The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 28, 1901, Image 1

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    vol. xin
NO. 816
Promotes DifiesllonJChfcerfuI
ness andReatCrtdns ndScr
Opium,Morphine rorMfoeraL
flJu Stmt-
A perfect Remedy for Cons fip
Tion , Sour Stonach.Diarrtoea
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
FacSorahj 3igisalars of
Republican Leader, Opposed to Tariff
Washington, Oct. 2. Each memter
of the ways and means committee in
torn finde gome reason wby nothing:
should be done in the way of tariff re
vision at the dining session of congress.
Hopkins of Illinois, a member of the
committee, seems to have thought oat
a real practical suggestion, aad says:
"Tariff revision sod farther redaction
of the internal revenue shoal I not be
undertaken at the coming session of
congress. If we are to build the isthmian
canal, and it seems to me that legislation
to authorize eocn a carta) is assured this
winter, there will be use for many
millions of dollars of government money.
Then, if we pass a river and harbor bill
at the approaching session, it will call
hw luauy millions more. Teee two
measures can be counted on to absorb
ell the turohis which may accumulate
iu the treasury from the present rate of
To those people who want river and
tarbor improvements and want a Nica
ragua Canal constructed, this statement
' uPkins, will appeal with some force,
a the revenue is needed for pobiic works
of that character. Hopkins, as well as
other members of the committee, bow
er, missed the point that moat of the
win reformers ate alulae at. which is
a reduction of the tariff ppon the high-
protected trust-made arte which are
old cheaper abroad than at borne. It
wius to look ae if the various arga
meats made by republican leaders to
prevent any tariff legislation Is lifcelv to
Preva.l. Apparentlv cood exeasea for
foot legislatinc era faeln 'nrodaoad in
-tMIIKQTOoT. tti-fc 97 HntOlt ItilM
weul Nelson, at Bergen. Norway, has
lDt a retort In tka Uulu Unlul
Service, in dui.L...ui.. .v .
i . -oumMTinn iut prra-
lenraev ! " -
in latasSAssp mnai la
ruied to the naclseelines and the
lotesqne cw.elsesasse ef the people. Be
"' there are six praey patients there,
"hom fonr nee to Copenhagen. In
. leprae woes is fawteng to
iwose few diseeaae which era eityeoWd
f Public treat rMui h it.
For Inflmti and fldldrfrii.
The Kind You Hava
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
own leprosy law. At the Laugarnoes
hospital in Iceland, established by the
Odd Fellows' order, thirty-one patients
were received during 1899, and of these
eighteen are now dead and only two
have been discharged as fully recovered
Kelt rises were usual in leproey cases.
The death rate has been fearfully high,
which is same whet offset by the 'act that
that was the first year of the hospital
work, and the worst of Iceland's popu
lation first were admitted. The report
ervfl that Dr. Armereurer Hansen, of
Bergen, has found the leprosy bacillus,
but its antagonist is not yet discovered
The Icelanders are declared to be im
prudent, the sick peo; le using the same
beds, eating and drinking utensUs as the
rower Again Reovietrd.
Gbokgetown, Ky.,Oct. 26 Ex-Seere
tary of State Caleb Powers was today
again convicted as accessory before (be
fact to the m order of Governor William
E Gotbe! in January, 1900, and the
second time sentenced to imprisonment
for life. The second trial began October
8th, and has continued with three
session daily, court adjjarrnng late
each night. The present term of court
expired tonight. Arguments were
limited so that tM aJe w?t to the
jury at 2 o'cloct rbfs ffteVnoon, and a
verdict of gwffty sows feffitfew
Powers m eafteewf sWtsmwfrke when
the vtrdict wale atteWaaW t Aba fore
man. B. 8. CoffSSVt, aft did eetoolinato
Opposite PowerPC fee fer Me of the
courtroom. ff the MPJrweys, sat
Arthur Goeoel, brother of the late
senator and governor, with his eyes
fixed on the prieener. The attorneys of
Powers shook h's heed, expressing aloud
thair belief in bis innocence. Woman
crowded around Powers, embracing aad
kissing hint, end tears were abed.
