
epartment of the
nigbest order, has en
tertaining reading for
every member of the
famiiy.oldaud young:
market reports which
are accepted as ant h ,
ority by farmers and j
merchants, and i t :
clean, up-to-date, in
teresting and instruc
tive. ,
Regular subscrip
tion price, (1 per year.
We furnish it with i
Semi-Weekly Chroni- j
cle for 11.50 p year
I hare re-opened this wag-kao Bakery
and am now prepare to fttpply treryl
body with Breast WW tag frkm. aw
all kinds of Staple tad Fancy Orooer e.
T. S.
Purest Liquors for Family Us
Delivered to any part of the City,
173 Second Street
51 Local,
858 Long Distance.
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictlv vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest knoTrn female remedy.
Bttwareof eonnierfelts and Imitations. The e- nuine Is pat np only in pasta-board Car-
ion with r.ii-im i mmiiir on io ot inn rtrvi. t. inti-.
Send lor Circular to WIUAlls MFG. CO.. Sole Agents. Cleveland. Ohio.
city, a first-born, ten-noonrl boy.
1 be, its nutriment is tie? troyed bv indi-
On the night of October 2b. h instant, gestion or dyapeysia. Son UJOat pre-!
to Mr. and Mrs. William Henzie. of this nam fnr onnoo,,,.. n,-an ;
i i i - i - -- - i
j their coming by taking regular doses of ,
Green's August Flower, the favorite;
j medicine of the healthy millions. A few :
, doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe liver j
I to healthy action, purifies the blood, and '
j makes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
You can get Dr. G. C. Gteen's reliable
remedies at Blakeiey's drug store. Get
Green's Special Almanac. 1
F -r sale bv Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dillea, Or
"Hamlet" ii Deuf Mutes.
Very useful work is done by the
adult deaf and dumb institute in
Manchester in keeping up a link of
association and interest among- deaf
mutes scattered over a large area.
Some travel great distances to take
part in a reunion in Manchester, tha:
has now become an annual event. This
year i; took place at the Hulme town
hall, where a tea party in the evening
was followed by a performance of
"Hamlet." by deaf-mutes. Probabiy
the feeling for dramatic representa
tion is as strong in theni-as in others,
but to those who can hear and speak
it is difficult to imagine that it can be
fully satisfied by signs and gestures,
more especially when they are tram
meled with the rapid and compli
cated movements of the linger lan
guage. The performance was, how
ever, a great success. Last year the
same "actors" gave "Romeo and Ju
liet. " so that the success was not al
together due to novelty. The dress
ing of the play was effective, the
scenery was good, and there was spirit
in the acting, and the audience,
ju.lged by their attention, felt a real
concern in the development and the
incidents of the piay. London Lancet.
Dalies, peniaon & Astoria
Jast What
You uaant.
?or ijiianta and Cildrea.
Ttoi Kind You Have Always Bcagli;
Bears the
JBr-iatur - of
Played Out.
Pull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Lass of appetite, Feveriehnes,
Pimples or Sores are ai positive eviden
ces of impure blood. So matter how it
oecams so it must be pnrified in order
to obtain goad health. Acker's Blood
Eiexir has never failed toenre Scrofulous !
i or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood j
i diseases. It is certainly a wonderful I
remeuy ana we sell every bottle on a j
positive guarantee. B.akeley, the drug
gist. Fond Chanced to I'olaon.
PntTotcinn fniul in tha intiutinaa nwc-
u . i -1 . I AJ tti iuuv. au kilt- iii,gh,micc f - J
duces effects like those of arsenic, but
Dr. King s New Life Pills expel the;
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, caring Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevere, all
Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only
'J5c at G. C. Biakeley'a drug store. 4
Don't Lit Thru; sutler.
Often children are tortured with itch
ing and burning eczema and other skin
diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve 1 REGULATOR,
A. M.
...Portland Boat...
