The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 28, 1901, Image 4

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1 Special Sale of m
I Mush Material.!
I Cream Flake Wheat, bulk f
Z 7 pounds for 25c. Z
5 Cream Flake Wheat, 2. j
7 S package? for 25c. 9
5 Grano, 5s. 20c pr package 2
Grocery Department
S Pease Mays.
-ironers at The Dales
Dr. Rsy L z.t . of Moro, "prat Snndsy
in the city on vis:: to hit father.
Albert We'tber. better knorn as
"Smiling Albert." bat tone to recruit
hie health at St. Maitio'e Spring.
Tr. Tacie Beal. an osteopethist from
Ssiem, has arrived in the city and wii!
remain during the following :hrte
Professor N. Tartar, of the Corva!iis
public school, was in town yesterday
on a visit to his brother-in-law, Mr. W.
W. Williams.
lanndry. 08 tf
Clarke A Fa!k bave 00 saie a full lias
of paint oil artist's hrnnher.
Ever-bearing raspberry plants at Mrs.
C. J. ?: cb ing's for tee cents each.
A fa)! line of East mar 'm and sop-
pliee just received by Cars? A Falk.
Bulbs of 1 be beantifal Easter Lily, 10
cents each ; fl per dozen. The Dalle
Nursery. o21 31
C.a:k and Fsls ;n?t receive! a nCss
foil line of frean Veiox papers and de-;
velopers, the same as used by Mr. I-ovick 1
in bis recent demonstration at oor store. ;
Lost Doling carnival week, three
keys on a ring; all flat, one large, two
sma;i ones. Ine coder will favor the
owner by leaving tbem at Thk Chsox
icle office. oct22-lw
The Tmatilia House barber shop has j
recently t-een enlarged snd ftrexl op with - KLY
the only steam-heated bath rooms in '
the city. AU the furniture and eppoir-t-ments
are new and of the beet. For the .
convenience of bosiness men the place ,
wil be kept "pen, ontil fnrtber notice,
till 10 o'ciock p. m. Tins is the or.'y
anion r in the city : osing the onion
card and employing onion barbers.
He PNple's laflsnal Mt jmwi
To all old sad new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
Published Monday.
Wedacsday and Fri
day. i In reality a fine
and Imb every other
day Daily, gjrtng the
latest new on days of
lfsne, and covering
news n( Iht other S.
Itroatatns all Impor
tant foreign cable
news which appears
ta the Pally Tribwne
of Mine data, also do
mestic and loreinn
correspondence, short
.r:-. eteganc half
lone illustrations, bu
morori item, indus
trial informabon.
fashion note, arricnl
rcraj mat ten. and
ompTecenaire and re
itable financial and
market reports.
Kegular anbscrip-
tion price, J1.S0 per
We furnish it with Weekly Chroni
cle for COO per vemr.
Published on Thnrs
dy. a 3d known for
nearly sixty years fa j
every part of the fni- :
ted States as a nation- ,
al family newspaper ,
of the highest class,
1st farmers and villa j
gers. It contains at! '
the moat important ,
general news of the
batty Tribnce -op to i
the boor of going to .
press: an agricultural 1
department of the i
highest order, has en- I
tertaiiiiug reading for ,
every member of the i
family .old and yonng ;
market reports which :
ae aeeephd as anth- 1
orlty bv farmers and '
merchants, and i
clear., np-tivdste. in-
te:es:isg and instmc
tire. Regular snbacrip- :
riots price, SI per year, j
We furnish it with ,
mm urn.
I have re-opened this weu-koowb Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every,
body with Bread, Plot and Cakea. Ala
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer ea
GEORGE RUCM or aroow.
Purest Liquors for Family U$a
Delivered to any part of the Citv.
