The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 29, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 217
Promotes DttonXlrerfuF
nebs and Rest jCoatiiBS neither
Opium. Morphine norfinejaL
'otNah.cqtzc. M
jfUSmim I mm
3aakar- I
AaeSmf I B
Elwithii M
Aoorfccl Remedy forConstipa- H
riL)n,Sour3toiMch.Diarrtea I
j Worns .Convulsions .Feverish- M
! ness i.nd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of B
Ft IaAnt, aad Children.
The KM You Ham
Always Bought
Bears the
Signature )xr
For Over
Hllllun Dollar Fraud la Hi.. ton.
Boston. Oct. 28 In connection with
hat the United Matt-e marshal's office
R vww( "-"'' aaa VIJf
eaibsrg uf the firm of J. C. Fisher &
1 ore .J
r-- ' " ft v iUIIGU OMICO UIMiO
ft St-'.f'i.M tn rWratiH T is atUrvcH
v- VII wuv w IC 1 " tV
.1 tl I -v. . .... . .
Bl tl .1HM will UB lOAtt. tatri&n r.n. t Kj
, - , - v v H H lifW X I VIM t 11V
III If Rinno 1 a a. 1 inAA
The method of tbe firm is raid by the
inrtrit .ac fn hann I
w Uaa V V CI J O 1 Ul p H a
IV W r M.-TI TH an1 ala a . n f ova. Mr
n uu w " aa i,
Annua l. a X - 1
v -v. .w a u t vdw Mivurj a anuu
at large returns could be expected.
USWU WHM ywev uvoii wud vi
I. A ' I lT torn r.r L i I ; J
. . . w v M trie w ecrar, 1 1 in saiu,
w nu,j w eut iecu lUftl n UUUI
been formed on a well known stock.
ttiht AB t ha AnAteiAi.A tty4
' - - juwmvuD Ainu Kuue
n the margin had been swept away,
d that more money was necessary im-
H't II at m si a at . . .
j wiuu w mmwm uic Hiuti.
original amount, some investor be-
the asthoritise to the matter.
j tbe London correspondent of the Tribune.
: Tbe promiee was exacted at a time when
; un-toward t vents at tbe si at of H
' were etirrlng np popa'' feelina in
! England, but as tbe canape which led to
the demand bare to a large extent
; paesed into tbe background, tbe r'eeire
for an official inquiry waned consider
ably. Recect revels lions in the Boiler
controversy have awakenei rt collection
of tbe promise, and tbe matter will be
! raised as soon aa parliament meets.
The government will be asked to
include in the scope of the inquiry all
tbe allegations which has been made
and are being made against certain
British r fficera in respect to their eon
duct toward the ao'diers under tbem.
Iuk'a Debtors ul Van.
vti. to. a uupuvu irom
!Mi 1. 1 I . I mmw
dow fred since tbe child of tbe
keand Duchess of Manchester it a
htb. ....,1 mm
hui a buii, Mun?ne ty m wer-
. the father of tbe duchess, will not
' positively suted that tbe docheaa
received nothins from har fall.r
mariaga except Mm income
her dead motbei's estate. Until a
heir la Ibi.n r u ri i u a
w..U uji u sumiim BUDlHii,
aec'ind son of tbe Pocbeee of Devon-
uuvwaatu iu
ul mi ru ma . . t
ci mill - i a. i i . .
". cujaiu iue Doir DresuoDDUve
w gi iow jsuae oi
IllhtllUT 1. . . .
i. waw great i y enoaocs
rianoa of the t o-aw IWhawe of I
young d ike will not go to tbe wer
- .
oaa Intended to do so and bad
r-nouncejl if an heir to the lade was
t V AB V ariaY
beard for eoaai
ti i k-
t into
to isatttwta
east to IsaUtwta aa
'u- - --
partieolarly in rrsjsri to taw
tf'aer enai Mem maiufcnsy, gay
How Zodaad Can Ketallata.
Sew Yobk, Oct. 28. According to tbe
Brussels correepoodent of ibe London
Times aud the New York Times, tbe
Independence Beige eays the nations of
tbe oniiuent are having toe way for a
situation that a likely to breed a plenti
fel crop of troubles for i hem selves in
ibeir discussions and actiona upon tbe
Boer question. The British cation ia
fails conrciouf of tbe dtngtr arising
from universal dislike, says that news
paper , and may make a euojrejDe ffort
to consolidate the A?fie-ftf f0 tbe
world over, whereby ajorofe com
mercial and WfMBMiy would
be seriously threat eoed-
attirt troiva) fnaw.