New ideac in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced n single stock. Real imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for e small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a fall line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Tliird St.
at 7:00 A. M.
White Collar Line.
G. J. STUBlilG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
Ctondon I'hnnr 234.
L.nuc Uiat. iOttl.
r GrajKjijIltlBflfget o
m m 4 "LTNDERTAXERr: BaPial Shfflqdg
Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete.
The Dalles, Or.
mi Mlm i Mffliii
i heals the raw sores, expels inflammation. ,
tleavee the skin Clean, j
j fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on j
! earth as gocd. Try it. Cure guaranteed.
; Only 25 c at G. C. Blakeiey's drag store. 4 ;
j If yon want to retain your hair yon
' have to keep your scaip clean. Soap j
i will make your hair harsh, dry ano ;
! crispy. Now we have two of the very
beat preparations for cleansing the j
scali Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
: will leave vour hair soft and kIomv. i
Price, 2o and 50 cents a bottle, at Eraser' j
barber chop, Toe Dalles. tf
Mothers every where praise One :
Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it
has relieved and the lives of their little
digesting the loot you eat. You don't ! ne"t has eaved. fcenkee at the root of
have to diet but can enjoy all the good j ,lie d draws our the iLflam-
food you want. Kidoi Dyspepsia Cure mation. The children's favorite Cough
instantiv relieves that distressed feeling Cure- Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
after eating, giving yon new life and
vitfor. Clarke fc Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
C. M. Piie)ps, Foreeidaie, Vt., save
bU chiid wa? completely cured of a bad
case of ecz .nit b the ne of DeWm'e
Witch Umi Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles.
Cia'kt & Falk's P. O. Pnarmacy.
A new line of children's school hate
and caps rt ceived at Campbell & Wil
son's millinery parlors. At reasonable
prices. Call and Bee them. o'23 tf
W. C. ALL.-
Kdol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere
etimulent to tired nature. It a thirds the
etomach complete and absolute rest by
Lewis Ockeriuuu, Goshen, Ind : "De
Witi'a Little Early Risers never bend me
When your hair appears dry and to ! double like other pills, bnt do their work
have lost its vitality it wants something ! tborouehlv and make me fee! likeabov."
! Certain, thorougn, gentle. Clarke &
WAY, General Agent,
The Dalles. Oregon.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yon eat.
It artificially digests the food andaidfl
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is tbe latest disco vereddigest
ant and touic. Ko other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures ;
Dyspepsia, inuigestton, ueartourn,
sick Headachoasfiaffcram Portland-Astoria Route
au outer resuiu 01 unper tect aigestion.
Tho ItallDP DnrffonfT Dmito
iiiu uoiiooTuniOMU UUUIO Headauarters for Seed Grain of au kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot fii kin
Headquarters for Boiled Grain, an kin
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts,
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendlfr
ton Flour
I Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points.
Leaves Poniand at 7 a. m. on Toee
dav, Thursday aud Saturday.
Arrive The Dalles, same day, 5 p. m.
Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. ra. on Son
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m.
Meals the Very Best.
'This R Mile has thn
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
This Floor is mannf adored exnresslv for
uae : ever aank ia unarant d to rim nntinfirttW
w Mil oor goods lower than any nonse in the trade, and if yon don't think
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
to give it life and vigor. We have what
ttie hair needs when it gets ;u that con-
ditton. We have m the Crotrn of
Science Hair 43 h Grower and:
Cocrjannt Crtmul V Tonic. They
will cure dan ! SV riifi" aud ail
ecaip dueasea. For aale at Frawr's bar
iter shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. I
Effective this dae. A charire of $1
per car per day will be made for delay to i
cars, for ali time held under load, in
loading or unloading by consignee or
consigner, in excess of forty eight hours
irum time car is aet for loading or nn
loading. Jambs
Agent O. R. A S. Co.