173 Second Street
Phones : 51 Local,
858 Long Distance
Semi-Weekly Chroni
cle forfiJK) pr year
C. W. Stiop, who has be?n i'.'. of ty
phoid fever for ever a month at The
Dalles Hospital, i so far reovtred a to
i able to leave for his home at Vienlc
this a. : r:.:ng
.gu. a Kepobltcan,
Sno, Hat . Oc-. 26 TTnited Scales
Senator John P. Joues, of Nevada, made
the announcement to his friends tetey
ibat the evuintion of po.itica! issues
fonnd hi SB again ia alignment with the
republican party.
"I have ecfi-jrt-fi no change sr. aty of
the convictions I have entertaivd in the
pa?t,r' sa'd the senator, "and rty retnrn
to the repnb icar; party doe3 viorence to
none of those cnr.v:c:iou3. 1 an: a sin
cere a beiiever in the doctrine o: bime!-
aiism as when J left the repnh?icnn party stomach. Loss of appetite, Feverishneas,
Hlciy for tj;at cause, and were the cndi PimpSeeor S jres are ail positive eviden
tions today as then. I would be :icm- cee of impure bicod. So matter how it
bered among thsse defeadine it. The became so it must be purified in order
enormous output of go'.d, however, has obtain good health. Acker's Biood
accompiished La: t iaiela'ism wocid Eiexir La cevet failed toenre Scrofulous
have accomplished. Tne s:!ver issue :s r
deaJ, end we are face to face with other oiseaees. It is cerlain:y a
issues. I have always acted with the remedy and we sell every bottle on a
Bralo Food onMie.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
oranded by the most competent author
ities. They have dispelled the stiiy no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another for mnscies, and etii! an-
1 other for bones. A correct diet wi!: not
; oniy nourish a particular part of the
body, hst it will sustain every other
rt. Yet. however food yonr food may
be, its nutriment is denroyed by indi
gestion or dj-speysia. You must pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
' their by taking regular doses of
Green's Augast Fiowcr, the favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A few
doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver
to healthy action, purifies the blood, and
makes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
Ton can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable
remedies at Bike!ey's drug store. Get
Green s Special Almanac. 1
j Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or.
Lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictlv veg-etable, perfectly harmies. sure to .ccomp!iaa
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest knoTrn female remedy.
PiHTIfll Bewsje . eoame-TW-s an : latll oos. Thc naine is . op oatr In paste-bi rd Tar
waviiva ion w.:r, rac-imiie siraatiire on sine or in M me;
bendi.r Cireor u MtEStMMB MFu. Co.. Soie Aasnu. C.eTviaau. un.
F r sa!e bv Geo. C. Blakeiey. The Dtl'ee, Or.
T (
frsihlnomf Mocker" Kept at Dla
tavece l-j CanblnK with Treacle
and Tartar l.metic.
In "A Sportswoman in India" Miss
avory writes entertiinirtsrly of the
njonkeys in the foothills of the Him
2.S. For cool impudence and an
sty, she says, these hiil monkeys
Stand unrivaled; thev sifp into the
Yoa cusnt.
! ij-i: Oct.
Du:I Headache, Pains in various parte J burrrAiows at Daihousie and "nrry off i
of the bodv. Sinking at the pit o? the' -nytnin from the breakfast or tea
:aoie. m rne room is empty, ihty 1
iprin from tree to tree, from house
?o house a mother, it may be, with !
two yoiinp ones clinging- to her. a
ioaf of bread in one hand and a I
ounch of bananas in her mouth. I
j, 1 AJ
repubilcan party upon every question
but silver. I be'iere that in the align
ment of political parties today the re
publican pa. ty is ine oniy one in toucn
with the ecmoniie progress of the 20ih
Tbcnaaatts !t leto Exile.
TZverv vejr a large number of poor
SwtTuaan whose .u&2s are s jre and racked
wrt. CDttgLs u-,:eJ to go to another
climate. But this is coctlr and not al
ways sure. D jt't be an exile when Dr.
Kicg's New D.scovery for Consumption
wi., cure you at home. It's the most
infallible medicine for Conghs, Colds,
and ail Tnroat and Lung diseases on
earth. Tne first doe brings relief.