Skattl, Oct. -Spa , ' 01
highwaymen, bMiho. naan, tb eyri end
burglars. Tbey lieid high cartival
yeaterday and last night. An unsuccess
ful attempt to blow open the sale of
Z rwekh & Kaufman, Western avenue,
was made early this morning. Harry
Engelk was knocked down and robbed
on tbe water front. The robber triad to
throw him in the bay. Thomas Mannas,
a clever pickpocket, ia in jail for eeieiaj
big jibe. Joe WbiUhouse, bo at
tempted to kill a man at Franklin, bee
tieee arreeted. See eM small terglariee
have been reported to tbe pofiee.
W. T. Wesson, GholaoBville, Ve.,
dreggiai, writes: "aong One Minute
Coagh Core gives perfect aaiiefaetioe.
afy coetpmnra say it is the hpai reaaeoy
coogba, eotde. throat ana) Mnfi Aojn4ing
roabtee." OUrke reik'e r. O. fonf
Dwo' AM A iv
jraanrtosf Icaae ueea,a
Czolgosz, the Assassin, Dies ia the
Electric Chair Met Pate With
Ai max. N. Y., Oct. 29. Leon Ca li
the aeaaesln of President McKlnley ,
waa electrocuted at 7 : 12:90.
quiet night. He
He awoke finally
Csolgou pasted a
slept nearly all night.
at 4:45 o'clock.
He suffered a alight nervons attack
late today, hot remained sullen and
stoic up to the time tbe prison doted at
10 o'c'ock. He refused to heed tbe
words of the priests who rame to urge
spiritual preparation for deetb, and
declined to re embrace Rom in Catholic
ism or to renounce anarchism. Cailgoss
showed no strength of love for kin, nor
did he torn to any of tboee higher con
siderations which ordinarily claim the
thoughts of men occupying his position.
He may have suffered untold torture,
but outwardly be seemed sullen and
indifferent. The state is not to surrender
possession of bis body, and by anndown
it will have been secretly interred in
ground controlled by tbe officials of
Auburn Prison.
Walkeck Ciilgosz, brother of tbe
murderer, foreseeing endless difficulties
ana possioiy angry demonstrations as
tbe result of an attempt to give the body
ordinary burial, heeded tbe advice of tbe
advice of tbe Superintendent of State
Prisons Collins and Warden Mead, and
formally relinquished all claim to it. Ha
merely stipulated that at the cioee of the
autopsy all parta of the body ahould be
boned. All Chance of an unhappy and
unfortunate sequel to tbe execution,
either in displays of popular contempt
or the exhibition of ghastly relict, it
therefore finally prevented. The plan
of burning bit clothing and papere will
beeirried out immediately after the
May Wot Be Crowned.
London, Oct. 27. Reynolds Weekly
Newspaper is the first British paper to
assert that King Edward is suffering
from cancer of the throat. In today's
iaau?, it declared that since His Ma j eaty 'a
accession, three operations have been
performed for the removal of papilloma
on tbe left vocal chord, and that one waa
removed from the right vocal chord last
" Assistance was hastily summoned,"
eaya this journal, "as His Majaty waa
breathing with difficulty, and an im
mediate operation waa performed. But
li ia regarded aa only e temporary relief,
the icjared epithelium now having be
come a cancerous growth, and serious
developments are expected."
Berlou Qoarral at a Dane.
Cobvallih, Oct. 28. A party ot bunt-
a near Summit, in thie countr, early
Saturday morning engaged in a quarrel
at a dance. Pier Cooper, of Independ
ence, ebot John Post in tbe arm, while
Post aad a friend named Baldwin, of
Independence, were tcniUing. Poet Uvea
near Summit and be and Baldwin have
close friends for years. Cooper,
who was pretest, attempted to make
peace when he fired a shot which struck
Poat in the vigbt wriat, tbe ballot rang
ing upward and lodging near the elbow.
Copper aays tbe ebot wee accidental.
