Tbt Dalles Duly Chronicle. TUESDAY OCT. 29. 1901 WA TTERSOX S A FTER - VIS SER Ei'lTORlAh. That is a bibulous, bubbling edi torial which Henry Walterson has written on Btxker T. Washington's legs under the While House table. It conjures up our joyous and witty Watterson silting at the convivial table and pouring forth libations to tbe gods of pre-slavery days. As the champagne percolates down his royal and, as he admits, ver thirsty throat, the bubbles of wit and sarcasm float from bis lips, spaikle a moment in the electric light, and then burst as tbe illustrious stenogra pher tries to commit them to paper. But beneath the play of wit and satire there is the gall and bitterness of the pro-slavery advocate. There is tbe reverence for Jefferson Davis ac4 the slur at tbe "gentleman of color." There is the irveterate sneer at Wendell Phillips and Lloyd Gar rison, at Theodore Parker and Joshua Giddings. There is tbe slap at Fred erick Douglas. There is tbe attempt to poison the Southern mind against Booker T. Washington. Mr. Watterson s wit and satire . tooch bottom when he pictures "Teddy and Booker hobsnobbing , over their 'possum and potatoes" in tbe White House. And from tbe floor we ca:?h tbe half inarticulate exhortation to democrats "to (hic)i get together and to keep their powder dry, because this young bronco busier is going to raise more bell to, the square inch tnan was ever raised in that particular neck of the woods. Wait a little longer, boys. There's good time coming." From all of which we can sorrow folly draw the moral that a wise man after dinner can be more kinds of a fool than 50,000 loots who know not the exhilaration of champagne. Chicago Record-Herald. POP STATES AS IS HARD LUCK. Here is a hard lock story of a Kaosan -politician, who was swept into congress on the wave of popu lism that swept that state a few years ago: On Marsh 4th last Edwin Beed Bidgely retired from tbe position of congressman from tbe third Ksnsas district, and be is today cooking and doing chores for his board and a place to sleep in Lawton, Oklahoma. When Mr. Bidgely was elected to congress in 1896, be owned a half interest in a mercantile business in Pittsburg, Kan., but be sold his share to bis brother. When be left tbe office of congressman at $5000 a year, and four years of it, he had only a little money and no profession to support him. He was too old to farm, and tbe mercantile business did not offer its former inducements. He lived in Pitlsbng, Kan., for a time without doing anything and fina'lj- drifted to Kiowna county in search of a place and opportuniiy to begin life again. He was found in Ltwton recentlv by Colonel Fred Donelson, who bad been one of Bidgely's political supporters m form er years. Colonel Donelsen says that when be saw bim, tbe former congressman bad just returned from an errand for tbe grocery man who gave him bis board. He was carry ing a large piece ot ice in a sack on bis back. The ex-cor-gressman said that be bad tuen offered a chance to sleep in tbe grocery man's wagon at night, and a job of cooking and run ning errands for his board. He says tbe accommodations are not so good as be hss had, but be cannot com plain, and is looking for a chance to make his fortune. Cm I Fouael Iwr Oold Bill. Guu) Hill, Oet. 36 Word is brought ia from the Meadows district, north of Gold Hill, thai Bead t Fletcher, while . developing one of tbeir cinnabar claims, ' oat through a 90-inch void of coal . Sped- j mens of tbe find have been exhibited in this plane, and while not yet submitted to an analytical tMt, bear every indica tion of being of good quality. Tbe vela lies at a depth of 112 feet ; its extent is not known yet, as there baa been ao time to prnepect tbe ground, bnt other discoveries of a similar nature in tbia neieh nor hood, though of lees tbicknees and nearer tbe surface, are regarded as indications oflicient lo base th? theory that eveatoal!v c.a' wi.l be uncovered in quantity sufficient lo make its pro duction an industry of commercial importance in this section. Tbe vein is somewhat rbattered and considerable cinnabar is :nte;tperse.1, a formation which is rare, if, iodeed, not entirely without precedent in the annais of tbe mining world. Milwaukee ISeflaUioa of lntrodactioa. Tbe teacher of an intermediate grade in a Milwaukee sriioo! tbe