ssssssssaaaaaaas saasssssassei ssssssssssssss v TDt utiles iniiy unromcie. MOKDAT OCT. 28. 1901 The British are not the only per sons in the Sooth African war who are buying supplies on the outside. The Boers, it is said, are negotiating for arms in France and South Amer ica, and are getting horses from Russia. These reports mar all be true, and they may not. It seems, however, that the Boers have had a pretty good supply of arms and horses all along. The South African wax has been especially hard on horses. The stories afloat jnst 1 fore the war began that the Bers were preparing for this struggle for many years must have been true. The Pendleton East Oregonian. al ways democratic, nominates H. W. Scott, editor of the Oregonian, for the United States senate, to succeed Senator Simon. Meanwhile, between this and the lime of electiou. in the winter of 92-93," the East Ore gonian will do all in its little power to elect somebody else. The East Oregonian is playing the game of its Portland namesake when the latter paper urged the nomination of Syl vester Pennoyer for president. Both papers were equally sincere. The Salem -Sentinel says: JLl-hoBaaaoa f acre of wild pa-v. re . . ... - . - west Texas though the papers are savin? some , h t r are not Ct for nsuch else except nice things about Hoc. C. W. Fulton -. rr r:.-tiers on. The fact that a or governor, be continues to be the marker ha been found for rattle , ,. ... , . ' . will cawe the oemand for leading candidate for the U. S . thoir a aiiat to tnowMi Simon Vr Fnl. i Simon. ton has always occupied a high place in the estimation of the people and came near attaining the governorship eight yesrs ago. He missed the nomination then by a scratch and has ever since been friends." forking for his Is the source of weahb of the Pharaohs to be re-discovered. In a paper read before the Mining and Metallurgy society in London last week, Mr. Charles J. Alford gave the result of his recent investigations in the mountainous region between the Nile and the Bed sea. He says the country is rich, not only in gold, but in turquoise, emerald, silver, beryl, porphyry and lead. "We may expect the war center to be trans ferred from South Africa to Egypt. Oregon has secured medals at Buffalo so far as follows : Agricult oral department four gold medals, two silver medals, two bronze med als, and one honorable mention. Food products, not f ru its three silver medals and two bronze medals. Forestry department two gold med als, four silver medals, five bronze medals and sti honorable mentions. Mines and metallurgy two silver medals, four bronze medals and three honorable mentions. A bunch of nineteen head of , . mixed two-year old steers and beifers, averaging 1257 pounds, one day last week bronebi C.30 a bun- dred in Omaha. This is the highest price ever paid for beef cattle in the who sold the cattle got a!: the benefit ; but O, my countrymen, if it had been some trust that raised the price, what a bowl there woold bare been. The Astoria News thinks Wallace McCammant's candidacy for congress for this congressional district will be a factor in favor of an Eastern Oregon candidate fjr governor. That depends on how serious Mc Cammants candidacy may lie re garde. Up this way e have little use for a protege of Joe Simon, do natter what his qualifications may be. tl. ir j ,t .1 sue siutu cuncepuuueui 01 uic Vaarn Vpws aav- -Mr flhaersrer j - - 1 returned from The Dalles Wednesday i ... as. ou j pciuaic uc uuacu ail. Chronicle, as his face locked sound.' Tbe correspondent is mistaken. Tbe Observer man hasn't been in The Dalles for months. That's wbj his face "looks gonad." i0mmmmmM Mea Isi Tm a Irattal Reotlle for Factory. The establishment of a large factory for the manufacture of snake oil in Texas ah -tit a rear ar ha- lex! to the development of a new industry in this part of the tate. There are probably 100 men in MWttMMI Texas hi devoting their whole time la nake hunting. One of them. Caps. Mack Arnold, seidesn fail? to capture frcm fire to ten rattlers esch dy be puts in at the Wv-r'.. fay- the New YorkSna. The snakes bring 23 cents a pound gross at the fact, ry and each snake weighs from four fco six pounds. Be fore removing h:. camp to the vioinit v of Austin tap:. Arnold and his Mexi can assistants spent three months tn Bianco .'