tm uaiies uany unFonicie. SATURDAY OCT. 86. 11 JPOr A SUBJECT FVK CRITICISM Tbe following sensible and jest remarks are copied from tbe B.iker City Democrat: Because President Roosevelt saw Bt in his rood judgment to invite Booker T. Washington to dinner, strong words of disapproval are heard in tbe Sooth. Mr. Washing Ion is a colored man who enjoys tbe universal respect of all people in this country, black and white, on account of his attainments, cbaracte deeds. As tbe president invited bim to De his private guest, and did not attempt to force the companionship of a colored man upon anyone to whom tbe association could possib't be distasteful, any criticism of the president s act savors of very great impertinence. But, considered in any light, the invitation is not a sub ject for criticism. Booker T. Wash ington is one of the most notable citizens of tbe country just because be has done noteworthy things, fle is the founder and tbe successful executive of one of tbe most re markable institutions in the United States, tbe Tuskcgec. Alabama. In stitute, which not on'y aims, but in fact docs, educate and tram the vooth of the neero race to become useful industrious and self - support - ing citizens. Booker T. Washington is the embodiment of common sense, and, instead of inciting the members of his race to dwell upon their wrongs, to waste their time upon politics, and to try to get something for nothing In this life, in order to live without work, be has constantlv preached the gospel Of bonesl work. r. . r , . , . , and has lounded a ereat industrial school, which fits the vcocg negroes for useful lives as workers and teach ers of industry to others. This is the man who was justly caiied by President McKinley, after be bad inspected Tuskegee, tbe -leader of his race," and in the Sooth no in telligent man denies that he is doing a great service to the whoie popula tion of both colors in this land. It is evident that tbe onlj objection that could be brought against associa tion with such a mac as that is color alone, and President Roosevelt wiii sot recognize that prejudice. According to the New York World there was an increase of nearly one half in tbe total business of the New Tork Clearing House in tbe year that ended with September 30th over the preceding year. The unpreoe- dented height of the tide of business pro perity is strikingly shown by this fact In no previous vt-a: has tbe Clearing House recorded transactions aggregating within twenty-fire bill ions of the seventy-seven billions credited to the year jast closed. For the year that ended September SQ, , 189 d only three yean age Its total business was less than forty billions. In that, brief peiiod, therefore, the business of tbe country, which is verv accurately measured bv there a . . w turns of that city's Clearing House, has almost doubled. As a highly significant fact in the international fins nee and business, it raav be noted that for tbe first six mouths of 1901 tbe London figures are not available for tbe last three months tbe aver age total business of London's Clear- ing Boats was only about one-half as Jarge as that of New York's. We have in this country, say an exchange, many people none of whom are Americana in tbe technical sense who think that liberty con- aisU wholly la doing what one likes. and who are in constant intellectual rebellion against ill authority. It is of the highest importance that the citizens of a free country should ttavdetataad that absolute aad on qaestioeiaf ooedieace to tbe law be eaase it is the law is the first quality of intelligent and patriotic citixen ship. There ii indeed mo way to e9 ll9e!r retime D a most , avenges terrible fashion. The Times-Mountaineer has made a very ill advised attempt to open an : incident that happened in this city iMl week which The Chboxicle bad hoped was closed for ever, so far as the newspapers are concerned. Tbe , Times Mountaineer knows there was no indiscriminate assault on twenty, fire persons or any other number. No one was hit, no one was intended to be hit but those who most richly deserved it. The incident is now historr. Tbe Dalies people have forme i their judgment of it, and by that judgment The Chronicle, that hasn't the dot of an i or the cross n a t to take back, is willing to abide forever. We oniv add that tbe next time our contemporary goes into tbe 1 PT business be shouldn't first u""" J n m-W m-nt- u:. ., v- r i , j The Boer war has already cost Great Britain 18,000 lives. 