The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 28, 1901, Image 3

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    ..The New York Cash Store...
oat Sale of
138 and 142 tejoond
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
vp a a mm bbbsbs mm
..Rigs' m TOllll'S SMIL SUITS..
Arc You Mixed
on the Sciit and Overcoat Question?
It's pretty hard to know what to do, isn't it, when ew? clothier in town
has "the best at the lowest p'ico" and all "give satisfaction,"' and aU heat the
tailor to pieces, and eave yon a half to a third and all that. It comes down to
the question of faiih in somebody. Hart, Schaffner 8X Marx tavil-or-made
Clothing made xpressly for PEASE & MAYS,, will answer
the qies:icti. Stylish, durable and best for the money.
$10.00 to $23.00.
Large assortment of SHIRTS, made up in plain and
neat effects; Correct Styles for this season.
$1.00 to $2.23.
Velvo Chameleon Neckwear, the only new thing
from the silk looms this fall. Sold by Pease tfc Mays only.
W 1
Largest and bast assortment of Stylish Nats in
the city.
We offer for this week a
complete line of Gloves, in
tan, brown, black and red;
siaes 6 to 7, .
Special Sale Price,
56c fe
No gloves will be fitted on
during tale.
Little Feet.
Tako car of them the big feet
will take care of themselves.
There It no article of wearing ap
parel that rtqu;re en much ntre.i
tion as Cbildreu'e Shoes. We he
lieve n good sho-s and the right
kind ot shoes for rhMdren shoes
that conform to the natural shaoe
of tbe foot without sacrificing all
sense of t;ood taste. We have sev
eral make of Children's Shoes,
mad from the best of leathers
and on the right lasts.
Box Calf, $1.50, $1.75,
$2.00 and $2.25.
Kid, $1.50, $1.75, $2
and $2.50.
Kangaroo Calf, $1.25,
$1.50 and $2.00.
All sixes and widtha.
The Dalles Daily Cfaraniete.
OCT. 28, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All VFaaeo County wirruti registered
prior to December S, ISM, will be paid
a presentation at ray onto. Interest
wet after September 18, INI.
County Tn
Senator Mitchell will start East to
take up bis congressional duties about
November 20th.
A thoroughly competent girl wanted
to do general boose work. Apply at this
office. o25-2S
A purse, containing s small sum of
money, has been left at this office. It
was left in H. L. Jones' candy booth
daring the carnival. o28-3:
Professor Sandvig will commence a
'lancing class next Wednesday evening,
to continue all winter. All tbose desir
ous of joining the class ebonld be present
at the first meeting st 8 o'clock,
harp. 028-3t
M . T. Nolan has for sale a few copies
of the new Ortgonian hand book, which
he ie selling at ton cents a copy. This
the most convenient and valuable
compendium of Oregon statistics in print
any price. o26-26 28
Krv. Like, Episcopal minister of Tbe
Dilles, preached in tbe Presbyterian
cbo-ch Monday evening. The sermon
was very entertaining. We nope tbs
revrned Keotleman will call again. He
wiil go to Bbaniko, where be will remain
few days before returning to Tbe
Da le. Moro cor respondent of Wasco
Mr. C. A. Severance, of PortlndTI
in the city looking over , tbe situation
with a view to starting a commercial
chco! at this place for teaching s thor
ough business course, including book-
keeping, type-writing sod short hand
Mr. Sever antte comes here highly recoro
mended and we bops he may succeed in
wabhehing a school. T
Charles Uendersbott was arrested ys-
",ar f lernooo by Deputy Sheriff E
B- Woods for Belli art, laker to Indians
The arrest wss mads st tbs wood pile
et the foot of Union street sod tbs dep
ot.' caught Uendersbott la tbs set of
ban ing a bottle of alcohol to au Indian.
Hendersbou will be emsmloed tomorrow
noroijg before rnsnmisatasrr Hudson.
Hsrry Cloegb, fee ami
ut st lus Dalle, has
J. M. Cosltor, lathers
""e wnHs ftaJaaon to
Am- a
r oa will move on to it sect year with
ly years
this family. ( Mr. Clough has amassed a
fair competency at his trade of machm
i ist and chooses wisely in settling down
to the ease and peace of a pastoral life.
Skamania County Pioneer.
The many friends of Mr. W. W.
Williams will be glad to learn that be is
progressing towards recovery in a man
ner peculiarly gratifying to tbem, as
well as to his pbyscians. Should no
complications arise in tbe next two or
three days we shall be able to compli
ment Mr. Williams on bis recovery from
a 'disease that st one time indicated
certain death.
Tbe report that a child of B. T. Col
line, the milkman, is ill of diphtheria is
without a particle of foundation, and as
tbe repot t works au injury to Mr. Col
lin? it is only fair to him to contradict
it in the most positive manner. Since
our report of last week that said that
there were only six cases in the city
there have been no new cases and moat
of those then ill have since recovered.