other day was "showing ofT' her pupils before a number of visitor. The sne Uiag c'.aee was on the fljor, and one sisal!, red-headed boy was given the word "introduction." He paused, twisted his Uaa, stared and then in a faltering way spelled it correctly, and seemed .rather surprised that he had done it. "Do yon know what that word means?" asked tbe teacher. "Ko'm." "What? Yon don't know wba: Intro ductian means?" "Ko'm." "Well, now, I'll explain itto yon. Does your mother ever hare caliers?" "Yea'm." "Weil, now, suppose that two women came to caJi on yoor mother. Yonr mother knows one of the women, bnt doesn't know the other. She bas never seen the woman, and doesn't even inu her name. Now, bow wonld she be come acquainted with this woman and find oo: her name?" t "She'd send me on; for a can of beer." As thai was the correct answer, tbe teacher had nothing farther to say. Hi. - This! We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J. Cheney A Co. Props., Toledo, O. We. -the undersigned, bave known F. J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in ail busi ness transactions and financially able to carry ont any obligations made by their firm. West & Trnax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists , Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tbe blood and m neons surfaces of tbe system. F. J. Chkxet & Co., Props., Toiedo O. Sold by drraggiste, price 75c. Hall's Family Piils are the beet. 12 Be Kept His L. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched bis leg with a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suf fered intensely. Then tbe beet doctor urged amputation, "but," be writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes of Bncklen's Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and ail blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on eaith. Trv them. G. C. Blakeley vffl guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 50 cents. 4 S50 REWARD- Lost, three head of work horses which ttrayed from a freight team near Ante lope Jane 12th, last. One is a dark cbestnat sorrel gelding, with white face; both bind feet white. Another is a light bay mare with white fare. Both of these are Clyde's and heavy tel. The third is a steel grey gelding, rangy built, with right arm wire cut. Average weight of each above, 13I0 pounds. Aces from 7 to 10. Branded figure 7, with a quarter circle under, on left hip. Will g' ve foO reward for tbeir delivery to me at Hartland, Klickitat connty, Washington, or a liberal reward for any information leading to their recovery. D. W. Both rock, elS lmw Hartland, Wash. Strayed, From my place August 12:h, one dark bay mare, short mane, weight about 1000 pounds, age 9 or 10 years : brand JC on left shoulder. Any initrination a5 to bar whereabouts will be liberally - v ,WIH c20 lonw Hood River, Or. STRAYED. From Ohlesch lager's pasture, four j miles weat of The Dalle , une buckskin 1 horse, weight about 1000 pounds ; brand-j ed with i heart on left shoulder. Also j one bey mare; branded H on right' shoulder, with white strip in face. A ' suitable reward will be given by tbe undersigned for any information lead ing lo tbeir recover v. E. A. Revkoldb, o2S lmw Tbe Dalles, Or. DeWitt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle, effective In removing all im purities from the liver aad bowels. Small and easy to take. Never grips or distress. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Phar macy. Clark Faik are i noa'tfeeastthia. Groceries Union and Second Streets. Local Thone 92 'gglawaw' i Notice of Sewer Assessment. Notice is herebv given tbst the Ciry I onnes. ot Dalles Citr. Oregon, on the :Mth Uy oi Octo ber. HSt, did determine anl sseenatn the pro portionate cost if the const: notion of the Court street sever in Imlles ';?y. oreeon. and Jot the purpose of paring the coots of ihentnictin tnerevif. assessed :he p;orrty hereinafter de scribed as hereinafter set forth, to wit: L Beginning t the cortieas'. corner of bloc A at the Inters ettoa of Ontaa and Main streets in Dalles Gttj : the. ce southerly along the west line of Tnion street 1A feet: thence westerly at tieht anaie to t'nion street to tbewwl line of said block a: thence northuriy parallel with ( nine street to the sooth lie:- of Ms:: street: tbetice easterly to the place of