...The New York Cash Store. fJGJ J IBS and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. LAMEft GLOVES.. ..lags' ami lean's school SOUS.. Arc You Mixed on the Salt and Overcoat Question? It's pretty hard to know what to do, lin't it, when every clothier in town has "the tost at the wtpHce'' and all 'Vrive satisfaction' and all heat the Ui!or to piece, and save too a half to a third and all that. It comes down to the question of faf'h in somebody. Hart, ScHavfTner CBk Marx tail-or-made ClotHing, made xpressly for PEASE A MAYS, will answer the question. Stylish, durable and best for the money. $10.00 to $23.00. Large assortment of M1IRT&, made up in plain and neat effects; Correct Style for this season. $1.00 to $2.23. Yclvo Chameleon Neckwears the only new thing from the silk looms this fall. Sold by Pease fe Mays only. Largest and bast assortment of Stylish Hats in $ the city. We offer for this week a complete line of Gloves, in tan, brown, black and red ; sixes 6 to 1. Special Sale Price, Sftc ft No gloves will be fitted on during tale. tf g The Little feet. Take care oi them the h:g feet will take care of themselves. There is no article of wearing ap parel that requires en much atten tion as Children's Shoos. We he lie ve in good sho-B and the right kind of shoes for children shoes tl at conform to the natural shape of the toot without sacrificing all sense of good taste. We have sev eral makes of Children's Shoes made from the best of leathers and on the right lasts. Box Calf, $1.60, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. Kid, $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.50. Kangaroo Galf, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. AH tises and widths. PEASE 5l MKYS. The Dalles Daily Cttforoete. TUESDAY OCT. 29. 1901 - in - Served Oysters ii.e At Andrew Keller's. . TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wasco Cwur vamtats reajtstared prior to December 3, ISM, will bo paid on presentation at my ten. Interest uti after September IS, 1901. JOHN F. BailPBBIBCi County Tronanrer. VAYSIOE GLEANINGS. The weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow is showers. No. 1 wheat has stood at 50 cents a bushel for the past two or three day A drunk, who gave bis name as WiT iaiu Smith, paid a fine of $5 in Recorder Doberty's conrt this morning. For rent A coo pie of large furnished rooms in a nice locality below the bluff. Inquire of Condon 'phone No. 391. o29-n2 Next Thursday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, the Fortnightly Clnb will resume their meetings for the fall and winter months. Mrs. J. A. GeieendorfiL-r, who has been ill for some time with a mild attack of typhoid fever, was able to leave her bed yesterday for the first time. The Knights and Ladies of Security i!l pive a dance and enpper at Fra ternity hall next Thursday night. Good music will be furnished and everybody ' invited. Professor fcandvig will commence a lancing class next Wednesday evening, to continue all winter. All those desir ous of j fining the class should be present t the first meeting at 8 o'clock, sharp. o28-3t Wanted By a young woman with a child of a year and a half old, a home lor self and child where she could assist in housework and receive small wsges. Good reference. Address Tux Chbok icli. o-n2 All warrants for premiums awarded at the late district fair are now in the handi of J. C Hosteller, cashier of French A Co.'s bank, where the owners eo obtain them upon appUAtfoa to Mr. Hos.etler. Z. F. Moody has instituted proceeding to the circuit conrt for the recovery of t3.4tt.9ft, wkfa interact and attorney's , from r. . Jones, of Bherar'e B'd,e. The balk of the claim is on promiasory note. We uodereUnd thai Jed Fiso has closed a harsjsia with B. F. Uegblto for w grows ktoij aseagtst by livery stable. Tbe rumor of t Portorl ertv didn't turn out to be true. The property has 100 feet front on Second street and rnna back 120 feet on Laogb- I in street. "Life of McSinley." complete books now ready. Can fill orders for book written by Marshall Everett or Marat Haletead. Best editions published. Outfit free. B. C. MHler A Co., Portland, Ore. 29-2w-tu-th-e The east Bide, to a depth of forty feet, of the implement department of Mays A Crowe's big brick store is being fitted up with partitions and counters and shelv ing for the occupancy of the Hub cloth ing store by thy first of the month. C. W. Height, of this city, has pur chased 3,200 head of sheep from W. J. Lauder, of Bakeoven, which be will winter on the range near the head of Cow canyon. The price per head has not been given ont, but the deal involves the sum of over (7000. Agents wanted for "Life of President heodore Roosevelt;" thrilling illus trated biography of our youngest presi dent ; complete outfit mailed on receipt of 35 Cents in stamps; be first in the field. B. C. Miller A Co., Portland, Oregon. 