Cooper was brought to Cor vail is and
was given a preliminary hearing. He
waa held to tbe circuit court, being re
leased oa $600 bail.
Thvwaaana Seat Iau Kxlla.
Every rear a large number of poor
gecTerare whose hongs are sore end racked
with coughs are urged to ge to another
Bat tbie la coetly end not al
ways sure, won't be aa exile waea lit.
King's New Diseovery far Coneemetioa
will cure you at home. Jt'a the moot
infallible medicine tor Coughs, Colds,
and all Thecal and Long dieegaee oa
ertb. The tret dose brings relief.
New Umbrellas.
New Mackintosh Coat
Vtalt our Blanket Department.
This is OVERCOAT Weather....
no question about that. The soason of the year
has arrived when it is cheaper by far to invest in an over
coat than it is to go without. We want all men interested
to call and see our two great
38 inch OVERCOAT of an allwool 46 inch OVERCOAT of an allwool
tan covert cloth lapped aeaine, velvet oxford-gray heavy cheviot black velvet
collar, wide shoulder facing, aatin pip- collar, raw edge, wide shoulder facing,
log good quality farmer satin lining, j A stylish pei feet-fitting garment very
Special Value at SlO ; cheap at our price of SIO
Have you,
seen them?
Williams9 Specials
His PINGREE LADIES' SHOES at $3.50 and $4. There's nothing in town
that will begin to compare with them for values and it's values that count. New
shapes in all leathers, vyde extension edges with yellow or black stitch, light soles for
dress wear, and in a word, stylos that are wholly original to PINGREE Shoes.
result from persistent
Trail entries free at O. C. Blakeley 'a
HrogsMV Fries 60s and l .00. Every
Qtfford'g Fotog Hewer Fade.
Women and Jewels.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that if
the order of a woman's preference!.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase tbem. If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted ?em, then let her fortify Jfberaelf
against tbe insiduoua cousequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affect iona by
the regular use of Dr. Boaobee'a Oermen
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
su motion in its early stsges and heal the
affected lungs and bronchia tubes and
drive the dread diaeeaeffrom the system.
It ie not a cure-all, but it la a certain
core for coughs, colds and ell bronchial
troubles. Yon can gat Dr. G. G. Veen e
reliable remedies at Blakeley's drug
atore. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
Do you suffer from piles? H eo m
not torn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's
Witch Hesel Salve will act more quickly,
anrely end safely, saving yoo the expense
and danger of an operelion. Clarke &
Falk'e P. Q. Pharmacy,
We offer for a limited period tbe
twice-a-week Chboniclb, price $1.60,
end tbe Weekly Oregooiee, pnea $1-60,
both papers for 2 s year. Subscriptions
under this otter must be paid In ad
vanoa. t
Clarke a Faik's havering extracts are
tbe beet. Ask your e w for tbem.
Clifford's Fotos Never Fade
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A full RRinnR Jk AK AflH
r uk .nd MmtlOK Htovw.
The largest and most
complete line of
e e e
mm mm
ever ehown in the city
are aew oa display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Paint and OH Store.
FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Agents for Hooeier Drills, J. I. Case Steel Farm
Harrows and Plows. Spring Tooth Harrowi, Blssell Chilled Plows, Mitchell Wag
ona and Hacks, lienney Boggles.
...Star WujdmUls...
With Ball and R ller bearings, and folly warranted.
Write us fur prices and catalogues.
All orders entrusted to ua will have prompt attention.
Pricea alweya right.
The only Exclusive If erdware Store la tbe elty.
Hundreds of Ltwyers, Preachers. Actort, end otbeg
overworked Professional sod Buslneaa Men who thought
they hs i Sidney trouble have told aa taey oaa i
h.n able to find anything to eooel Unooln BeWMl
Pilia for tbe eure of that pain la tbe back, and the all
goaa feeling that to often precedee pareole.
Pries, $ 1 .00 per box-buy ol yonr druggist Of St!
by msil oa receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
LII00LI PB0PEIETAEY 00 Ft Wajea, lad.
M. 2. Donaell, Agent, Tbe Dallas, Or.
P. S. QOtHftlflO,
...Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheela, Axleg, Bpringg and BUtOetgmitb SnnpHcs
Asset lor lease!! Oe,'t gagjast, '
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