75.000 disabled men, incalculable misery in bomes and 700,000,000 in money. This is a terrifying commentary on a boast that in three months tbe war , would be ended. The third year of the strife has begun and tbe Boers are as intiepid as ever. Tbe Eugene Register suggests that the general ill he<b in Salem is - Proba - r dae 10 lhe biUiOD! atUck tbe Journal is undergoing over tbe activity of Senator Mitchell. A temporary quaiantine against tbe Journal until the contagion subsides might be a men onous prevention. --- K; t-j . . v.., :ng tdwayl is trying iO purchase his old vacht Britannia. Some one sosgests to bin:: -For an easy- eoinp sae and not too w..1v a rra't Swa" eaaj no too .peeuy a cra.i suitabie to Lis Majesty's subdued tastes wdv not take Shamrock II?" Bor'i Ttua: Vf e'offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Bali's Catarrh Cure F. J. Ckexxt A Co. Props., Toiedo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. ' J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-' lieve him perfectly honorable in ail boat- , nese transactions acd financially able to ' carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, To- ; ledo, O.. W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, ; Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hale Catarrh Cure is taken inter- i nalfy, acting directly tipoc the Wood and ( mucous snrr'aees of tbe system. F. J. Chimt & Co., Prope., Toiedo O. Sold by drraggirts . price 75c HVJ'i Fami'y Fills are the beat. 12 ' A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery gflrj womea endure1 Bjctice, Headache, Nervousness SleietileasnefF. Ale-lanrr.o' v. Fainticr and Dlay Spell when thooeands have proTed that Electric Bicters will quickly core; encn troubles. I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cheriey. of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so I could cot dress my seff, but Electric B:;ters cured me, and, althongh 73 years old, 1 now am aie to do ail my housework It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 5oc; at G. C. Blake ey'e drug store. 3 Wi.en your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it warts eoroetK&g to give it life aud vigor. Wehaveahat tne hair needs when it gets ;n taat con- dition. We have tbe Crown o! Sciectee Hair Grower and Coeoaaut Cream will cure dand Tooic. Tbev ruff and al ip diaeasea. For sale at Fraarr'e bar- uci muvy. t jui sau "TTWi NOTICE. Effective this date. A charge of 1 per car per day whl be made for delay to cars, for all time held under load, in ioeu:ng or uriiOaa:rg consignee or n , .1 iMf..; , ironi time car is art for loading or un- Jajces IacLAsn. Agent O. li 4.VC loading. Aeker's Eogikh adr will stop a eogb at any time, and wilt cure the eoret co j in twelve boors, or money re Iggafiad. 