The defense having filed a motion for
a new trial, Judge Gaatitll beard erg
meets immediately oo the petition, f bp
motion for a near trie! was overruled aad
the case will be appealed. The J a ages i
is suspended pending the dedal jo of tnfi
higher tribunal. Powers w taken to
Frankfort on en evening train and com
mitted to jail witaoat ban.
W. T. Weeeoe, Gholeouville, Vs.,
drnaeist. Writes: 0Pr One Mlaete
Ooagfc Cwre gives eerteet setitfswtiep.
Ut easteseere aap H is the test remedy
for eeegba. eotds, throat and las
treebiee." OUrtw di FsflsVs F. O. Peer-
war have tee If roe
ftp Use
Olerne A
Falk'a eore cere far lassie.
Emerald Isle Has Tee Haa Members,
Says Chamberlain.
Eoisbceoh, Oct. 28 Mr. Chamber
lain, colonial secretary, addressing more
than 8000 persona in Wsverly Market,
Edinburgh, announced that the govern
ment intended to frame new rales for
the house of commons, eo as to limit
Irish obstruction.
"We purpose,'' be says, "to bring
forward roles which shall give to the
majority of the commons greater control
over its own business and greater control
Over the men who insult and outrage it,
and we shall endeavor to protect the
mother of parliaments M torn those who
would destroy her usefulness and reputa
tion." But this is not the only thing Mr.
Chamberlain declared the government
intends to do.
"The present representation of Ireland
is," he said, "an abuse and scandal. No
alteration could be made except in im
mediate anticipation of a general disso
lution, and we are not contemplating
that. But when we set nearer to the
time we shall ask yon whether yon think
Irish representation is eo precious to
you, is so valuable to the national
interests that it is lieetrable to allow it
on a scale which gives the Irish a repre
sentation enormously exceeding the
proportionate representation of Scotland
and England."
The colonial secretory went on to point
oat that on the basis of population
Ireland bad thirty members too many in
the house of commons, and on the basis
of her contributions for imperial
purposes, as considered at the time of
the anion, she had from forty to fifty
members too many.
"I say that this constitutes an abuse,"
be continued, "and there it no reason
why it should be perpetuated. "
In another portion of the speech,
which was largely devoted to the Irish
question, be observed :
"If these gentlemen who now openly
tbout for the Mabdi and pray for the
Boers, if they had a parliament of their
own, if all of the strings of Irish govern
ment had been in their bands, it they
bad the power, it is certain they would
have refosed to have paid their contribu
tion to the war, and that would have
placed us in a positron Of embarrass
ment." The relatione of lee paVlhfatentary op
position of the Irish patfty, Mf. Chamber
lain said, he eonetdered "dangerous to
the empire.'
In review tit war f SeWth Africa,
which he JeeWred atfaf- bed been forced
opon Great Britain by the said
the government acknowledged that it
hid made a mistake aa to the time of
ending the war, aad that be admired
the tenacity of the Boers, but be insisted
that H wee the doty of Great Britain to
meet this tenacity with equal resolution.
Then followed what is regarded as a
most important declaration. a
"I think the time has come, or is com
ing," said the colonial secretary, "when
sneaenree ef greater severity may be nec
essary, and if that time comes we can
find precedents for anything we do in
She actions of those nations eho now
criticise our barbarity aad croelty, hot
whose examples In Poland, in the Cau
casus, in Algeria, in Tonqoin, in Bosnia
dnd in the Franco-German war, we have
never approached."
SoMtnlt Will Vomm Wert.