besrir.ning. Be longin; to the o. K AN. Co. Assessed at So. 5. B?ginniiur st - pcint on the west line of Tnion -rev M&j feet northerly from the south east corner of brock A. thence westerly at right angles to Tnion street to the east line of Liberty street: thence northerly along the east line of Liberty street to a point where the same is inier sected by a line drawn at right ancles to Tnioa srreet from a point oh tbe weat line thereof 90 feet northerly frcrm the point of beginning: theuce easier. y to said point on the west line o! Tnion street feet northerly from the point of beginning: theuce southerly to the place oi be ginning. Belonging 3 Sirs. E. M. Wilson. As sessed at H 3. Beginning at the southeast corner of block A on the north side of Second street and : side of Tnion stiett. thence northerly along tbe west line of Tnion street trF; ieet. thence west erly at right angles to Tnion street to Liberty street: tnence southerly on the east line of Lib erty street to the north bne of Second street i thence easterly alorg the north line of Second street to the place of beginning. Belonging to the estate of John H. Michelbach. Assessed at tj.t. i. A strip of ground feet wide off the west side of lot i. block t. iu Dalles C:ty proper, be longing to Lstber Nicholas: assessed at lis Sl a strip of ground 12 feet 5 inches in width of! the east side of lot i in block 4 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Z. '. Mood v. assessed at 6. A strip of ground 3C feet wide off the west side of lot 3 in block 4 in Dalles City proper be longing to Margaret A. Martin: assessed at rl5. 7. A strip of ground c- feet wide off the east side of lot : in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be longing to P. J. Martin: assessed at $.8. 8. A strip of ground 1 feet wide off the west side ot lot 2 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Matilda Baldwin: assessed at Jge S. A strip of f round 45 fee: wide off the east side of lot . and a strip 4 feet wide off the weat sidf of lot ! in block 4 in Dalles citr proper, be longing to N. H Gates, assessed at t 10. A strip of ground 62 feet wide off the east side of lot 1 in block 4 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Matilda Baldwin: assessed at 3. 11. Lot 5 in block 3 In Dalles City proper, be longing to Fred fund assessed at S. 12. A strip of ground 15 feet wide off the west side of lot 4 in block 3 in Dalies City proper be longing to Pauline Lusher, and assessed at 13. Beginning at a point on the south line of Main street 15 ieet east of the northeast comer of lot t in block 3 in Imlles City ptoper, thence easterly along the south line of Main street 27 feet 3 inches: thence southerly at right angles li f'xt to the alley: thence westerly along the north line of the all y 27 feet 3 inches; then?e northerly, at richt angles, to the place oi begin ning: belonging to Caroline Korteii; assessed at 14. A strip of ground It feet wide off the cast side of lot 4 an I a strip 1 feet wide off the wet side of lot 3 in Lluek 3 in IMte Cit proper: be longing to Mali. Ja Baldwiu: asesscl at (12. 15. Beginning at a point on tbe south line of Main street I feet cast oi the northwest corner of lot 3 in block 3 in Dalles City proper : thence eastcrlr along the south line of Main street 22 feet: theuce southerly at right angi. s 12u feet to the alley : thence westerly alone tbe north line of the alley 22 feet: thence northerly, at right ang.es. to the place of beginning: belonging to B. Wolf : assessed at 111. IS. Beginning at a point on the south line of Main street 3D ieet east of the northwest corner of lot 3 in block 3 in Dalles city ptoper. thence easterly along the south line of Main street SI feet: tnence southerly at tight eng:e 120 ieet to tbe alley . thence westerly along the north line of the alley at feet: thence northerly, at right a'iglea. to the place of beginning: belonging to t Blumauer: assessed at ill. 17. A strip of gionnd 12!a feet wide off the east side of lot s and a atrip 15 feet wide off the weat tide ot lot 2 in block 3 in Dailes City proper. bUougiug lo Geo. Ituch; aa&eMl at I1S.75. IS. Beginning at a point in the south line of Mate street ' feet west f torn the northeast corner of biock 3 in Dalles City i-rmtri. thence westerly along the south line of Main street 51 