Astoondine cores ren.t from persistent
nee Trail hot ties free at G. C. Blakeiev's
which she had just "sneaked" from a
rpnuiuc poisons or any otner moon j 'froom. vew jdeat , Wail Pner here. Such
wonderful i . course, monkeys are very trou- variety as we a e showing never be-
, u, piau.d-.suuB. x- un-:: tore gractt. r single tiMiL. Keal lmita-
tran shoot a monkey: they are too j tion ere Son effects at ordinary prices,
j human-like and pathetic when wound- ) Good papers at cheap paner price,
led. We met ai. whi- v.r. Eiegan: designs, taetefu: coluruiits, yourH
trvine to protect his suirar cane nati-h 1 for smai! price, at onr store on Th-rd
C. J. STUBlillMG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive promot attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
Canaan 1'bonr S.
L"Dt Hist. 1091.
fill kinds of
positive guarantee
Blakeiey, the drnj-
Pood Chany;Mi to I'uUnn.
Putrefying food in the intestines pro-
trench and a paliaade
druittre. Price 50c and $1.00. Every
t o-ie guarasevd. 4
C. M. Phelps. Fureetdale, Vt., aaye
itii chud was cou.pleteiy cured of a bad
case of ecz-rma hv tne use of De Witt's
Witch Hex- Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles.
C.rke &. Fail's P. O. Pharniarrr.
f .i i r. ' r ! i mi, 1 1 hnvAia .Anllr -
easily but sorely, curing Constipation,
. Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all
Lver, Kidney an.i Bowel troaofcn. Only
25j at G. C. Biak-ley's dmg store. 4
Pob'i l.i t Tkn soffer.
Often children are tortured with itch
ing and burning ecz-ma and o'.her skin
diseases bot Bnckien's Arnica Salve
. - , r i imm n
leaves the skin without a scar. Clean,
fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on
earth as good. Try it. Cere guaranteed.
Or'y 25c at G. C. Blakeiey drog store. 4
w:tn a f-rs
. . a? ,. i - . . r . i .
uuces raecf :ise tuoee ai sriecic, Dn j covered wish nails. All to no pur
Dr. King s Near L:fe expel thajpse.
'"He walked down to it one morn
ing and found a row of monkevs
seated on the palisade. The moment I
he came within reach thev threw his 1
street. Also a ful
ins of house paints.
Crandall & Barget J
Faneral Supplied emb almers
The Dalles. Or.
Bariai Sfanofe
which tbey pot down and strolled
way, leisurely munching.
"Such things were not to be borne.
Otsr friend chased a flock into a tree,
felled the tree and caught lour or
?ve young monk-vs. The parents
v.aited near, in rreat consternation,
vl-iu- ly witU-hinr while their in
fants were painted from head to foot
wish treacle and tartar emetic. On
being allowed to go they rushed off
into th" fond and welcoming arms.
i ana were instantly carrieO up into
If yon want to retain root hair yon
""' fThe woods and there assiduoustv
will make your hair harsh, dry and j linked clean from top to toe by their
crispy. Sow we have two of the yery : affectionate parent,
beat preparations for cleansing the j "The natural effects followed, and
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It ; rk- pitiable condition of the old mon-
A new line of ti-iidren's school hats
ani caps rfec?:v-d at Campbell A Wil
son's millinery parlors. At reasonable
pr.ces. Call and see them. o23-ti
K oild Dyspepsia Core ia not a mere
etimulent to tired nainre. It affords the
stomach complete and abeoiute rest bv
digesting the foo-i you eat. Yoa don't
have to diet oot CJtn enjoy ah the good
food you want. K ,d Dvapepsia Cure
will leave yonr hair soft and eiocev
Price, -0 and 50 cents a bottla, at FraaerV
barber chop, Tne Dailee. tf
keys can scarcely be imagined. That
pa'h of sugar cane was never rifled
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yon eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in wajrtbeoing and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the latest discovered digest
entand touic No other preparation
caa approach It in efficiency. It in
stantlj relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Soar Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia. Cramps and
all other results of imperfect, digestion.