Mr. Toomey, of the Columbia hotel,
received word this morning from Port
land that the physicians were obliged to
remove tbe injured eye of Sam Hudson
in order to save the other one. Sam
Hadson ie the youngest son of Henry
Hudson, of Boyd. While chopping
wood in tne forest west of Dufor, one
day last week, a chip struck tbe boy's
cge and injured it eo that be was
obliged to go to Portland and consult an
eye specialist.
Mr. W. E. Williams, of Poik county,
arrived here yesterday on a visit to his
brother, W. W., w ho is ill at The Dalles
uoepital. It is lurdly necessary to ray
that the visitor was delighted to find his
brother in such a hopefnl condition.
By- the way, W. . is a fac simile of
W. W., only bnilt on s larger scale.
There are six brothers uf tbem, and The
Dalles man, who isn't s skeleton by any
means, is the smallest man of the lot.
The Williams family are Oregon pioneers
of 1845.
Miss Melinda Allen Fender, daughter
of John Fende- of this city, was eighteen
years old at 4 o'clock this morning.
1 There is nothing peculiar in this an
nouncement, nor is it strange that Miss
Fender is a stout, healtby young lady
sud weighs 107 ponnds in her stocking
soles. The peculiar thing about her case
is tbat eighteen yeais ago, twenty four
hours after her birth, and with all bar
baby bands and gussets end waists sod
waists and gussets snd bands, she
weighed exactly two ponnds sod saves
ounces. And she wss bora is St. Joseph,
Missouri, and didn't corns into the
world s minute before her time.
Andy Keller, tbe candy man, bas
anticipated tbe Lewis sad Clark exposi
tion by au exbibit of bis own, which he
erects! ia one of bis show windows ibis
morning. It is is tbs form of aa Irish
round tower, although Andy wosldn't
from know aa Irish round tower from aa
Irish turf etoek, sad It's all made at
landy stuck with possets, coeos eats
Indpopeorn. Oa the top w an Ameri
can flag with the legend in csndy,
"Lewis and Clark, 1905." The inside
of the tower and the grounds at its base
remind one of Herrmann's pic.ure of
Noah's ark, the difference being tbat
this is no humbug and Herrmann's wss.
Saturday evening the local agent of
the Pacific Express Company went to
supper leaving in front ot tne office s
package of plants snd mosses sewed up
in burlap and addressed to Milton, Uma
tilla county. Tbe package being fresh
from the nursery wss hesvily satuaated
and Mr. Korts never dreamed that any
one mould bother it. On his return
from anpper be wss surprised to find
tbat the package bad been stolen. Dep
uty Sheriff Woods and Officer Alieky
were notified of tbe loss and aftar some
searching tbey found tbe package cached
in a wood pile at the foot of Washington
afreet. Tbe package bad been ripped
open, but, as it was of no value to tbe
thieves, tbey left it wbere it was found.
If there be a health officer in the city,
and Tub Cbbokiclb honestly doesn't
know whether there is or not, but
strongly inclines to tbe belief tbst there
enrely cannot be one, we recommend
bim to take s walk through tbs alley
bounded by Second and Third. Let
bim, however, take the precaution to
have s bottle of smelling salts on band
and s lard bucket, or something, in case
he objects to voiding the contents of big
stomscb in tbe alley. When he bas
made tbe trip if be doesn't own to
having jeen more decayed vegetables,
rotten eegs, and human excrement, and
studied mora sud worse smells tbsn
sver greeted his alfactory nerve since it
first started in business, tbe writer
hereof will set up the cigars.
Albert Tscbaggeucy filed a complaint
in the circuit court this morning against
F. N. Jones, of Sherar's Bridge, for tbe
recovery of $880.71 for services rendered
as s laborer oo tbe farm, together with
interest from October 26, 1901. Jones'
herders bave levied upon his sheep for
claims for wages aggregating some $2000.
His buggy snd team wars attached here
this morning, but were released on
Jones' claim tbat tbey were exempt
from exeeution. Jones this morning
filed for record in. the clerk's office a
deed to his wife of all his real estate in
Wasco county. Tbe consideration is
one dollsr and love and affection. Dep
uty Sheriff Sexton left here this afier
noon for tbe Jones ranch to sieze for the
creditors everything bs can gst bis bsads
Tbs funeral of tbe late William Moa
bos took place from Craadall A Burgee's
undertaking rooms st 1:80 this after
noon. Tbe death of Mr. Mosbos is
shroodsd in mystery. Ail tbst is knows
at this writing Is tbat bs wss found la
tbs Willsmetto river, near tbe Portland
Steel brides, last Sa tarda r. sad thai the
cosditios of to body indies tod thai li
had bsea la the water for about six says.