. . where Ibejf hAd won derful success in capturing rattle snakes. During that period they cap tured and shipped to the factor- 1.540 rattlesnake-. A; one Palat ca the Blanco river Capt. Arnold frunc a den Of 31 ruttiei-akei ill of which he and the Mexican succeeded in laklnj alive. The v would n:t have succeeued in do ine this haJ tiot the weather been cold and the ra tilers been in a se-ms-cjma-tose state. The snake are caught by means of a Lnsa) a; the of a stik- Capt. Arnold say that rattlesnakes haTe a peculiar sine1.!, wa -h he can de tect at a distance of several yards, and this fart is the principal reason for his success it: capturing them. He i has been bitten several times bj rat tiers, but has never suffered any harm from the poison. It is Capt. Amc'.cs opinion that the snake-hunting business will afford those who have nerve enough to en rage in it a goed livelihood f:-r many Txin tn trrflt There are hundreds of ,.f ,1,,- -vr n-onr on the rai- .r.- -. :s pre;: -tec tnat soiae ea i-a'c teri r. z man w. . ?iari b :arui 11 if specis' pi:rp'.:t of raisin? the rep- tl.r ii r the market. Maty iho-.;.-ards of live snake? are r;v?; .r; m-Ditth bv the Jliakr "ii rv. Trev are seat in aiive and are kest in roach caires at the factory and killed as needed. The flesh is needed to make oil. while the skin is tanned and manufactured into a vari ety of small articles, including neck ties for men. A PRETTY LEGEND. it Telia How the Golasaraa Waa C to Velio w. According to legendary lore the e-r.itr.d was once snow" whit. It is said that rreat fields of theee while a n 1 nmUMl mwi fnllv tr ai .! fro as the winds swept orer them, and were quite happy u&til the wiidflow ers of brilliant hues began to ridicule them. "What tame, pale, uninteresting creatures: said the tiger lilies "Trulv 1 her axe" said the scarlet sare: "they are not worth looking at. " Other wild flower neighbors made like remarks. at.d cast scornful glances a; the white blossoms, until the latter bowed their heads and wept. "We are poor, colorless beggars." they waiie-c. "wfcr.le aii tmr neighbors ! are clothed in gorgeous apparel." The Autumn Wittd knew why the : white flowers were grief-stricken, and he resolved to help them. Calling tc ! him the manv-hued fairies that lire km the rainbpw he told them haw the white flowers had been ridiculed by their neighbors. "Leave it all to us." said the fairies. and n lhe '"'-treated ones shall hare cause to rejrskte.' , u r . , t Away e-ped the fanes to the end of the rainbow, where, as you have beard. lher ,fi a ?reit Pl of mgw gd ""- T. .rra ksr rs fa:rist tha aWsralil dust ha-teDed oat-k to the Held and mead. .v. - a aprh kied it lavishly over the droopixijr. heart sunk in sound slumber. When morning- came the sun looked dosm udol s careeouslr srnvedarmr I of g-oldenrtd. ar.d so great was tbe surprUe of their wtld-nuwer neigh bors that some of them withered and died ficcn sheer envy. But, rej..cing in their good fortune the ei idenrd proudly held up their heads and faithfuSiy kept guard until the icy Winter W.nti. in a hoarse voice, bade them go to sieep. Boar's Tstsst We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured 17 Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.Cue.vbt 4 Co. Props,, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cnecey for the last 15 years, and be iiere him perfectly honorable in ali buei- ..... nees tranaucuons and boancialiy able to carrT out anr ohlintiona made hr their ' j Brm- West A Tsoax.Wboi 1 r . . le UrustgieU, To- ledo, O., Welding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggisu, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Core is takes inter nally, acting directly upon tbe blood and snocoua surfaces of tbe system. F. J. CaasTET 4 Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by dirugBisu, price 7ac HVJ's rsmily Pills are the beat. It Groceries Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. Take them 9 lajlaai 9 3 tiruay aiiu 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 you SI be well to-morrow aldwlns Cold Cure Tablet NoBB (Ctad in head) NtGircNwIfySc mW M lor rVee SsmpU eea aeical rLV kaml Basreia See rTonsieee ! Sold by Clarke A Fa'.k, The Daiie, Or i Be Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his