WAaniKOToa, Oct. 99. Ie reply to an
inviteuea to visit the states of Oregon,
Washington aad Idaho, extended by the
delegates of those ataam to the fieotdsb
Sits Mssooie convention, President
joeeevsH today said hewoeld visit sheet
tee "en UsS fortune IS snore oaklad to
me than I think it will be." The dele
gate from Idaho got in a word about the
MStfet ef Me state ae be shook the
president's bead, and the latter laogh-
iagfy replied: "Yes, sir,
Hons are all right, too."
ftsaft islpT
i Mary vrftb
avpeaesvesai rwm tsw. a sawwsm rsamg
fa4d bp Ctarbe A
New Umbrellas.
Williams' Specials
His PINGfcEE LADIES' SHOES at $3.50 and $4 There's nothing in town
that will begin to compare
shapes in all leathers, wide
dress wear, and in a word,
Women au4 Jewel.
Jeae'e, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
rained in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem, then let ber fort if yjf herself
against the insiduops consequences of
coughs, colds sod bronchial affections by
the regular use of Dr. Boschse's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stages and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tabes end
drive the dread dieeaeejfrom the system.
It Is not e cere ell, but it is a certain
Cure for cough, colds and all bronchial
troubles. Yoo can get Dr. G.G.Green's
reliable remedies et Blakeley's drug
store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
Do yon suffer from piles? If eo do
not turn to surgery for relief. DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve will Set mors quickly,
sorely and aafely , saving yoo the expeose
and danger of an operation. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
We offer for a limited period the
twlce-a-week Chbosicli, price $1 60,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for 12 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer mast be paid in ad
vanee. t
Clarke Falk's savoring extracts are
the best. Ask vonr year tor them.
Oifford's Fotos Never Pad
The largest and most
complete line of
s s P
ever Shown in the eity
are now on display at
H. Gfeiin 8l
Pstlnt and Oil Store.
is the LAST DAY of
Visit our Blanket Department.
This is OVERCOAT Weather...
no question about that. The season of the year
has arrived when it is cheaper by far to invest in an over
coat than it is to go without. We want all men interested
to call and see our two great
38-Inch OVERCOAT of an allwool
tan covert cloth lapped seams, velvet
collar, wide shoulder facing, satin pip
ing good quality farmer satin lining.
Special Value at SIO
with them for values and it's values that count. New
extension edges with yellow or black stitch, light soles for
styles that are wholly original
BBBnl ll 11
tJjgjg Wse'ssS'sSweWB SmC"teW SSSSSSr v
FARMING IV1PI.EVIEN T8 Agents for Hooster Drill, J. I. Case Steal Farm
Hdrrowsan.i Pl..s. firiiiw Tto'li Harrows, Blatell Chilled Pious, Mitchell Wag
ons and Hacks, I i-in.' BngsieS.
...Star Windmills...
With B ill and R ller bearings, and folly warranted.
Write as lor prices and catalogues.
All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention.
Prices always right.
The only Exvinalve Hardware Store in the elty.
p. s. duwmo,
...Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker. .
pgAtaa in
Iron, Steel. WbeeU, Azlei, tsvlngt futtl BlMaumith ftplftes
Agaat far assstt k e.'s Bagtaest fhnlkMk sad tew Mills.
Telephone 107.
Lohg Dlatenea IflTj.
Sabecribe for the
MacKlntosK Coats.
45 inch OVERCOAT of an allwool
oxford-gray heavy cheviot black velvet
collar, raw edge, wide shoulder facing.
A stylish pet feet fitting garment very
cheap at oar pf Ice of )10
to PINGKEE Shoes.
& CO.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware. Iron
and Steel
AJoll line of BRIDGE BEACH
Cook end Heating Stoves.
Hundreds ol Lswyers, Preachers. Asters, and other
overworked Professional and Business Msn who tboaabe
they had kidney trouble bsvs told as they hsd never
hn abls to fled anything to equal Unooin IsSfSi
Pills for the ooe of that paia lo the beck, aad tee all.
gone lerllng that so often precedes paresis.
Price, $i 00 per hro-bet of year draggiet or ease
by mall on receipt of price, In plain wrapper.
LII00LI PlOPtiWAIT 00., t. f ajies Iai.
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, the Delias, Of.