feet: theuce at right an tea southerly 120 feet to tr.e alley: thence eastcily along the north line of the alley 51 feet : thence at right angles northerly to place of bexinuing: belonging to Max Vugt; as sessed at f !3-M. IS. A strip 4u fact wide off the eat side of lot 1 in block 3 in Dalles City proper, belonging to J. D. Grant: assciMcd at Ss. a Lot C in block 3 in Dalles City f roper: ex cepting a strip off the north end thererif 26 feet 7 inches in width; belonging to Geo. Bucb, and arsessed at t. 21. A strip off tbe north end of lot 6 In block Sin Dalles City proper , V, feet and 7 inches in width: belonging to William Weggenman: as sessed at 1 .3 22- A strip 3S feet wide off tbe east side of tat 7 in block 3 in Dallas City ptoper : belonging to A. Betungen, and assessed a. II 2 A strip of ground 33 feet wide off Uie west sloe oi lot 7 in oic . in ualles lity proper: be longing to Max Vogt and sssessed at - 24. Lot s In block 3 in Dalles City proper: be longing to Priuz A Nilscbke and assessed at f .- 2ft. Lot : in block 3 in Dalles city proper; bo longing to Kate Hundley and asseaacd a. 29. . Lot 10 in block S in Dalles City proper, belonging to t bebanno and awtased at t.t- 27. Lot 5 In block 4 in Dalles Ciiy ptoper, ex cepting I herefrom tbe following tract, lo-wltl begmuiug at t point in the uorth line of ec ond street in said Dalles City 42 feet u ester, y fiom tbe intersection of Court ana second -:-'. thence northerly parallel wiih C ourt street v( feet: tteoee westerly parallel with btcund m H ieet; thence southeriy parallel with Court street feet; theore easterly along tbe no tb Une of nteor.d street to the place of beginning: uelongiag to K. U. Gates and assessed at St. 9S A piece of around described as follows: beginning at a point in tbe uorth line of tweond street in Dalles City 42 feet west of the intersec tion of C art and Seaood -streets, thence north erly parallel with Court street to feet; thence westerly parallel with Sseond street 24 feet: toons southerly parallel with Court street to teat to liseood street; tbenee easier ly along tbe north Une oi Pimaa street 24 ieet to tbe place of beginning Bel.sar lo Mrs salt .Mc -or 2b. Lot and the east half of lot 7 in block 4 in Dalies City proper, halmsylng to J. M. Mar dam. Assessed at abJ. S3. West half oi lot 7 iu block 4 iu Dallas City Groeeries BE. T. proper, be'onglng to James Snipes glr.fei. SI. I ot I in block 4 in Dalles taty proper, be lunring to Kate McComiack. Assessed ai f33 v 32. Lot 2 in block 6 in Dalles City proper, be cmc to tbe estate of A. BetUngen, deceased. Assessed at 133.25. S3. Lot 1 In block 6 in Dalle City proper, be 1 inri"g to tbe estate of J. H. Michelbach, de ceased Assessed at -ZL SV SL Lot 5 in block 5 iu Dilles City proper, be longing to the estate of A. Bettingen. deceaseJ : assessed at 129. 35 Lot 4 and the west half of lot 3 in block 5 in Dalles City proper, belonging tc Max Vogt : assessed at Ul-7'-. ?6. The east half of lot 3 in block 6 in Dalles Citx proper, belonging to A. Keller: assessed at 17.25. ST. Lots 1 snd 2 in block 5 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Max Vogt: assessed at I.:'. 3tv. I jots 6, 7 and I in block 5 in Dalles' City proper, belonging to Geo. M. Liebe: assessed st 39. Lots 9 and 10 in block 5 in Dalles Ci:v proper, belonging to Wasco Lodge, No. lo. A. F. A A. M. : assessed at I'w 40. Lot 5 and 55 feet off the east side of lot 6 in blcck 6 in DaHes City proper, excepting c strip S feet in width off the north end of lot 5. belonging to Dalles City : assessed at l.50. 41. . A strip of grouna 25 feet in width off the north end of lot 5 in block 8 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Win. McCrum : assessed at 12-50. 42. A strip of ground 11 feet in width off the west side of lot ' in block 6 in Ualles city prop er, beloigillg to Julia A. Driver: assessed at tut 43. Iota 1 and 2 in block I in Dalles Citr proper, belonging to Laura E. French assessed at HA. . 44. Lots 4 and 5 in block 7 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Geo. A. Liebe : assessed at I5fc. 45. Lot 3 in block 7 iu Dalles Citr proper, be longing to Dalles City ; assessed at 129. 40. Lot 2 In block 7 In Dalles Cicv proper, be longing to the estate of P. Brogan. deceased: as sessed at 129. 