lee with a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two rears be suf fered intense'y. Then the best doctors urged amputation, "but," be writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 1.? hrtTi n; Rnrk'en's Amies. Saire and my ieg sras round and well as ever." i For Eruptions. Eczema, Tetter, gait . ., , . j Bheum. Sores and . blood disorders ! Eiectric Bilters has no rival on ea: th. Trv tbem. G. C. Blakeler will guarantee ; satisfaction or refund money. Oniv 50' . , cents. i S50 REWARD ' Lost, three bead of work horses which j Ltiayed from a freight team near Ante- : 'P June 12.i . last. One is a dark cara'.DOi surrr. iiuiufc, situ uiw , both bind feet si bite. Another is a light bar mare with ihite fare. Both of these are Clyde's and heavy set. The j tLird is a stee" grer gelding, rangy built, ; with ric: : arm wire cut. Average treitrht of eacn k- . re. 1310 pounds. Aces from 7 to 10. Branded figure 7, with a quart r circie under, on left hip. Will give reward for their delivery to me at Hartland, K!ickitat county, fCasbicgton, or a liberal reward for any , information leading to their recovery. D. W. BoTHaocc, elf-lmw Hart ar.u. Wash. stray eat. From my piacs August 12 th, one dark , bar mare, short mane, weight at out 10OD pounds, age 9 or 10 yers j brand a aa m jk. on leit enouiaer. act lniormation 1 - as to bar whereabouts ill he liberally rewarded. G. W. Pabsoxs, o20 Imw Hood Biver, Or. STRAYED. From Ohleccliiager's pasture, four miiet west of The, one buckscJn norse, weight about if.OO pounds ; brand ed with s heart on ieit snouider. Also ' one bar mare; branded U cn rigbt ' tmnt'isr. srith i ctriri in fan. A i suitahle reward wiil lie given bj the. undereigned ior auy information iead icg to their recorerr. B A Bevkolus, o28-lmw The Da. lea, Or DeWitt's Littie Eariy Bieers never disappoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle, eff-cttve in removing ai! im purities from the iirer and bowels. Smail and easy to take. Never gripe or distress. Ciarke A Folk's P. O. Phar macy. Flora.' lotion will cure w:nd chapping and sunburn. alaouactured by Carre A Fait. Wanted To trade apples for wheat, either by tbe box or carload. Write to W. Kennedy, Hood Biver. o4 4tw Clark A Falk are never closed fecaday. Han't forget this. m'mmmmmmmmmmmWLtmmtmmmlmWKkmWBktmmmm Notice of Final Settlement Xu unde: signed having tltd her fins'. ,!, "P-!mfeat f sslminlaUats of the estate 01 stugs Laerr the saasasa sassst Waseo Conntr. Oreaoo. In aa otder mask: acd enteied ssaiswhst Ss, MaU, has spoun.tcd the eoaalr court rooaa in the count; onun e st isai'es tan;, waasw CoddIj. Stair at Oregon, as Use place and Monday. Nor. 4. ISM. at the hour of ; o ei a. sa. as the Usse of heartng oticooau ineralu : ymnu intev asasd In said eats as ate hetebr aottaed to be seeaeal at said last mentioned aw and niaee and oaTer isV wit rasa U aar taer ease. u. aain at and leiaort. CATHEEIMt LACE Y. Adcslnistratrtx of the Estate of Hngb Laeey, Groceries ML T. White Collar U: Hie Baiies-Pflfflawi Home Str. BAILEY-Gr ATZERT, BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and Way Points TIME CARD Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Arrives The Dalies, same day, 5 p. m. I Leaves The Dalies at T a. m. on Sun ; day, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Portland, same dy, 4 p. m. Meals the Very Best. This Boute has the Grandest Scetjc Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. 4 TAHOMA," Daiiy Bound Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Leave Astoria 7 p. a. ... , r , . ... Landing and office Foot of Alder . Msin 3., jand, Oregji.. . , E. W. Crichtoa, Aeeut Portland, . .. . rratner ana tsar dps, Arts. , nooa Kiver, Wo'ford i Wyere, Agts.. White Salmon, J. C. Wyatt, Ageut, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria. . mm ril I AnSJ I a TL SI M J. R. NLLUUK, Jsgeilt, 1 116 DalleS ; ; REGULATOR LINE. DaiiBs, mM & istQda NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, POETLAXD. at 7 A. 1. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7 tOO A. M. DAILY EXCEPT 6CSDAY. STEJEi BEGULATOB, DALLE CITY. BEL1ANCE. W. C. ALLA WAY, General Agent, Tbe Dalles. Oregon. FRENCH A CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Basuaess. Letters of Credit iseued available In tbe Eastern 8 tales. Sight Exchange Telesrranhir Tnnafsw aoM on Maw York. Chicago St. Look, He. 1 Fraaalana. Portland 0' srusuessauie w sen. and various pot&te in Oragoo end Waabingtoo. Colkeetioof made st all points on fav orable terms. NOLAN. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAXFACTU KKR OF Fine Lard and Sausages a - DDIIII ; j HAMS & BACONS, s)RIFD beef. etc. L. Lane, GKNEKAL Mil I. .AND... I Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. lairi asf JAM Flo&el59 Yellowstone Park Line THE UlXrXG CAB BOCTE I'KOM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE VELLOW- 61 ONE FARE lltTI. So. 2. Fast mail for T scores. Seattle. Olympia, Oray't No. i .X V. St. So. 8. 7:00 A 51 tfaroor and ooutc Rend Etcts, Spokane. Koi id, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewiston. Buf Z1:1S A. M. faloHcmp mining coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Pstil, Omaha. Kantas City. St. Loui:. Cniewro and all points er aiid southeast l u get itound Express for T aroma and seattie and intermediate points No i. u;at r.x Pullman and Umntt sleepers to Kint-eapolis, at. Pan! and Miasouri rlrer points Ktthoot chacge. VesUbcled trains tTt!fTj depot eorjnecUous in aii princinat citiw. Baggage ehersed as desUnatioo of tickets. For lisndsomc'.T Wlusi-.sted deacripbve miner, tickets, sleeping-car reeervatioaa, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Genera: PaMencer Agent. 236 Slorrf mil fsWaaV eofTier Thitd, Portland lregon. Prof. Homer de Morrison 3S3 . Waslitngtoa street. 3 30. rOBHl), OKSSOK TbeSnrtrearia ate nsiniist ever in t-u.-t.i.t r,.. -..,:n . m..wll'm g ealest T ranee Clairvoyant and Herbs. ist can 1 nm a m orris n U wiUiout a doubt the most todaj tt locates hidden trcssure, reunites the senarassd. tells U thom u rr 1 . S2 yon'ttesLT" Wi ,h w"00 Palu-uvj uugbt. medmoii-tte nersous devel ld HoSlr b Ibe USr. of hl tmmLm K. 1 Was cure, ebroule aud st. cal'ed incurable Sis- esse. Prw irtsttment 1 .1 te iur. ft5rttd Si. datlt Of Kith asl.rl aksLss . SI .sal letters answered atTnce" 1 . .mini iTum me aetbv enuelbbg Works in beb.Hirf occult srience be aoix eui.lelr eoss- mnBleaied b letter the fosu to Mr A J EaW. - F"'e qi siauksaeota eon set arts). KAMCIS PAKTLOW. "It is saVssafssa t i - - - . 1 HorsBsnoe 11111 Fb Pa Union Pacific nSFAKT TIMS SCHKoCLES roB thx'Sajlles. ! ' L Chtoaffo- PnrUand ftneclal. 12:25 p. m. via Hunt ington. Salt lake, Denver, m. 1 worm. Omaha M City, fit Louis. Chi osgosnd theRasv 1:.a. Atlantic Express, 12 SO a. m. via Hunt in gton. Sal! Lake, Denver, Ft. north, Omaha, Kan- iunj, si. Louis, Chi-; .a. St. Pan! , Walla Walla, Lewtston. 9 t.m. ; man, Mwneanoiis. st 9 3Sp. m. ; nan, Mwneanoiis. at tLC vi spo- ithu. un mm. .Mii-n- kane. . sea, Cnlcagoand Eut. OCEAJ AID RIVER SCHEDTTtt Frees frUaaa. (aJl sating dates sub ject to change ) I ' r :00p.m. For San Francisco, Sail erery S dan. I CoSaasbta Hirer. To Astoria and Ha Landings. v 4WP-SV v :00 t. m. gaturdar, 10:00 p. m. Dally except 9undar. t OP a. m. 3 Wtllaaaette tttrer. Oregon dlty, Newbetr. Salem. Indeoend&uce. and War-Landings. :aa Tuefdaj. TfauradsT, eturdy. ; 6:00 a. iu. j . CorralUs and Waj Ijutdlngs. I . Tuesdar, Willamette sad Vamhill Hirers. sa. m 1 tuutaur. .. a Satcrdav . Origan City, Osytoti and Wl 30 a. iu. a -1 -ana::. us leave UiparU Snake Rlrer. t M a. m. Ktpaiia to Leariston. t t!i CaV Partiea .Tea ring to as to iiomts on Columbia Southern via 1 tase J.o. 2, lee v in The Dalles at 123 is f) making direct connections at Heppner JaaHha r d Hints. Returning makinr rin rt 1 isiiasalai at Heppner ioacUon and Biggs aitfa JSa, Ls rivtng at The Dalles at 1:05 p.m. For farther particulars, -call on or Sat JAB. IRELAND. Tbe Dalles, Complete f Drtis at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. . 6. SCMISCt, ftssMeas. ItAX A.T First national Bui THE DALLES A (m.m Bubh. RnsrineSS I DepoaiU reoaived, subject to flan juran or vuecx. CoUntUm made and proceeasi Mgrsitted on dav of collet Slant and Telegraphic Excnaasntj f lull laud. Oil moxoK Jao. B. ' A H If Rbii l. , at. m. U. 1 Ts& sslaB I I I BSSt i I IIh IIILBIIIbI ; W aW EE IjP w- ar. arn-soa. ' ,. fTVoalfi at W i lltW l " PRIVATE PARTIES Tbe UbJs always soppua Id the 71 Front SL, near Cbcrt. Tbl