Prices, and SL Larwe aiae contains sh :tmei
. Book all cbout draiienaia i
-epared ijEf. D-;viTT a CO, Chicago
Sold by Clarke StFa!k's P.O. Pnarniacy.
Mothers every where praise One'
Minute Cough Cure for the ruffuringe it
has relieved and lite litres of their little)
ones it has saved. irikee at 'he root of j
the trouble and draws our Mm ii fliui
niatioc. The children's favorite Coogh .
Cure. Ciarke k Faik'a P. O. Pharmacy. ;
Lewis Owkermaa, Goohea, lad : ''Da-,
Witt's Little Early Riser) never bend me
inal.nll. .. n. . . . . - . . J A II i J L , t 1 1 1 . M t - . I
"""i"1! i c.ic . cd iuii uieiiermu ire..njf uuouie ni umer pii.r, ' diou ineir wore
alter eating, e:v ng von new life and
vigor. Clarke A Faik's P. O. Pharinacv.
Sot a PrcaaawMiag Flarwrc la Om
llac or Motion. Acroraiag to
Tta Writer.
When yonr hair appears dry and to
have loot ilc vitality it want- aeroething
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. We have m the Crown of
Science Hair AgCl Grower and
Cocoannt f rem -H Wr Touic Tney
wi.i cure danJ SBSStW ruff and all
sculp disease. For sale at Fraaer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
thoroughly and make me feel like a boy." .
l.ertain, thorough, gentie. Clarke tt
Faik'a P. O. Pharmacy.
Sick Headache aoeoiuteiy and per ma-.
nently cared by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant hero drink. Caret constipation
mad indlgevtioa, niakea yoa eat, aleep
and happy. Satisfaction goaranteed or
money back. 28 ct. aadoOcis. Blakeiey,
the druggist
In body she belongs to a people
which has aoent its physical fnrcr.
and lacks vitality, say Kate Steph
ens, in Atlantic. She ia alisrht. Ther:
h lack of adipuae tissue resert"
for -f throughout her frame. Her
rungs are apt to be weak, waist j
normal and hips undersized.
She is awkward in movement. Her
climate ha not i-uflerd her reiax
tion and the cast- and curve of WSr
tion that more enervating' air i;i.
partK. This is seen even in public.
In waJkinjr she holds her elbow set
in an angle, and acmetimex she .-.
out in the tilt of the Cantabri n-i
man. In this is ;..-!: up an une
fci-ious imitation, a sympathetic c-. -
I. an: Ornca at Taa Pallm. Ob ,
October r, law.
Notice u herebr riven tht: ih follow! ne
nai.itd mtiu-r has filed notice o bit inteiitiua !o
cjaki; Cna! pronflu -uj.. .ft ol liis cUim . and
tnal mhI prooj aril! oe ua4e bdore the K.iti
ter aiid Ktrteiver at The Dalles, Oreaou. on
Tbursds, November 19, 11, iz..
fco-rtuM li. s,,rlr.(f r
r. I, "V: H So. Ts40 lor tbe
i " 4 r , .1 i - . H ' V
sua S y B.-C- ... 1 . 1 s.. R li e., W. A
He names the fuliuwiug tiiuMs u pive
bl eon.innoos reileo upon and cultivsUon
M Muti :, viz:
lericnrisman, Thoraas i;ray si.d Aarun C
r rceman. of Tbe Ps!l. Onwuu. cud QaoifB
t-overi, of kaderaov. . ..
'-em JAY P. LUCA? . BetrJater.
Wasco Mm iliu ft
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kind
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?u km
Headquarters for Rolled Grain,
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TufJUi
Headquarters for "Byers Best" PendMr-
tOn FlOUr Th Hour ia manufactured expressly swig
uaw: mrnerr kitclr ia iiunntMvl ti. tri ve MttaSatska.