4". Lot 1 In block 7 in Dalles City proper, be longing to Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1. 0. O. F. ; assessed at 129. 4a. Lot 1 in bloc 6 in Bigelow's Addition to Dalles City, belonging to D. M. and J. W. French : assessed at 125. 49. Lot 6 in block 7 in Dalles Citr proper, be longing to Mary 1 . Bisk aley : assessed at 30. Lot 7 and a strip 22 feet in width off the east side of lot in block 7 in DaUes City prop er, belonging to E. C. Pease : assessed at 140. 51. A strip of ground 36 feet in width off the wet side ot lot - snd 1- Ieet off the east side of lot : in block 7 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Samantha A. Ptencb : assessed at Ut. 52- Lot 10 and a strip 43 feet in width oS tbe weat side of iot in bloc 7 in Dalles City prop er, belonging to Mary Condon : assessed at 150. 53. Lout a and 6 in block 8 In Dalles Citv proper, betocging to Mrs. D. M. French: assess ed at 161. It Lots 1 and 2 in block 10 in Dalles City proper, belonging to T reals Kucb: assessed at lcj. 55. Lot 5 in block 9 in Dalles Citv r roper, be longing to Isabella Gray: assessed at 129. K Lot 4 in block 9 in Dalles Citv proper, be longing to emith French ; assessed at I. 57. Lot 3 in block 9 in Dalles City proper, be longing to tbe heirs ot Sophia Kiss, deceased assessed at Izy. 5a. Lot 6 in block 9 in DaUes Citr proper, be longing to Anna F. Ta lor: assessed at 129. 59. Lot 9 In bloek 9 'n Dalles City proper, be longing to Phoebe Egas . assessed ut 129. 60. The south half of lot 10 in block 9 iu ffcl.es City proper, belonging to T. T. Nicholas: assessed at 25. 61. The north half of lot 10 in block 9 in Dalles City proper, belonging to Mrs. A. J. Fin geraid : assessed at 125. 02. Lots and bin Trevit! s AddiUon to Dalles City, belonziog to the First Cnngregatioaal church of The DaUes : assessed at $6 . 63. Lots 1 and 2 iu block 12 in Gates' Addition to Dalles City, belonging to Florence M. Vause: assessed r.t to,. CU. A piece of grounl described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of block 15 Gate Addition, tbeuce southerly along the west line of Court atteet 2d' ieet ; thence wester ly at right angles to Court street 133 feet: thence northerly parallel with Court street 200 feet lo the alley: thence easterly along tbe Une of tbe aUey to the place of beginning. Belonging to school district So. 12; as seated at 1133. 65. The west haU of oloek 13 in Dalles city proper and Gates Addition to Dalles Citr, be longing to W, Lord : assessed at 1145. 66. beginning at the southeast corner of the intersection of Coon and Fifth streets in Dal.es City, thence southerly along tbe east Une of Court street to tbe alley : theuce easterly aiong the tKirtb Une of tbe alley li.C fee:: thence northerly parallel with Court street to tbe south Une of Filth stree': thence ae-iterly along the south line of Fifth street to the place of be ginning. Belonging o the estate of G M. Krause: assessed at 153. 67. Beginning at a point on the south line of Fiith street 106 feet easterly from the intersec tion of Court and Fifth streets: thence southerly psraiiel with Court street to the alley : thcace eastern- along tbe north line of the allerui ieet; thence northerly parallel with Court street to tbe south line uf Fiftn street : thence westerly along tbe s -uth Une of Fifth street 94 feet to the place uf beginning. Belonging to Max Vogt; sasc-std at I7. All said proprty bdnr in Dalles City, in a aco Counte, state of Oregon. mid asseaamenu were each and all entered in tne ducket of eity liens on the fStb day oi Octo ber. Mil, and are made payable in one paemenl to be ma1e on or before the lath day of Novem ber, 1SJ1. This notice is given by order of the council. Dated this 2Cth day of October, laOl. J. D UEKTV. Recorder of Dallas City. 0-14td FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. T rang act a General Banking Easiness. Lettere of Credit ieaoed arail.Ue ia ibe Eastern Butas. -Sigbt Ezehaage aad Telegraphic T.-aaafere aold oo New Yorkrieago; St. Louis, Haa Fraociseo. Portland Ore foSj. Seattle Waab.. aad various points b Oragoa and Wasbiagtoa. CoUsrt-aas aaado at all poiats an fev orabla termi. 