'i cts and 50 cts. Bl.keler. lt draggisa. If anything aiis your nair, go and ass Fraxer; he's tbs haadouarter for all hair re medic. Remember that he aukee a serJaitv of tnaes goods. U DeWitt's Littie Early disanpoiot. They geatls, effective La aariuea from the li Small aad easy to take. II distress. OarkeA Faik's F. macy. Risers never ver aad bo awls, i lilt aw " m fj Groceries Union aud Second Streets. Local Phone 92 r Prnf Hnmpr rip Mnmcrm iiii nn I TM P.O fflllO ft WCIlDrl ffl ivi. iivmvi mw mviiiwvrr-riyn 1101101 I NE " V1U1 iw-iim vm 323 Wwklitta Mrnt. Kmm roKUASD. ORE60S. :3-SO. The ilm regiatered a well aa the 6rs: grain -ate palmist ever in fortlacd- The mafli t e eateet Trance Clairvoyant cod Herha 1st eat Prof ile Morrison T-thoat a drcbt the most Paimi-t and ( iairvon an: in tne world today - he J. -rates hidden treasure, reunites the . etxtntted. toils ii there is tuners!, ail. or gas on . font land, enable yon to aria tb? altectiari of one yoc desire. - r.ilT7 tan St. 4;nr-.!iiic rr -u i (revl. EeaJs by the uses of his rereaied beibtl leas: cures chronic aui siea-led incurable dis- i eases Free Teatmeat lot tbe poor. Send St. date oi birth and three cuestiocs: all i letters answered at ence. Located by Viaiaa. Portind. Aug. 10. - To the Editor. Borcer i X irris. n. oeeurt::. " cstl by v: - tbe tz.'. lion stolen trora the eby smelting Works. In beiif nl occult scJenee he tmtrediately com ccnicteo rv '.stter tbe facta to Sir. A. J. Bate I ton. owner of tbe aelby Work. Tbe reports re- ceiTetl last ljL: prrvt tu? ftatercents correct mks. kasci? pabt.uw. 'nlL.? JJ w f !2?t2SSS' 32, Jt Zai inrt J? ! ttA" 3d assistance was repaired in rv- nnat ,;i .,;. , a txtse caUiomia inren- ti.-L far tie twnrraoiMr : deftiTtng ireeaa uf -tjat gijry."' tditcT r-orHani .reg-jniai... 9 9 9 9 Take them to-day and you'll be well to-morrow. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 aldwin's 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Cold Cure Tablet NoBB (cold in head) IM0Girel,otey5c Sold by Clarke & Fa!k, Tbe Dalles, Or. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere Cisco lent to tired nstore. It affords the stomach coupiete and absolute rest t v dla'eetiu; the fooi pad et. Yoc don't; have to diet tint can etj f all the gotd food you win. K io'. Dy-pep la Cure instant St relieves that dietressd feelicg after et:ng, a:v ng you new life and ngor- t!arae A Fs.k P. O. Paarmacy. Old Sotaicr'a Ktasmact. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, L&d., writes: "My miie was sick a long tune in spite of good doc- tor's treatment, tut aas wholly cured by Dr. King'e New Life Pi!is, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Otdj rSe at G. C. B-akeley'i drug store . 3 Tea positire y enree Head aehe, lodigertios and ronctpaton. A delint-'ui herb dr:ck. Eemcves alt ptions of the tain, producing a perfect coaapiexfon, or nooev refaaded. 25 ct and 60 ctt. Blakeley. the draatcist. raggist. Clark A Falk are never cioaed Sunday, Don't (c-ravt this. 8a erib for Tu Caaoa!ci4i. Notice of Final Settlement Tbe SBdcfeigibed aartag be SoaS ae- coaat abd report as adatiiatojij -A tbe eatate 4 Hugt Lace?, ikftsatd, tbcouca;; eotrt vi Waaao Cooxtti, Oasgoa, ia aa caSer i&ar aoO entciad inaaasnbar M. MM, baa tpfuuM tac county eoart rocaa la the tvunzr eoort at bal'ea City, Waaaa Cotuiy, State os ! IsvIT at use hcasr i o eiueA a bl aa tbe rime td ah Kti lilies CATSEaUKE LACE Y . AdBLlBistratrta of ta Eatate of Hngt Leeey. Groceries JUL. T. Ik DaiiBs-Portianii Boole Str. BAILEY-G ATZERT. BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and Way Points. TIME CARD Leares Portland at T a. m. on Tue- ' dav, Thursday at -1 Saturday. Arrives Tbe Dalles, same dav, 5 p. nT j Leaves Tbe Dalies at T a. m. on Son- ' day, Wednesdav and' Friday. Arrives Portland, same day. 4 p. m Meals the Very Best. bis Koute bas tbe Grandest Bonda Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMAT Di.y Round Trips except Sondaj. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. . Leave Astoria 7 p. x. Landing and oSux Foot of Alder Street; both phones, Main 361, Port : land, Oregon. E. W. Criebton, Asent Portland, Prat her and Barnes, Acts., Hood Kiver, Wo' ford dt Wyert, Aft.. White Salmon, J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria. S. M. FILLOOR. agent, The Dalles REGULATOR LINE. Danes, iim 4 istoiia NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT : E.IVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. Portland Boat... .!..... THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. OAItT IICgPT SCXOiT. REGULATOR DAI 1 -ES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLA WAY, General Agent, The Dalies. Oregon. FRENCH ft OO BANKERS. Tisvasact a Gsaeral Baa king BasUssa, Letters of Credit iaraed availahU La the FealatB Btataa. Bagbt TakarTABhie 1 y Hew Tork. Chicago, . Hen Fraacisas. Portland w. varina. aad WaabiasrUM Collections saada at all i.t. t , ersbie terms. gj w wrvvw NOLAN. PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MAxrvacTcaxes of Fine Lard and Sausages Cerersof BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIFD BEEF. ETC. ' A. T 3 i al U.SL Xv6(J61 V CU. 1 A full Ime of Fresh Printing and De- ve ice Papers direct from factory. ! Soio. Kex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. A. so a line of Piates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. t . t iravs. 1 riniiiig rrauies, Albums, Multigraphs, And all sec scries to complete the oatfi; of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Oar Eareka Combined Toning ud i 'VJL."'?, MithJ Fixing Bath is a dandv. Trv iu nrta " t0"1- . 'ixing The A. E. C. Developer for plates, Sims or developing paper c has no equal Enough for 35c to develops 6 dczen plates or 6 dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for tbe A. E. C. De- : veloper, and see that you get tbe j genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of your own formal? and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. I L. Lane, GKXEJLAL ...AMD. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tkiri art JeQcroi. hm 15! Yellowstone Park Line. THA- OIXXSO C AK mmt t FK0 POKTLA.O av a sax. .Art, THl O.VLT DIXEtT LINE TO TUX YELLOW -8IOXE PARK uvb. Bin rati 111 1 lis Fast Ball for Taeoaaa. Seattle. 01ymi4a.Orey Harbor and boqUi Bea3 aoaatm, Sfuaaae. Roaa ioS, B. ... Puliaaan. Maaeew, Lrsrtatou. Bol laioM ump ratal ug euoa try, Helena. Minbeaiw tU. at. raut, OatU, Kanaas Ctnr. at. Loui. Caleaao and all uinta east and aoaraMatl No. iXr. X. 5o.a T.WA.M. U:U A. X. iisa w BmaA brM U .a) P. X. tor Taeoaaa and eeaul aad Bat Tnarilata pcaata PeJlaaaa ' ZiSZT : P1"1 Miaaaarl riser A. D. CHARLTON. Giflbrd g Fotox Never Fad. Northern Flit la aU arlaesaal iStsea. xextxaxtaX TT ' 11 isaWllna il Hit 1 ror iandaiisan' iiiatcmy aMni,ai a I BURE urn Union Pacific as.vt.KT TIME SCHXDtTLtt SMS I the dalles. liSSa-ra. via Hunt Ingtan. Atlantic 12:l n. via Hunt Isgton. m City.St. Uok, Ck: Mtm tbe East Salt late, Denver. FX 1 worth, Oiaha, Kan as City, St boat, Cai earo ud tbe East. a. st. mi FM Mall, p. ra. vjaSpo- Walla WaUa, Leartetoa. biaoknM.Vanace.Pau. 1 , Aee, Chlcacoasd East . 0CEAI AID KITES BCHEBTJU rrmtm rmtlu4. (All asmac nam sab Ject to chaiige ) For San Franrtscos 8anTary adara. S 00 p. m. Dally f scept : iunaar, ! - 00 p. m. ; SatcrdaT, 10KI0 p. m. Cala Ma Klrer. To Astoria and wt a laadtaca. nir- cic WUlaaaHia Mm. Oregon City, Newbcrg. dsdesa, independence, and ay-Landings. ! 6unaar, f, UOin. Taesday. Thcrsday, futarday, ( 90 a. m. CorrallH and Way landlTigs. aa. SsSa Mtmaa Wllla Titmday. Bararday. Vaanhill Klrera. Oregon City, Dayton and Way-Lantiingv J Leave Riparia dtilf. 3.40 a. ra. Ka River. KIparia to Lewiston. dsOr. 8:a,a ro to ta on t'olarsfeta aouttaem via n teae No 2. leavtnc Tbe Dalles at t K . . 1 mat rng direct connections at Heppner jMgai - in He-. um uaj mas:cr airecte mt II .M. tllllttM, .Ml Uw . . w For forther ear. en or JAB. IKELAKS, AgBst, The Oallaa, Complete of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. J.&.I Hit A. mm . wS . m A St A.f. pihxi tBsSi 11 11 in 1 lama a a aaem. iif iiu gsw j m OALXSa snbiest Draft or Check. pi remitted oa dav of Bight aad Ta.agra4.bK Sew Tork, 8aa Franeistso aai land. D. F. ST jiilfc Be. M Wniii, Geo. s-1 H. M. Bsall TtcMini w- ar. ayu.sox. Firtt-qass 19 Ewery W PRIVATC PARTIES The taxes aiwers ssi 71 Freet St.. near Ceert,aw-