We aeli oor goods lower than any bouse ia the trade, and if you don't tttska
cn ana get car prices ana be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
unr.rc Eznrirnre is the luat Teacher. I'e
Effective this da-e. A char, of M Acker's Englisi, Remedy in any caae of ' S' atolwble norm, bat It
par car per day will be made for delay to coughs, colda or croon. Should it fail to
car, for all time held under 1 .i. in give immediate relief n.-" i refended
oading or uuioad.aa by consignee or 26 cu. and 5U eta Blakeiey'. tbe drog-
coiiSigner, in exceaa of forty eight hours ...
I . i :
LinaHaie. PlaintiS.
. W lla.e Uefendant.
To W. W. Ualr, tbe defendaut above named:
la U name of tbe iute (A Ongno : You are
l-rrt riuired In anna., .a . " . . .I."""'
!Pl-n a''.inTbJ.Ve.mSi
son- : suit oa or before friosy, the twui-Meoad dsa
oveTiiBer. iifU, and If you fall tox.acswer
i o uLit will ap,Jy u tbe Coert iZ t ,Z
prayed for in ber coiuplaint. bvU: for a de
crea and order of the l.oort forever annulllri
from time car u act tor loading or on-
loading. Jasies Ikklaxo.
Agent O. KAN. Co.
II anything ails your pair, go and iee
Frasst-; he's tbe heedqaartatw for all
hair remedies. Remember that be
makes a specialty of these goods. tf
, , , ' , ' ' i auu Cs'ieeliuz H,e bonds of ouUlinoi -i UtiZ
ShS knocks her skirt witn her kn.- -. beiwee.. yoiirte!f .od pWauTSd artinsTt?
und fc-ivea yreu the impreaaiuu ilw V.uf,lr ,rw-flirawleontr.iof Wintsro
, , - - . ' , 'isle, s minor enlld, the iswaa of sai l nutri...
her leg is erook- d. that she does n-t an i for xieh otbar and iStKr .JfiiJ u u?tf
lock hv- I...... tninl Xlnr. ....... .L... ...uri uajraeiii muui.
Oy.pepei. oa he ced U, asHsj toes in than oat. ' .i,i
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little cm marveiouaiy aeiuaue, TTZ iL ZJH . "JV . , t Brmd
. . .. . ... . Kiii., sn . i 1.: . "" 01 seventh ludn.'lal dtatrl.-t
Tablet wi'I sive immediate relief or l -"aieoi
Of the product of this weii-knoan brewery tit United States Host
Reports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more so potior brew never ea hates
t lie la oratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely defSsf
of tneelighteet trace of adulteration, baton tue other hand is corcposfSJi
the beet of mail and choicest of hope. Its tonic qualifies are of the Idsa
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satlsfariioo by olssSS
young. Its use can conscientiously be piassutisil be tbe phvsiciaae wits
tbe oersainty that a better, purer or more wbolssotao beverage could set
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
money refunded.
Bold io handsome tia w VI.. ' ur"' ulu''
i Fa era in aasrasM nnn se ss t mn b I. . .
boxes at 26 cte Blakeiey the drafaist. .V" . .T " " . .
j -" i i i awga, wwmww aaw jrui i , B19U,
j little flesh.
-- oaj oi aeplember,
"."s!L.0115' nr"' publteauoo of ihi.
8. A. 'p. Oi aUKV.
B' Attorney for fUtuUg.
Sotscribe for Tus C ataoaici.s.
nees. irregul
o: m..-nstmation." Tbcy are Mfflt fULXEAt
womanhood, aiding; development of organs an
known remedy for women equals tbem. Cannot
become anlcaaare, Ml MO f KM. BOX BY N
For sale by Geo. C. Blakeiey, Tow Dalles, Or
Adve rtije in Tbe
Subscribe for The Chronicle.