1VOI-A1V. Tfip Rninmfiia Psir.linn Cn lijU WUlUilyiU 1 UVIUa.1 UUet PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANTFACTC RKBS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAHO TTAMR & BACON a)RJF.D BEEF. ETC. L. Lane, GENERAL BiacKsitH ...AND. 4 I, Wagon and Carriage Week. Fiah Brothers' Wagon. I Tialrd and JeUtrnn. none 159 , a st ats Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE TELLOW- SIOKE PARK Lasvm. UllUDqOl.nniUllStl iri. No. 2. Fast mail far T acorns. No. Seattle. Olympia, Gray's Harbor and South Bend E unts, Spokane. Ross-; nd. B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewiston, Buf 11:15 A. M. faloHunip mining coun- S;bCP. M. try, Helena, Minneapo lis, BL Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicago and aU points No 4. east and Koutbeasi No. S. Puget Sound Express U;J P. M. for Tseoina and s.ttie 7:00 A. M. and intermediate points Pulunaar first-class and tourist sleepers to j Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. VastibuleJ trains. Tnion depot connections in all priucipal cities, j Baggage checked to destination of tickets. For bandsome'y illnsualed descriptive matter, j ticket, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, j Assistant General Passenger Agent. 255 Morri son Street. corner Third. Portland Oregon. Prof. Homer de Morrison 3 V S 1 W 1 m mt nm mt mmmA. 1, . . . m rOSTLAKO, OKROUK. The first registered as well as tbe first gradu ate palsoist ever iu Portland. The world's g eaiest Trance Clairvovant and Her ha 1st can IK. ,utlllll A.'.lT ,n .!l .S .J II Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt the most scientific PaiutUt and cialrvoi aut in tnc world today: he locates hidden treasure, reunites the separated. teiU if there U mitral, o I. or gas on your land enables you to win tb ; aOectiou of one you desire. Pialmutry taught, medluroiatie persons devel oped. Heals i by the uses of bis revealed be. b 1 stat; euros chronic and so-called incurable dls f treatment f r the poor. Send l, date of birth and three ouettiina; aU letters answered at nice. HOrSBSUOB Irlri Pacific Locntas) ky Vialoa. aJsfSSS: Aa -(To 'htaaitotj.-Homer de Morrison, occultiu. ioealed by vision the Sal r-S'.Tfr1,'"!. '"r ttmalung Works, la behalf of ucluIi s.-ieuce be tmavedlatelr eoao m unseated by letter the faeu to stTjTj KaL ton. owner ol the eclby Works. The mavsste eelted last night prose bU tUmuoSnL MUM. SKAICIS PAHTLOW. "It is plssiini to be ssanrad " Uiien frost the aalbr tliailtae WaXm ilS ealsdwg riatoo by s tZZZZ ZcSuJThL proTss that uss story - isTsilV si Tt? oovarl ng the goM was a bast TOaassBtaat teve? "rpcssMrf drri rVn "la glory. "(Editor Portland ti.7i.. J ' c Oregon Union (tame j TIME SCHKrVTLSg. n TH V nut. - s. Chlcago Portland Special. 12 35 p. m. via Kunt- ttty.fn. Louis, chl- wauu IDC r ast Atlantic Express, 12 50 a. m. via Hunt ington. a.lt a "" I'eucer. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, 81 Louis, Css- aa. Me asst. '"J"., iWsiiaWana, Lewis ton. I ''i ; opoasne.waiiace.ru . epokane, Wallace.Pn U aiaii, Minneapolis. 8t la.. PwaLDulTrthilwaat kea, Chicago and Easti s:D p. sn. via Spo kane. OCEjUT AID EITEE 60HSSBT2 Portland. (all sailing dates snb Jtocbanf) R0DP-m- tJis.. Sail every 6 days. Dsflv Colasnbla stiver. s :00 p. m. .To and Way- sa Satnrdac. Landings. ; 10:00 p. m. j ' Daily , WUlaaaette Meer. assert River. City. Newbetg,; B, Indenen deuce,; -,jl ay-Landings, I except . Sunday. . c 00 a. m. Oregon stalom. aad Way-Landings. Tuesday. Thnrsduy, Saturday. . t 00 a. m. Corvallif and Way- . Ssssbi Landings KsIbbSb, 'nSS Tuesdar, Thursday WtllaBsette and :S)am, laschill Ktvara. i?"1 ' Oregon City, Davtnnand :00 a.m. WasXusaiM Leave IMt-ariai Snake River. I J 40 a.m. Bjpana to Lewiston. glgf Parties desiring to go to iolnts on Columbia Southern ru B take Ho. 2. lea vine The Dalles at : making direct connections at Heppssr) and Bunts. Return lnz nut in rtlni lass riving at xae Danes at 1 :05 p m. Far farther call on or adS IKE LAST), ant, The Dalles, j Complete of Drills at M. Z. DON NELL. THE DRUGGIST. MAXuTa J. 8. Scaaeca. bw . . a arS ( . 4 - raiSSS HHI Hllini LSBBSBBW - - THE DALLES - - -k OausawaJ lUsiHnr Bosinsai DepoaiU raoaieed, aabject to una or uueca. Oolsectiazta made and pr iwalttarl oadav of fihilil aad Twiamisnhir Sow York. San Franciaoo land. Mwavwoaa D.P. jao. b. Bo. at. Vausata, Gssv H. M. BRA LL. TatHIIWII W W VsfaUvwaVg IKalsatsf PRIVATE PARTIES Tbe aabis aJways sapaa-sW at ia Us aaaraat. 71 Froat flC. aear Ooert.1