We ssarss of appeared sad the
of tM eereeer's jury
Ie saeb
drowned." The deceased was born
sbout 39 years sgo. He was s good
natured, amiable man, and tbe death of
a brother at Missoula, Montana, Octo
ber 2nd, is known to have given him
great distress and may, possibly, have
affected his mind. He bad many friends
here who deeply regret his untimely
end and whose sympathies go out
towards bis aged mother, Mrs. Anna
Moabus, ot 8eattle ; snd bis sister, Mrs,
M. T. Nolan, of this city.
Green Most Haas,
Murderer Green has given up hnpe of
escaping the gallows. State Sens tor E.
M. Rands, bis sttorncy, was up early
this week, snd, it is repotted, informed
his client that he must suffer the ex
treme penalty. s
The meek-appearing little jail where
the prisoner is confined is far stronger
than it looks, and would resist all ordi
nary efforts to escape from it, even were
the prisoner disposed to try. It is tbe
belief of those who bave him in chsrge
tbat Green lacks tbe con rage to escape
even if he had a fighting chance to do so.
But, given a raw snd gimlst, it would
require several hours to effect sa escape
through the jail where Green is confined.
The rails are composed of many thick
nesses of inch boards, each thickness
being nailed with spikes four inches
apart, driven slantwise. Tbs building
is only 12x12 in iz. outside measure
ment. and half of This space is allotted
to tbs jailer, wbo baa but little more
than enough room for a bed.
A night and day watch is now kept
snd will be maintained up to tbe day of
Green's doom. Tbe precise day of tbe
execution haa not yet been made public,
but it is evidently nesr at band, as
Sheriff Totten is now planning to bave
cards printed inviting his friends to wit
ness the gruesome event. About 200 of
these favors will be distributed.
The prisoner chows sucb a woful lack
of con rage as tbe day approaches for the
execution tbat the sheriff has decided
to construct a gallows in the woods ad
jacent to tbs town, snd sway from bear
ing distance of tbs condemned man.
Skamania County Pioneer.
ew Commercial School,
I propose to open a school In this city
for teaching a thorough commercial
course, including book-keeping, type
writing and shorthand. Tbe patronage
of pupils desiring sneb Instruction is re
spectfully solicited.
O. A. Skvksakck.
Horses for Bale.
Twelve" good work horses. Will sell
vet cheap. A ply to Ned Gates.
Far lataata add OuJArto.
Uf KM Tn Man Always louM
We havo just received our complete full line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the timo to fit out your
boy for school Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
TheNewYork Cash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tlulu Heater has revolution
ised the heating stove trade in all aeotions of the United Slates. Its won
derful economy In the use of tfnei, and many other excellent qualities,
strongly recommend it to all in need of a heating stove.
What Cole's Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from z ro to
80 degrees In five minutes.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 30 hours without attention.
You build only one fire each winter.
It burns chips, barb, leaves, paper snd
corn cobs, an I gives excellent results with
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light snd easily moved snd
wet up.
The combustion is perfect and ashes ars
removed only once in four weeks.
None of the heat is waated and the stove
a ill save one-half of your fuel bill.
It is olean, economical, convenient, safe
end durable.
Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to stsv
alr-tiuht as long as ussd. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
haxt- one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
New Grocery Store
"Ve have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh, '
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Blakeley's Drug Store,
176 3d St , THE DALLES
Wo carry the largest and inoat aotoplete
stock lu Eastern Oregon of
'0B OWN KX TRACT of Union sud Va
nilla are the Scat Made.
Everything we Mil 1 reek.
Our price are OaeeUlent.
Our PHBSVltlPTION Department
is In charge of competent man.
We Manufacture--Or.
Wood's LlNlaaestl,
Or. Wood's Naraauarilla,
Or Wood'. Headarhe Table!,
and Wile. Hasel Almond Cream.
I MAIL OHOBUS receive our I DflTU DUflliCC I Kvvry I'ackage delivered Pree, I
neriHiiial attention. QUI II rnUrlLO rmifly, lu the city. I
' '". 11 1 . 111111 1 11 i i ns
John Paahek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
ol the latost patterns iu tlrnt's
Clothing Uoods. lis guaran
tees prices aod a good fit or no
pay. :
John Paahek, The Tailor.
Undertaker Mi Embalmet
Get, Third snd Wsshlnsjton ete.
Fire Insurance.
rounded my
Capitol paid op 7,000,000
Asset . . EaOtlJMMKIo
Now Is the time to insure; tomor
row may be too lets.
Phone No. So, Heufert 4 Condon.
Phone No. MS, Pacific State Co,
Resident Agent, Tbs Dulles.
Why pay 1.76 per gallon fc
i.elsia whan vss ess bnv Jamas
. . . - . . a. ma. . . .
imIIah . eajeJU. CJUSI am. I
rVs, agesle.