29 2w-tu-th-sat The democratic candidate for governor of Iowa aays if Bryan does not quit the state be will be defeated. How have the times changed ! Two or three years ago every democratic stump in the country was clamoring for Bryan to mount it and orate. Now there is hard ly a stump left that democrats haven't grubbed up. Senator Bimon, who recently went to Washington to tell the president that in the matter of federal appointment the little senator's name was Mud, having accomplished bis purpose, bus returned home. And while Joe was boo-booing into the presidential ear, Senator Mitch ell procured an order for a government transport to load at Portland. Senator Tillmao. of South Carotins, aays of the Booker Washington incident: "The action of the president in enter taining that nigger will necessitate our killing a thousand negroes in tbe Booth before tbey will learn to keep their places again." Is it possible tbst this uncultured brute represents tbe senti ment of tbe people of tbe South? Tbe paragraph in yesterday's Cukoh iclb, taken from the Skamania Pioneer, which said that Harry Clough, of this city, bad bought a stock ranch on lb Little White Salmon and was going to settle down to tbe peace and comfort of pastoral life was at least premature. Mr. Clough laughs at tbe idea and says be wants no pastoral life la bien. While B. W. Wfokbaos, of Dutch Plat, was washing a bog yesterday for the mange the middle finger of hie right bead eaforteaatoly slipped into the hog's seeetb aad eae of the brato'a teeth dear tbroagn toe augur, o eery eeietal orning to have it dressed by a phyei- ian. The hand wbj slightly swelled rom blood poisoning, bnt no serions re sults are anticipated. A late Washington dispatch says: "Woolgrowera in California and Oregon, and io fact all of the western states, have obtained an important diplomatic victory by succeeding in inducing the administration to abandon the reciproc ity treaty with Argentine republic, which proposed a reduction in tbe tariff on wool coming from that country of twenty per cent per pound." Charles Hendersbott, u tramp stran ger, was arraigned before United States Commissioner Hnlson this morning on the charge of Belling whiskey to Indians, the complaining witness being Deputy Sheriff Wood. He was bound over to the United States grand jury in the sum of $200 and was taken to Portland this afternoon by Deputy United States Mar shal Proe betel. Senator Mitchell has succeeded in having orders issued to send tbe trans port Grant to Portland to take tbe Twenty-eigbtb Infantry to Manila, pro vided there is sufficient water for tbe ship to go up tbe Columbia. The ves sel when loaded drawa twenty-five feet of water. Should she be able to make the round trip without accident or delay tbe event will sorely break the hearts of two or three Astoria editors. A new case of diphtheria was reported to tbe city authorities this morning, that of a child of W. S. Woolsey, who resides in the Military Addition, near the end of tbe flume. The house waa promptly quarantined. This is the first new esse for nearly two weeks. Tbe old cases are all well and only await tbe limit of the law for raising tbe quarantine. The flag was taken down from J. B. Coit's bouse yesterday. The quarantine will .be raised on the remaining five old cases in a few days. J. B. Browo, a former reident of the Kingsley eoontry, spent last night in the city tbe guest of tbe Umatilla House. Mr. Brown is largely Interested In farm ing in tbe neighborhood of Grass Valley, Sherman county, but be justly com plains that No. 1 wheat is only worth 41 cents at Bourbon, bis nearest shipping point, while the seme class of wheat brings ton cents more in The Dalles. If it were at all convenient or even pos sible for Grase Valley farmers to haul their wheat to Tbe Dallas, tbe Columbia Southern wouldn't get an ounce of It at present rates. By tbe wey, wbst be came of Judge Bennett's project of two years ego to build e railroad up tbe Dee chutes to tap Crook oouaty and go oa to Klametb eoaatyf It woald be ankles' to blot that tbe Judge wee thee e eeadf dote for state senator ; bet tbe project Slog a borate' Just the same. A eelled meeting of the local bar bare wee bsid tost eight at tbe O. K. barber oboe. All the barbers lo tbe city were cage these of two aheee. Mr. T. J. Lynch, by request, atated that the object of the meeting was to organize a local barbers' Union in connection with tbe International Union. A resolution prevailed to so organ i as and the follow ing officers were elected: President, T. J. Lynch; vice-president, M. M. Long; corresponding secretary, C. A. Prondfoot; recording secretary, J. R. Bees; treasurer, Chas. Fraeer; guide, L. L. Van Nortwick. It was resolved that in future, until further notice, all union shops in tbe city shell open at 7 :30 a. m. and close at 8 p. m., except Saturdays. The meeting adjourned sub ject to the call