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
If anything ails your bair, go and
Fraaer; he'a the headquarters for
hair remedies. Remember that
makes a arccialtv of these goods.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nentiy cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cores constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25 cm. and50cte. Blakeley,
the druggist
Experience is tbe beat Teacher. Ue
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Shnuid it fail to
give immediate relief iponev refunded
25 cU. and 5u CM. Blakeley, tbe druggists.
Price )e and tL Large sue contains J
Ml jooKiuicoinita7spepsiamiitieaiiee
-fccared fcy C C DC"! TT a CO.. Cbtcog
fi.u t ri m Ty it, ,, w.
com oy t inr p a. raiK s r.u. rnarmiicy. j TIME CARD
Leave Portland 7 a.
Leave Astoria .7 p.
In ttie Circuit Court of the suit o! Oregua (or
the C'ouutj- of Vmtca.
Una Bat, Plaintiff,
W. W. IL.e befeudant.
To W. W. UmW, the defendant above named :
In the name of tbe mate of oregvro: Yoa are
beieby required to appear and answer the com
plaint fldagajiiat you iu tbe above smith-d
uit on or before Friday, Ibe twenty ---coi.1 day
of November. ItfJl, ind if o i (ail to to aukwer
plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the :eliel
prayea tor in her caipl.nt, to-wie: For a de
Landing and office Foot of
Street; both phones, Main 351.
land, Oregon.
Dyspepsia can be cured
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One
E. W. Cricbton, Agent Portland,
Pratber and Rarnee, AnU.. Hood River,
X' ,. I.. A t. 1 ,!. . .
crei and order of tbe Court fotevet autiUlll:. ! "jc.e, agw.. w Pile fraimon,
aim caiie -iiiig iDe ikjuo.mi! iixtiiiuoiij ex;sti!iK . .1 . C. ytt, Aiieut Vauconvar
belweeii youfM-'ll ..iid vlaintlir. f.l.d nwar.lii.Kt ' - V w. BUtWOVflr,
plaintiff 1 be care, truatody and eonirol of William 1 A. J. la) lor, Agent Astoria.
it. m wi.ivi vukui ti.v m,ur ui mmi i njarriaae. 1
t .. , ... .......... t 1
on-, im auvu "iuci niu luiiun icim aa 10 IOC
fV.urt mar uni nntiMtr
Thi mmaiooK is acrved upon you by oublica-
by using tlon thereof in Tbe Dallas chronicle for mx ton
Ins littU utive week, by order of Hon W. L Brad
..w Mil. U 1 1 1 n I , HMmtlh I II 1. 1 .. I . I rfl.l..
" --- " 1 .1 U I . I 1 I. I (I , I ,
I J. M. FlUOOtC AgMt, The Dalits.
hau. tuaee of tbe aevenlb udicial dintrlrt . 1 1 L , j , j .
Tablet will give immediate relief or 2W.-ow
Florsl lotion will ear. wind chapping j Wfi J? "d'mltj- ! "ft. o.u of .b. h. .ubiioaUoa of tm. ' I f
Manufactured by Carre 1 ...wa.cjr wmm " j mou. u Wedneaday, October t. tsot . mym Andreas
I. BadaaaaMaa fnr Tun Puiaiiiki w I .T. "TT . an .
and sunburn
& Falk.
(.30 tf
Knderebr, Or.
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United SUtes Healtk
Keports for June 28. 1900, says: "A more eupaiior brew never entered
tbe lebratory of the United States Health rernirts. It bsolotely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on tbe other band is core posed of
the beat of malt and choicest of bopa. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and aatisfa. i ion bv old and
young. Its uae can conscientiously be prescribed bv the physicians with
tbe certainty that better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
Bast Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Thaw overcome
Mas, irrefrulariv
omissions, men
i tar mu
01 menjitniatioo." They are " LIFK MAVE3B8 " to
womanhood, aiding; development of ovrana and body.
mown remedy fox women equal them. Cannot do had
fe'P'"lre' 1.00jtfMttOX BY NAIL.
ror sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, Tbe Dalles, Or
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