of tbe secretory wben tbe new charter shall have been received. Light at The Dalles. "Tbe people of The Dalles are jubi lant over tbe coming change there from b dark to a light town," said Charles Walker at tbe wharf of the White Collar line to a Telegram reporter. "The Dalles has been dark too long," continued Mr. Walker, hot now It is making a great forward stride. The Wasco Warehouse A Milling Company, an organization comprising many oi our old pioneer stand-bys, such aa Dan French and W. Lord, baa contracted to light tbe city after November 1st, and tbe construction work on the plant Is being rushed to completion under the personal supervision of George W. Sim ons end C. F. Swlgert, of the Pad flu Bridge Company, Portland. They are developing the power from White river, that rushes toto tbe rapid Deschutes river near Bherar's bridge. "The plant is built very substantially, and equals anything of its kind In Cali fornia, which state, it is acknowledged, leads tbe world in electrical transmis sion. "The line from Tbe Dslles to White river has thirty miles of poles set in the most substantial manner, which are ca pable of holding up ninety miles of the heaviest copper wire. "Greet care has to be exercised in the work on account of tbe high potential voltage, about 22,600, which Is the first line of its kind In Oregon. Some pieces of tbe machinery weigh eight or tn tons and have been hauled by wagon thirty-five miles to tbe bead works. "Tbe plant will cost $40,000 and will be e good thing for The Dalles. It will not only illninloato tbe town, but will also furnish power for all miaufaeturlng purposes, lodading a new 1 000-barrel -a-day flooring mill. It will bring Tbe Dalles to tbe front." Aceoent Boob Lost. Oa the' road between Tbe Dalles end Center Bldge tbe undersigned lost hit account book. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaviag property at tbe Oh roe ids offlos. otv-dewflt Jambs T. Ooorea. Twelve good work boraes. Will sell very cheep. Apeiy to Bed KNEE PANTS We have just roceived our completo fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New Tor Ik Cash Store New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, olean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city, eee MAYS CROWE.., Trilby and Cole's Original air-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tlslu Heater has revolution ised the besting stove trade in all sections of the United States. Its won derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other excellent qualities, strongly recommend it to all in nee j of a heating stove. What Cole's Heater Will Do. This stove will heat a room from stro to 60 degrees In five minutee. It will heat your houre evenly day and night. . It holds Are 36 hours without attention. You bnlld only one tiro each winter. It burns chips, berk, leaves, paper end corn cobs, and gives excellent results with this fuel, which Is ordinarily wasted. The stove is light and easily moved end set np. The combustion Is perfect and ashss are removed only ones in four weeks, v None of the heat Is wasted and tbe stove WSf. til aava one-half of vonr fuel bill. It is clean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters Is guaranteed to stay air-tljlit as long as used. Where wood Is uaed for fuel every lamily should bast one or more of these stoves. Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles. Blakeley's Drug Store, THE OLD RELIABLE 175 2d St., THE DAI.LB9 We carry tbe Ursaat and most compute fcok lu Kaahtrn Oregon ol UHl'Oi and MBDIOINBB, COM Us aad BKtSIIBB, BI'OMOKB and CHAMOIS, rtlMBSe and WALLKTI, rHIHu and ructi CAMBUAB, I'UOTO SI IT LI KS, mOTO parent en mounts, I.OWMBV'4 CHOCOLATBN. 'UK OW N KX rK:r ul J.emou si Ve ill. Iii are the U.m Mada. K very thing wc Mil 1 r reah. Our price are Coaaiataat. Our PMBBCHtr'TlON Department U In charge of competent man. We Man u taut uru Or. Weed's l.tuiiutni. Or. fS nod's Naraaua Villa, Or Wood'a ll.edaeha Tablets, and Wneh Masai Aliai.nd Crsaaa. IMAII. OHOBH lecelvs our I 0AT1I DUflllCC I 'f 'acfcsga dillrsfsd Free, I peraoual attention. QUI II rnUlflO promptly, lu the city. I "John Pashek, The Tailor, Has Just received 1000 samples of the latest pattsrna in (Jvnt's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and e good St or no pay. s i t John Paehek, The Tailor. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker Mi EmbaJmer Oer. Third end Weohlrvgton Ste. All orders otl coded to wotaetly. Loog Fire Insurance. rounded Uta. Capital paid up 07,500,000 Aeeato eW,lJMUMM Now Is the time to insure; totaor. row may be too late. Phone No. St. Seufert A Condon. Phone Mo. SW, PariSo fttetce Co. ARTHUR SKCPSHT, eBSsJSwl Pfcp Sw omSwMoS1 Why pay $1.7 BOrgBitoa I (aleta wbea you tee kef Fattoa's see proof eeitto tor t altop. guaranteed fur year. Ho that Mr. Porter bad bought tbe Mr. Wfokhee to wee celled to the chair, east ran, i